“Hello audience friends, welcome to the second season of Skynet Action Program.”

“This show is aka: A Criminal’s Nightmare; After seeing the show, I didn’t dare to commit crimes anymore; I want to be a good person. ”

“After the broadcast of this program, the domestic crime rate was reduced by 20 percent.”

“The second season of this show is broadcast, I believe everyone should be looking forward to it for a long time.”

“Compared with the previous season, this time our prize pool is more popular, ten show sponsors, one billion prize pool.”

“Ten ‘fugitives’ who participated in the competition can get 10,000 yuan in prizes for one day without being caught, 50,000 yuan for two days without being caught, 50,000 yuan for three days, 150,000 yuan for four days, 250,000 yuan for five days, and after five days, they will receive each additional day without being caught, an increase of 5 million, and the prize money is up to 1000 million.”

“But friends, money is not so easy to get, below there are our program inspection captains!”

In a rental house, Wang Yun sat in front of a live TV broadcast, watching with a stunned face.

In the picture, a woman with short hair in a suit is holding a microphone with a smile on her face to explain.

There is also a lot of barrage on it.

“The first program inspector is our old friend, the former captain of the international special police group, who has devoted his life to maintaining peace and order, and during his career, he has solved more than 1,200 cases and has made many great achievements Jiang Youshan.”

“The second program inspector is also our old friend, the first champion of the domestic super brain program, a super genius with an IQ test of 146, Wu Mingyu.”

“The third program inspector is our new friend, the current world 100-meter sprint champion, 500-meter world champion, Zhang Xingchen!”

“The fourth program inspector is powerful, the top suspense investigation realistic novel writer in China, and now a consultant of the Capital Police Department, only in his thirties, Mr. Hongfeng who has come into contact with thousands of cases.”

“The fifth program inspector is also very powerful, retired criminal police officer, who won the first place in the National Detection Competition.”

“In the end, of course, our atmosphere team members are indispensable, and you also know our atmosphere group, hehe, it is the one who shouts 666 on the side, the comedy king Shen Hao, and the top flower dan Liu Qingqing goddess.”

In the picture, the female host introduces a famous program inspector with a smile on her face.

Wang Yun watched quietly and rubbed his brows.

He just came into this world and unexpectedly found himself selected for this show.

Yes, he is a part of this show called Operation Skynet.

Skynet is one of the world’s hottest reality show challenge escape programs.

Similarly, it is an educational program.

The content of the program is to find fifty amateurs to play bandits and fugitives.

The program inspectors arrested the bandits.

The ‘bandits’ can do everything they can to escape, and if they are not caught, they can get 10,000 yuan a day.

In two days, that’s 50,000 yuan.

In this second season, even if you can survive five days without being caught, you will get an increase of five million yuan per day.

The prize can reach 100 million.

However, it is not so easy to escape under the pursuit of a group of top domestic program inspectors.

The first season aired, and only one ‘bandit’ lasted for five days.

This show, with huge investment, has just aired in the first season, and it is extremely popular.

It became the hottest show.

And the educational significance of this show is also very great.

The first season was very effective, and the second season was announced to surpass the first season.

“Our program inspectors are already in place, and as before, each program inspector has twenty ordinary program inspectors under him, as well as five elite program inspectors, they are all retired police officers and social elites, this time we five captains, but to have a competition Oh, see who catches more, we will also rank it.”

On TV, the hostess continued, followed by a smile: “After introducing our program inspectors, the next is our possibly miserable bandit actors, a total of fifty bandit actors, below, we will announce their names, age, current location and education.” ”

After the female host finished speaking, one by one the information was displayed.

Fifty actors of bandit fugitives.

Among them, there is the name Wang Yun.

Wang Yun: Male!

Age: 23!

Education: Junior college!

Current residence: Qingshan Community.

“Okay, now, our staff will inform the actors of these fugitives, and in an hour, the program inspectors of our five squads will also arrest them, come to the audience, let’s wait and see!”

“Now, let’s first turn the live footage to the inspection room of our show inspector captain, the second season of Skynet operation, start now!”

With the end of the hostess’s voice, the camera in the picture also began to rotate and came to an office.

A sci-fi office with all kinds of technological equipment.

Inside the office, there are five program inspectors, as well as two stars.

“Knock knock!”

“Mr. Wang Yun, the program has begun, and the micro drone equipment will record you live in the next program!”

At this time, two staff members came over with drones and said to him.


Wang Yun nodded and watched the micro-drone fly behind him.

The shooting of the drone will not show the face of the actor at first, only after being arrested, or later.

“Mr. Wang Yun, it’s already set up, you can ‘escape’!”

The two staff members set everything up and continued to talk to him.


Wang Yun was slightly silent, and he directly entered this show when he first came to this world, but he did not have the slightest preparation.

And the program inspectors are all the world’s top elites, how can they escape?

“Ding, the host has been detected to escape, and the peerless bandit system is turned on.”

“The system is on, reward the newbie package!”

“Host Properties panel opens!”

Suddenly, a mechanical system voice sounded in his head.

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