Although the area of ​​Xiangshui Pavilion is very large, it is still easy to find the location of Building 3 according to the house number and the map sign in the community.

Dense raindrops hit the ground of Xiangshui Pavilion Community. The terrain of this community is a bit low, resulting in serious water accumulation. Now the water on the road alone can reach Wu Wen's ankles.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Wu Wen waded through the asphalt road in the community and touched the bottom of the three buildings step by step.

The female corpse behind him became more and more gloomy, even making him feel icy cold.

It should be because he felt that he was about to reach the place and the murderous intent in his heart rose.

The warmth on Wu Wen's body and the cold body of the female corpse formed a sharp contrast, and it was also full of great contrast.

Hong Yuan, who was held in Wu Wen's arms, slowly stretched out her head in Wu Wen's arms. Her long spine was like a snake winding around Wu Wen's neck, circling behind him, and then her head stretched into the white cloth of the morgue, and her two scarlet eyes stared at the female corpse that was constantly releasing cold air.

Hong Yuan's eyes were filled with endless madness and resentment. She stared at the female corpse, and the cold air on the female corpse was slowly gathered back, and she dared not continue to emit it.

It can be seen that she was very angry with the female corpse, because the cold air coming out of the female corpse froze her beloved Wu Wen.

Wu Wen felt the biting cold behind him slowly disappear, and he hugged Hong Yuan in his arms a little harder with emotion.

Now I suddenly realized that ghosts are still good! They still know how to feel sorry for me. Isn't this much better than the girlfriends I talked about before?

Wu Wen walked into the corridor of Building 3 with Hong Yuan in his arms and clicked the elevator button.

The elevator buttons in the high-end residential area are all different. They are actually light blue crystals, which look very beautiful.

The corridors and stairs in this community are also different from the place where he rented. The stairs here are wide and regular, and the entire corridor and stairs are designed to look generous. Even the stairs are covered with tiles, which look bright under the light.

"Ding!" With the sound of the elevator door, Wu Wen stepped into the elevator.

"Evil ghost!" Wu Wen's appearance changed suddenly with a thought.

The evil ghost skin slowly emerged on his body. One of Wu Wen's eyes was empty, and the other was filled with blood. The cut nose was constantly bleeding. The mouth without lips and even the dislocated jaw stretched out a long tongue at an angle.

"Slurp!" With the roll of the scarlet long tongue, Wu Wen's face became more hideous.

"Ding!" The elevator door slowly opened, and Wu Wen walked out of the elevator carrying the female corpse on his back.

He took off his raincoat.

Not only the raincoat, but also the clothes on his upper body, revealing his chest that was cut open by a sharp weapon.

There was nothing in the place where the heart should have been, and the whole belly was broken open, revealing the ribs wrapped in bright red muscles.

The skin was even more scarred, and there were several exposed yellow bones on the fingers of both hands.

If Wu Wen looked like a person wearing a ghost mask before taking off his clothes, then with his clothes taken off, he completely turned into a terrifying ghost.

Wu Wen also put down the female corpse on his back, and the red embroidered shoes touched the ground and floated beside Wu Wen.

Wu Wen dragged the female corpse out of the white cloth in the morgue and placed it at the door of the room on the fifth floor.

There is only one resident on each floor of this community, and the area is very large, about two or three hundred square meters, so Wu Wen does not have to worry about finding the wrong place.

As Wu Wen put the female corpse away, a faint shadow slowly appeared on the female corpse.

This is the female ghost coming out of her corpse.

Wu Wen waved his hand and asked the human skin to come closer.

"Give me the axe. By the way, you will stand at this door in a while. If someone comes out, think of a way to scare him."

Wu Wen explained, and patted the human skin's head.

He was afraid that this thing would do something stupid.

But it doesn't matter if it does something stupid. He, the female ghost, and Hong Yuan, there are only three of them here, and this family can't escape.

Wu Wen stretched out his hand and used the axe to hold the female ghost who was ready to move, lowered his head and stared at her eyes.

"You go in first and open the door for me, you know that?"

Hong Yuan stared at the female ghost who was ready to move, and the female ghost immediately became timid and nodded.

He nodded, indicating that he agreed with Wu Wen's idea.

"Very good, I tell you, although we came here to kill people, we can't kill randomly, because I am a good person, I have a bottom line! We only kill those who should be killed!

Dr. Sun Zhe killed you, and then he told his father. So his father is not a good guy either, so he can't let him go for a while! And his father knew about his murder. As his father's closest person, it proves that his mother must know, so his mother is not a good bird either, and his mother should be killed too!

And if Sun Zhe has a wife, then his wife, as his closest person, even if she doesn't know about his murder, she should be able to see Sun Zhe's character and see some bad things on weekdays. The right place, but even so, she still protected Sun Zhe, which proved that his wife was also a piece of shit and should be killed.

As the ancients said, like father, like son. We don't discuss it from the perspective of blood relationship, but only from the perspective of family education. If Sun Zhe has sons and daughters, then his sons and daughters will be violent elements in the future under the guidance of Sun Zhe, so they should also be killed to eliminate harm for the people.

As for Sun Zhe's brothers and sisters, they should be killed even more. Renpi, you kid should tell me why I want to kill Sun Zhe's brothers and sisters, and see how much you have learned from me. "

Wu Wen's face was serious, and his terrifying appearance became even more terrifying under the serious expression.

The human skin named by him stood there stupidly, scratching his head, and tried to speak: "Jijiji?"

Wu Wen nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, it seems that the human skin has understood what I mean. Yes, his brothers and sisters grew up with Sun Zhe, and they must be very similar in all aspects. Sun Zhe is not a good guy, so his brothers and sisters must not be good guys either. They must be killed!"

Wu Wen turned his head and looked at the female ghost on the ground and said seriously: "Did you hear? Except for these people, no one else can be killed!"

The female ghost nodded at Wu Wen's terrifying appearance, and for a moment she felt a little dazed that she was just a fake ghost, and Wu Wen was the real ghost.

Looking at the well-behaved appearance of the female ghost, Wu Wen smiled with satisfaction. He put away the hand axe on the female ghost's neck and said: "Okay, then let's act!"

As Wu Wen spoke, Hong Yuan's scarlet eyes moved, and the tightly closed door on the fifth floor opened.

"Let's go in and confirm if this is Sun Zhe's house!"

Wu Wen, with his hideous upper body exposed, took the axe from the human skin and walked in.

The human skin was floating at the door in a daze. It still didn't know how Wu Wen understood its words. After all, it didn't know what its chirping sound just now meant.

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