Host: Wang Yun

Age: 23

Physique: 294 (hint, human limit physique 300, 300 after every increase of 100,000 shock value!) )

IQ: 275 (hint, human limit IQ 300, 300 after every increase in the point of 100,000 shock value!) )

Skills: 1, god-level parkour; 2. God-grade butter fingers; 3. Advanced telefetching techniques; 4. Advanced shadowless knife; 5. God-level discernment; 6. God-level wingsuit flight; 7. Senior Plumber; 8. God-level skateboard; 9. God-level unlocking; 10. God-level ventriloquist; 11. God-level vigilance; 12. Advanced magic; 13. Primary marksmanship; 14. Advanced transfiguration

Shock value: 1.6 million

Redemption mall: (Open or not!) )

Tip: Ask the host to get more shock points to enhance physique and skills.

Seven million shocking value, Wang Yun directly consumed five million and six million.

But this time the improvement is very terrifying!

Looking at his attributes, he cracked his mouth and laughed.

Physical constitution 294, IQ 275

What a concept is this.

Almost human limits!

Speed, invincible among humans.

Strength, comparable to the world’s most powerful warriors.

Regarding IQ, let’s just say that, according to human speculation, only the West has an IQ between 250-300, and it is uncertain how much.

Huo Jin’s IQ is 160, and you can imagine how perverted 275 is.

However, Wang Yun’s high IQ does not mean that he has directly become the most powerful person in the world.

He still doesn’t know the esoteric math problems, except for the foreign languages he has learned, he still doesn’t understand anything else.

High IQ represents learning ability, memory, and logical thinking are terrifying.

It’s not that he has increased his IQ and immediately understands everything, which still requires him to learn.

For example, if someone learns a foreign language for three years, he may only need one month.

This is the benefit of a high IQ.

But there is also a saying: I lower your IQ to the same level as me, and then I beat you with my rich experience!

This is a joke and a fact!

He has not learned the knowledge of auditing, so he still does not understand, and it is still impossible to say that he can predict the plan of the program audit captain.

Just like now, even if Wang Yun has an IQ of 275, he can’t guess that he is wanted and offered a reward!

It’s just that his thinking reaction, the time to think about the result of the problem is several times faster, or even more than ten times faster than ordinary people!

High IQ is one thing, having development is one thing!

But no matter what, Wang Yun’s wisdom and strength are now very explosive.

Almost perfect human!

As for the human limit prompted behind the attribute, Wang Yun did not care.

Now the physique and IQ are enough.

Several skills were upgraded to the god level, which also made his observation even more terrifying.

“Next, I still have to go to the Guanwen Market!”

Wang Yun thought for a while, although he said that his strength has skyrocketed now, he can’t dodge bullets in Niu Bu!

Once surrounded, you can still easily arrest yourself.

Transfiguration is still the most important thing.

The last time I wanted to buy something in the Guanwen Market, I was hunted down before I could buy it.

As long as he buys enough items, he can change his appearance!

In that case, it is even harder to catch yourself!

Wang Yun immediately took a taxi and went to Guanwen Market again!

“Captain Red Feng, the wanted order has been issued, then Wang Yun’s appearance has been announced, are we waiting for news here?”

At the same time, in the audit room, Zhang Xingchen sat there with some idleness, looked at Captain Hongfeng who was constantly writing on the side, and couldn’t help but ask.

“No, I’m writing a book for that Wang Yun, and there are dozens of words.”

Captain Red Maple replied without raising his head.

“I have seen some information about Captain Red Maple, Captain Red Maple is good at writing cases into stories and then analyzing them from the perspective of God!”

Liu Qingqing looked over and couldn’t help but speak!

“Is this writing a book for that Wang Yun?”

Shen Hao also raised his eyebrows, and then said funny: “Writing a book for you is somewhat romantic.” ”

“Oh, it’s written.”

Captain Red Maple raised his head and smiled: “I am used to writing the cases I saw into books, analyzing them from the perspective of examination, Wang Yun’s escape in the past four days, I wrote a story from the perspective of the protagonist, his escape on the first day, his escape on the second day, the escape on the third day, and today, in all the information, look for some clues.” ”

“All his actions in the past few days are purposeful, he has a strong purpose, ‘theft’ in the store, ‘theft’ in the wholesale market, ‘theft’ in Nansu Square, he has succeeded, and now the only thing I don’t understand is why he went to the Guanwen Market, and what is his purpose in going to the Guanwen Market?” But apparently, because of Captain Zhang Xingchen’s arrest of your three groups, some of his plans were interrupted. ”

“Therefore, I decided to send five program inspectors to take a look inside the Guanwen Market, and in addition, turn on the monitoring in the Guanwen Market!”

Captain Red Maple said and issued the first order.

“Guanwen Market?”

Zhang Xingchen was slightly stunned, followed by a nod.

“We can’t sit here and do nothing, that’s the only clue!”

Captain Red Maple said, looking down at his newly created book, unfolding in front of the camera.

“This is my new book.”

He said with a smile on his face, the cover of the book clearly in front of everyone.

Strange Thief Archives!

Protagonist: Wang Yun!

Personality: bold, witty, purposeful, quick-thinking, confident.

IQ estimate: 135-150

Features: Top players in extreme sports, unexpected magical abilities!

Weaknesses: self-confidence, arrogance, love to show off skills!

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