With the help of the telescope, Li Yihu finally saw what the red floating object was, and he shouted at Ouyang Hongyu: "Ouyang come quickly."

Ouyang Hongyu and others ran over, and Li Yihu handed him the telescope: "People have found it."

Ouyang Hongyu put down the binoculars after reading it: "Hey! Salvage it. "

The body was salvaged, the red float that Zhong Yao saw turned out to be boots on her feet, her face was puffy, her abdomen had a fullness bulge, and after salvage it was salvaged, she also saw blood blisters oozing from her facial features, which was obviously a phenomenon of drowning before her death, and now wait for the forensic doctor to conduct further autopsy to determine.

This woman is really ruthless, Zhong Yao shook his head helplessly, and chose to commit suicide to take the secret away in order not to let the police continue to investigate.

Zhao Li got out of the car, and she came to the corpse: "The deceased woman, about 35 years old."

She opened her mouth and said, "There are a little water stains and blood blisters in the mouth." He

looked at the pupil again: "The pupil is dilated, and there is bleeding on the mucosa."

She shook the other party's head, and then pressed her abdomen and said: "Ear bleeding, because the eardrum rupture, the abdomen and chest bulge, according to the characteristics, it is drowning, and the death is no more than 24 hours." "

Did you take or inject anything before you died?" Li Yihu asked.

"No pinholes were found in the arm of the corpse, but it is not necessary to go back to do a poison test to know, according to the preliminary autopsy, there should be none." Zhao Li shook her head.

"Good! I know. Li Yihu nodded.

At this time, a policeman handed over a backpack and said: "Team Li found it from the reef, just hung on the reef and was not washed away by the sea, and there was a mobile phone, documents and women's belongings inside, which was determined to be the deceased."

Li Yihu nodded: "Take it to the comrades of the technical investigation." "


Zhong Yao came to the corpse, and Zhao Li looked at it and said, "Why don't you destroy the scene."

Zhong Yao didn't say anything and pointed to the chest of the deceased, and Zhao Li looked at its movements and said: "Are you saying that you know if you can listen to the sound of your lungs when you drown in front of you?"

Zhong Yao nodded, and Zhao Li was surprised: "How do you know this method of identification."

Li Yihu asked, "What method."

"Listening to whether there are rales in the lungs is proof that there is water accumulation in the lungs, which is indeed a common way to distinguish, but we rarely use it, because we have to dissect it, and when we dissect it, we know whether it is drowning before death, and I am surprised to know." Zhao Li looked at Zhong Yao in surprise.

Zhong Yao made an expression and turned to leave, he thought of one thing, why did the other party choose to be so far away from her car when he was going to jump into the sea, and the other party must have stopped there, what to stay for, was it destroying any evidence?

Watching Zhong Yao leave, Zhao Li still did not wake up from the shock, this cat is too weird, can't go back to study, Li Yihu looked at Zhao Li: "Don't say."

Zhao Li nodded: "I know." Zhong

Yao came to the shore, and it began to look around, but when he looked around, he didn't find anything at all, the sea in front of it, unless it was a heavy object, or it would have washed away without a trace as the tide of the sea receded.

Tang Xiaoxin came over: "Did you find something?"

Zhong Yao looked at her, how to explain her discovery, looking at Zhong Yao's expression, Tang Xiaoxin frowned, she knew that Zhong Yao must have found something, but it didn't know how to express it.

She squatted down and touched its head and said, "This is very close to Liu Hongbing's car, I also saw you come here after smelling the smell just now, do you mean that she came here first, and then went to jump into the sea in the distance?"

Zhong Yao nodded, it is not difficult to guess, what is difficult now is how to express that the other party may throw something from here.

Tang Xiaoxin couldn't think of what Zhong Yao wanted to express after exhausting her brain, so she couldn't help but call Li Yihu a few people.

"What did Don discover?" Ouyang Hongyu asked.

"Not me! It's Yao, it's been standing here for a long time, and I think it must have something to tell us. Tang Xiaoxin pointed at Zhong Yao and said.

Li Yihu looked at the sea and said, "What is going on?" Zhong

Yao looked at a few people, hey! It's difficult!

"Boss, do you want me to dive down and take a look?" Ling Qian said.

"The waves are so big, you want to die." Zhong Yao shook his head, now at high tide, the waves are very large, and it will be troublesome when the reef will be photographed.

"Could it be that Yao wants to tell us that there may be something in the sea?" Xiao Tang didn't say that Yao said that the other party might have stood here for a long time, did he throw some evidence from here. Xue Dingming touched his chin and said.

"Brother! Dear brother! Zhong Yao looked at Xue Dingming and nodded frantically, and this cat lady dodged again.

"Yes, it's possible, hurry up and let people go down and salvage it." Ouyang Hongyu patted his head and said.

After hours of salvage, all that was salvaged was useless garbage, and just when everyone was disappointed, a frogman in the distance was shaking with a black plastic bag in his hand.

"Found it!" Zhao Yi said excitedly.

"Not necessarily, take it to know." Li Yihu said.

The frogman handed the bag to a policeman on the shore, and the policeman ran over and handed the bag to Li Yihu, who opened it and saw what was inside: "A mobile phone."

"Mobile! Could it be the mobile phone that Liu Hongbing used to contact them? Ouyang Hongyu said.

"It's possible, let the technical detective take a look." Li Yihu nodded.

Tang Xiaoxin hugged Zhong Yao: "You have made meritorious contributions again, come and take one." "

But Zhong Yao knows that this time the clue is broken again, as soon as Liu Hongbing dies, they don't know who Xingye is, and even if they find the mobile phone, Xingye may also destroy the number."

Zhao Li came over: "I heard that Yao has made meritorious contributions again, come to Yao, you come with me."

After saying that, she picked up Yao and left, Tang Xiaoxin was puzzled: "What's wrong with Sister Li?"

"It's okay! She might have something to do with Yao. Li Yihu looked at Zhao Li who was far away, he knew what was going on, Yao had exceeded their known range too much, it really shocked him, the more he looked at Yao, the more he looked like a person in a cat's skin.

Zhao Li took Zhong Yao to the shore, and she looked at Zhong Yao: "Say, who are you."

Zhong Yao was speechless, he could only meow and tell her that he was a cat, and Zhao Li patted its head: "Don't play with me, the cat's nose is so sensitive?" Can cats understand people? Do cats know medical knowledge? Are you a prince who has been enchanted? "

I'll go! Sister, your brain hole is really nobody, the prince does not, the uncle is real, Zhong Yaobai glanced and stopped calling, Zhao Li looked at it: "Don't say yes, okay!" Yao, you said the waves are so big, can you swim back? "


Zhong Yao was so frightened that he began to struggle, sister, don't make trouble, now the waves are so big, I will be shot to death on the reef.

"If you don't say it again, I'll just throw it!" 3, 2..." Zhong

Yao was speechless, what kind of trouble is this, can I speak? What do I say to the cat, it made a pleading cry, and when she saw its appearance, Zhao Li sneered: "Pretend, continue to pretend."

"I didn't pretend!" Zhong Yao shouted in his heart, he really can't speak.

Seeing Zhong Yao's appearance, Zhao Li felt that it really couldn't speak, but she didn't want to give up, she looked at Zhong Yao: "What do I say, you nod and shake your head."

Zhong Yao nodded wordlessly.

"Are you human?"

Zhong Yao shook his head.

"You shouldn't be able to ask like this, come again, is there a human soul in your body."

Zhong Yao looked at it and shook his head.

Zhao Li directly made a throwing motion, Zhong Yao was speechless, he knew that it was just now that he paused and was captured by the other party, and he quickly hugged her arm.

Zhao Li sneered: "If you are not honest, I will directly castrate you, say yes!"

Zhong Yao was speechless, and he nodded.

Zhao Li opened her mouth in surprise: "Really! This is too mysterious, I don't believe it, you think writing novels and making TV series. "

Sister! Then how do you want me to answer, saying that it is not you who want to throw it, saying that it is you who does not believe it, then you hurry up and throw it.

Seeing Zhong Yao with his eyes closed, Zhao Li continued: "Are you an alien?

Zhong Yao was really impressed by her brain hole, this is a fantasy change interstellar ah, Zhong Yao shook his head.

"How is that possible! There is no such thing in this world at all, say where you came from. Zhao Li looked at Zhong Yao and said.

Can I say I'm from M78? Zhong Yao glanced at it and pointed to the ground.

Zhao Li said: "Earth, then how did you turn into a cat?"

"Can I still be a woman!" Zhong Yao complained inwardly.

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