It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 1404: put on a show

[This time travel is a bit early][]

This time travel is a bit early. Chapter 1404 of the main text volume is a show, "Mr. Cong Zhaokai will serve as the manager of the security department in the future."

"Okay, the personnel adjustments will be as they are for the time being. They will be issued to everyone in writing after the meeting."

Chu Heng closed the document in his hand and put it on the conference table. He bent down and sat down. After lighting another cigarette, he said in a deep voice: "Finally, I am arranging the work."

"The primary problem in our hotel right now is the ghost on the 18th floor. I have already asked Master Qingyuan from Maoshan about this. He will come over tonight to deal with this matter. General Manager Duan remembers to do a good job in reception. Don't neglect that master."

"Okay, Mr. Chu." Duan Jinchang replied with a grin. He felt that the boss spoke very nicely, especially when he called him general manager, his voice was really pleasant.

After hearing this, several senior executives of Land Land and those in the hotel raised their eyebrows, and suddenly thought in their hearts, it turned out that this enemy knew that the hotel was haunted, and had been prepared for it.

However, they were not very optimistic about this matter and felt that Chu Heng was a bit overconfident.

For the ghost on the 18th floor, the hotel invited three famous masters to come over. Which one of them wasn't beaten to pieces?

They didn't think that Master Qingyuan, whom they had never even heard of, could solve this problem.

Not only them, there are also many people in the hotel headquarters who have the same idea as them.

For a moment, many people in the room secretly looked at Chu Heng, their eyes slightly mocking, as if they were ready to see a joke.

Chu Heng ignored these glances. The old man shook his cigarette ashes, glanced at Duan Jinchang, and continued: "In addition, after the meeting, you quickly arrange for people to contact the newspapers in Hong Kong Island and invite them to come over tonight to witness this event together. During the process of catching ghosts, um... we can give them some travel expenses if appropriate."


Duan Jinchang nodded thoughtfully, vaguely feeling that he should have understood Chu Heng's general idea. He just wanted to buy news. No matter whether the ghost was caught today or not, the newspaper would say "caught!"

But does this really work?

Even if we can trick the guests back, things will happen sooner or later!

Wouldn’t it be better to go back to the starting point then?

He couldn't help frowning and wanted to persuade Chu Heng, but after pondering for a moment, he gave up the idea temporarily. After all, everything was just his guess. What if he guessed wrong?

Always think before you act and don't take anything for granted.

This is the experience he has gained in the workplace over the years.

Midnight is coming quickly.

It's a nice night today, with a bright moon and few stars, and it's quiet and peaceful.

The Mandarin Hotel was very lively at this time.

Many employees who knew that the new boss hired a heavenly master to catch ghosts did not go home after get off work. At this moment, they were gathering in the lobby, anxiously waiting for the final result.

If Amei is caught, then of course it's hello, hello, hello, everyone, but if this Celestial Master of Lao Shizi's Maoshan Cult also fails, then they will have to consider finding another job.

On the eighteenth floor of the hotel, a lot of people gathered at this time. There were executives who came with Chu Heng and reporters invited by them.

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

More than thirty people were crowded together like cans, staring intently at Qingyuan who was standing in front of the altar at the entrance of 1805. Some people who had participated in opening the altar to catch ghosts before shivered and ran back. The reporters, on the other hand, pressed forward with their heads sharpened.


At this time, Qingyuan, who had been standing in front of the altar for a long time, suddenly moved. He picked up the Sanqing Bell on the table and shook it, murmuring: "The ring is ringing, the ten directions are silent, the sky is free of filth, and the earth is free of demons." Dust, Minghui Cave is clear..."

Seeing this, the reporters quickly got into position with their cameras, nervously and expectantly waiting for the moment when the rumored evil ghost appeared so that they could take pictures of it.

While waiting, one of the reporters' vision suddenly went dark, and then he fell to the ground unconscious.

His fall was like overturning a domino. Others in the field also rolled their eyelids and fell down softly.

In an instant, Chu Heng, the old man and his eldest son Na Daohui were the only ones left standing in the field.

"Hiss! Your medicine is strong enough!"

Qingyuan looked at the group of people lying on the ground like dead people and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"There really is such a thing as drug addiction in this world!" Na Daohui was speechless.


Chu Heng looked at the scene in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

"Da da da!"

At this time, Cen Hao, who was dressed as a female ghost, walked out of a room expressionlessly, and then the two of them began to instill memories into the people on the ground with the incense and ecstasy in one hand.

The old man and the two men looked at those people who were confused after waking up with strange expressions on their faces. Their eyes widened and they were filled with excitement.

After almost half an hour like this, the two brothers finally stood up tiredly after finishing their work.

"It's done, let's get started." Chu Heng thumped his waist and turned to look at the clear distance.

"bring it on."

Qingyuan immediately put into position, stepped on the Seven Star Steps, held a mahogany sword in his hand, and faced Cen Hao with a serious face.

"Be careful, don't really poke me." Cen Hao looked at Mo Mo's eyes and was worried about mentioning it, so he rushed forward with teeth and claws, pretending to fight with him. With one punch and one sword, I hit him soundly and vividly.

On the ground, the reporters and hotel staff who were in a state of ecstasy stared blankly, their minds automatically adding special effects and filters to the scene in front of them based on the memories that Chu Heng and the others had instilled before.

After a while, when he saw that the time was almost up, Chu Heng raised his hand and gave a signal to the two who were fighting lively.

The two understood each other immediately. UU Reading Qingyuan stabbed Cen Hao in the heart with his sword. Cen Hao immediately screamed and fell to the ground motionless.

Chu Hengze quickly took out the antidote and gave them a few squeezes. Then he lit the previously extinguished Big Dream Incense. He saw the light smoke rising and dissipating. Just a moment later, those people rolled their eyes and fainted again. .

"Okay, get up quickly." Upon seeing this, Chu Heng shouted to Cen Hao who was still lying on the ground.

Cen Hao immediately stood up with a jerk, then quickly took off the red dress and threw it on the ground, then packed up his things and got into the room he came out of before.

"That master!"

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

Chu Heng gave Na Qingyuan another look.

The old man nodded, stepped forward and picked up the red skirt on the ground, with a tired expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Heng took out the antidote from his body and gave it to those on the ground one by one.

A few moments.

These people woke up slowly, and then got up from the ground shouting.


"There really are ghosts in this world!"

"This ghost is so vicious!"

"Fortunately I was surrendered!"

Chu Heng ran forward with Na Daohui, supporting the panting Na Qingyuan from left to right, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"No problem." Na Qingyuan shook his head.

"Thank you so much. Master, I will come to pay you in person later!" Chu Heng said with a grateful face.

"It doesn't have to be like this. It is the duty of monks like us to eliminate demons and protect the Tao." Qingyuan Yun Danfeng waved his hands lightly, looking like a master.

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