Sitting in the car, the car was full of depression, Yu Dalin sighed: "It may not be him."

"But he's a pig killer, and he's a little like Mickie, and only he can get her into the car so unsuspectingly, and you found that the battery car without him is the same as the one at the scene of the corpse." Zhao Li said.

"But Yao went to smell, no!" Tang Xiaoxin said.

"The smell of blood and rancid in the slaughterhouse is too strong, even the smell will be covered, we sent someone to keep an eye on it, by the way, Lin Mixuan has returned." Li Yihu asked.

"It's back! She still didn't know why, Zhao Yi didn't know how to explain, just said that because the murderer was not found, she and her family should not go out recently. Zhao Lidao

Li Yihu nodded: "Lame, but also a way."

"Little kitten, could it really not be him?" Micky said.

"The evidence speaks, you can't guess, but the corners of his upturned mouth just now are very intriguing." Zhong Yao said.

"Hey! Look for it, if only I could remember. Micky sighed.

"It's okay! Can't blame you. Zhong Yao sighed.

Back at the police station, Zhao Li continued to stitch the body into the mortuary, when his assistant handed him a piece of information.

"Sister Li, when I checked my head just now, I found that Miqi's hair was sticky, her hair was originally shaved, I took a video to compare the hair color and length, not her original hair, so I examined the surface of the skull and found CaSO4 on the face."

Zhao Li was surprised: "Gypsum!!

"Yes, it was found in a large area, so I also examined the corpses, and also found these components, especially the buttocks and Y, and I also went to test the uterus that had been cut open and cleaned, and I looked for a long time and found a little bit in a crease." The assistant said.

"I see, okay, you guys continue to stitch, I'll go find Team Li." Zhao Li nodded.

Zhao Li came to the office of Group 2, he handed the report to Li Yihu, Li Yihu was puzzled: "How can there be a plaster, what is the other party doing."

"Do you want to make models?" Zhao Yi said.

"How can you make a model even in the womb?" Tang Xiaoxin was puzzled.

"Don, you're still young and don't understand." Zhao Yi smiled.

"What do you mean!" Tang Xiaoxin was puzzled, but many of the people present understood.

Yu Dalin shook his head: "It's really perverted enough, do you want to restore 1:1?"

"Why did the kitten get that in my body, and there?" Micky asked, puzzled.

"I guess it's better that you don't know." Zhong Yao sighed, this pervert, but he thought that this was a breakthrough.

He came to Zhao Li and patted her feet and walked out, came to Zhao Li's office, Zhong Yao typed: "You can check whether there is a large purchase of silica gel, you can also find a courier company, this kind of thing is really not in demand, suddenly someone buys a large number of problems."

Zhao Li nodded: "Little colored cat, I really know a lot."

Zhong Yao was speechless, he had only heard of it, but he had never bought that kind of thing!

After Zhao Li came back, she said: "You can go to the major courier companies and silicone factories to ask if there are any people who have recently purchased in large quantities."

Li Yihu nodded: "Da Lin handed it over to you, take a few people to investigate."

"Good! I'll go! Yu Dalin nodded.

"Ah!!!" At this time, Tang Xiaoxin later knew the reason, and her face was full of anger: "This person is perverted."

"Thinking about what it was doing, it can be seen that this person has reached the point of perverted love for Mickie." Li Yihu sighed.

"That Wang Feiming is in line with the murderer's psychology." Zhao Lidao.

At this time, Mi Qi also reacted, and she said to Zhong Yao anxiously: "Little cat, quickly catch that pervert, I don't want to be insulted by him like this."

Zhong Yao nodded: "It will."

Zhao Yi thought for a while: "Indeed, but you can't put your eyes on him and ignore others, a large amount of silicone to buy also costs money, and Mi Qi belongs to the Internet celebrity, there are many perverts on the Internet, ask Li Fuping who is the big brother on the list of normal Mi Qi, you can start with these people to investigate."

"That's much! Many people gave me gifts, but Brother Fuping always came first, and when I scolded him and said that if he had money, don't spend it like this, and that the money was not mine, but he said that he was willing, and he didn't even want the money I wanted to return to him. Micky said helplessly.

The phone rang, Li Yihu picked up and frowned, he put down the phone: "Let's go, find the body in Qiaohe."

"What! Together again! "Everyone was shocked.

Zhong Yao also looked incredulous, and Mi Qi found the complete one.

Coming to the scene of the incident, where a cordon had already been fenced, Xue Zhibing ran over and said, "Team Li!" An elderly man was picking up bottles by the river, found a woven bag open, found it to be a corpse, and called the police.

"Has anyone moved at the scene?" Li Yihu asked.

"None?" Xue Zhibing shook his head.

A few people came to the river, the woven bag has been salvaged ashore and placed on the masonry road, Zhao Li walked over and opened it and said: "It's limbs, the body is not, the same bones are removed, but the size of the body is larger than Miqi, it's easy to distinguish the parts, this time the other party is not so fine, from the characteristics of the female point of view, the freshness will not exceed 24 hours."

"Are there any other discoveries?" Li Yihu squatted down and looked at the corpse and asked.

"The nails are also drawn, the technique of separating the bones is very skillful, and the knives are very sharp, and whether it is the same as the one that decomposed Micky has to go back for further autopsy confirmation." Zhao Li said.

"Team Li found another pack!" Zhao Yi shouted by the guardrail.

After a while, a woven bag was tied to a rope by the police below and pulled up, and Zhao Li opened it: "The upper part of the body was divided into 8 pieces to determine the female deceased." Zhao Li looked at it and continued: "There are no open wounds on the body except for the decomposition position, but there are bruises and scratches on the chest, which are injuries before death.

"Upper body? Above the abdomen? Li Yihu asked.

"Yes! This time it is not so broken up, I don't know for what reason, whether it is too late or the other party deliberately did it is not clear. Zhao Li said.

At this time, a piece of meat caught Zhao Li's attention, the same ventral muscle position, and the same skin was gouged out.

"Is Team Li also tattooed." Zhao Li pointed to the corpse and asked.

"Is it possible, in the same position as Mickie?" Li Yihu asked.

"Yes, same location."


Zhong Yao was walking on the fence, it was obviously impossible to throw it from here, the camera on his head was not a decoration, the other party could not make this mistake, looking at the river, now the gate is open and draining outward, that is, it may be floating from upstream.

He continued to walk to a stone bridge, he looked up, there are stone stairs under the stone bridge to go down to the river, from this angle Li Yihu can not see, and there are no cameras around, did the murderer throw the body from here.

At this time, a woven bag stuck in the pier caught his attention, his eyes narrowed into a straight line, what's going on, is the murderer so concentrated on throwing the corpse this time?

He quickly rushed to Li Yihu and patted him before heading towards the stone bridge, followed Zhong Yao to the stone bridge, looked at the woven bag stuck there, Li Yihu quickly called for salvage.

After opening it, Zhao Li said: "It's the lower body, it's strange that this time the corpse is so densely thrown."

"It's really different from the previous one, isn't the other party hiding anymore, directly telling us that he killed again." Li Yihu looked at the corpse and frowned.

Zhong Yao sighed: "Li Yihu said very reasonably."

"Kitten, I'm worried about my sister." Micky said.

"Don't worry, the degree of decay of the corpse should be that the corpse was thrown last night, that is, the other party is still choosing to find someone else to start, if it is really Wang Feiming, then he will definitely find a few more and then find your sister." Now evidence must be found to arrest ah, or many people will be killed. Zhong Yao said.

When Zhong Yao came to the bottom of the stone steps, he opened his spirit nose and sniffed, and the washing of water made Zhong Yao's nose useless again.

He sat on the stone steps, how did the other party get here, there is only one road here, and this time the corpse is very large, if you want to throw the corpse at once, the delivery box can't be filled at all.

It should be transported by car, but Wang Feiming doesn't seem to have a car. And Miqi got into a car before she died, does this really have nothing to do with Wang Feiming? But what does his victorious smile mean?

"Miqi, does Wang Feiming have a car?" Zhong Yao asked.

"Nope! If he had a car, his girlfriend wouldn't break up with him, but he had a tricycle, and he sold meat. Micky said.

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