I want you, help me, ‘kill’, some program inspectors!

Wang Yun stuck to Captain Red Feng’s ears, and a devilish voice sounded!

After he finished speaking, he smiled and picked up the banner on the side, as well as a submachine gun!

Slowly winding towards Captain Red Maple!

Captain Red Maple heard his words and saw his demon-like smile, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

He felt uneasy in his heart!

Felt frightened!

The unknown made him tremble!

“What the hell do you want to do? Wang Yun, what do you want, what do you want! ”

The last few words seemed to come out of his heart!

He stared at Wang Yun with dead eyes, and his face was extremely embarrassed!

“Do you know what is most important to be a good magician? Many people may think that it is a technique, a quick technique, an elusive technique, but in fact this is just one of the points, in my opinion, a powerful magician, the most important thing is ingenuity, yes, ingenuity, and wonderfulness, this is the true meaning of magic. ”

“Dexterity is the basic of magicians, and Miao, that is, for the design of magic, to amaze the audience, to make the audience unexpected, this is the true meaning of wonder!”

Wang Yun did not answer his words, and said with a smile, while moving his hands to entangle, while asking himself and answering.

Then, he raised the submachine gun in his hand and stuck it above the waist of Captain Red Maple.

Take out a rope, tie it to the trigger of the submachine gun, and then he starts circling!

Looking at the position on the side, he had a satisfied look on his face.

Nice work!

“Very good, this gun replaces your arm, flawless!”

Wang Yun looked at it and said appreciatively.

He took out another piece of tape and sealed it towards Red Maple’s mouth!

“What are you going to do? What are you doing? ”

When Captain Red Maple saw this scene, his pupils shrank, he had some guesses in his heart, and he roared loudly with horror on his face!

“I’m doing a new magic trick, I’m wronged Captain Red Maple you, the show is over, I ask you to drink and apologize!”

Wang Yun smiled, and the tape directly sealed his mouth!

However, Wang Yun’s relaxed words, and even some dramatic words, made Captain Hongfeng even more frightened in his heart!

He looked at the smiling young man in front of him with wide eyes, and felt inexplicable fear in his heart!

Wang Yun took out a hood, a black hood, and slowly put it on his head.

“Captain Red Feng, I have wronged you first, the other inspectors of the program group should come soon!”

Wang Yun continued to speak towards him, holding the banner and continuing to pester.

He looked at the angles and nodded again in satisfaction.

“This?? This?? What is this big brother going to do? ”

“Shhh, I’m going, I’m going, I have a terrible thought, I have a terrible thought in my head.”

“Isn’t it, isn’t it, big brother, is this making a trap? This?? This trap? ”

“Not what I thought, is it? If that’s what I thought, it’s terrifying! ”

“It’s night, listening to my eldest brother’s relaxed words, listening to him say magic, how can I have a creepy feeling?”

“I suddenly feel that the eldest brother is a demon, a terrifying demon, fortunately this is a show, and fortunately the eldest brother has ten good people!”

At the same time, in Wang Yun’s live broadcast room, all the audience saw this scene, listened to his words, and their bodies trembled unconsciously!

Feeling, a little scary!

Yes, it feels like watching a horror movie!

Speaking the most relaxed words,

Do the scariest thing!

“Woohoo, woohoo!”

Captain Red Maple struggled violently, but with Wang Yun’s technique, he couldn’t move at all.

“Captain Red Maple, bear with it for two more minutes, the program inspectors should arrive immediately.”

Wang Yun’s voice comforted softly, it must be done, he checked it.

Not the slightest flaw was seen.

Since he didn’t see the flaw, it was even more difficult for others to see it!

Immediately after, Wang Yun did not have the slightest hesitation, took the tool bag, and fled towards the distance.

After being discovered, the program inspectors should be very quick to come.

If he is discovered later, he will arrange more.

But alas, there is no chance.

But that’s enough.

It was also a very big surprise!

He didn’t take the main road, he ran directly towards the wilderness ahead!

“Big brother escaped!”

“Fleeed, the program inspectors can’t catch him!”

All the audience saw him run away and spoke.

The audience has the perspectives of both sides, and naturally can know that Wang Yun can escape!



Just one minute after Wang Yun left, one program inspection car after another arrived.

Headlights, illuminating the surroundings.

The two dozen or so program inspectors who arrived first, they got out of the car, immediately picked up the inspection gun, and scanned the surroundings with vigilant faces!

“Someone is tied up in that tree!”

Soon, they found Captain Red Maple tied to a tree, and a program inspector pointed and shouted.

All program inspectors looked.

There was a man tied to the tree and a black mask over his head!

He was wrapped up in a banner and couldn’t move at all!

In front of the restrained body, the striking word mouse is just exposed!

“This… Is this Captain Red Maple? ”

An inspector couldn’t help but ask, his gaze swept around: “What about Wang Yun?” What about Wang Yun? ”

“Everyone be careful, don’t act rashly!”

At the same time, in the program task force, Wu Yaoming saw this scene through the perspective of the program inspectors, his eyes froze, and he immediately ordered loudly!

“Third man, watch the surroundings and check if there are any traps around!”

Wu Yaoming immediately opened his mouth and ordered.

“It’s the captain.”

One of the program inspectors immediately nodded and waved his hand to the surrounding crowd!

The group of personnel immediately began to scan the surroundings vigilantly.

The program inspector, known as the third old, took out a flashlight and carefully scanned the surrounding ground!



While they were inspecting, seven or eight more cars arrived, and nearly forty more program inspectors arrived!

“Report Captain, no traps were found.”

Soon, the third man reported to Wu Yaoming!

Wu Yaoming also swept through their picture, and his gaze finally fell on the figure tied to the tree.

Looking at the two eye-catching big characters of the mouse, he sighed: “That Wang Yun, I want to humiliate Captain Red Maple again in this way!” ”

“Last night, Captain Red Maple hung this banner here, and today…”

Wu Mingyu said with a somewhat ugly face.

Are you hanging banners to humiliate me here? Challenge me?

Well, I’ll hang you here today and let the banner wrap around you.

Perfect counterattack.

Perfect humiliation!

“Go and untie Captain Red Maple immediately.”

Wu Yaoming immediately opened his mouth and ordered.


The program inspectors immediately nodded and walked towards Captain Red Maple.

The third man came to him and immediately threw towards the black hood with Captain Red Maple on it.


When he just picked it up, he immediately heard a slight sound.

Immediately after, he saw a black line connected to the black hood.



The next moment, without waiting for him to have any reaction, the sound of an imitation submachine gun sounded.

At the moment when the sound sounded, the submachine gun was still adjusting its direction and sweeping to the right!

The sudden gunfire made everyone stunned.

Their faces were full of stunned and shocked looks.

Especially the third man who still holds a black hood!

His gaze looked towards the position of Captain Red Maple’s arm.

He thought it was just an arm.

And yet he was wrong, and all of them were wrong!

This is not an arm at all, but a gun, a submachine gun!

A terrifying trap!



The simulation submachine gun continued to sound, and everyone around stood there stiffly.

“Woohoo, woohoo!”

“Woohoo, woohoo!”

The hood was removed, and Captain Red Maple looked at this scene with blood-red eyes.

He wanted to roar, wanted to speak, but couldn’t speak!

The program inspectors froze and looked at the position of Captain Red Maple in shock.

“This… This is a submachine gun? ”

A program inspector stared at this scene, opened his mouth, and couldn’t help exclaiming!

“What? This… How is this possible! ”

At this moment, located in the program task force, Wu Yaoming stared at this scene, and roared loudly with a shocked face!

The sound of submachine guns.

This is the sound of a submachine gun.

“Oops, bad, damn it, how so, it’s a trap, a trap!”

At this moment, Captain Jiang Youshan stared at this scene deadly, his eyes red!

“Trap, this is a trap, what a terrible trap, what a terrible trap!”

Wu Mingyu muttered in his mouth, his face constantly changing!

Yes, it’s a trap!

A trap that can ‘kill’ a bunch of show inspectors!

Under the sweep of that submachine gun, all the program inspectors around will ‘die’ under this submachine gun!

And this submachine gun, there are about thirty rounds of ammunition!

That is, at least ten or more program inspectors, will ‘die! ’


Wu Yaoming’s breathing was a little rapid, and his body couldn’t help trembling!

He just gave a wrong order.

He hadn’t checked this trap just now.

If in reality, then he will have at least ten brothers who will be ‘killed’!

All because of one of their own orders and oversights!

He closed his eyes slightly, and his face was full of self-reproach!

At the scene at the gate of the rotten building in Hushanli, all the program inspectors also fell silent.

Located closest to Captain Red Maple, the young man called Lao San fell to the ground with a bitter face.

Now the close distance, the sweep of the submachine gun, he will definitely die!

He, eliminated!

Around and in the rear position, those program inspectors who were swept by submachine guns consciously fell to the ground!

In total, thirteen program inspectors.

They all think that if they don’t ‘die’, they will be seriously injured!

The rest of the program inspectors watched them fall, breathing a little shortly, feeling a little depressed, and a little difficult to breathe!





The whole space seems to freeze!

“Take the brothers away.”

A few seconds later, a program inspector said in a weak voice and walked towards Captain Red Maple.

Come to Captain Red Maple and uncover the tape in his mouth!


Captain Red Maple coughed and slowly lowered his head.

At this moment, he was like a prisoner after being executed, without the slightest vitality!

At this moment, he was far more uncomfortable than Wang Yun ‘killing’ himself.

However, Wang Yun did not ‘kill’ him, but with his hands, he ‘killed’ thirteen program inspectors.

Everything, because of him!

If it wasn’t for saving him, how could these thirteen program inspectors ‘sacrifice’?

It’s all because of yourself!

The surrounding program inspectors did not speak, quietly loosening Captain Red Maple up!

“This… This is even more terrifying than our speculation, this scene looks, too depressing! ”

“Yes, it’s too depressing, in fact, who could have thought of this scene, who could have imagined that the eldest brother had created such a terrifying trap!”

“Big brother is really terrible, now there is some heartache for the program inspectors, and I feel sorry for Captain Red Feng!”

“A trap that ‘killed’ thirteen program inspectors is really terrifying!”

At the same time, all the viewers watching the live broadcast were also shocked to watch this scene.

Even if they already had some expectations, even if they had God’s perspective.

But looking at this ‘miserable situation’, they couldn’t help but feel a little distressed and sympathetic.

Especially Captain Red Maple.

This time the showdown is not just crushing.

It’s a madness!

At the last moment, with the help of his hand, he ‘destroyed’ thirteen brothers and colleagues!

“Bring all the brothers, bring Captain Red Maple with you, come back!”

In the program task force, Jiang Youshan looked at this scene expressionlessly and ordered!

“Captain Red Maple!”

An inspector shouted at the red maple leaning against the tree.

“I am not that Wang Yun’s opponent, not completely, I failed once, twice, three times, and was easily played by him.”

Captain Red Maple suddenly opened his eyes, his gaze swept over the surrounding program inspectors, and his eyes were blank: “Go on, I am still not his opponent, and even he will become my heart demon, sorry colleagues, I am no longer worthy of being your captain, I, quit!” ”

He said, bowing deeply to everyone!


Captain Red Maple’s sudden action made everyone stunned.

All the program inspectors around looked at the Red Maple Captain in front of them, a little stunned.

“This?? This?? What did Captain Red Maple say? He quits? What do you mean? Quit the show? ”

“Shhh, this is, Captain Red Maple This is?”

“Captain Red Maple is completely defeated, if at night, he still has some fighting spirit, then now, with the ‘sacrifice’ of thirteen program inspectors, he has completely lost confidence!”

“I really didn’t expect that Captain Red Maple would make such a decision, he retreated, maybe not, maybe he knew that he would never be Wang Yun’s opponent!”

When all the audience heard this decision of Red Feng, a complicated look appeared on their faces.

Countless netizens posted barrages.

Tonight, the blow to Captain Red Maple is simply too big!


Captain Red Maple didn’t say anything more, he waved at everyone and walked towards the vehicles on the side.

Drive straight away, leave.


In the program task force, Wu Yaoming’s fist fell heavily on the table, and his face was extremely ugly looking at this scene!

Captain Wang Yue on the side was a little silent and expressionless.

This time, it was not just Captain Red Maple who lost.

And their entire program task force.

All of them!

“This Wang Yun is really a monster.”

Jiang Youshan rubbed his eyebrows and couldn’t help but sigh!

At the same time, located on the entire network, it completely boiled.

“Terrifying Wang Yun, monster Wang Yun!”

“The man who controls the audience and silences the whole world!”

“The program inspection team has failed!”

“Horror, thirteen program inspectors, ‘killed’ by Wang Yun trap!”

“Captain Red Maple announced his withdrawal, he is very likely to quit the Skynet action program!”

One by one, on the hot search of major platforms!

The whole network is talking about everything today!

All of Wang Yun’s actions today can be sealed as gods!

His terrifying ability and wisdom also shocked everyone!

Monster Wang Yun, worthy of the name!

“This guy is really a demon!”

In the live broadcast room of the popularization of law, Fang Bureau couldn’t help but sigh.

He looked at Wang Yun’s perspective.

Nice, just walked into a luxurious bathroom clubhouse and got ready to be dashing!

This also made all netizens look black!

“Big brother loves bathing clubs!”


“Groove, director, director, this… Captain Red Maple directly announced his withdrawal, he didn’t tell us, director, this can be done! ”

At the same time, it is located in the room next to the live broadcast of the popular law.

A staff member saw that Captain Red Maple actually withdrew directly, a little caught off guard, looked at the chief director, and couldn’t help but ask!

“Headache, this Wang Yun is too perverted, Captain Red Maple was actually broken by his confidence, it seems that he has to burn funds again, invite some powerful characters over!”

The chief director said with a slight headache: “But, who is a question!” ”

Captain Red Maple withdrew, naturally he had to ask the master to make up for it!

And, invite the more famous and powerful people to come.

Otherwise, it’s better not to please!

“However, this time the second season of the Skynet action program has exceeded our imagination, and now it is popular abroad, and the ratings are very high in several countries, and there are more than a dozen countries that want to buy our broadcast rights, hehe, at least a dozen or more than two billion, all because of the big brother.”

“Huh? By the way, let these countries find some masters to come over, I’m simply too witty, hehe! ”

Suddenly, the chief director laughed wittily, it was very netherworld!

“Also, Wang Yun, the eldest brother still owes me a few advertisements, there are just a few advertisers who offer prices, the price is too high, and I can’t refuse at all, in addition, the eldest brother has been too evil recently, and I have to let the eldest brother promote positive energy, after all, our show is to reduce the crime rate.”

The chief director seemed to be immersed in his own world, muttering in his mouth!

On the side, the staff looked at it with admiration.

Can’t help but give a thumbs up!


This plot is over, and there are more exciting plots to come.

A brief preview: I, Wang Yun, want a new identity, I want to be a ‘good person’!

I don’t want to ‘rob’ the bank, really, you forced me!


Thanks to the friends who subscribed to the support, thank you!

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