
The vehicle galloped, Wang Yun grabbed a car, changed direction, and breathed a slight sigh of relief.

Relieved, he looked around, observing the surrounding terrain.



However, within two minutes, the roaring sound came again.

Wang Yun looked back and saw ten locomotives quickly pursuing again.

“Cowhide candy.”

Looking at the ten locomotives, Wang Yun frowned.

He can also think at this moment that he must be locked by surveillance!

On today’s roads, surveillance is everywhere, and it’s too easy to lock down a person!

As long as you are still under the coverage of monitoring, then you will never be able to get rid of it.

So, you still have to find a place without monitoring!

Wang Yun thought in his heart, seeing that the locomotive behind was getting closer and closer, and he could only move again.

Locomotive, the advantage is too great.

Flexibility is also second only to his skateboard.

Wang Yun stared ahead, overtaking the cars.

On the way, it caused the sleeping groove of civilized drivers.

The skateboard shuttled quickly, and Wang Yun constantly scanned the surrounding roads, looking for a place to hide!

“Didi Didi!”

“Didi Didi!”

Continuing to drive quickly, Wang Yun shuttled through the traffic, keeping a long distance from the inspectors behind.

Even Chen Minghao, who was closest to him, was fifty meters away!

But it’s still difficult to get rid of it.

However, at this time, there was a sound of honking the horn from the position ahead.

Wang Yun looked at the position in front of him, and there was a luxury wedding car convoy occupying two roads.

The wedding car convoy was slow, and there were shooting vehicles in front and behind.

Front, because of this wedding car convoy, began to jam!

“It’s really immoral to his mother, getting married occupies two roads, luxury cars are amazing!”

A driver in front poked his head out and couldn’t help but scold.

More than a dozen Rolls-Royces, more than a dozen supercars, the wedding car team is very spectacular.

“It’s an opportunity!”

When Wang Yun saw this scene, his eyes showed a hint of luster.

The wedding car caused road congestion, although it could block the car, but the distance from the center was enough for Wang Yun to shuttle.

And if the locomotive wants to shuttle, it is more difficult.

It was a good opportunity for him to distance himself from them.

His figure moved, shuttling through the gap and directly entering the wedding car convoy.

“Uh-huh, boy!”

On the side, on the camera car that was shooting, a young man saw Wang Yun suddenly break in and roared.

“Boy, are you looking for death, didn’t you see it shooting?”

“What the fuck are you messing around?”

Immediately after, on the camera car, the sound of angry scolding came.

Wang Yun, who had just rushed over, was slightly stunned when he heard this voice.

He stopped sharply with a tail brake.

He turned his head to look at the car that had scolded him angrily.

The wedding car moved slowly at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour, and the camera car also drove to Wang Yun’s side.

“Looking for death? Is this the place where you skateboard? ”

In the car, a young man shouted at Wang Yun again!


“Lying groove, whose wedding team is so domineering? It’s clear that you are driving at a turtle speed. ”

“This wedding convoy is also so immoral that it dares to scold our eldest brother?”

The sudden change, Wang Yun suddenly stopped, causing the audience to be slightly stunned.

But the next moment, countless viewers angrily went back.

“When people get married, on a big day, the car is slow down, which is understandable.”

Of course, there were also Buddha viewers in the live broadcast room, holding their relics in their hands and speaking!

But at this moment, Wang Yun laughed.

He stepped on the skateboard with one foot and the other on the ground, accelerating directly towards the convoy!

Keep your eyes locked on the last Ferrari supercar!

“You still dare to come in, get out quickly!”

When the young photographer saw Wang Yun enter again, his face changed slightly, and he shouted loudly!

But the next second, he saw.

With plates.

Jump up.


The figure landed heavily on it, steadying his figure and accelerating directly.

At this moment, he was stunned.


However, Wang Yun is still continuing!


Sliding down the hood in front, Wang Yun picked up speed.

The second supercar jumped up!

“Groove, groove!”

“6666, you don’t talk about morality, then don’t blame big brother for my lack of mercy!”

“Hahaha, lying groove, lying groove, laughing and peeing, is this the eldest brother’s reply?”

“Emmmm, who are you messing with, but we good citizens of Nancheng?”

“Die of laughter, this is simply too relieving, hahaha, worship big brother.”

“I would like to call my eldest brother the number one skateboarder in China, this is simply cool, just ask you guys this wedding car team is not confused?”

“Roar, the funds are burning, the funds are burning!”

In the live broadcast, when all the viewers saw Wang Yun directly rushing through the supercars with a skateboard.

One by one, their blood is boiling, and they can’t wait to pinch their brothers!

That’s pretty cool too!

Scold big brother?

Hey, you don’t talk about morality, then don’t blame the eldest brother for not being merciful!


“Bump bump!”

“Lying groove, you fucking look for death!”

At this moment, the luxurious convoy, when the owners of supersports cars saw their cars being run over by a skateboard, they were all stunned!

They quickly stopped, and roared with distress and anger!

Wang Yun stared ahead and continued to jump on a supercar with a board.

An accelerated rotation that gallops down from the position on the right.

Immediately after, Wang Yun jumped onto the Rolls-Royce next to him with a board.

5 star good citizens.

Off the beaten path!


Keep asking for flower tickets!

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