Wei Songying's arms were held by her, and he felt the weight on his shoulders. This was probably the feeling of weight pressing on the soul as Milan Kundera said.

"Since when did you stop thinking of me as him?"

"During the earthquake." Shi Yun answered truthfully, but suddenly thought of something and added, "I don't like you because you exchanged your watch for something, just because you encouraged me to rescue others at that time."

The ten minutes waiting for the meteor shower to arrive were filled with heart-to-heart conversations.

The wind coming from the sea was a bit strong and the temperature dropped today, but many people went out to enjoy this meteor shower.

The cameras and telescopes have been set up.

The slightly longer hair was pulled back, and his brows and eyes still looked as unruly and carefree as before. A bohemian-style blanket was draped over his shoulders. He rarely showed such a strong sense of brokenness, and lacked the stern look that he often put on after reunion. Wei Cong asked: "Why didn't you go to Germany later? "

"I met Lin Fang, and he said you went to England. So I tried to apply to my current university, and I was admitted smoothly because I was smart."

When she talked about it later, Wei Cong should be able to hear the unconcealed embarrassment in her tone.

At that time, Wei Songying really hated her, as if his faith had collapsed. No one knew that the moment he saw her in a fast food restaurant on the Isle of Man, it was like being struck by lightning for the millionth time.

He asked: "So, is this really coming for me?"

Shi Yun nodded: "Yes."

Wei Zongying couldn't help but ask again: "Do you really love me this time?"

She still nodded: "Yes."

I will love you for every breath I take in this life.

After she answered, there were exclamations and the sound of wind in her ears.

When he was doubtful, Wei Zongying said: "It was a meteor passing by just now."

"Huh?" She actually missed it. When she looked up again, the dark night sky was still dark, just like the calm sea.

Shi Yun looked for a long time, but no more meteors appeared: "I didn't even see the meteors and then left?"

Wei Zongying raised his arm and put his arm around her shoulders: "But I will always be there."


The author has something to say:

There is a small extra story by He Yun later.

There is a post-marriage extra.

--The next book "Rangoon"--

【Introduction】【Opened on August 9th】

The first time Wen Yang met Lu Zhen, he was squatting on the stone road behind the boxing gym to pick up money.

He was wearing washed-white jeans and a pair of unglued canvas shoes, with injuries all over his face and body. Brother Wen Yang and a few friends laughed and insulted him in the boxing gym, but he seemed to be deaf and couldn't hear what was going on inside. People scolded him.

‘Bad bones’, ‘bastard’, ‘illegitimate child’…

He just silently picked up the money on the ground one by one, looked at Wen Yang standing in front of him, and after a while he said: "Practice with me for ten yuan an hour."


Later, they got together. At that time, the Wen Yang family was in decline, and Lu Zhen turned over and recognized his ancestors.

When everyone thought that Lu Zhen was going to take revenge on Wen Yang for the humiliation he had suffered in the boxing gym, he just looked like an elite in a suit and tie every day, but he was carrying vegetables in one hand and making a call on his mobile phone in the other: "Yang Yang , the fish doesn’t look good today. The beef is good, let’s have borscht tonight.”


Lu Zhen

Handsome Qiang Miserable x Little Angel

【Demining. Things to know before reading]

1. Shuangjie, half campus and half society, interjection.

2. There is an age difference of two or three years.

3. The heroine’s family went from rich to poor [This is capitalized and bold! ! 】

4. Pediatricians compete with wealthy families in the workplace and kindergarten.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-06-29 19:55:03~2022-06-30 14:14:43~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Ah Jiu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of blueberry flavored person; 10 bottles of Moon at that time; 7 bottles of joyful; 6 bottles of orange Nannan; 5 bottles of Flowers on the Stars, Hey Hey Hey, Little Farewell Rabbit Farewell, and Jungkook’s Wife ; 3 bottles of Qiqiqiqi, Colinsiss, nicole, alu; 2 bottles of YVONNE, Handa, 27957283; 1 bottle of waste wood who loves to sleep but is lazy, Qiuren., Hazzy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 77 Extra 1: He Sui and He Yun

I really became familiar with Shen Sui after training.

When He Yun finished running, he and Shen Sui were the only two people who appeared at the finish line.

When school started, we all talked about why we chose this school.

Among the responses of "Serving people's names" and "Having admired them since childhood", Shen Sui's answer impressed He Yun deeply. He said that his sister and mother were both killed by human traffickers, and he wanted such tragedies to never happen again.

So when Shen Sui took over the task, He Yun was not surprised at all. Their dormitory was dedicated to Shen Sui. A group of people were crying and drinking. After the dinner, he, Shen Sui and Chu Heng went to the park next to them.

Chu Heng held the bottle of wine and cried until the latter half of the night.

Shen Sui and He Yun

After struggling to place him on a park bench, the two of them sat next to the artificial lake in the park with cans of beer bought from the convenience store and continued drinking.

They all know that after today there will no longer be "Shen Sui" in this world, and what he is about to do may never be known to anyone.

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