Seeing Li Yihu walk in, Zhao Yi said, "We are talking about the DNA report in the deceased's body.

Li Yihu took the document and said, "Out? The result?

Zhao Li took a sip of soy milk and said: "There are a total of 4 people's DNA, by the way, I also found a problem, the DNA of these 4 people did not match the DNA of the first deceased Chen Xiaoyun and the dander between the nails."

"What!" Everyone looked at Zhao Li in surprise, her meaning was already very obvious.

Li Yihu frowned: "That is to say, the two cases cannot be combined!"

Tang Xiaoxin shook her head: "But Team Li is not right, the kitten said that it was the same person."

You Zhiping said after listening: "But a cat is not necessarily all right, and you can't judge by a cat's expression and actions, we pay attention to science and evidence, you don't think it's a bit ghostly."

"I don't think you're right either." Wu Xiongfeng said: "The criminal methods are the same, if you say imitation, it is impossible to imitate exactly the same in a day."

Zhao Yi looked at the report and said, "Will there be a possibility that the suspect and the victim are not in relationship, so that evidence will not be found on the victim."

His words made everyone's eyes light up, and Yu Dalin said: "Could it be that the suspect has a disease in this area?"

Li Yihu picked up a pen and wrote on the whiteboard, after writing, he hugged his chest and looked at the whiteboard, and after a meeting he said: "Compare the DNA, Zhao Yi, you and Zhiping go to various hospitals in the district to look for male specialties to see if you can find useful information."

"Looking for a needle in a haystack!" Zhao Yi said.

Li Yihu said: "Then it is also necessary to fish, the criminal suspect should also be checked out at this time, and the cases will be screened within one year." "


Several people left separately, and Zhao Li said to Li Yihu: "I heard that the kitten found the suspect yesterday?"

Li Yihu nodded: "Yes!" The reason why I believe it is said is that last night, the suspect got on the bus and it could know, and it was confirmed by the driver, which really broke a lot of our cognition.

"I'll take a look at it today and hope to find some more useful information." Zhao Li said.

After changing into civilian clothes, Zhao Li left the police station with her bag, she drove past a pet store, stopped to buy some cat food, dog food, put it in the trunk and continued towards the old town.

Left the car in the parking space outside the park and entered the Old Town with food.

Zhong Yao was lying on the roof basking in the sun at this time, he found that after becoming a cat, he really had nothing to do, either eating or napping every day, but this kind of life is really desirable, and it is indeed good to become a cat.

At this time, there was a call of Ling Qian in the alley, and from its voice, Zhong Yao knew that someone was coming, or a woman, who would it be? The policewoman also knew that it was impossible to call her.

Zhong Yao got up and walked to the alley, he condescendingly saw a woman with long hair with a shawl, a pink sports T-shirt on the top, and white slacks standing there, and the woman was looking at Ling Qian and said, "Are you a friend of the kitten?" I've heard you, yesterday you chased the suspect and they came back yesterday and told me, you are wonderful and brave, I came to find the kitten, is it? When

Ling Qian heard that she was coming to find Zhong Yao, she put away her attack posture and sat on the ground, looking at Zhong Yao on the roof, and shouted.

"Boss! Find yours! Zhao

Li was also very surprised when she saw its expression, yesterday I heard Tang Xiaoxin's eyebrows flutter when she mentioned this dog, saying that she was very spiritual and would shake hands with people like a kitten, she was a little surprised at that time, but after really seeing it, she knew that they were not exaggerating, and they were indeed very spiritual and understandable.

Looking at its gaze just now, Zhao Li turned her head and saw Zhong Yao standing behind the roof and beckoned with a smile: "Little cat come!"

Zhong Yao tilted his head, thinking about which beauty you are, Zhao Li smiled after seeing its expression: "Why don't you forget me for a day, my sister is very sad." "

This Zhong Yao just remembered, this is not the forensic doctor, I'll go!" So beautiful, wow that long legs, that front and back upturned, brother earned it yesterday.

He immediately jumped off the roof and came to Zhao Li and shouted, Zhao Li smiled and picked it up and said, "Why, I recognized my sister."

Zhong Yao sniffed the smell on her body and exclaimed, yes, there is no mistake, this smell is the forensic doctor.

Zhao Li rubbed its head and said, "My sister just came over from work to see you and your friends, and bought you delicious food." As

soon as she heard that it was delicious, Ling Qian immediately stood up with her mouth open, stretched out her tongue, and ran over with her tail wagging her tail happily, Zhong Yao was really speechless, you are so easy to be sold, you know no.

Zhao Li looked at Ling Qian with a smile and said, "If you want to eat it, okay, I'll tear it down for you."

She picked up the bag under her feet and entered the alley, unpacked it and poured it on Zhong Yao's food bowl, only then did she find that Ling Qian did not have a basin to eat, she touched Ling Qian's head and said, "I'm sorry!" I don't know you don't have a pot, but I'll buy a pot when there's a convenience store there.

Although Ling Qian was hungry, it still nodded and sat down to look at Zhong Yao, who was eating happily, Zhao Li was amused by its expression, and touched its head again with a smile and left.

"Boss! What to eat! Xi Laoer flew down with a branch in his hand and said.

Zhong Yao raised his head and said, "The reward we earned yesterday, you also helped yesterday, do you want to eat together."

Xi Lao Er nodded when he heard this: "Okay! Thank you boss, really flying around in the morning is indeed a little hungry, the insects caught are not enough for me to consume, wait for me to go.

After speaking, he picked up the branch and flew on the telephone pole, put it down, flew down again, stood next to Zhong Yao, pecked a cat food, and said after eating it: "It tastes strange, but delicious." "


Zhao Li came to the convenience store, she pushed open the door and entered, because there were no people in the convenience store in the morning, she came to the shelf to select the basin, not far from her a man in a black shirt denim shorts has been staring at her since she came in, Zhao Li concentrated on the selection and did not find the other party's eyes, after choosing the basin, she looked at several small basins on the shelf and thought about it, and also took two, came to the beverage area and took a 2-liter bottle of mineral water towards the counter.

The man who was watching her just now took a few boxes of instant noodles and followed to stand behind her, Zhao Li turned her head to look at it and then turned back to start the checkout.

The man looked her back up and down, you can see the excitement on his face, Zhao Li took the bag and left after checkout, the man immediately came to the counter to put a few boxes of instant noodles on the counter, he looked to the door anxiously, and when the bill was settled, he picked up the bag and quickly walked out of the convenience store.

The man looked around anxiously, but he didn't see Zhao Li's figure, he spat angrily and carried the bag towards the residence.

Zhao Li took the basin back to the alley, she first took out a relatively large basin and put it in front of Ling Qian, took apart the dog food and put it down, and then took out the two small basins to open the lid of mineral water and poured it.

At this time, she found Xi Laoer, who was standing next to the kitten, and she asked Zhong Yao: "Is this the bird that Team Li said?"

Zhong Yao raised his head and nodded, Zhao Li smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "This is a magpie, come!" Xi

Laoer looked at Zhong Yao, and under his nod, he spread his wings and flew to her hand, Zhao Li smiled and stroked its little head: "Really good, I'm sorry, my sister forgot to prepare you today, I will definitely bring it another day."

Zhong Yao was full, he came to the basin to drink a few sips and began to find a place to solve his physiological needs, he walked out of the alley and squatted down with a face full of enjoyment.

After solving the problem, he walked into the alley, and then he saw Zhao Li staring at his food bowl, two figures were standing on the edge of his food basin, and Ling Qian was staring at the two figures at this time and shouting.

"I said Sister Dog, I'm tired all night, let me eat a little." The rat looked at Ling Qian and said.

"This is the boss, you dare to move if the boss doesn't come back." Ling Qian said.

"Oh, the boss won't say anything." After speaking, he saw Zhong Yao walking over and immediately shouted: "Boss! Can I eat?

He nodded: "Eat!"

"Look at it! It's still good boss, dear start. The rat raised his head at Ling Qian and began to eat.

Zhao Li looked at Zhong Yao and asked, "These are the two mice that scared Xiaoxin to fall?"

Zhong Yao thought of yesterday's picture and nodded, he looked at Zhao Li who had no expression and thought, it was worthy of being a forensic doctor, unlike that girl who called and fled.

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