Zhong Yao sat on a mound and looked at the closed door, Lin Mixuan's experience would definitely cause great pain in her heart, which was a pain that could not be forgotten in this life, but things had happened, and the only thing that could be done was to remedy it.

At this time, there was a noise outside, and he turned his head to see countless villagers gathered outside the slaughterhouse.

Lin Zhiguo stood at the front with his wife, and they anxiously said to a policeman who maintained order: "How is Comrade Xuanxuan, the police!" "

Old Bo Xuanxuan is fine, she has already been rescued, don't worry, you can't go over now, you can come out when forensic doctor Zhao examines her body and collects evidence." Li Yihu came over and said.

Miqi's mother, Lan Cuilan, cried and cursed: "This heavenly kill, my poor Lingling, my poor Xuanxuan, how can he get his hands on it like this."

Lin Zhiguo hugged his wife and sighed, his body was also trembling slightly, it can be seen that he was also very angry in his heart at this time, he looked at Li Yihu and asked: "Is Xuanxuan being born by this beast........." Li

Yihu shook his head after looking at the surrounding masses: "No!" Good thing we came in time. He

lied, because Lin Mixuan is still young, her road is still long, the villagers are there, if he tells the matter, then Lin Mixuan will not be able to bear it, and may even make an outrageous move, Li Yihu thought about letting the two elders in.

After taking them to a place far away from the villagers, he said: "Old man Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't dare to tell the truth in front of the villagers just now, I'm sorry we came late, Xuanxuan was harmed by Wang Feiming."

Lan Cuilan rolled her eyes and fainted in her wife's arms after hearing this, Lin Zhiguo held her wife and trembled all over, he gritted his teeth and said: "Beast!!

Li Yihu sighed: "Old man Lin, don't talk about this matter, Xuanxuan is still young, her road is still long, if outsiders know that it is not good for her physically and mentally, she may not be able to bear to do stupid things, I know a good psychologist, when the time comes, I will introduce you to you and let her enlighten Xuanxuan."

Lin Zhiguo nodded: "Thank you, Captain Li!"

"No need!"

At this time, there was a horn sound on the road, Li Yihu saw dozens of luxury cars parked outside the slaughterhouse, Li Fuping and his friends got out of the car, looking at their menacing appearance, the police quickly blocked, Li Yihu let Lin Zhiguo sit down on the stone bench next to him and ran over.

Li Yihu heard Li Fuping's shout: "Get out of the way!" I'm going in.

"Sorry, this is the scene of the crime, you can't enter." A police officer said.

"I said get out of the way!" Li Fuping glared at the officer and said.

"Li Fuping, what are you going to do." Li Yihu frowned.

"Captain Li, I heard that the bastard was caught, and he also made a move on Xuanxuan, I'm going to go in, I'm going to beat that bastard to death." Li Fuping gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face.

"Li Fuping pay attention to your words and actions, I know that you are very angry in your heart, but the matter has come out, we pay attention to the law, and he will be punished as he should." Li Yihu said.

"Captain Lee! I..."

He was about to continue, but was interrupted by Li Yihu: "I know what you want to say, but don't forget that the state has national law, if you do it, the nature will be different, and it is not worth putting yourself in for a bastard."

Li Fuping clenched his fists and looked at Wang Feiming, who was being escorted not far away and was treating his wounds, he really wanted to rush over and beat this bastard to death now, but Li Yihu's words he also listened to, yes, it's really not worth putting yourself in for a bastard.

"Captain Li, I understand, I won't be impulsive, I want to go in and take a look." Li Fuping said.

"Yes! You can only come in alone, and these friends of yours can only stay outside. Li Yihu nodded.

Let Li Fuping in, Li Yihu put his arm around his shoulders to prevent his head from causing a catastrophe, and brought him to Lin Zhiguo's side.

"Uncle! I heard it and rushed to it. Li Fuping said with a sigh.

At this time, Lan Cuilan had woken up slowly, and she cried: "What to do, how will Xuanxuan live in the future." Hearing

Lan Cuilan's words, Li Fuping guessed, he turned around angrily, and Li Yihu quickly stopped him: "You said you would not be impulsive."

"Bastard! This bastard, I really want to beat him to death. Li Fuping looked at Wang Feiming gritted his teeth and said, his whole body trembled, if it weren't for Li Yihu, if it weren't for Li Yihu, he would have rushed over by now.

"Don't worry, he will be punished as he deserves, Mr. Li don't worry." Li Yihu grabbed him and said.

"Lingling is here..................," Li Fuping asked as he looked at the slaughterhouse with a sad face.

Li Yihu nodded: "No, in another place, and not only her, but also two victims."

"What two more, bastard!" Li Fuping sighed, took out a cigarette and handed it to Li Yihu.

Li Yihu waved his hand: "I don't smoke."

He nodded and handed the cigarette to Lin Zhiguo and took one of his own: "Uncle, don't worry, from today I will be your son, and I will come to honor you two elders in the future." "

Fuping, we have received your wishes, but..." Before

Lin Zhiguo finished speaking, Li Fuping said: "Uncle and aunt!" Needless to say, I went to my parents just now, and they also agreed with my decision, although I can no longer become your son-in-law, but I will take care of you for Lingling and do my filial piety for her.

Zhong Yao in the distance said to Mi Qi, "Now you are relieved."

"Hey! Why should he be like this, there are so many women under the sky, better than me abound, why should he be so good to me and my family, I really feel unworthy for him. Micky sighed.

"That's love!" Zhong Yao sighed.

"It should be! It's a pity that we are destined to have a fate, little kitten thank you.

Zhong Yao shook his head: "No thanks, I should do it."

"Please take care of you after that." Micky smiled.

"Please take care."

Then the two girls floated over, and one of them said: "Why did the murderer find it, we can't remember our name."

"It's hard to explain, don't worry, he caught it, we need to know your identity is very simple, by the way, you should remember his criminal history!" Zhong Yao asked.

"Vaguely, the memory is that the two of us are friends, I want to go home that night, the bastard said whether to take a ride, I just felt that we were in a hurry, I didn't think much about it, I smelled a fragrant smell in the car, and then I didn't know, when I got up, I found that we were tied, the bastard was bullying her, and I also felt my discomfort, I knew I was bullied too, we both kept scolding him, he took a pillow and covered her in front of me, and then abused me again next to her corpse, I was afraid, but no matter how much I begged for mercy, he still put a pillow over my face when it was over. One of the girls with short hair said.

At this time, a police officer brought a set of clothes, Li Yihu took it and came to the door and said, "Xiao Tang brought clothes." The

iron door opened, Tang Xiaoxin stretched out her hand to take the clothes and closed the door again, Li Yihu said to Zhao Yi: "Evacuate the crowd, Mi Xuan's appearance must not be seen by the villagers, and she will be taken directly to the hospital later."

Zhao Yi nodded: "Hmm! The

villagers were evacuated, a police car drove into the slaughterhouse, Li Yihu opened the car door, Tang Xiaoxin also opened the iron door, and Lin Mixuan was escorted into the police car by two women.

Lin Zhiguo finally couldn't hold back after seeing his daughter's walking dead appearance, his tears slipped, and Lan Cuilan was already in a coma again. Li Fuping clenched his fists, and he had been keeping himself calm now.

Lin Mixuan was taken to the hospital, and Wang Feiming was also escorted into the police car, and he would also be taken into the hospital for treatment first, and then brought back to the police station for interrogation after the treatment was over.

Li Yihu was just about to get into the car, Li Fuping pulled him, in fact, he did not stop Li Yihu, but Zhong Yao.

"I know you don't want to see me, but I want to tell you, you can rest assured about uncles and aunts, and I will take care of them."

"Kitten! Let's go, I don't want to see him. Micky said.

Zhong Yao sighed and nodded to Li Fuping and jumped into the car, watching the police car go away, Li Fuping sighed, he knew that it was impossible to see Miqi from now on, even if he found the black cat, it was useless, and Miqi would not appear in front of him.

Li Yihu in the car said: "It's really an infatuated man." "

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