Li Yong and several people rushed towards the man, he raised his gun and aimed it at the other party and said: "Stop, run again, I'll shoot." The

man's body trembled, countless flashlights shone on him, the light of the flashlight illuminated him around him so that he could not hide, he knew that he could not escape, he hated why he ran into each other, why this dog appeared, if it were not for this dog, it would be difficult for the police to find him in the dark night.

He threw down the branch and slowly raised his hand, Li Yong's muzzle was always pointed at him and did not leave, he shouted as he walked: "Squat on the ground with your head in your hands." The

man put his hands on his head according to his order and slowly squatted, a special police officer ran over and picked up the handcuffs to his hands, Li Yong smiled and touched Ling Qian's head: "You are very powerful, thank you."

Ling Qian excitedly exclaimed, and followed them to escort the man down the mountain.

Coming to the bottom of the mountain, Zhong Yao saw the police car parked there, watched the three people were taken into the police car and they returned to the chicken farm, the septic tank not only fished out the corpse, but even fished out the bones, and finally the police brought a large pumping machine to prepare to drain the place and collect bones.

The ambulance also arrived, and the girls were taken to the ambulance, and they slowly calmed down under the guidance of several female police officers from Xiaomei.

After learning that they and others were rescued, they hugged each other and cried, but Li Yong and others knew that what awaited these girls was a long life of abstinence, and they would also find a psychologist for the girls, and their hard-working experience in their hearts needed to be channeled.

Zhao Li came over, she said to Ouyang Hongyu: "There is a corpse that should have died for more than 24 hours, I did not see pinholes in her, she had obvious blunt object injuries on her head, and the cause of death should be blunt object hitting the skull shattered and causing death."

"That means this woman was just captured or bought, killed for fleeing or resisting." Ouyang Hongyu said.

"It should be, this girl should be kidnapped soon, you can find the area where she last appeared through the missing person, then you can narrow it down again." Zhao Lidao.

"Good! I understand. Ouyang Hongyu nodded.

Back at the police station was already 4 o'clock in the morning, Zhong Yao was taken to his office by Zhao Li, he looked at the office environment, a desk, several bookcases and a simple tea table, what surprised Zhong Yao the most was that there was a door behind the office, inside was a bed and a simple bathroom for washing.

Zhao Li patted its head: "Sister go and wash her whole body, anyway, the European team said that it will be interrogated first and then go to find it, we will sleep."

After Zhong Yao's face showed that somewhat yearning expression, Zhao Li directly patted its head: "Little colored cat, what do you want, and then think about my sister, this has a scalpel, and it directly clicks you."

Zhong Yao was frightened, and it immediately retreated to the corner and looked at Zhao Li in horror, and Zhao Li was amused by its expression: "Haha! See if you dare or not, by the way, you are also dirty, if you want to go to your sister's bed, your sister will wash and dry you, and your sister will take you there. Zhong

Yao was standing in the bathroom, Zhao Li was holding a hair dryer to dry the hair on his body, it was really comfortable after taking a bath, looking at Zhao Li Zhongyao in the mirror and thinking, in fact, there is a master who is really good.

Zhao Li put down the hair dryer, smiled, put it on the bed and said: "Don't move, dare to mess around, sister will castrate you immediately."

Zhong Yao nodded desperately and provoked Zhao Li to giggle, Zhao Li came over in her pajamas after taking a bath: "Since my sister still has work in the morning, she won't go home, let's squint for a while, get up and take you to eat."

After saying that, he directly held Zhong Yao and lay on the bed, Zhong Yao couldn't sleep, not that he was not sleepy, but at this time, the system voice in his head sounded again.

"Ding: Help the police destroy the D nest, complete the task well, and reward the "Forensic Classics"."

I grass! Is this making him a medical examiner? In fact, it is not bad, so that I will know more about the dead body.

The head buzzed, Zhong Yao dizzy, and when he woke up again to find that it was dawn, and Zhao Li next to him was still sleeping sweetly, he didn't dare to move for fear of waking her up, so late to sleep and work in the morning, let her sleep for one more minute is a minute, smell her body, Zhong Yao found that his heart beat faster, bastard, why am I a cat.

When the bell rang, Zhao Li got up and rubbed her eyes, she picked up her mobile phone and turned off the alarm, and when she saw Zhong Yao looking at her with open eyes, she smiled: "Little colored cat, good performance, get up, sister is going to work." Zhong

Yao gave a blank look, I'm a cat, what can I do.

Zhao Li went to the bathroom to wash and took Zhong Yao to the cafeteria, and the police all gathered around after seeing Zhong Yao.

"Sister Li! Let me cuddle. A policewoman with freckles on her face sat down next to Zhao Li and said.

"Okay! Although hug. Zhao Li smiled.

"Sister Li, yesterday I heard that several corpses were found in Tamura?" The policewoman picked up Zhong Yao and asked.

"Hmm! I'll go to the autopsy later. Zhao Li nodded.

"This is not a matter of group 1?" The girl was puzzled.

"It's too much, our 2 groups are okay and go over to help, by the way, Xiaoli, did you find anything in the trace department?" Zhao Li asked.

"I don't know, I came yesterday on vacation morning to find out, Yuke asked me to wait for the past." Xiaoli touched Zhong Yao's head and said, "I heard yesterday that this little cat was powerful, but unfortunately I didn't see it."

"There is a chance, okay, I'm going to get busy, let's go, I'll take you to the European team."

After speaking, he picked up Zhong Yao from Xiaoli and said to the surrounding people: "Oops! Hurry up and eat, there will be something to do later. Coming

to Group 1, Zhao Li said to the girl sitting at the desk inside: "Juanjuan, where is your European team?" "

Zheng Lijuan is a member of the serious case team 1, 27 years old this year, 163 tall, with short black hair, melon face, neutral dress, if not for the characteristics of women, they will be considered men.

"Oh! Our European team went to interrogate the chicken boy, is there something wrong with Sister Li? Zheng Lijuan came over and asked.

"Nope! I'm going to go to the autopsy, and Yao will release you 1 group. Zhao Li handed Zhong Yao to her.

"Okay! Let it go, Yao Lai sister here. Zheng Lijuan smiled and caught Zhong Yao and kissed him on the face.


Zhao Li touched his head and left, Zheng Lijuan smiled and hugged Zhong Yao and said: "Yao, yesterday's performance was really good, I saw the drug producer you were chasing, you have a great ability to catch people."

Zhong Yao raised his head with a smile, and she laughed when she saw Zhong Yao's appearance, when a man walked in, and after seeing Zhong Yao in Zheng Lijuan's arms, he ran over happily: "Oh, Yao is here, come to introduce Xue Kaifeng of the 1st group of serious cases."

Zhong Yao stretched out his front paws in Zheng Lijuan's arms, and Xue Kaifeng stretched out his hand in surprise: "Is this a handshake?" Hello hello, so good.

"It's really powerful, but it's a pity that Team Li looks at it more closely than anyone, and I'm afraid that we won't pay it back, and I've come here 3 times just now." Zheng Lijuan said helplessly.

"Who told us to meet late." Xue Kaifeng helplessly spread his hands.

At this time, Ouyang Hongyu and the three walked in from outside, and after seeing Zhong Yao, they smiled and said, "Here, have you eaten?"

Zhong Yao nodded, and then the three came over and introduced themselves, Zhong Yao knew their names, Xue Dingming, the deputy leader of Group 1, and Li Xuegang and Zhang Zhicheng, the team members.

Ouyang Hongyu held Zhong Yao to the conference table and said, "Okay, now let's have a short meeting."

Zhong Yao shouted at Ouyang Hongyu, and Ouyang Hongyu smiled: "Ask your friends?" Take them well to a meeting. After

a while, Ling Qian and Rats came to Group 1, Zhong Yao jumped to the window and called a few times, and Xi Lao Er and Pigeon 1 and two sparrows also flew down.

Li Xuegang smiled: "This is a bit of science fiction."

"Haha! But it feels good. Xue Dingming smiled.

"Okay, okay, let's have a meeting." Ouyang Hongyu took out a few photos and pasted them on the whiteboard, and he pointed to the first photo: "Chicken boy, named Zhao Xingxing, a native of Tamura, is 35 years old this year, and we were captured yesterday."

After speaking, he pointed to the second one: "This bearded man is called Zeng Daming, nicknamed Brother Ming, a native of Gweiyu Village, 42 years old this year, first Chinese, Yu Village is surrounded by the sea, villagers make a living by fishing, Zeng Daming has more than 40 fishing boats, and he is a boat boss on the bright side, but secretly summoned a group of younger brothers to do some shady things, and he is also a tyrant in Yu Village, according to the chicken boy, those girls were sold to him by his subordinates." "

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