The night became darker and darker. I don't know if it was because of the dark clouds in the sky or the difference between the city and the mountains. The rainstorm has been greatly reduced, and now it is more like a light drizzle, which is continuous. The wisps of dark white rain mist have slowly appeared in the dense forest, making the dense forest in the distance a little hazy, and making the environment of this place more like the opening location of a classic horror movie. The white mist is not clear, but it can be clearly felt that after it appears, the environment is even colder. Wu Wen wandered in the mass grave, and his footsteps made some sparse sounds from time to time when he stepped on the muddy land. The pajamas perfectly blocked the infiltration of rainwater. The little leather hand of human skin stretched out from the hem of his pajamas, secretly used its little leather hand to catch the raindrops falling in the air, and then threw them on the ground.

"Crack!" Wu Wen stopped, and then kicked a black wooden board in front of him.

"Bang!" The foot collided with the black plate, and then felt a sharp pain in the toes.

"Oh, shit, it's a stone!" Wu Wen felt the sharp pain in his feet, and the whole person regretted it.

The main thing is that this thing is buried in the soil, only a piece of wood is exposed.

Who would have thought that this wood was nailed to a big stone!

Wu Wen eased the pain in his feet, then squatted down and took his hand axe to start digging on it.

He didn't kick this thing because he was bored, but this thing looked a bit like the sign at the entrance of the village.

For example, the sign of a certain village.

Wu Wen felt uneasy while digging.

If the thing he dug out was really a village sign at the entrance of the village, and it said Guzhai Village, it would be really funny.

Because he had just overturned the mudslide theory and confirmed that this place was indeed the old house of Guzhai Village.

So it couldn't be the ruins of Guzhai Village.

Otherwise, the location of the ancestral tomb of Guzhai Village would be too strange!

After all, he had never heard of anyone building his ancestral tomb on his old abandoned house.

"Shashasha..." The axe dug the land and kept sliding under the stone tablet.

As Wu Wen dug up pieces of soil, the appearance of the stone tablet slowly appeared in front of him.

This is indeed a sign tablet at the entrance of the village, and the top word has been revealed.


Wu Wen looked at the ugly ancient characters on the stone tablet in front of him, which looked like they were polished by hand, and his heart jumped.

It's bad, it seems that he guessed it again.

Wu Wen's facial expression was a little distorted.

Although the font below can only be seen to less than half, the word "zhai" is too easy to recognize. He only looked at the Baogai on the top and the exposed well below, and he knew that all the guesses he thought were impossible had come true.

So, this ancient village really built his family's ancestral tomb on the village where his family used to live?

"I... really don't understand!" Wu Wen was puzzled.

From the beginning to now, all his guesses have been overturned.

At first, he thought that the ghost village was a real village, but it turned out to be a ghost village. Later, he thought that the ancient village was a ghost village, and all the villagers died in the mudslide, but the time of death was different. Later, it was finally confirmed that this place was indeed the ancestral tomb of the ancient village, and now there is a village sign of the ancient village.

So is this place an ancient village or the ancestral tomb of the ancient village? Is the ancient village a ghost village or has it moved away?

How can this be determined?

If this place is a ghost village, it is impossible for someone to erect a monument here all year round. If this place is the old village of the ancient village, it would be even more strange to bury the ancestral tomb here.

"Damn, is this the limitation of thinking?" Wu Wen felt that it would be better to attribute the difference of this place to the generation gap between ethnic groups, otherwise he would not be able to understand the existence of this place.

"If the difference is attributed to the generation gap, then this place was originally a village of the ancient village, but later there was a mudslide or earthquake, which destroyed the entire ancient village. The surviving people of the ancient village could not dig out the bones of their relatives, so they simply cast a monument directly on the basis of the mudslide. Then the remaining people of the ancient village migrated to another location."

Wu Wen felt that this guess should be correct.

"Whether it is the old man's words or the explosion of the ancient village in the past few years, it proves that the existence of the ancient village is real. If combined with my inference

According to the measurements and the scene I have seen so far, I can easily draw a conclusion, that is, I... am lost!"

Wu Wen found this truth very difficult to accept, because if he was really lost, who would have walked back and forth between the Temple of the King of Hell and this place so many times, and even formed a path?

Tourists must not come to this mass grave for tourism! If it is an ancient village, then one end of the connecting path should also be the location of the new ancient village.

Wu Wen looked at the mass grave in front of him, which had been silent for more than two hours since his arrival, and there was no abnormality at all, and finally made a difficult decision.

That is to go back again and ask the locals whether the path he took was correct.

"Huh! "Wu Wen took a breath, feeling that he had not gained anything.

No, in fact, he did gain something, because he discovered the ancestral tombs of the ancient village and the Yama Temple, which was considered a successful check-in at the scenic spot.

And the words of the old man in the ghost village that appeared before were obviously a warning to him, and it seemed that there was no sign of hurting people, which was different from any ghosts.

Is it because of the suppression of the Yama King, or are they like this?

Wu Wen's mouth curled up a smile, he felt that his score this time would definitely be extremely high!

If nothing else, the exploratory nature is definitely full Points!

Wu Wen turned around contentedly and started walking out along the way he came.

He was full of psychological pressure when he came, but felt relieved when he left.

Wu Wen walked a long way, paused slightly, and then turned his head to look behind him. The mass graves in the drizzle and mist seemed even more gloomy and terrifying, but the figures standing in the mass graves who were waving their hands and seemed to have no skin at all seemed like old friends who were seeing him off.

Wu Wen turned his head contentedly, and just as he turned his head back, he turned his head back again in an instant.

"Fuck! There must have been a lot of ghosts without skin waving at me just now!!! "

Wu Wen stared at the mass grave behind him, which had returned to silence and coldness, and recalled the figure he had seen in a hurry just now.

He saw it! He definitely saw it! There was indeed a large group of skinless figures standing in those graves, waving to him, as if saying goodbye!

Wu Wen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He now felt that the things in this place were definitely more exaggerated than he thought.

He stood quietly in place, observing the mass grave that had been completely shrouded in rain and fog, frowning.

After a long time, he took out his ghost camera from his backpack.

"Click!" With the sound of the camera, a photo was slowly developed.

On the photo, the branches of the Yin Willow swayed, and a corner tilted with the breeze. The mass grave was filled with white fog, and the cold environment made the photo look more like a supernatural photo.

But there was nothing on it, neither the ghost village seen before, nor the group of skinned people seen just now!

"Skinned people? Just like the two male teachers that the old man said were eaten up? And the female ghost I saw, maybe it was the female teacher who starved to death in the mountains? "Wu Wen was silent for a while, then put the photo into his pocket, turned around and walked outside again.

The dead branches and rotten leaves made his steps deep and shallow, but his speed was not slow. He was like a little pink pig standing upright. In this quiet and gloomy forest, he was not cute at all, but more weird.

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