Zhong Yao gave him a blank look, looking down on people, but his brother now understands these well, he didn't care about everyone and continued to look down at the autopsy report.

According to what the autopsy report said, it was indeed exactly the same as what several forensic doctors said, and he meowed and jumped away, because he thought of one thing, his own recognition of words can not be exposed.

Fortunately, everyone thought that it couldn't be understood, and Zhao Li picked it up with a smile and said, "If you can understand that sister, I will be unemployed."

Xue Kaifeng smiled and said: "If Yao can understand it, then it will have to be dissected, because it is already beyond common sense."

Zheng Lijuan laughed and said, "I don't believe that cats understand words to kill."

Zhong Yao looked at her: "Sister, I really don't want to kill you, brother, I pity Xiang Xiyu."

Li Yihu asked the two groups to come over for a meeting, and Ouyang Hongyu said the information he got again.

Zhao Yi said: "European team, where do we start first.

"I'm wondering if I should start with the two brothers of the Chen family, they are easier to find evidence." Wu Xiongfeng said.

Ouyang Hongyu nodded: "I also plan to start with them, they are responsible for transporting those girls, that logistics company must be a Tibetan location, I am ready to let Yao them watch outside the logistics company, and have the opportunity to enter to find out if there is a secret room or secret compartment."

You Zhiping thought for a while: "I was wondering if these girls went to Liu Hongbing's KTV bars and the like, I just read the testimony of those girls, many of them went to these places, and then disappeared on the way home, and even two technicians of Liu Hongbing's foot bath shop, both of them came to Province Y, because there was that kind of service in the store, the two did not agree, and they were kidnapped a few days after resigning and leaving." "

That's why I didn't even want to agree when your Li team said that they wanted to help, Liu Hongbing's entertainment venues are too many, we can't do all the control, she is very careful in her work, the kidnapping will not be in her entertainment venues, and she can only be checked in the name of anti-pornography, even if she goes, it is difficult to find evidence." Ouyang Hongyu sighed.

Li Yihu looked at the information and asked, "What role does Zeng Daming play in this group?"

Ouyang Hongyu said: "Water transportation and Tibetans, but now there is a problem, Yucun is an island, it is surrounded by the sea, we have to take a boat to go, there must be stalking around the pier and the island, they must be transferred to a secret place when they go, it is difficult to find, you do not have a clear goal to enter is to fight the grass and snakes."

"How about we pretend to be a fish collector to scout on the island?" Tang Xiaoxin said.

"It's the fishing moratorium, there is no large amount of seafood on the island, how do you go to harvest, the normal harvesters will not go now, they will go up between mid-August and the end of the moratorium." Xue Kaifeng shook his head.

"Xiao Tang's idea is still desirable, it is okay to collect fish or not to fish, Lantau Village is not an entertainment project for sea fishing, we will pretend to be the person who went fishing, and when the time comes, let Yao take the bird to ah, and then use the bird to investigate." Li Xuegang said.

"This one can."

Everyone nodded after listening, Zhong Yao also nodded, who cares if a flock of birds is not, and there are many seabirds in Yu Village, it is not bad to let the pigeon 1 collect a few at that time.

"Then let's group it, Yihu, you take your team members to Liu Hongbing's entertainment place, I will take my team members to the Chen brothers, as for Yu Village, we will send a few people to pretend to be fishing to send the birds up." Ouyang Hongyu said.

"Yes! Which of you can fish? Li Yihu asked.

After a few people raised their hands, Li Yihu said, "Then we will have Xiong Feng and Dalin."

Ouyang Hongyu nodded: "We will learn Gang and Zhicheng here."

"Uh-huh! Xiong Feng, you will contact the owner of the fishing farm over there later, and leave early tomorrow morning. Li Yihu said to Wu Xiongfeng.

"Then who are you going to let pass?" Tang Xiaoxin smiled and touched Zhong Yao's head and asked.

Zhong Yao pointed to the 2 younger brothers in the hands of the rat, as well as the 2 hemp 2. He thought about it for a long time, the island village does not necessarily need air power, the birds are indeed good at tracking, but it is better to find people on the ground.

Ma 2 looked at Zhong Yao: "Does the boss want me to go with my little brother?" "

Hmm! You take all the little brothers, remember to let me absorb all the full, rat 4 and rat 5, you try to recruit you after you go, dog, cat forget it. The

two rats nodded after listening, and Rat 4 said: "Don't worry, boss, we understand."

Ling Qian asked, "Boss, do you want to go back to the park, and I'll let a few younger brothers go together?"

"No, dogs and cats can't be brought back without bringing them back, and people don't necessarily let them take boats." Zhong Yao immediately vetoed.

Wu Xiongfeng came to Rat 4 with a smile and said, "Then you guys follow me, and you sparrow, follow us tomorrow."

Ouyang Hongyu looked at a few people: "Then let's do this first, tomorrow we will leave in the morning, this time may be out for a long time, today I will give everyone a holiday, when it is time to prepare, go and prepare." Tang

Xiaoxin took Zhong Yao to leave, she said that anyway, there was nothing to take Zhong Yao home to play on the holiday and bring it over tomorrow, Zhong Yao originally didn't want it, but under her murderous eyes, she could only agree wordlessly, Zhao Li still had an autopsy so she couldn't leave, and she could only take Ling Qian back to her office depressed.

On the way, Tang Xiaoxin smiled and said: "Yao, I named the little cat in the park Meimei, when I told it the name, it seemed to be very happy, and it got along well with the flower in my family, but why is it different from you, it still doesn't seem to understand people." Of

course it didn't understand, Zhong Yao didn't absorb it as a little brother, and now he only has one place left, of course, he can't use it indiscriminately, Tang Xiaoxin looked at Zhong Yao's appearance and patted his head: "I know it must have something to do with you, even if you don't understand, you can't understand it, as long as they grow up healthy better than anything." "

Ah! Sister Xinxin and kittens. An excited voice came from ahead.

Zhong Yao and Tang Xiaoxin looked up and found the girl running towards them, Tang Xiaoxin smiled and said: "Xiaoxue is you, how do you come out to shop?" The

girl in front of her was Yu Xiaoxue, Yu Zhigang's daughter, Zhong Yao looked at her forehead, and the black silk was gone, proving that she was fine.

Yu Xiaoxue shook her head: "No, I just finished my dance class and want to go home."

Tang Xiaoxin nodded: "Why didn't you take the car?"

"I like to walk, this is equivalent to exercise, Sister Xinxin, where are you going?" Yu Xiaoxue asked.

"Oh! I took the afternoon off to take Yao home.

Yu Xiaoxue took Zhong Yao and said: "Oh, how boring it is to go home, or Sister Xinxin and Yao, how about we go shopping in the afternoon?" I also bought something for Yao to thank him for helping our family.

"Okay, then your parents won't say anything if you don't go home?" Tang Xiaoxin asked.

"Oh! My parents normally don't come home until the evening, and besides, they know that they must be in favor of being with you. Yu Xiaoxue smiled and touched Zhong Yao's head: "Little cat, since I met you, my sister really likes you."

Tang Xiaoxin said, "Okay, let's go to dinner first, I'll treat you."

Yu Xiaoxue quickly shook her head and pulled Tang Xiaoxin and said: "No, I'll treat you today, don't fight with me, let's go and walk." The

two found an open-air burger restaurant and ordered something casually after eating and began to shop, Yu Xiaoxue told Tang Xiaoxin that since returning home that night, the fortunes of the family have changed the next day, the father's project has been restarted, and he has received support from the government, and his uncle has not been sent to H town, his uncle is Yu Zhiming a few days ago with a high fever and coma, although Master Hui Jue said that he would have a serious illness, but also shocked everyone, sent to the hospital for examination that it was a lung infection, and is still in the hospital for conditioning, And she was almost hit by a car on the way to dance class the day before yesterday, fortunately the other party braked in time, but now her leg is still bruised.

"You're still going to dance after bruises!" Tang Xiaoxin asked in surprise.

"It's okay, it's okay, we often bruise when we practice dance, and we can still move without hurting our bones." Yu Xiaoxue said with a smile.

"Xiaoxue, are you in college now?" Tang Xiaoxin asked.

Yu Xiaoxue nodded: "Freshman, X big dance department, it's summer vacation."

"The dance is good, no wonder you are in such a good shape, I envy it." Looking at Yu Xiaoxue's figure, Tang Xiaoxin was indeed very envious.

"No, no, Sister Xinxin's figure is also very good, Sister Xinxin has a pet store there, let's take a look, I'll buy something for Yao." Yu Xiaoxue pointed to the pet shop not far away and said.

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