The iron gate of the yard where Wu Wen rented a house made a loud noise, and then he pushed the door open and walked in, opened the door on the ground, and pushed the electric bike into the yard.

"Chi Ji!" The human skin sat on the car and chirped, gesticulating, as if asking Wu Wen to put more effort, because the cart could hardly carry the human skin.

Wu Wen didn't indulge it either. After charging the car, he pulled the human skin off the car and gave it a big slap.

"Chi Ji Ji!" The human skin twisted its little buttocks and floated into the house with grievance. The resentment disappeared instantly after seeing the toys on the ground.

"Chichichi!" The cheerful voice of the human skin sounded again in the house. Wu Wen sighed, lay on the recliner under the eaves outside the house, and took out his mobile phone.

The mission is about to officially start. There are still one and a half days left. If you exclude the half-day of rest tonight, there is still one day left.

So far, he has not found any abnormalities in Puyu City University, except for the murder cases disguised as normal death cases.

As for the so-called midnight singing in the task prompt, he couldn't hear it at all.

"It seems that I'll stay in that school tomorrow night." Wu Wen felt a little confused.

Remember that the last time I was confused was in the last mission.

Wu Wen scratched his head, lit a cigarette, and then clicked on the screen of his mobile phone.

He wanted to see if there was any discussion about the death of this school on the forum, and also see how his new video spread.

Now Hong Yuan's favorability has reached a new threshold. The way he looked at him these two days was a little strange. Wu Wen felt that he had been feeling cold behind him these two days. He really didn't dare to delay any longer.

Wu Wen opened Bibi. His number of fans is not growing rapidly now. If it is more, it may increase by dozens of people a day, and if it is less, there will be no more than a few people.

It's not that he is not popular on the Internet now. In fact, he is ridiculously popular. It's just that in order to block his information now, hundreds of irrelevant search information are placed on any search interface related to him. Use hundreds of top videos to compress his search interface.

Either find the real weird Lord among the thousands of videos about the weird Lord, or find the real weird Lord who is compressed in some corner among the tens of thousands of netizens with the name of 'Weird Lord 136' on Bibi.

The account of the Master of Weirdness cannot be banned, but this does not prevent some people from using various methods to confuse the audience. In order to completely increase the blockade against him, even the function of recommending videos and up masters in Bibi has been deleted.

In a word, if you want to see the videos of the Master of Weirdness, you either have to watch all the tens of thousands of fake videos and accounts, or you have good luck and can pull them up at random.

That's why Wu Wen's number of fans is growing so slowly.

Looking at the number of fans growing in his backstage, Wu Wen sighed and felt a little annoyed.

"Why is this old TM staring at me when he doesn't want to find a way to crack down on ghost research? What a fucking thing!"

It's not that Wu Wen is anxious, but his ghost coin income is linked to Bibi's videos, and it accounts for a large proportion. The income from ghost coins also affects his purchase of the second evil ghost, which means it affects his life. It would be strange if he is not anxious.

The number of views of the three newly uploaded videos varies. The two videos related to several girls have a higher number of views, but the overall degree of completion is the same as my own subjective video, that is, many people are attracted by the beauties and leave after taking a look.

Wu Wen's videos are not censored. The first few videos are okay. Although there are ghosts, there are no similar on-site deaths. Even if there is a landlord's head, the head has rotted and dried up, and there is no fresh blood.

But these three videos are different. The tragic deaths of the shepherd and Yao Yuan in the toilet were clearly filmed, and the scene was bloody. The fresh corpse brought a stronger sense of fear. For those who have weak psychological endurance, one look is enough to become a psychological shadow, just like the beheading video I saw on the Internet a few years ago.

So the overall completion of these three videos is not high compared to the previous videos. So far, it has only reached ten

100,000 complete views in three days, which is acceptable. At least it proves that his fans are really sticky, but it may not be very friendly to his ghost currency income. Wu Wen was idle and clicked on the comment area of ​​the new video. "Fuck, isn't it brother, your video is so bloody? Why don't you mark it? I vomited directly after watching it!" "Good video, the Nofap Bar has requisitioned it. From now on, your video will be the classic Nofap video of our Nofap Bar. The super classic white bone visualization picture can't match the gold content of your video!" "That's true. Since I saw the death scenes of these women, my cock has never been erected again. Now when I see a woman, I can think of the death scenes of these women. I have seen a doctor. The doctor said that I have severe trauma syndrome and may never get better in this life. Ugh..." "By the way, how is this building now? Does any of the good brothers in Puyu City know?" "Good brother is here! The most New news, the problem of Building No. 3 in Jinshui Garden, Puyu City has spread due to the reckless operation of the leaders sent from above. It has now spread from Building No. 3 to the entire Jinshui Garden community. Now when you walk outside the Jinshui Garden community, you can smell the mutton smell coming from inside. It can be said that the entire community and the comprehensive building in front have become a ghost area. Please do not enter the Jinshui Garden community again. It is reported that several special forces members sent in have been sacrificed. "

"Fuck, special forces? We really have special personnel in this area in Zhongzhou? Is it called Dragon Team? Or is it Dragon Group?"

"@Go upstairs, don't think about it. At present, Zhongzhou has no team in this area, only a newly established investigation department, but this investigation The department also follows the Lord of Weirdness. Modern instruments and equipment cannot detect any so-called ghosts, and there are no effective attack weapons, so all arrangements are still based on exploration. Only by studying the essence of this thing first can we make the corresponding instruments and weapons and form a team. As for the consequences caused by these things, the police stations in various places can completely block and deal with them. "

"I agree with what the above said, but he didn't say more details. In fact, there are some different opinions at the moment. Since only the Lord of Weirdness can discover and solve ghosts, as well as control ghosts, some people hope to catch the Lord of Weirdness first, and then complete the research on weirdness by studying the Lord of Weirdness. And the first The second part believes that the ghosts were released by the Lord of Weirdness, so they want to arrest the Lord of Weirdness, which can not only deprive him of his ability, but also reduce the appearance of ghosts. The third part believes that the Lord of Weirdness stands on the side of humans. He does not contact the official department because he has his own ideas, so they may try to seek the Lord of Weirdness's opinions online for research, and at the same time do not interfere with his life and freedom. However, the main purpose is to find out how the Lord of Weirdness controls ghosts and how to fight against them. It can only be said that one faction is friendly, one is indifferent, and one is hostile.

But no matter which faction they are from, they currently do not have the ability to discover and solve ghosts on their own, so the issue of forming a special team is temporarily shelved. "

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