It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 220: i think i'm stupid

Since he was promoted, Liu Haizhong felt that he was very good, especially after he was sanctioned and asked someone to ask for some business advice, he almost swelled up, and then he met the deaf old lady...

The crutches that were covering his face fell, and the old man was completely enlightened.

He is a jerk!

At this time, the bangs that were full of bags were beaten and said to the deaf old lady with a mournful face: "Old lady, old lady, please stop beating, I'll go and let the silly pillar out tomorrow, okay?"

"No, I'm going to see my eldest grandson now!" The deaf old lady leaning on the old and selling the old took out an unreasonable force, slammed her crutches on the ground, and scolded angrily: "You can't eat people's food. The thing that pulls people's dung, if I can't see the stupid pillar today, I will stay at your house and not leave! I'm not afraid to tell you this stinky boy, if I die and get sick at your house today, you will wait for it. Let me be buried with you, old lady!"

"Hey, don't bother, how can I go out and lead someone this big night!" Liu Haizhong was about to cry, and his chubby body circled around the room, like a yawn who couldn't eat milk and was in a hurry It's called Big Fatty.

The background of the deaf old lady, the young people in the hospital do not know, but the older generation knows him well.

Don't look at this old lady, she is an old family, and usually no one comes to see her, but she is not really helpless.

Her deceased husband, her sons' comrades-in-arms, friends, etc. are very numerous, and many of them are in high positions. If the old lady didn't want to be disturbed, and didn't want to trouble others, she would have been picked up long ago. retired.

So if something happened to the old lady at his house today, it might not be possible for him to be buried with him, but it was certain that he would be buried with him.

Not to mention, he can't be guaranteed as a broken team leader!

"Then I don't care, I'm going to see my eldest grandson!" The old lady was about to go out for a drink, so she planned to play it to the end. She went to the bench in the Liu's house with a golden knife and put on a pose of no one. walking posture.

"You... you are too unreasonable!" Liu Haizhong was sweating anxiously, and finally clenched his teeth and stomped his feet, saying, "It's fine for me to put the silly pillar, but you have to go home and wait, otherwise Let's do it right here!"

The deaf old lady squinted her eyes and hummed, "Aren't you kidding my old lady?"

"Oh, I can't fool anyone if I fool you!" Liu Haizhong said quickly.

"That's it, I'll go home and wait. I'll tell you, if I don't see the silly pillar today, I'll turn around and set your house on fire!" The old lady sneered, glanced outside, and shouted loudly : "Xiao Hengzi, take my wife home!"

"Hey, your eyes are so good." Chu Heng listened for a while, and then he entered the room, like a little **** serving Lafayette, bent over in front of the old lady, and handed it over. One arm, showing respect: "Let's go!"

"It'll be wrong to save you." The old lady was amused and smiled, put her hand on his arm, and stood up slowly.

Seeing this, Liu Haizhong hurriedly approached Chu Heng and said, "Director Chu, you are tired, please help to appease and appease the old lady. I promise to bring back the silly Zhu!"

"I'll try my best." Chu Heng glanced at the old man with a smile, then turned to the deaf old lady with a smile, "Old lady, shall we go back to the manor?"

"Go back!" The deaf old lady was also very playful, and immediately took up her posture, her hunched waist slowly stood up, the corners of her mouth turned down, her eyes were half-squinted, and her face showed a domineering look. Under the guidance of , he walked out of Liu's house slowly with small steps.

Qin Jingru hurried forward when she saw it, and went to the other end to support the old lady.

When they got to the backyard, the deaf old lady suddenly asked Chu Heng, "Xiao Hengzi, is it true that you can bring the silly pillar out tomorrow?"

"It's more real than real gold!" Chu Heng patted his chest to promise, and immediately couldn't help laughing: "I said old lady, listening to you, you didn't expect Liu Haizhong to make a fool? Then you still Why are you running to his house to make trouble?"

"I just can't get used to the behavior of this bastard!" The old lady pouted and scolded, "That little thing is not a good cake to be young, and this time I have the right, so I might be a demon, I can't beat it. Knock, let him know who has the final say in this courtyard!"

"You Shengming!" Chu Heng was immediately awe-inspiring.

Otherwise, I would say that the old woman is a villain, Ma Laohua, this old lady has really become a human being, and it is really a thorough look at people and things!

After sending the old lady back to the house, Chu Heng didn't leave in a hurry. He sat there and talked to the old man, and then asked Qin Jingru about her work. It took a while before leaving the backyard.

When he got home, Ni Yinghong was awakened for a moment. Seeing that his own man had come back from the fun, he mumbled vaguely and then went to sleep.

Chu Heng also quickly took it off and went to bed, contentedly hugging his sweet and soft daughter-in-law and falling asleep.

At night, the tranquility that should have been restored once again.

In the second half of the night, Liu Haizhong really brought back the silly pillar. It is unknown how it works.

the next day.

When Chu Heng woke up in the morning, he heard the news that Sha Zhu had been brought back.

He was not surprised by this at all, he vaguely remembered that the silly Zhu seemed to save himself from the matter between Li Fugui and the canteen widow Liu Lan.

After eating, Chu Heng thought about it and went to Shazhu's house to express his concern.

When he passed, the silly Zhu brothers and sisters were having breakfast.

"Come here, brother, have some food." Silly Zhu quickly stood up and greeted.

"After eating, you eat yours." Chu Heng waved his hands with a smile, walked to the bed and sat down, jokingly said, "Brother Zhuzi, you are very capable. I was thinking of going to Director Li later. If you ask for mercy, you will come back by yourself."

"Hey, it's just Li Fugui, I don't need you to come out, I'll settle it myself." Silly Zhu smiled complacently and boasted with a gesture: "My grandson will be frightened with just one look."


Chu Heng could see through it but not through it.

The two chatted for a while, and when it was almost time for work, he got up and left.

But Chu Heng knew about this, but others didn't, and they all thought it was a silly pillar released from Liu Haizhong.

Therefore, the prestige of the old man in the courtyard has risen sharply.

And Liu Haizhong is really fierce enough. Although after the beating of the old lady, he does not dare to make a fortune in the courtyard, but outside

Dare to fight.

Within two days of the Silly Zhu incident, the old man had done several major events one after another, and the limelight even overshadowed Shen Yuqin!

Now the people in the courtyard are both respectful and afraid of him.

Even Yan Bugui, who has always been stingy, endured heartache and took out his own non-staple food book, handing over the quota for sesame paste.

Well, it's just a fixed amount, and the money has to be spent by Liu Haizhong...

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