“Huh? Big brother, can you focus the camera on the little sister on the left and right, I’m hungry! ”

“I’m hungry too, these two girls look good!”

“Big brother, is this here for leisure, now the big brother is completely ready to be obscene, the chess room is indeed a good choice!”

“Hey, I play cards during the day, sleep at night, develop obscenely, hey, play, cool, the inspector can’t be caught, and I can still earn five million a day!”

“The eldest brother asked the staff in the morning, now five million a day, naturally it will be obscene, it is estimated that the eldest brother will not make a move in the future!”

In the live broadcast room, all the viewers saw Wang Yun playing mahjong, and they talked about it one by one!


However, at this moment, located in the former audit room!

At this moment, a separate live broadcast was set up in the live broadcast room of the audit room.

It is mainly led by the Fang Bureau, an expert in law popularization, supplemented by Shen Hao and Liu Qingqing in the atmosphere group.

The main thing is to popularize the law!

Moreover, here in the audit room, there are two live broadcast pictures, one is Wang Yun’s and the other is the task force!

This is also to make it easier for viewers who don’t have two phones to watch two places at the same time.

Of course, in this live broadcast room, the people of Nancheng cannot watch it!

At this time, Fang Bureau looked at that Wang Yun’s live broadcast, narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a cry of surprise.

“The word Fang Bureau made me realize that the problem is not simple!”

Shen Hao seemed to say that the two passed on, and said with a smile!

“It’s really not simple, that Wang Yun, it’s been set up.”

Fang Bureau nodded and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Set up the bureau, Fang Bureau, how did he get set up?”

Liu Qingqing was slightly stunned.

“I don’t know if you have noticed, the moment Wang Yun came in, these three people looked at the things and money on his body, and the three of them had obvious eye contact!”

“In this case, the opposite three people, there is a 90% chance of being a group, set up the game, pit other people’s money, here I want to remind everyone, playing cards with friends is okay, but don’t enter this strange game, because you may be able to do the game, once again warn everyone, playing cards to win or lose dozens of can, don’t indulge, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable, you think you can win, in fact, people set up the game to pit you!”

“Now the picture is very beautiful, when it is over, these three people will be directly arrested to see if anyone has been killed with a lot of money, the circumstances are serious for more than three years, in addition, the person who just left, there is a great possibility that they are with them.”

Fang Bureau began to warn with a serious face, and said with a smile on the last sentence.

Caught the criminal!

“Is it? Fang Bureau, you really observe clearly, then does Wang Yun know that he has been set up? He won’t be punished for money by three people, right? ”

Liu Qingqing said with a surprised face.

“Whether Wang Yun knows now I don’t know, but with his IQ and ability, he should know after playing a few games!”

Fang Bureau spoke, and then smiled: “But in the card field, this kind of thing is different from the battle, now the other party is three to one, you can’t win at all, you imagine, when playing cards, the other party is a group of three, how can you win alone?” Unless it’s against luck. ”

“Fang Bureau, you mean, then Wang Yun is going to lose money? But Wang Yun is a bandit, can he let the other party win his own money so much? ”

Shen Hao asked in surprise.

“Hehe, I don’t know what that Wang Yun thinks now, but he can get five million for every day he is obscene, and he shouldn’t put himself in danger!”

Fang Bureau guessed.

“666, hahaha, interesting, there is someone who is a big brother, this is interesting!”

“Hang hanging, do the game to our eldest brother here, I really want to see how the eldest brother copes!”

“Do you get obscene, or do you fight like a man?”

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens heard Fang Bureau’s words, and instantly became excited, their eyes bloomed, and they watched excitedly.

“Here, the owner starts pressing the dice!”

At this moment, in the Xinglong chess and card room 023, Wang Yun and their card game began.

The young man on the opposite side said.

The woman on the right pressed the button.

Automated Mahjong Table!

Because there are no rules, any method can be fooled, so it is very simple to fight!

Wang Yun took his thirteen cards and looked at them lightly.

The hand begins!


After a few rounds, Wang Yun put mahjong down and won!

“Wow, isn’t it bro, won so quickly?”

“I went, lost again!”

The young man on the opposite side and the girl on the left said and shook his head.

The girl who lit the cannon directly gave Wang Yun four hundred yuan!

“Hehe, good luck!”

Wang Yun smiled and put the money away directly!

“Huh? Big brother won? Didn’t the live broadcast room next door say that these three people are doing the game? ”

In the live broadcast room, some viewers asked in surprise!

“Hehe, see no, the routine has begun, the game maker will let him win some money first, this is a small routine, will make the target in the next loss, think that he is not in good spirit, so that he will not leave the game immediately, but also can reduce the vigilance of the person being played, not surprisingly, the second game and the third game will be Wang Yun winning!”

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the audit room, Fang Bureau introduced to everyone.

The second game began, and sure enough, Wang Yun won again, and this game won again, doubling 800 yuan!

In the third game, Wang Yun self-mo, can only double once, a family of eight hundred, directly won two thousand four, plus just now, three thousand six won three thousand six!

“I went, and sure enough, as Fang Bureau said, I actually let my eldest brother win two more games!”

“Powerful, worthy of being an old police officer, he can clearly understand the routine of this gamer!”

“Fang Bureau cattle approval, really are all routines.”

In the live broadcast room, everyone saw Fang Bureau’s prediction, and their faces were full of amazement.

One by one, 666.

“Wow, brother, aren’t you, you’re so lucky, you won almost four thousand in three games?”

In the chess and card room, the young man on the opposite side said with amazement on his face.

“Yes, your luck is too good, I don’t want to play this loss.”

The woman on the right shook her head and spoke!

“Hehe, good luck, good luck!”

Wang Yun looked at their clumsy acting skills and said with a smile!

“This round, I must win!”

The girl on the left clenched her fists and said with a smile.

At the beginning of the fourth game, Wang Yun played cards normally.

Look down at the cards in front of you!

“It started, everyone carefully looked at the subtle movements of those three people, and their code code began!”

In the law popularization room, Fang Bureau spoke!

The audience stared at the live screen with wide eyes!

“Hey, the woman moved, is this a code?”

“It should be, they will have their own code code when they do the game, it’s not so easy to see!”

“Raise the posture, tell my dad in the future, you must pay attention when playing cards.”

The audience in the live broadcast room found a woman moving at this time.

Guess one by one!

“Yay, I finally won!”

Not long after, after a few laps, the woman who had just said that she must win happily raised her hand and said loudly!

“Lost miserably!”

The girl on the right said helplessly.

“The bureau they set up has begun.”

Fang Bureau looked at this scene and continued to speak: “Wang Yunxia’s family, that is, the woman on the right, she will always lose money, while the young man and the woman on the left will win money, so as to create the illusion that you are not the only one who loses money.” ”

“Big brother pill!”

“Big brother hasn’t found it yet!”

“This routine, really deep, stay away from gambling, really love money!”

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens were talking.

Wang Yun saw that the girl had won, and a smile appeared on his face: “This time the card is not good, the next one must win!” ”

“Hee-hee, there is a saying that winning first is not winning, and there is that you would rather lose three games than win the first three!”

The woman on the left said with a grin!

“I don’t believe in evil!”

Wang Yun shook his head and continued to speak: “Come on, continue!” ”

“Come, go on, I don’t believe I’m going to lose all the time!”

The woman on the right also spoke!

Game 5, start!

“Wow, this big brother’s card is a little bad.”

“It is estimated to be cold, now that others have begun to fight one of the three, it is difficult to win!”

“Watch big brother live play mahjong, you guys are really good!”

The audience in the live broadcast room became lively and watched with a smile.

Wang Yun looked at his cards, well, very bad!

He smiled, the woman on the left began to play cards, and Wang Yun began to play cards!

His palm moved, and the three cards in front of him were sandwiched in his hand and touched forward.

In the next second, he changed three cards!

There is not the slightest trace.

The youth and the two women, did not notice!



“Lying groove, what is the situation, plus the cards touched by the eldest brother, how come the eldest brother has four cards changed?”

“This??? This is? What the? Big brother touches four at once? ”

“Lying in the groove, I know that things are not so simple, what is the operation of the eldest brother?”

In the live broadcast room, everyone was a little stunned when they saw that Wang Yun directly touched four cards at once.

The most important thing is that they only saw the change of cards, and did not see how Wang Yun touched the four cards.

You know, they’re a first-person perspective!



Struck dumb!

“This is?”

In the live broadcast room next door, Fang Bureau’s eyes widened, and he immediately spoke: “Save the picture just now, immediately go backwards, slow down!” ”


The staff immediately began to deal with it, going back ten seconds ago, four times slower!

In the case of slow play, they saw that Wang Yun’s arm was covered, and they were missing three cards here.

Then he touched the card he was going to take.

Swap four new cards at once.

Bad cards for good cards.

Instant completion.

“Lying groove, what is this technique?”

“This, this??? Such a fast speed, a good bull batching technique, this trick is too powerful, right? ”

“666, it’s too hanging, the three of them think they are three to one, but in fact they are three to four, and the big brother is still a four-in-one game!”

“Invincible, I know, how can the eldest brother be planted in the hands of three little liars, the bandits are all killed, and I am afraid of these three liars?”

In the live broadcast room, all the audience boiled again.

666 full screen!

What else can be said?

Kneel and watch Big Brother live in the future, right?

Big brother is invincible!

“This… This is a thousand techniques, a thousand techniques! ”

When Fang Bureau saw this picture, his eyes froze: “It’s still a very powerful thousand-technique technique, the audience sees it now, right?” Gambling, don’t want to win, because there is a group of people, specially cheating, you want to win money is difficult, especially with strangers, compared to those three people to do the game, Wang Yun’s means are too smart, yes, his technique has always been very powerful, these three gamers, it is difficult to find! ”

“Awesome, this kid is really a demon and ghost, the three people on the opposite side think that they are doing three to one, but in fact, they are playing three to four, three to five, and even three to six, after all, they can’t be like Wang Yun, all the cards are fused together, moreover, I think this guy may have more than these means.”

Fang Bureau said, exuding a trace of amazement!

This guy must be recruited in the future!

It’s so devilish!

Everyone watches slowly, it cannot be said that the protagonist has been charging, and there are other plots in the middle, which is guaranteed to be wonderful.

Guaranteed to be showy!

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