Human skin masks existed in ancient times.

In modern times, the most applied is in movies.

In the makeup of the movie.

That special makeup, it can also be said that there is a human leather mask on the face.

Wang Yun finished making one in half an hour.

Old man.



He has no hobby of women’s clothing and does not make human skin masks for women’s clothing.

Four masks, of which the other three are more perfect except for the large flaws of the first production.

Then something detailed was made.

For example, moles.




Wait, these can be attached directly to the face, realistic!

God-level transfiguration, not a joke!

After the production, Wang Yun took two and a half hours!

He took a mirror and began to put these leather masks on his face.

Grab the clothes on the side and dress up!

“It’s almost seven o’clock, you can start, once you touch, if you are sure, shoot directly!”

Time passed little by little, and in the audit room, Captain Red Maple looked at the time and gave an order.

Start a search of three neighborhoods that are about to be demolished!

Together with three groups of Zhang Xingchen’s program inspectors, ten program inspectors went to each community.

“Are you going to start?”

“The search has begun, and the eldest brother is in one of these three communities.”

“Ten program inspectors search a community, and once they find the eldest brother, even if the eldest brother is relatively fast, but the other party moves the ‘gun’, they can knock it down!”

“Big brother is dangerous, Captain Red Maple is too perverted”

In the live broadcast room, all the viewers saw the order of the search issued by Hongfeng and talked about it.

“It’s Captain!”

At the same time, located in the Sunset Community, Luojia Village, not far from the Huiying Community, ten program inspectors walked out of a car.

They were dressed in civilian clothes and were of good shape.

Ten program inspectors, in teams of two, four groups entered from the positions of the four entrances!

Two of them rode a motorcycle each.

Support at any time!

At the same time, a group of program inspectors walked towards the community.

“With Captain Red Feng’s prediction, you will definitely be able to catch that Wang Yun!”

Hong Feng sat on the side and said with conviction.

“Seventy percent chance.”

Captain Red Maple smiled and looked at the live broadcast perspective of the program inspector!

“It’s started, inexplicably a little nervous!”

“Big brother is in a room in a neighborhood!”

The audience in the live broadcast room also became inexplicably nervous when they saw the start of the search, and the barrage was much less, staring nervously one by one.

In the sunset community, two program inspectors came to a house.

Their gaze swept around.

“The door lock shows no signs of opening.”

“There are no marks on the walls on the ground.”

The two checked for a few seconds, looked at each other, and the next family!

“Of these neighborhoods that are about to be demolished, one of them is the same as it used to be with a yard, and the other two are six-story buildings, which is not difficult to search.”

“The community is dirty and messy, there is naturally a lot of dust without taking care of it, if someone enters it today, it is very easy to detect traces!”

Hong Feng saw that the program inspectors had begun to check, and said briefly to the audience.



“Big brother seems to be in this community!”

When the audience heard Captain Red Maple’s words, they sighed slightly!


At the same time, in a room located in the sunset community, Wang Yun looked at himself in the mirror with a smile on his face.

At this moment, he is completely middle-aged, with his hair combed back.

A slightly cheaper suit.

He holds a bag and attaches a tech chip to his clothes!

Then he walked outside with his belongings.

“Huh? Big brother is out? ”

“I’ll go, big brother, you’re already surrounded!”

“It’s over, this time I ran into the program inspector again, but I was going to be directly shot and attacked!”

When the audience in Wang Yun’s live broadcast room saw Wang Yun go out, their hearts tightened.

“Buy a premium show.”

Wang Yun walked out from inside the door generously, moved his mind, and purchased a high-level skill.

Acting plus transfiguration plus ventriloquism, this is perfect!

After purchasing the acting skills, he stretched his body, and the next second, his temperament changed somewhat.

Like a middle-aged manager of an insurance company!

With a smile on his face, he headed straight ahead.

“Groove, I’m going to meet!”

To be encountered!

Wang Yun walked towards the front and suddenly saw two young men in front of a door, looking up and down.


Suddenly, his gaze froze slightly and fell on the ears of the two youths.

All with headphones!

He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the two youths carefully.

He noticed that their waists bulged a little.

Wang Yun’s heart froze, and he walked straight ahead.

The two young men who were inspecting noticed the movement on this side and raised their heads to look at him.

“What are you two young people doing here, sneaky!”

Without waiting for them to speak, Wang Yun scolded them directly.

He took out his phone and pretended to call the police.


The two young men were slightly stunned, and a smile quickly appeared on their faces: “This big brother, we are the inspectors of the Skynet Action Program Group, don’t misunderstand!” ”

“Skynet Action Program Group?”

Wang Yun looked up and down: “Skynet Action Program Group, I know, how to prove that what you said is true, this is my brother’s door, what are you doing standing in front of this door?” ”

“This eldest brother is sorry, this is our work card, and we are conducting a search for that Wang Yun ‘fugitive’.”

A young man took out his documents and explained.



At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room ???

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