Personally leave the base with the fat man.

Wang Yaofeng looked out the window: "It's cool, it's better to be outside."

Zhong Yao gave a blank look: "Don't talk without a zipper."

Wang Yaofeng nodded: "I know, don't worry." "

Coming to Wang Yaofeng's house, Xu Zhiling and Wang Zhiwu are already at the door.

After seeing Wang Yaofeng on crutches, Xu Zhiling hurriedly walked over to help him: "Why don't you use a wheelchair."

Wang Yaofeng said: "It's okay, it's okay, it's difficult for them to move with my size, Xiao Wu came to call Sister Yao." Zhong

Yao gave a blank look, did you take advantage of it like this, and your two words Sister Yao made people feel very strange.

Wang Zhiwu said with a smile: "Sister Zhong is good.

"Okay, Xiaowu, don't be like your father, pay attention to diet and exercise." Zhong Yao said with a smile.

Wang Zhiwu smiled: "Yes, yes, yes."

Xu Zhiling said to Wang Yaofeng: "Yesterday, Aunt Li introduced me to the house, and the other party's parents were satisfied, but the woman was a little unwilling, she should think that Xiaowu was too fat."

Wang Yao's anger suddenly came up: "What's wrong with Xiaowu, what's wrong with my son, don't want it, strong twisting melons are useful, we are not rare."

Zhong Yao looked at Wang Zhiwu and said to the two: "Indeed, the marriage has not yet arrived, don't be in a hurry, there will be, it is already forming."

Wang Yaofeng was surprised: "It's really fake, then we are not in a hurry, wait a minute."

Wang Zhiwu touched the back of his head: "Well, I was not in a hurry, I felt that I had to find someone who didn't look at appearance like my mother."

Wang Yaofeng said depressedly, "How do I think your words make me unhappy." After

entering the fat man's house and chatting with him, Zhong Yao got up and prepared to leave.

"You hit me in the face, don't you, go back after eating." Wang Yaofeng said with a white look.

"No, go back to the police station, there is an operation at night. Zhong Yao waved his hand.

At this time, the fire flew directly out of Wang Yaofeng's house.

Her actions made Wang Yaofeng stunned, and he gave Zhong Yao a look.

Zhong Yao was also asking at this time, and the other side of the flower said: "There is a cry of the spirit, by the river." The

Spirit Eater also told Wang Yaofeng about the matter, and he looked at Zhong Yao, meaning whether to go and see.

Zhong Yao nodded and asked him to be at home well and take a look for himself.

Coming to the shore, Zhong Yao saw that Wu Zhihuo was standing there, and next to her was a little boy in his 10s.

He was also surprised, so small, did he lose his footing and fall into the river.

I didn't know how to turn my head: "Master, I just died, and said that I ran out to play and fell from the family's fishing boat, and my parents were not on the boat."

"The fishermen's children can't swim? Zhong Yao said in surprise.

"I don't know, he can't tell, I don't feel anything around, does the chief want to find out the body?" Zhong

Yao said: "Wait a minute, you first watch the corpse and don't let it flow, I'll call Li Yihu."

Li Yihu, who was commanding the arrest at night at the police station, heard it and said: "I contacted the water police to retrieve the body."

Zhong Yao was speechless: "Are you a pig, the water police asked how to know so accurately what you say, our people came to fish, I let Shi Shen go down and drag it up."

Li Yihu looked at the surrounding crowd after listening, and finally nodded: "I let Wu Xiongfeng pass, I can't walk away here."

"Okay, as long as Wu Xiongfeng and them come." About

half an hour, Wu Xiongfeng brought someone to Zhong Yao.

"Team Bell, where.

Zhong Yao looked at the people who looked at it, they all knew the inside story, so he could handle it easily.

He pointed to Jiujiang: "Jiangli, I'll let Shishen pull it up."

After a while, the other side of the flower pulled a corpse up, and Zhao Li said after seeing it: "So small, have you lost your footing?"

Zhao Li nodded and came to the corpse.

"There is mud and sand in the mouth and nasal cavity, there are traces of struggle in the limbs, consistent with conscious drowning before death, no obvious trauma to the body, and no bruises and strangulation marks before death, excluding being controlled and thrown into the water, there are rales in the chest cavity, water accumulation in the lungs, and all kinds of manifestations are established by falling into the water.

Zhong Yao nodded: "Since the face is still very clear, let the people around recognize whose children, let the family bring them back." "

It took about an hour for the deceased to confirm that it was from the fat man's village, and the heart-wrenching sound after the parents came was really uncomfortable.

The other shore flower said: "Master, when I was fishing for the corpse just now, I found a box at the bottom of the river, just like the kind of box containing the corpse of Jiabing Bing, I feel very unusual, do you want to take it."

Zhong Yao frowned, could it be a corpse?"

"You go in and take a look, if there are bones or corpses to find a way to bring them, but don't bring them here, Xiong Feng, you find a place where there is no one."

Wu Xiongfeng nodded: "Well, the other side of the flower then go to the left there, there is no one there." The

other side nodded and flew into the river.

After a while, she poked her head out and nodded to several people, and Zhao Li and Wu Xiongfeng had no choice but to walk towards the designated place.

Zhong Yao also followed, and the other side of the flower pulled out a red suitcase, which was very new from the suitcase, and it could be seen that it was thrown in not long ago.

The other side of the flower said: "The person is still very intact, not for a long time, it is a man.

"The man was thrown, I thought it was the woman." Wu Xiongfeng said in surprise.

"How old can you tell?" "

Very young, and not very athletic." The other side flower said.

When the suitcase was opened, Zhong Yao said at a glance: "I am in my early 20s, thin, so the height of the curled position will not exceed 175, and the freshness of the corpse is only these two days."

Zhao Li nodded: "Yes, the preliminary look is correct."

After speaking, she squatted down: "The male of the deceased, between 20-25, dyed orange hair, the corpse's tongue sticks out and cannot be retracted, his eyes are wide, there is a strangulation mark 1.2 cm wide on his neck, there are restraint injuries on his body, he was tied before death, the cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation, and the time of death was calculated between the night before yesterday and yesterday morning according to the current weather."

"Collect it, let the surrounding villagers come and recognize it, and see if anyone knows them." Zhong Yao said.

Several villagers were called to identify that none had seen or known.

Wu Xiongfeng said: "The stone was placed, that is to say, the location of the box is vertically the location of the corpse, where was the flower found on the other side?"

"50 meters, that may have been thrown in from the boat, which is more difficult to find."

Zhong Yao looked around: "There is really only the possibility of throwing corpses on the ship, take pictures of the faces of the corpses, and post notices."

Yu Dalin came over: "Team Zhong, Li Bureau said that there are still 2 hours to enter the arrest and ask if we can rush back."

Zhong Yao pointed to the corpse: "You can go back after collecting, it should be possible." Zhong

Yao and the others returned to the police station just as the operation began, and after many days of investigation and visits, they got that there was a smuggling gang like Ma Zhaogang in Dongzhen.

From the fact that the goods they shot were very different from Ma Zhaogang, it can be concluded that they were all shipped in the same place.

That's why they were arrested at night, and I also wanted to know from the leader of this gang whether there were such gangs in and around Area L, and where they got the goods from.

In the car, Li Yihu told Zhong Yao.

"Brother, it seems that you know the head this time.

Zhong Yao was stunned, it wasn't how he could know such a person.

"You have a classmate named He Zhiwen. After

Zhong Yao listened to the memories, it seemed to have, but it was very vague, and it could be said that they were not playing together.

He nodded: "Is that him?" "

Well, it's him, the Criminal Bureau has confirmed, it's your classmate."

Zhong Yao nodded: "I'm not familiar, it's just a classmate." "

I heard that I have had dealings with Fat Brother in recent years and often go to Fat Brother to consume, you ask, don't be at that time..."

Zhong Yao waved his hand and said: "How to ask during the action, don't forget to stipulate, there is something, there is none, if there is one, I will immediately let him not go to the ground in this life." "

When I came to Dongzhen, everyone got off the bus 1 km outside an industrial area in Dongzhen.

They left separately according to the deployment before the operation, Zhong Yao let Li Yihu command, and he turned into a cat and left.

He ran fast to the industrial area.

"I don't know the fire, you go out and take a look, just look at the map." Several

Shishen flew out and left, and Zhong Yao flew to the roof of a tin house, and he quickly ran on various tin rooms.

Coming to the designated factory, Zhong Yao sat down and looked down.

"More professional than Ma Zhaogang, this tin door is pulled, and the window is kind of one-sided, who can see the situation inside. "

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