Zhong Yao quickly came to the bottom of the tree, biting the magpie and quickly towards the tree, the dog girl and the rat were puzzled but still followed.

The magpie was already trembling with this battle, and it begged for mercy: "Uncle Cat spare me, I am so small enough for you to share." The

rat looked at the magpie: "Don't talk honestly, or I'll tear off your feathers immediately." "

Ah! Brother Rat, you can speak bird language! Magpie asked in surprise.

"What a big deal! Well, quietly, we are not here to eat you, find you something, now our boss has something, you can stay in its mouth at ease, if you mess with my boss accidentally swallow you, don't blame me for not reminding. The dog girl said.

"Oooooh! Guaranteed not to move, guaranteed not to move. "There is no way to put the body in people's mouths, you have to believe if you don't believe it."

Zhong Yao didn't care about their conversation and came to the tree not far away, from the size of the black shadow did indeed resemble the murderer, gave the rat a look, the rat rolled his eyes and understood what he meant, the rat quickly ran to the location where the black shadow was, the magpie looked at their movements and said: "Cat boss!" Are you looking for this human? I can help really!

Zhong Yao thought about it and lowered his head, and the dog girl ran over, and when Zhong Yao let go of the magpie, it sat on the magpie with one butt.

"Oops! Tap and tap, it's going to be flat, the dog sister spares your life. "The magpie was crushed by it and only one head was exposed, and the weight of the dog girl almost overwhelmed it.

He looked at the magpie and said, "Be my little brother and I'll let you go."

The magpie looked at Zhong Yao, it had no choice, and it nodded: "Yes, yes, yes!" Boss, in the future, you will be the boss of my second child!

"Hi Lao Er, this name is so dirty." Zhong Yao gave a blank look.

"My mother gave birth to two in one litter, and my second one broke the shell, so it was the second old!" Xi Lao Er said.

"I feel like you're not really following me at all, you're perfunctory to me." Because Zhong Yao did not hear the system prompt, it proved that it was not sincere at all.

Xi Lao Er was shocked, the other party was not fooled, it knew that if it did not come up with a little satisfactory answer, it would become fertilizer tomorrow.

"Yes yes yes! Boss, I really want to follow you.

"Ding! Test whether the magpie is willing to be the host brother and accepts. "

That's right, and dare to talk to him."

Xi Lao Er looked at the bright light flying out of his body in surprise, and he found that there were a lot of things in his head, what is this!

Looking at its confused appearance, Zhong Yao slapped down: "Hey! Wake up!

"Oh, boss, you are so powerful, you love love." Xi Lao Er said with a smile on his face after digesting the information.

"Dog girl, get up!" Zhong Yao said to the dog girl.

"Boss, I want to have a name too." The dog girl said enviously.

"Okay! How is the flower girl! The

dog girl didn't speak, and he continued: "Do you want to be rich?

"I don't like it! Hi then? The

dog girl sighed: "Boss, can you be normal?"

"Oops! There is no humor cell at all, how is Ling Qian! Zhong Yao smiled.

"It's not funny at all, Ling Qian is good, thank you boss!" Dog girl, oh, it should be Ling Qian licking on him happily.

"Stop, stop!" Zhong Yao looked at it speechlessly, and then the rat ran over and said, "Boss! The man is leaving!

Zhong Yao stood up and looked forward, only to see that the black shadow was quickly leaving towards the outside of the woods.

"Xi Lao Er, can you follow!" He asked.

"Boss! I can't see very far at night. If you say I can still follow in the morning! Xi Lao Er said.

"Boss! It's useless to collect it, or throw it into the lake and drown. The rat looked at Xi Lao Er and said.

"Don't don't, I'm still useful!" Xi Lao Er was taken aback and said quickly.

"Boss, do you want me to follow?" Ling Qian asked.

He shook his head, Ling Qian's body size was too big, and he didn't know if the person had transportation, and the traffic was still safe in the sky.

Forget it, keep up first. He said to Xi Laoer: "Stand on it and let's go." Following

the black shadow to the gate of the park, Zhong Yao opened the spirit nose and rushed to him, the man turned his head after hearing movement behind him, Zhong Yao saw his face, yes, this face he will never forget, it was him!

The man didn't care when he saw that it was a cat, he continued to walk forward, Zhong Yao sniffed his smell and slowed down his pace and followed him, he wanted to see where he was going.

The man entered the old city, Zhong Yao was puzzled, why did he come here, but he was looking for a target again? But those women didn't go to work.

The rat also followed, and he said: "Boss, he has committed his own sins, this is my territory, and he dares to come." Xi

Laoer, who was standing on top of Ling Qian's head, hurriedly flattered: "This is the boss's territory."

After listening to it, the rat immediately changed his words: "Yes, yes, yes!" Is it the boss's territory, does the boss want my girlfriends to stare at it together? "

Hmm! Go, be sure to find his residence. Zhong Yao nodded.

Tang Xiaoxin and Zhao Yi originally came to look for Zhong Yao, but came to the alley and did not see it, the two also waited for a while, found that they had not returned, wanted to say that they would come back tomorrow, the two were heading towards the police car, the man did not run away after seeing two people in police uniforms, he quietly lowered his head and passed by the two.

Zhong Yao looked at the two excitedly, you guys really came at the right time.

Tang Xiaoxin was originally disappointed, suddenly saw a cat and a dog not far away and ran over excitedly, and the man found the movement behind and thought that he exposed his body and trembled, and turned his head to see that the policewoman was running towards a cat and a dog before continuing to lower her head and walk forward.

"Kitten, where did you run! We've been waiting for you for a long time. Tang Xiaoxin squatted down and said.

Zhong Yao was not in the mood to pay attention to her at all now, because the man was about to turn into another alley, and although the rat went to find someone, he definitely hadn't found it at this point in time, and if the man disappeared, it would be easy to lose his sight.

He shouted and ignored her and ran straight forward, Tang Xiaoxin looked at it puzzled, she saw Zhong Yao anxiously running towards the man who passed them just now, what happened? Why did the kitten chase that person.

Zhao Yi also noticed Zhong Yao's movements, he turned his head to look at the man who was far away, and suddenly he said to the man: "The man in front wait a minute."

His words immediately alerted the man, and the man stepped up and disappeared around the corner of the alley after a while.

"Ling Qian give it to me! You can't let him run! Zhong Yao shouted at Ling Qian.

Ling Qianwang walked towards the place where the man disappeared with all fours, Tang Xiaoxin was still puzzled, and Zhao Yi shouted: "Not good!" That person may be the murderer, the kitten they found out that they are following, Don quickly contact the captain I will go first!

Zhao Yi quickly ran forward, shouting as he ran: "The person in front stops!"

Tang Xiaoxin also reacted, and she immediately dialed Li Yihu's phone: "Team Li found the trace of the suspect in the old city, the other party is fleeing, and Zhao Yi has caught up."

"Good! We'll go right away! Hung

up the phone Tang Xiaoxin also ran over, originally the two just came to find the cat, but they didn't expect to find the suspect, this suspect is really bold, and dares to come here.

Zhao Yi chased the man, who quickly shuttled through the alley, seeing his familiarity with the old city, Zhong Yao guessed that he must live nearby.

But his little short legs couldn't run fast at all, and began to slowly pull away from him, but Lingqian didn't, its speed was fast, and it even ran past Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi shouted after seeing it: "Quickly bite him." Ling

Qian shouted and rushed forward, and the man behind him also found Ling Qian, and he picked up a broom next to him and threw it towards Ling Qian.

Dodging the broom Lingqian did not stop to continue the pursuit, but the pause just now made it distance from him again, and then it was on the street, now there are many pedestrians, Zhao Yi is very anxious, if he lets him run in, it is easy to mix in the crowd and disappear.

Tang Xiaoxin, who was running behind, received a call from Li Yihu: "Team Li!"

"Where are you now?"

"We are on Youpeng Road, the other party quickly enters Jianqiao Road!" Tang Xiaoxin said while running.

"Good! Keep up, we'll be there in 5 minutes. After that, he asked Wu Xiongfei to turn on the siren and rush towards Jianqiao Road.

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