“Sir, did you call?”

Six program inspectors walked over, their eyes fell on Wang Yun’s body, and asked with a smile on their faces.

“It’s me, I’ve seen the wanted warrant on your TV, I’ve seen that ‘wanted criminal’!”

Wang Yun stood up tremblingly.

“Sir, did you really see him?”

Two program inspectors immediately walked to Wang Yun’s side and supported him.

“See, my eyes haven’t been spent, the money has not been brought, two hundred thousand!”

Wang Yun was held up, his whole body relaxed, and asked them.

“Sir, as long as we can be sure that the fugitive is here, we will give you the money, and our program team will not deceive people.”

A program inspector spoke.

“If you lie to me, I can’t pull you down, give me cash when the time comes.”

Wang Yun said: “Go away, his position inside, don’t let him run!” ”

“Oh, good uncle!”

Several program inspectors smiled when they heard it.

The two supported Wang Yun and walked straight inside.

“666, is it okay to report yourself for 200,000?”

“Big brother Yi Rong became a big man today, this really seems to be, what is the big brother going to do?”

“I don’t know, this is six program inspectors, even if he wants to ‘sneak attack’, the six program inspectors all have ‘guns’, and they can’t ‘sneak attack’!”

“Over there in the audit room, Captain Red Maple they haven’t found out yet!”

In the live broadcast room, all the audience watched this scene, and they talked with wide eyes.

Located in the live broadcast room of the audit room, Captain Red Feng and Zhang Xingchen watched intently.

Again, they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.

In the picture, six program inspectors walk towards the inside with an old man.

“When I arrived, it was in this building.”

Coming inside, Wang Yun gestured towards a building: “I saw him enter here, but I don’t know exactly how many floors it is.” ”

“Uncle, you wait here first, let’s go up!”

The six program inspectors looked at this building, their eyes froze, and they spoke!

“Help me to the top of the stairs, I’m going to sit there and wait for you!”

Wang Yun said towards them, taking a step towards the front.

The two program inspectors on the left and right nodded and gestured to the other four program inspectors.

The four program inspectors slowly touched their hands to the back position and took out the ‘gun’.

The gun is a real gun, and the firing distance is no different from the real gun, but the bullet has no damaging power!

Wang Yun’s expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he continued to walk towards the front, and two program inspectors supported him.

He controls the speed and position of his walking.


When Wang Yun and they walked to the front of the entrance of the stairs.

He quietly pressed a button.

A piece of paper wrapped in stones suddenly landed in front of them.

The program inspectors on the left and right heard voices of surprise.

“Bump bump!”

At this time, three meters away from their left, four bricks fell precisely on the ground with a loud noise!

“What’s going on?”

The inspectors were slightly startled, and immediately looked to the side and above.





When Wang Yun saw this scene, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and one voice after another came out of his mouth.

At the same time, his hands moved.

Two hand ‘guns’ appeared in his hands, aiming at the other two program inspectors!

“Bump bump!”


When the gun rang out, Wang Yun wore a human skin mask and had a weird smile on his face.

Three ‘guns’.

A ‘gun’ landed on the chest of a program inspector.

Two other shots landed on the arms of the last program inspector.

On their chests and arms, a blood-red mark appeared!

“You… You…”

The sudden change made the six program inspectors look confused, and they looked at the old man with two ‘guns’…

No, he’s not a boss!

“Shh, don’t talk, the rest of you are dead except him!”

Wang Yun made a boo gesture towards them, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and pointed to the last program inspector who was still alive.

“Are you… Are you Wang Yun? ”

The program inspector who was still alive widened his eyes and stared at Wang Yun with a shocked face!

This old man who looked extremely weak turned out to be Wang Yun.

It turned out to be Wang Yun!

How is this possible?

This is obviously a weak boss!

So much like that!



At the same time, located in the audit room, Hong Feng’s face changed wildly when he saw this scene.

He stood up instantly, his eyes reddened and staring at the picture ahead!

His body trembled slightly.

Zhang Xingchen on the side also widened his eyes.

“Groove Groove, what is the situation? That old man is Wang Yun, how is this possible? ”

Not everyone has two phones, and not every viewer keeps swinging left and right to switch live rooms.

When some spectators in the audit room saw this scene, their eyes were also wide and full of shock.

That old man is Wang Yun!

He, ‘killed’ the program inspectors!

“Shhhh???h That Wang Yun turned into a boss and shot and ‘killed’ the program inspectors? ”

“When did he get the ‘gun’? How did he have a ‘gun’? Also, why did he say that the program inspector next to him was ‘dead’? ”

“Groove, big brother, isn’t it? His purpose is to take out the program inspectors? ”

All the live broadcast viewers looked at the live broadcast screen with shocked looks on their faces.

Even the audience in Wang Yun’s live broadcast room did not expect it!

I didn’t expect him to be so bold!

“Wang Yun, you stole our ‘gun’ and shot our two companions, but why did we ‘die’?”

The two program inspectors who were supporting Wang Yun touched the pistol on their waist and found that it had disappeared, and asked with embarrassed faces.

“Pick up the paper that fell in front of you!”

Wang Yun looked at them with a smile and said!

The four inspectors looked away.

Just now, four pieces of paper suddenly fell from above, just one step away from them!

Four program inspectors turned it on directly!

Inside the paper, a stone is wrapped.

And on paper, there is a line of text.

And, a formula.

Text plus formula, this is a physics problem that has been solved.

Yes, a physics problem!

A brick fell from the top of the sixth-floor building 19 meters in 2.87 seconds.

When a brick collides with you, you block it, slowing it down, because you are not an eraser and it is impossible to extend the impact time, so according to the impulse theorem ft=mv2-mv1, the shorter the action time, the greater the impact force.

Gravitational potential energy will be transformed into a person’s head, and part of the energy will be transformed due to the deformation of the person’s head.

The brick weighs 2000 grams!

The maximum bearing capacity of the skull is generally 200 kg.


You get hit, will you die?

Correct answer: Death.

Formula: xxxx

A physics problem, a solution formula.

The four program inspectors looked at a math problem on the paper and took a deep breath.

They looked to one side.

The four pieces turned their heads and were completely parallel to the position of the four of them.

“Shhhh Sorry, I don’t understand, I don’t feel sharp! ”

“Upstairs, are you a monkey invited to tease? How do you learn physics? This is a physics question about impact, that is, the four program inspectors just now will be hit by falling stones and die directly! ”

“This is not the most critical, you see, the four bricks that fell down just now are located on their left side, and the position where the bricks fell is exactly where the four program inspectors are standing, leaving an empty position in the middle, that’s because Wang Yun himself is standing there, this is Wang Yun’s design, if he puts the bricks above them, the four program inspectors are dead.”

“Lying groove, lying groove, thinking about it is terrifying, and there is another point, don’t doubt whether the eldest brother will make a mistake, you see the four paper-wrapped stones, accurately fell in front of them, because the two program inspectors supported the eldest brother, so the eldest brother can control the speed and position of his actions, at least the two program inspectors who support themselves can be perfectly ‘killed’, as for the other two, it may also be in the design of Wang Yun’s big brother, and predict success!”

“Dead, four program inspectors have ‘died’, lying in the groove, this design, it is really terrifying!”

In the live broadcast room, everyone saw the questions and answers on the paper in the hands of the inspectors, and their faces were full of shock!

Accurate design, calculation of the landing point of the brick, planning the ‘death’ of four program inspectors.

It’s also terrifying!

For the first time, they felt Wang Yun’s horror.

Heart-palpitating horror!

Calculate to ‘kill’ people!

“No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 5, you are already ‘dead’!”

In the audit room, Hong Feng looked at this question and the answer with a slightly red look and said, he stood up, sat down directly, and grabbed his hair fiercely!

“This… This… Oh, my God? Is this ‘dead’? ”

When Liu Qingqing saw this scene, her face was full of shock.

In the Qingnam community, Wang Yun laughed, walked to a group of program inspectors, and put away all their ‘firearms’.

He took out the mobile phone of a program inspector and dialed the number in the audit room!

Zhang Xingchen looked at this scene and picked up the phone.

“Find Captain Red Maple.”

The phone was connected, and Wang Yun said directly, with a smile on his face.

Zhang Xingchen looked at the self-reproaching Captain Red Maple on the side, opened his mouth and shouted; “Captain Red Feng, Wang Yun’s phone.”

“Wang Yun, I swear, I will definitely catch you and will definitely make you pay!”

Red Feng was silent for a few seconds, suppressing a low roar of pain.

“Oh, if I were you, I would never say such a thing, because you still have a team member with me, and he is not ‘dead’ yet!”

When Wang Yun heard his threat, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he spoke lightly.

Wang Yun’s words caused Hongfeng’s face to change again.

He clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath: “I’m sorry, it’s my fault, you… What exactly do you want to do? ”

“I don’t want to do anything, I just want to tell you that in the first game, you lost, and the price is the ‘life’ of the five program inspectors, hehe, I hope you can bring some surprises next, otherwise it will be boring!”

After Wang Yun finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly!

He kept his phone in the pockets of a group of program inspectors.

“The weather is nice today, suitable for a small barbecue!”

Wang Yun said in his mouth, leisurely walking outside!

Six program inspectors looked at it, and five of them fell silently to the ground, not saying a word.

They are already ‘dead’!

Five ‘deaths’, those who were shot in both arms, sat there.

A piece of slaughter and desolation!

“I went, and suddenly I felt that this scene was a little terrifying, the eldest brother seemed to be really an unscrupulous maniac, and Captain Red Maple was the program inspection captain!”

“If this were a reality, five program inspectors would have died!”

“You can see the expression of Captain Red Maple, he completely substituted himself into reality, he lost, ‘sacrificed’ five team members.”

“This time the operation was commanded by Captain Red Maple, if it is reality, the five program inspectors have really died, so Captain Red Maple will feel guilty, because, in Captain Red Maple’s opinion, there is no difference between program and reality, and this may be the reason why others are geniuses.”

In the live broadcast room, everyone was impressed!

At this moment, Wang Yun is a terrifying ‘murderous’ maniac!

At this moment, Captain Red Maple is an audit captain who has lost five teammates!

“Didi Didi!”

“Hey, captain, the other five brothers ‘died’, we were ‘killed’ by design, and I was shot.”

The phone rang again, and the mournful voice of the last program inspector was heard.

They have also substituted reality, and when they die, they really die.

Six people, eliminated!

“Is this the police officer who guards our safety? Probably somewhere we don’t know, they’re also fighting the assailants. ”

Shen Hao was slightly touched, and said with a solemn face!


Big chapter, please customize the first order!

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