It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 511: ready to move

Latest website: After comforting the aunts, Chu Heng, the initiator, also learned about the follow-up from their well-informed mouths.

Yesterday, after Mr. Liu and the others left, the Grain Bureau immediately held an internal meeting.

The final result is that Luo Zhengrong was suspended from work and went home to review, and there is a high probability that he will be assigned to a post in another place. Yang Yu was directly thrown to the grassroots and became a glorious manure digger!

Besides the two of them, there were more than a dozen people from Luo Zhengrong's family who were also expelled from the food bureau.

For a time, the authority of Chu Jianshe, the victor, even surpassed that of Director Chen Rui!

What Chu Heng didn't know was that with the fermenting of the incident, his name also entered the field of vision of some bigwigs, and many people became very curious about him.

With Xie, Liu, and Shen as his backers, and the heads of various units, young and old, he runs for him. This background and this network of people are really eye-catching!

The most important thing is that this grandson is really too young. He is only in his twenties. Not a single flower has bloomed. He has so many resources around him. The future is really limitless!

However, what makes people a little puzzled is, where exactly did this thing pop out?

With such a strong background and connections, shouldn't you be unknown?

Why haven't you heard of it before?

Fortunately, Chu Heng didn't know the thoughts of these bigwigs. If he heard this, his dignified four-nine-city Xiaomengchang, the King of the Great Sea, who was not drunk with a thousand cups, was just an unknown passerby in their eyes. It is estimated that Had to cry in the toilet.

"Right now, Luo Yang, the grandson, is left untouched!"

In the office, Chu Heng looked out the window with a cold face, and the sullenness in his eyes loomed.

Because he didn't work at the grain outlet, Luo Yang was not implicated, and he was still the deputy chief of the security department, but the magnanimous Director Chu naturally couldn't let him go!

After all, this grandson started this big drama, how could he escape?


Ten o'clock in the morning.

Du San came to the grain store, his expression was as if he was urinating, and he said to Chu Heng with a sullen face and a sullen face: "That... Master Chu, I didn't handle the matter well, among those women who were persecuted by Luo Yang, I just found three people willing to testify against him."

"Three..." Chu Heng frowned upon hearing this. Only three out of a dozen people were willing to stand up. This was indeed somewhat beyond his expectations.

However, he can also understand that in this age of high reputation, if it is not a last resort, no woman is willing to admit that she has been sullied.

After all, if this matter spreads out, she will suffer countless scorns and rumors, and even a series of serious consequences such as being abandoned by her husband's family, which is really unbearable.

"Three, let's just say three." Chu Heng sighed helplessly, lowered his head and sipped the Yahuazi a few times, then threw a cigarette and asked, "By the way, is there anything unusual about Luo Yang's grandson?"

"Yes." Du San took the cigarette and said quickly, "Early this morning, this grandson sneaked out of the unit and went to the bank to sell a lot of silver dollars and gold bars, and he got more than ten thousand yuan!"

"I'm going to go with his father!"

Chu Heng's eyes flickered for a while, and a stern smile appeared on his face. He immediately ordered Du San to wait at the door, turned his head back to the house and explained to his wife, and left the grain store with Du San and rushed to the police station to find He Zishi. .

Along the way, pedestrians who were familiar with him cast doubts or surprises one after another.

"This... Didn't he get arrested? Why did he come out again?"

"The scourge will last a thousand years."


This is against him.

"I knew that Director Chu was wronged!"

"Great, Director Chu is fine!"


This is the eldest girl and the little daughter-in-law who often dreams of him.

Fortunately, Chu Heng was thick-skinned, and he came to the police station chatting and laughing with Du San as if there was no one else on the way.

It's a bit unfortunate that He Zishi just appeared on the scene ten minutes ago, and he doesn't know when he will be back.

"It's a mess."

Chu Heng reluctantly threw a pack of cigarettes to the deputy director. After asking for the key to He Zishi's office, he led Du San to the office and waited while drinking tea.

The two sat facing each other in front of He Zishi's desk, Du San poured him a cup of tea diligently, and said with a smile, "Master Chu, your reputation is getting louder and louder, and there are many stubborn people this morning. The Lord came to me and wanted to follow you."

Thinking of this incident, Du San felt a burst of pride in his heart. If he hadn't been wise enough to know the king, and made a decisive decision, how could he have the status he is today?

Those stubborn masters who made fun of him as a dog-legged son, don't they have to run around and call him the third master now?

Chu Heng glanced at him in high spirits, afraid that he would be too floating, so he warned: "You kid, don't mess with me, those who are not trivial can't be accepted, soldiers are expensive and not expensive, there are too many people. Yes, there is a lot of trouble."

"Oh, I understand this, and it won't cause you any trouble." Du San was in a good mood. After he nodded with a smile, he went on to talk about the interesting things that happened around him recently.

After more than half an hour, He Zishi finally came back with a sullen look on his face.

As soon as he entered the house, he cursed and said, "I don't know which poor guy even steals special underwear. Can he wear them or what?"

You don't understand the perverted world...

Chu Heng smiled strangely, and immediately got up and pulled him over to sit down and said, "Okay, calm down, I have good news for you."

He Zishi poured himself a cup of tea, took a big gulp, let out a long breath, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Luo Yang's side, you can do it!" Chu Heng said with a smile.

"That's great, I've been thinking about this grandson for several months!" He Zishi's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly, "Tell me, what should I do about this?"

"Didn't he harm a lot of girls? I asked Du San to contact him. There are three willing to testify against him." Chu Heng said slowly.

"Three is enough, let's go, let's arrest people now!" He Zishi stood up impatiently, his hand already touching the pistol on his waist.

"Hurry up, wait until I'm done talking." Chu Heng held him down with a speechless expression, and said, "What's more, the grandson started selling things today, and it is estimated that he wants to be with his father. Let's go, you've been a little tired these days, bring a few trustworthy people to follow, and then we'll give him a present, and if he is punished for several crimes, he can't justify his great ability!"

"Okay, I'll find someone right now."

He Zishi nodded and left the office in a hurry.

Immediately, Chu Heng smiled and instructed Du San: "You also send some people to follow him these days to assist He Zishi and the others. If you find that there is any change in that grandson, send someone to inform me immediately, after all, it is a colleague. I have to give him the last ride no!"

"Understood." Du San grinned, hesitated, and asked in a low voice, "Master Chu, there are a lot of things in that house, do you want us..."

He made an obedient gesture.

"Don't move a dime, if we don't miss that little money, we should burn paper for him!" The big dog waved his hand disdainfully.

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