It’s Crazy! You Told Me This Is An Escape Show

Chapter 96 In the death factory game, the gates of hell are opened for you!

"Is this? It feels like Big Brother is about to make arrangements again, what exactly is he going to do?"

"My elder brother has taken all the disguise materials ahead of time and brought them over. What exactly does he want to do?"

"The eldest brother said he wanted to take revenge on this prestige: too much will happen next!

"Several captains of the program inspection team used that material as bait, and the older brother also used the material as bait, and got caught in the bait!"

When all the audience saw Wang Yun and the program inspection team's plan.

From the perspective of God, they talked a lot

They know that I am afraid that next, Big Brother's revenge will begin!

Can the inspection team withstand this retaliation?

Who is the fish?

"stop for inspection!"

The Jieqi inspection team is located at the intersection of a road,

Temporary acting and shouting stop:-cars!

"Open the trunk and take out the ID and driver's license"

The two program inspectors walked up and spoke to the driver inside.

"Good police officer""

The driver got out of the car in cooperation and took out his ID card and driver's license.

A Jieqi inspector stood beside him and looked around and asked the worker a few words.

And another program inspector came to the trunk and checked it!

He looked at the contents and found that the material used to make the disguise mask, his eyes squinted slightly.

Immediately take it out and inject it into it to destroy it!

And you can't see the slightest

"Okay, no problem for him!?≈039;

After everything was done, the program inspector put a tracker and a bug in it and walked to the driver's side and patted him on the shoulder!


Fully prepared


The young driver smiled and nodded, and drove away

"Report Captain, in the van, there are at least ten kilograms of materials for making the disguise mask, which has been destroyed and the other bug locators have been installed."

Watching the van leave, a program inspector immediately reported!

"Okay now we'll just wait for the fish to get the bait

At the same time, the six captains who left the factory and prepared to return to the program task force received this message and smiled on their faces!

Now it seems to them that they are invincible.”

"Then Wang Yun must get the materials for those disguise masks. This is our opportunity."

Collie smiled on his face: "I've been up for a day and a night. I can't hold it any longer. I'll take a rest and tell me when I act. I want to watch Wang Yun be arrested by us, "Knocked to death"!"

"Haha, good Captain Kolev, go and rest! __?’

Captain Jiang Youshan smiled and nodded: "Let the program inspectors who are good at computer skills stare at all the actions of the driver. He will contact Wang Yun, or Wang Yun will contact him and report immediately."


A staff member responded immediately

The captain of the vehicle driving back to the program task force

They came to the room, waiting quietly for news,

"There was no contact for two hours? The young driver did not move at all."

However, two hours later, Wu Mingyu looked at the time to see that it was almost three o'clock in the morning, frowned slightly, and said!

"Then Wang Yun might have guessed that we will be looking at the driver who has a face-to-face and a good material, so he didn't act immediately. I think he will not come in contact with the driver tonight."

Wang Yue guessed; "At least if I am Wang Yun. I will not take risks!"

"I think Taijia ordered Tianxian to rest and continue to stare tomorrow"

Jiang Youshan said, "They no longer have a disguise mask. We have found their clones and locked their faces. With their faces completely exposed, it will be much easier to arrest them even without this bait."


The other captains nodded in agreement and prepared to go to rest.''

They had not been idle for these two hours, and searched for information on Hu Sanqing's men.

After searching the surveillance again, the faces of all Wang Yun's subordinates have been completely locked by them!

"Throw away your phone cards

"Put on the disguise mask, and find a place to deal with it all night!"

At the same time, not far in front of the Linnan logistics area, Wang Yun and the others returned here again.

Is returning to the front of the factory j

But at this moment, everyone's faces have undergone giant changes!

Wang Yun and six of them, all wearing disguise masks

Especially Wang Yun has his ID card!

"It's an old lady!"

Lao Hu and the others nodded, and casually found a place that was not monitored to rest.

Wang Yun didn't stay with them, but he found a hotel and stayed directly for one night.

With a real identity, he can live in a hotel:

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Yun got up early,

He changed into the face of a young man.

He currently has two IDs, but Wang Yun will not use or expose the two IDs.

Use it only when you need to stay in a hotel at night

His actions today have the possibility of exposure, so he took on an unidentified face!

Ten catties of material

Five of them were given to Lao Hu and the five of them.

In addition to those two, Wang Yun has three identities.

After going out, Wang Yun bought the five old Hu who found a rest on the grass!

"Let's go and make some preparations!"

Wang Yun said to Lao Hu and they handed them some breakfast.”

"Brother, will it be dangerous for us to come back here again."

A little brother couldn't help but asked.

"Don't worry, how can it be dangerous."

Not waiting for Wang Yun to answer

"Avoid surveillance, don't be photographed by surveillance and then go to a ruined factory,

Wang Yun took a bite of the steamed buns, slightly narrowed his eyes and said to them!

"It's an old lady

The five immediately responded!

Around the Linnan logistics area, Wang Yun and the others knew something about it yesterday!

And he came here because Wang Yun was looking for a perfect place!

Avoiding some surveillance based on the memories in their minds, they came to a somewhat wasteful and abandoned factory!

Entering the factory, Wang Yun took a look inside.

The entire factory is divided into two floors and there are still a lot of containers stored in it!

But the two here are very shabby

The factory is big enough and it is divided into a little messy!

The doors are all rusty.

The whole factory has one entrance and one exit.

A blueprint slowly appeared in Wang Yun's mind.

"This place is nice, very suitable for hunting"

The corners of Wang Yun's mouth curled up slightly.

"Lao Hu, you go with me to buy things and the rest are waiting for us here!"

He talked to old bullshit, and then the two of them went out to buy some things!

He first bought a helmet for Lao Hu to wear.

After today, his face will be found to save one disguise mask, so save two more!

Lao Hu wears an electric car helmet:

Wang Yun started shopping directly with this face,

Sharp fruit knife l


Monitoring equipment 1

Rubber band!

Cutting Machine!



Wang Yun bought a tricycle to avoid all monitoring equipment and returned to the abandoned factory again!

"Next confidential 1

Wang Yun spoke and then took off the technology chip and put it aside to face a scenery!

"Huh? Big brother, what on earth are you going to do?"

"Brother Tai bought so many things, what do you want to do? The scene is a bit familiar to the Thunderbird who was in front of Nansu Square, and the eldest brother playing the Red Maple captain also blocked the live broadcast!"

"I'm going, my brother is definitely doing too much this time!"

"It's definitely the eldest brother who said he wants revenge!

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw Wang Yun aiming the live broadcast technology chip at a certain scenery:-Everywhere, there were a lot of discussions!

They looked expectantly.

"Jue Shi is ready to go"

Wang Yun put the technology chip aside, and immediately led the five younger brothers to start living and arranging

Start to transform here!

It took a full six hours for Wang Yun to set up this place!

After reconfirming __, he turned around and nodded in satisfaction.

"Ling start at 5:40 pm today: Let's play too much"

Wang Yun looked at them and said with a smile!

"Don't worry, old lady, we won't have any problems here, haha, this afternoon, we will kill all around."

There was a glimmer of excitement and madness in Lao Hu's eyes, and he said!

"Okay. You are waiting here"

Wang Yun's mouth fish tilted up slightly and walked outside;

When you walk out, you will find the old snack street in the factory and not far away.

There are not many businesses but they can sell everything,

Wang Yun found and sat inside

He set the computer off and looked at the time at two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Buy god-level game production skills!___"

Wang Yun Mind

Then he started making a game

The name of the game is, Death Factory

This is a small game, a game to break through

It is not difficult to make!

It took an hour and Yuyun finished it, and then uploaded it to the Internet by means!

"The game is about to start

It was four o'clock and Wang Yun showed a smile on his face.

He entered a webpage and posted a message on it,


At the same time, in a McDonald's store, a young man sat there straight.

, He holds a hairy machine in his hand

There is no card in the phone, but because it is connected to the wireless network, it can still receive information online!

See the information on the phone page and walk outside!

He entered the van and immediately started to start!

"The young man has been in a McDonald's for most of the day and there is no movement."

"No movement is the worst movement. He definitely received some information and stayed there!"

At the same time, the six captains are quietly waiting for news

For too long, the driver stayed in a McDonald's store.

This amazing wind is also full of expectations!

Staying at McDonald's for most of the day is not normal;

At this time, there are dozens of cars parked within one kilometer of that McDonald's!

Famous program inspectors sit in various vehicles.

They are waiting for the bait of the fish!

"Huh? He's out"

At this time, Wu Mingyu, who was watching the surveillance video, saw that the young driver's eyes glowed, and said loudly!

"Are you out?"

The other five captains immediately looked at them, and their eyes were excited!

"Master, I have been monitoring the McDonald’s network. He received a message on the network connected to the suspected young driver, but he should have received the message on a private webpage. The specific content of the message cannot be found. Nine-ths of the land was sent by Wang Yun."

"Then Wang Yun asked the young driver to lose his mobile phone card and then connect to the Internet with his mobile phone to communicate through the Internet. This method is very secretive, and the content is not visible!,

At this time, Ames spoke up!

"Haha, well, what Wang Yun did is really secretive, and the methods are really powerful, but he ran into us!

Collet smiled too much and was in a good mood. "The disguise material is very important to him. He will not give up obtaining the disguise material, so he must get it, even if it is taking some risks!"

"To avoid being caught, send two cars behind the van"

Corrie went on and said, "All the other program inspectors are far away and it's okay!"

"It's the captain!"

A group of program inspectors responded with voices,

"Keep the road monitoring away from double insurance!"

Jiang Youshan ordered to the staff in front,


The staff immediately began to lock the car through surveillance.

The van drove and soon came to a remote, unmonitored place.

The driver got out of the car and he opened the trunk and took the materials away."

"He sat

This time it continues!

"It seems that he is going to meet that Wang Yun. Continue to track that taxi. We will not lose track by putting tracker B in the disguise mask material!"

Wu Yaoming's eyes shined brightly, and he said excitedly!

"The fish is on the bait"

Kolev opened his mouth and laughed

They just stare at the monitor and the location displayed on the tracker!

"Very vigilant, I found another remote place and changed to three taxis."

Changed another one and changed three more. Really be vigilant. If we hadn't put the tracker on, we would have lost it!

"Haha, even if he is vigilant, he is still under our control, we must catch that Wang Yun"

The six captains stared at the video. They were talking slightly excitedly!

"Let's go and rush over, without seeing Wang Yun being arrested in person

Wu Yaoming said half an hour later!

The crowd smiled and nodded at each other, and immediately walked outside and came into a modified RV!

There are computers and other high-tech equipment in the RV

The vehicle was driving and they drove in the direction of the young driver

"He changed three taxis but didn't change it. After going around a long way, look at him and the place he went before seems to be in the Linnan Logistics District."

A group of captains were tracking Wu Mingyu and Song Ran and said j

"Yes, the direction is Linnan Logistics District. Is this the most dangerous place and the safest place?"

Wang Yue Qiguang slightly condensed, "It is indeed a good place. If we hadn't made all the preparations in advance, we might not have thought it would be here!"

"It's better that we didn't arrest him here last night, so let's arrest him today!"

Wu Yaoming's eyes sparkled, and he took out the communicator;

In order to prevent Wang Yun from seeing that we have arrived early through the surveillance, Ames went to modify those surveillance screens that Wang Yun could not find.”

Kolev immediately ordered to his apprentice: "In addition, I also sent someone to check the surveillance nearby to see if there is anything abnormal."

Yesterday it was because Wang Yun discovered them through surveillance.

So today they will not make such a mistake,

And, all the inspectors in the operation today are all plain clothes!

"Hehe our car speeds up, don't miss the good show!_"

Ying Yuezi couldn't help but smiled and said!

The vehicle accelerates and locks in the Linnan logistics area again

The vehicle is moving, time passes!

People on the roadside in a few minutes

The young driver took a bag of things and his mobile phone, and came to a small shop to connect to the Internet

After seeing the destination above, he avoided and walked straight towards a ruined factory!



Some cars stopped around the location.

They are a little wary, pretending to be ordinary people.

Right now it’s time to get off work, and there are many people on the roads around

In addition, although the surrounding surveillance has been modified by the program inspection team, their arrival is considered very secretive.

In one of the RVs, six captains walked down. Among them, Wu Mingyu and Wu Yaoming were all holding a laptop!

"The target is moving towards the drone to lift off for blockade"

Wu Yaoming watched the young driver move towards:

"It's the captain

There were more than 30 drones in the first car that came directly into the sky!

The number of drones is more than double that of last night.

Because what they did today is several times more adequate than yesterday

"It completely covers the factory ahead. Even if a fly comes out, I still have to know.""

Wu Yaoming licked his lips and ordered!

"Don't worry, Captain, any flies come out

The confident voice of the program inspectors came from the newsletter!

"Team one to six, hurry up and gather!"

Wu Yaoming continued to order; you were scattered around and pretending to be ordinary people. Check to see if there are people like Wang Yun, there is also a possibility of one to ten percent, they may not have everything in the abandoned factory. We must all consider. "

On the surrounding roads, a large number of vehicles rushed over

They assembled quickly

Compared with yesterday, there are one hundred and fifty more people!

There are more than 300 people, which is a very large number j

And Wu Yaoming not only blocked the abandoned factory, he even sent hundreds of inspectors around to conduct scattered searches!

Ensure foolproof

As long as they find Wang Yun's shadow, they will guarantee that they can be arrested!

This time, we must make a concession, the finale!

Let that arrogant Wang Yun surrender!

However, what they didn't know was that it was in a restaurant not far from them.

A smile appeared on his face as he watched the drone flying into the sky.

"The gates of hell are open for you!"

"The game starts now!"

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