Zhao Li returned to the car and brought the tools, everyone began to look in the bamboo shed, Zhong Yao looked around, this is the first scene, are the spirits of the two women there?

"Kitten, I feel a spirit in that house." Mickie's voice sounded.

Zhong Yao ran into the only room in the bamboo shed, but he didn't see the tumbling black ball and the black gas spreading outward, could it be the magnetic field?

"I can't see them." Zhong Yao said.

"I just feel it and I can't see it." Micky said.

Zhong Yao closed his eyes and tried to feel the surroundings, slowly he felt that the air around him was billowing around, it was almost done, he calmed down and felt it slowly, Miqi excitedly shouted: "I saw it, I saw those two black gases."

After Mi Qi finished speaking, a cry came from Zhong Yao's ears, and he opened his eyes to look at the two black qi in the room, and he said, "I'll help you." The

crying stopped, but the tumbling ball became more intense, and then a voice came from the ball on the left: "Help us, we are all dead, is it useful to help us?"

"We'll help you catch the murderer." Zhong Yao said.

The ball on the right says, "What's the use of finding it, can we live?"

"Yes, where can we go." The one on the left said.

Zhong Yao didn't know how to answer, he asked the system: "Where will they end up?"

"The reincarnation of the heavenly path, past lives, present lives and future lives, this is the destination of every spirit, they will stay in their own cemetery until time washes their memories, the years decompose their spirit bodies, and then countless spirits reconstitute new spirits one after another." System Dao.

"A little esoteric!" Zhong Yao frowned, he really didn't understand a little.

"To put it simply, the spirit will dissipate, and the scattered spirit will form a new spirit with the same scattered spirit around it to enter the embryo of the pregnant animal and welcome a new life." The system answers.

"Oh! The meaning of reincarnation. Zhong Yao nodded.

"Sort of!"

"Reincarnation is reincarnation, why is the whole so profound, simple and clear, isn't it?"

After the system was silent for a while, he said: "I'm afraid it's too simple, the host doesn't understand."

"Grass! I'm not that mentally retarded.

After speaking, he looked at the two black balls: "I know you are sad, but the matter has come to this, you still have to face it, can you tell me what your name is and where you live?" "


"I forgot too!"

"Nani !!!" Zhong Yao was speechless, what is this, why did he even forget his name.

"Host their memories are locked by the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, why Micky remembers her name and family and friends, it is because you have confirmed her identity, these two people you have not found their identity information, their identities will be locked, this is the Heavenly Dao that the monk said last time." System Dao.

"How depressing! Got it! Zhong Yao sighed.

Li Yihu walked in, and after seeing the scene inside, he turned his head to let Zhao Li and them investigate, he looked at Zhong Yao, and that look was asking if he was psychic.

Zhong Yao nodded, but in Li Yihu's surprised expression he shook his head again and sighed, Li Yihu was puzzled, and after Zhao Li came in, he picked up Zhong Yao and went out.

"Channeling is psychic, but the old bald donkey said that the reason for the shackles of the Heavenly Dao makes them unable to remember what they are called and where they come from, and they must be untied after we confirm it." Zhong Yao wrote.

Seeing Zhong Yao's words, Li Yihu's heart fell to the bottom, and then a policeman shouted: "Team Li, find two heads."

Li Yihu walked in, and in the freezer in the room, Zhao Li was taking out a skull with shaved hair with closed eyes.



Zhong Yao saw the crying girl, and then looked at the head on Zhao Li's hand, although there was no hair, he could still recognize it as her.

And the other girl also looked at the freezer, because Zhao Li took out another one after putting down the head, and the same hair was shaved, but the girl did not cry, she just looked at her head stunned.

Zhong Yao sighed: "I'm sorry, we're late." The

two women looked at Zhong Yao: "What are you, is it really a cat?"

Zhong Yao shook his head: "Don't care what I am, now I just don't know how to take you away, and we also have to check your identity."

"Team Lee! Discover three women's shoulder bags. You Zhiping came over with three evidence bags.

"Is there any identification information?" Li Yihu took over and asked.

"No, it was emptied, these three bags were found by people outside." You Zhiping Road.

At this time, Micky ran out: "That red is mine."

"Are you like us?" One of the girls looked at Mickie.

"Hmm! I'm the first, hey!! Micky looked at her bag and sighed.

"That yellow one seems to be mine." The girl said.

"The black one is mine." Another girl said.

Zhong Yao looked at the bag, how could he know their identities if there was nothing in it.

At this time, a rat stood not far away and watched, and Zhong Yao beckoned to him: "Come here, but come and I'll bite you."

"Come here, come and scare me." The rat slowly walked over.

"Ah~~~!" Tang Xiaoxin shouted after seeing the rat, Zhong Yao was speechless, so scared.

Mi Qi and the two girls also hid far away, Zhong Yao looked at a few people speechlessly, is the girl so afraid of this thing?

The rat came to him: "Brother is looking for me for something." "

You live here?" Zhong Yao asked.


"You saw the picture of the man killing." Zhong Yao asked.

"Why didn't I see it, horror, I almost vomited, kill people, and cut them on them, after cutting them, they were wrapped in white sticky things, and when they were dry, they took them out and chopped them again, and the scene really couldn't bear to look at them directly." Rats said.

"Did you see the bag this man was holding, did you see where the man threw the contents of the bag?" Zhong Yao pointed to the bag in Li Yihu's hand and asked.

"I didn't pay attention to this." The rat shook his head.

"Then we know, by the way, where he put those dried things, you should always know."

The rat nodded: "I know, but it's not here, those things were taken away by him on those four-wheeled guys." "

Taken away by car, is there somewhere else? His home is impossible, because he has been visited, what about the slaughterhouse? But there is no one there in the middle of the night! And there are no separate rooms in that slaughterhouse like here.

After Zhao Li checked her head, she took out several packages of internal organs and corpses from the freezer again, and she said: "There are no bones.

"Maybe the bones have been thrown." After Li Yihu finished speaking, he saw several knives on the pig-killing platform, and he asked Zhao Li: "Are these murder weapons?"

"It's possible, but you still have to take it back and compare it."

At this time, Zhao Yi called: "Team Li, I found the tricycle, a whole truck of meat is still there, but the people are not there, the battery car is not there, Ling Qian smelled that it is all pork and no meat, but we found a dark compartment under the tricycle, there are white bones inside, it is still very fresh, and there is no head." "

Hmm! I know, we found the head, where his car was parked, expanded the area to search for it, and asked if anyone nearby saw it. Li Yihu said.

"What was found in their village, it was parked at their house, his battery car was not there, his mother we found, after inquiring and learning that she was going to take her husband to the hospital today, so we asked Wang Feiming to see the meat stall, we showed her the human bones, and said what happened, his mother fainted directly after hearing it." Zhao Yi said.

"Well, go and ask if anyone knows where he went, and take care of his mother." Li Yihu said.

Li Yihu asked You Zhiping to continue to search the scene with some people, and he took the rest to Wang Feiming's house.

When Li Yihu got into the car and saw that Zhong Yao was not in the car, he asked puzzled: "Look at the scenery!"

Zhong Yao glanced and ignored it, and only after the two women got into the car did he jump on, and he took Zhao Li's mobile phone and typed: "Gentleman, the two ladies haven't got into the car yet." "

I'll go!" Li Yihu's back was a little chilly and looked back, and when he saw that the back was empty, he swallowed his spit and said, "Up?"

"Nonsense, I don't have a bell now, I can only use your car."

"Okay! The first time I brought this thing, I was a little shaky. Li Yihu turned his head and stepped on the accelerator.

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