

When Wang Yun finished saying that sentence and walked inside.

Live Room ???

“Groove, groove?? Big brother, what does this mean? ”

“Drink more hot water? Big brother, is this flirting with sisters? No, no, drinking more hot water to provoke the sister will die, but that Ying Yuezi actually responded to the eldest brother, did it really make the eldest brother guess correctly? ”

“This?? Has this invisible confrontation begun? The eldest brother also said earlier that the program inspection team has not yet caught Wang Yun, which is simply a provocation! ”

“That Ying Yuezi responded to the eldest brother, it should be guessed by the eldest brother that he came to the menstrual holiday, I want to ask, is the eldest brother a dog nose?” Can it taste fishy? ”

“Is it okay to smell fishy?”

“The words forensic medicine are very forceful, I am afraid that the eldest brother will say that he is a veterinarian, hahaha!”

When all the audience saw this scene, they boiled one by one!

What else can be said?

Big brother is still Xiu’er!

These two sentences, not only with irony, but also with a hint of teasing!

6 Yay!

“I announce, the first wave of collision, our eldest brother has won, and now that young lady may not know that this middle-aged brother in front of her is the eldest brother!”

In the live broadcast room, some viewers announced the first wave of collision, big brother victory!

“Awesome, that Ying Yuezi wants to control the whole scene, but Brother Wang Yun directly resolved it with a word, and the invisible confrontation with the new captain has already begun!”

Shen Hao exclaimed with surprise on his face in the live broadcast room of the popularization of law!

“By the way, what is Brother Wang Yun here for, is it really like he said, he wants to be a ‘good person’? Come to help solve the case? ”

Liu Qingqing asked with a puzzled face.

“This guy’s target is the ‘police station’, now the ‘police station’ has been replaced by a program team except for a few personnel, hehe, look, this kid doesn’t know what to do!”

Fang Bureau on the side said lightly.

In the conference room of the ‘police station’, Wang Yun walked in lightly and sat in a position casually!

The rest of the detectives, experts and professors also sat down!

Ying Yuezi sat directly in the front position.

The conference room door was closed, the curtains were closed, and the lights were turned on!

“Briefly say, what is the current situation!”

Ying Yuezi saw everyone sitting down, and said with a strong aura.

“At present, after our legal examination, the deceased has no external injuries on his body, no traces of fighting, no infringement, and the scars are also falling, and the death process is also under surveillance and filming, temporarily excluding homicide!”

A police officer spoke!

He took out a laser switch in his hand, and the screen lit up in front of him, with a case identification report.

Everyone looked at it, and Wang Yun also looked at it with flickering eyes.

Although the purpose of his coming in this time was not to judge the case, it did not affect him to check it out.

In particular, if he can play some role in this case, then the next action may be easier.

There is no special information on the case appraisal report.

“If you look at this report, then you really died by jumping off the building!”

A middle-aged man looked at these materials and spoke.

“We believe that the deceased jumped off the building because of sleepwalking, because not long ago, the deceased publicly said that he would sleepwalk, and we guess that it may be a sleepwalking attack and made such a move.”

A police officer spoke.

“In the past, our family never sleepwalked, and when I called that night, I also asked her how she was eating and sleeping, and she said that she was very good, and she seemed to be in very good spirits, how… How…”

Zhao Yuexingchen’s mother said with tears in her eyes and choked up.

Obviously, the death of her daughter hit her hard.

“Sleepwalking is just a sleep disorder, the symptoms are generally walking around the residence in a semi-awake state, very severe patients will leave the residence or make some dangerous actions, such as turning windows, driving and even some violent activities, such as homicide, etc., of course, the situation behind is very rare, even the situation of jumping over the window is not much!”

“Studies have shown that sleepwalkers’ eyes are half-open or fully open, they walk in the same posture as usual, they still have some awareness, in most cases they will not jump from the window, as for jumping from the hotel to the top of the hotel, the chance is smaller, it has not happened in the world, I don’t think it’s sleepwalking.”

“In addition, does she have a history of drug use, and has any special drug ingredients detected in her blood!”

Ying Yuezi said directly!

“No, nothing abnormal was detected in her blood, she was healthy, there were no problems!”

The police officer replied!

“That’s strange, I don’t think a person who is physically normal and doesn’t have much mental problems will jump off a building while sleepwalking, and there is no video of the deceased before his death, play it and see!”

Ying Yuezi said.

“There is a video, but it is more terrifying, everyone be mentally prepared!”

The police officer reminded him and said!


His words made everyone raise their eyebrows slightly.

“This captain, please give my daughter the truth!”

Zhao Zhongyuan said.

“Don’t worry!”

Ying Yuezi nodded and looked at the screen.

Everyone else looked at the screen!

The screen is a surveillance, recorded in the early hours of the night!

This is the hotel’s internal monitoring.

As a five-star hotel internal monitoring, it is not as black and white as the roof, but colorful.

At two o’clock in the morning, on the seventh floor of the five-star hotel on the rooftop of Jiujiang, a figure walked out of the room.

The figure was wearing red pajamas, and his hair was messy and fluffy.

She opened the door and walked down the hallway.

When he came to the elevator, he pressed the elevator!

The elevator opened and she didn’t get inside!

Instead, she stopped in front of the door and lowered her head as if she were asleep.

Suddenly, she started dancing.

Strange dancing moves.

Hands and feet are not coordinated!

It looks strangely weird!

After jumping for ten seconds, she pressed the elevator again!

The elevator doors open again.

At this moment, she seemed to see something terrifying.

Her body began to tremble.

Started shaking, unusually weird.

Later, she entered the elevator!


She was suddenly, just as the elevator doors were about to close.

Her arm ripped off the elevator.

She poked her head out and looked strangely left and right in the hallway.

She had a weird smile on her face.

Later, she entered the elevator!


At the same time, it is located in the live broadcast room of Wang Yun and Pufa.

All the audience saw this picture, a little scared!

“Groove, it looks a little scary.”

“I, Nima, I already feel very scary watching the video circulating on the Internet, and now watching this picture, it’s even more scary, I’m scared to pee!”

“That’s terrifying, isn’t it? I feel that Zhao Yue Xingchen has fallen into evil. ”

“This is definitely a ghost upper body, laughing at the pee, it’s too scary, is there really a ghost in this world?”

“Sell adult diapers, sell adult diapers, I just tested it myself, the effect is perfect, not a drop is leaked!”

“Immeasurable Tianzun, scared Lao Tzu to death, this Zhao Yue Xingchen is still wearing red pajamas, I ???”

The audience in the live broadcast room watched this terrifying scene and tapped on the keyboard one by one.

Barrage Protector!

Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid!

Located in the conference room, Wang Yun and the others looked at this terrifying picture, and their eyes were slightly condensed!

Even several middle-aged young people moved their chairs, obviously a little frightened!

The surveillance screen continues, this is a scene inside the elevator!

She entered the elevator and pressed it layer by layer.

The elevator is rising!

She swayed her red pajamas strangely inside!

The elevator rises one floor and the door opens!

She suddenly poked her head out and looked outside.

Her movements are weird.

Uncoordinated limbs.

She seemed to be observing her surroundings.

Subsequently, she had to retract her head and the elevator continued to rise.

So go up three floors.

It’s all such weird behavior!

Elevator to the top floor!


She turned her head suddenly, she stood on tiptoe, squinted her eyes and stared at the monitor, approaching!



She tilted her head and just stepped back out of the elevator!

This scene is extremely weird!

It’s terrifying!

“Wow, that brother who sells adult diapers, I’m going to buy one, no, I want two!”

“Is this a fucking ghost movie? I got goosebumps when I watched it in the broad daylight! ”

“This is a supernatural event, this fucking supernatural thing!”

“Reiki revival, strange revival, brothers, the world of great controversy, has begun, I will hold the keyboard and become a key fairy!”

At this moment, everyone was startled, and their faces instantly turned pale!

It’s like a real supernatural event!

It’s like a real ghost movie!

It’s inexplicably terrifying!

“It’s over, in the past half a month, I don’t dare to take the elevator!”

Many viewers in the live broadcast room shivered!

“Ah, isn’t it, so scary?”

In the live broadcast room, Liu Qingqing exclaimed and couldn’t help shouting loudly.

In the position next to him, Shen Hao had already covered his eyes and did not dare to look at it again!

“This scene is indeed a little strange.”

Fang Bureau looked at it calmly and muttered in his mouth: “But don’t worry about the audience, these pictures will eventually have an answer!” ”

“Shhh, this video, it’s a little scary!”

In the conference room, a young man gasped.

Everyone frowned slightly, even the captain called Ying Yuezi was also frowning, and his face showed a pensive look!

“The next monitoring screen is the one uploaded on the Internet!”

After the video was played, the police officer spoke!

“When it’s really weird, why did she do such weird things, is this sleepwalking?”

A middle-aged expert couldn’t help but ask.

“Sleepwalking doesn’t have to be so scary, it doesn’t have so many strange manifestations, it feels like something is chasing her!”

An old man also spoke, pondering.

The experts and professors in the conference room frowned one by one, looking shocked!

No clue.



Without a mind,

There is also no direction to think!

“Do you have the details of the deceased?” Is there any of her colleagues or agents in this hotel, is there any special situation, and what is the reason for her coming to Nancheng? ”

Ying Yuezi asked one by one!

“There is her agent, her company is opened by herself, the deceased’s family conditions are very good, she came to Nancheng to participate in an event this time, and the dance he danced on the roof of the hotel is what she will dance next to participate in the event.”

A police officer spoke, took out a piece of information, and handed it to Ying Yuezi Wang Yun and all of them!

One per person!

“Is there a confession from her agent.”

A middle-aged expert asked.

“There are all of the above, and the confession is also monitored, do you want to see it?”

The officer asked.

The middle-aged expert nodded.

Immediately began to play on the screen, Zhao Yuexingchen’s agent is a slightly fat woman, and she is very famous among agents in the entertainment industry.

The confession is all in order, and there is nothing useful.

Wang Yun looked at it, and also frowned slightly.

He was also very puzzled by this case.

The world you traverse by yourself, there are supernatural?

“System, there are supernatural in this world? Do you need to upgrade? ”

He said secretly in his heart.

“No psychic, the system does not need to be upgraded, this is a normal human urban world!”

The answer of the system mechanic came, which made Wang Yun breathe a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that his role as a ‘fugitive’ had become a Heavenly Master!

“I have come into contact with thousands of cases, and even unsolved cases that have been sealed for more than ten years, and I have never seen any supernatural things, in my opinion, the weirder, the more suspicious, the more man-made!”

Ying Yuezi looked at the information one by one and said affirmatively!

“This… So how to interpret the surveillance footage? The monitoring we checked and made sure there were no problems. ”

A police officer said with a frown.

“I don’t know, this case is too supernatural and suspicious, I have no way to explain this situation now, I need to investigate!”

Ying Yuezi replied truthfully, her face also showing contemplation.

“This captain, do you mean to say that our daughter was really killed?”

Zhao Zhongyuan stared at Ying Yuezi nervously and asked.

“I need to examine the body of the deceased, if her body does not have special drugs or the like, then 70% is man-made!”

Ying Yuezi continued affirmatively, looking at the information in his hand: “Don’t say anything about supernatural ghosts, at least, I haven’t touched it yet!” ”

“Captain, you want another autopsy?”

A police officer asked.

“I want to see it!”

Ying Yuezi nodded and looked at Zhao Zhongyuan.

“Yes, I hope Captain you can find the murderer!”

Zhao Zhongyuan said immediately.

“Okay, let’s go, the body is in the autopsy room, and there are not too many people in the autopsy room, we will give you the report of the re-examination later, can you see who is over?”

A police officer stood up and spoke!

“I’ll go, I’ve been a medical examiner!”

Wang Yun stood up directly and spoke.

Ying Yuezi looked at Wang Yun, nodded, then stood up and walked outside!

In the conference room, several middle-aged and elderly people followed.

A group of people came to the morgue, and the police notified a medical examiner!

“You guys want to see the corpse again, come in!”

The medical examiner is a middle-aged man and leads them inside!

Wang Yun and they entered inside, and at this time, their live broadcast room also went dark.

The program group turned off the picture, leaving only the sound!

“What else would you like to know?”

The middle-aged forensic doctor came to a morgue covered with a white cloth and looked at Wang Yun and the others!

“Open it and take a look!”

Ying Yuezi said directly.

The middle-aged medical examiner nodded and opened it.

The body fell from a height, very tragic, and it is not moving at present, maintaining the original appearance after the fall!

“Buy god-level forensic skills!”

Wang Yun was now shocked and worth a lot, and he did not hesitate to buy it directly.

Then he came straight to the corpse!

Everything you need to know about the forensics human body comes to mind.

“Can I get a glove?”

Wang Yun opened his mouth towards the middle-aged forensic doctor and asked, “I am also a forensic doctor, I want to check it out!” ”

“Huh? As long as the family agrees, there is no problem! ”

The middle-aged medical examiner spoke.

On the side, Zhao Zhongyuan nodded, with tears in his eyes!

“Bring me a pair too!”

Ying Yuezi also spoke!

The two took the white gloves, Wang Yun took them and lifted the white cloth!

Ying Yuezi was on the side, and he began to investigate, and took some equipment to verify!

Wang Yun glanced at it, and could basically see that there was no special situation in Zhao Yuexingchen’s body before his death.

“There is indeed no special drug in the blood, there is nothing abnormal in the eyes, everything is normal, what did you find?”

Ying Yuezi inspected for a while and glanced at Wang Yun.

“No, the deceased is in normal condition, there is no drug residue.”

Wang Yun shook his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued: “The deceased was one meter six nine meters tall, weighed one hundred and twelve points and five, with a maximum difference of 0.5 pounds, leg length of 95 cm, hair of about 45 cm, brother…”

He watched, muttered in his mouth, and then looked at the arm and palm of this corpse, with god-level discernment and god-level forensic skills, he understood the body data of the deceased!

“Two of you, did you find anything?”

On the side, Mother Zhao couldn’t help but ask.

Wang Yun shook his head.

“I still think that 70% is man-made, and I want to go to the five-star hotel in Jiujiang Tiantai to continue to check!”

Ying Yuezi still said with conviction, taking off the gloves in his hand!

Wang Yun did not speak, silently took off his gloves and put them aside.

“This captain, you can investigate casually, and say directly if you have the information you need!”

A police officer said from the sidelines!


Ying Yuezi nodded and walked outside.

Wang Yun and they followed behind and walked out of the post-mortem room!

Back in the conference room again, Ying Yuezi did not linger, picked up the materials in front of his desk, and left directly!

Zhao Zhongyuan and his wife hurriedly followed, obviously, in their opinion, Ying Yuezi was the most powerful one among the crowd.

Moreover, Ying Yuezi has always believed that their daughter’s death is man-made!

“Then Miss Ying Yuezi actually firmly believes that it is artificial? How can this be man-made, everything under surveillance is real, this is obviously supernatural! ”

“Could it be that Zhao Yuexingchen has some mental illness, and in the interview a few days ago, she personally said that she was sleepwalking!”

“That young lady Ying Yuezi went to continue to investigate the case, what is the situation of the eldest brother?”

“The eldest brother is obviously drunk and does not mean to drink, you don’t think that the eldest brother is a ‘good person’, right?”

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, countless viewers were talking.

Discussions began on the case.

There are even many platforms, and major netizens have begun to analyze cases.

Many people think that if it is not supernatural, it is that Ying Yuzi has a mental illness, a sudden outbreak of illness, and a history of sleepwalking!

Because, the most important thing is that the entire death process of Zhao Yue Xingchen has been monitored and recorded!

How is this still artificial?

Wang Yun saw Ying Yuezi leaving, and his eyes flickered slightly.

“I have to find a way to contact the department that handled the ID card through this case.”

He said secretly in his heart, his eyes flickering slightly.

Still to dig deeper into this case!

He said, also walking towards the five-star hotel on the rooftop of Jiujiang!

Now the entire hotel has been closed because of this incident, and there are still some staff members in the hotel.

Wang Yun walked around the entire hotel, checking the monitoring of various places, and then came to the location on the top floor.

Na Ying Yuezi was also conducting an investigation.

After walking around the hotel for half an hour, he walked towards the monitoring room, where two young people sat down.

“Two boys, excuse me!”

Wang Yun walked over and said something to them.

“Huh? You are an expert detective, right, we have been notified by the manager to cooperate with you all the way! ”

A young man looked at Wang Yun and said with a smile!

“Thank you, can you let me see the surveillance?”

Wang Yun nodded at them with a smile and spoke.

“No problem, uncle, look!”

The two young men spoke very politely: “We only have six monitoring screens, and there are more than a dozen monitors, but these small pictures can be enlarged, just see where you want to click on it!” ”

Wang Yun nodded, sat down and looked at it.

In the surveillance, it can be seen that in the corridor of the hotel, the experts and professors are still investigating.

Ying Yuezi is also observing, her behavior is very strange, some like Zhao Yuexing’s actions before she died, as if she is simulating and acting.

Playing yourself as Zhao Yue Xingchen?

“Role play, role play?”

He watched, muttered in his mouth, and suddenly, his gaze froze, and he raised his eyebrows slightly!

Wang Yun closed his eyes slightly, and the surveillance video picture he saw appeared in his mind.

Subsequently, Zhao Yuexingchen’s body data appeared in his mind!

“Can I still watch the video of the case on the night of the incident?”

Wang Yun asked towards the two youths.

He wanted to be sure of one thing!

He seems to have found the most critical problem!

“Can’t, let our boss delete it, I’m afraid that someone will upload it to the Internet again, and the deleted video police have a backup there.”

A young man shook his head and replied.

“Oh? By the way, who uploaded the video before the jump to the network? ”

Wang Yun asked casually!

“It’s a colleague of us, Xiao Gao.”

The young man continued to answer, followed by a mysterious look at Wang Yun, and leaned over: “Uncle, you said that our hotel is not haunted, that Zhao Yuexing died too strange, I always feel that this hotel is gloomy and has unclean things!” ”


His words made Wang Yun slightly stunned, and then shook his head: “How come, there is something unclean.” ”

“I feel that there is, Nima, just heard a colleague say that Xiao Gao had a car accident this morning, it was very serious, and there was definitely something unclean here,”

The young man said and looked around: “If it weren’t for the five thousand salaries that have not been settled, if I didn’t have to pay the debt, I would have run away a long time ago!” ”

“Hahaha, real, real, for five thousand pieces, dare to fight fierce ghosts!”

“Laughing to death, but this young man said that the feeling is also a little terrifying, that young man named Xiao Gao actually encountered a car accident? Coincidental? ”

“It’s haunted by ghosts!”

“Big brother, this is seriously investigating the case, what does he want to do?”

In the live broadcast room, all the audience was talking about it, and some netizens couldn’t understand what Wang Yun wanted to do.

In the monitoring room, Wang Yun’s eyes flickered slightly when he heard this young man’s words.

In his mind, he already has some ideas, but there are still places he can’t figure it out!

Walking out of the monitoring room, Wang Yun looked at all the information and materials about Zhao Yuexingchen in his hand, and took out his laptop to search for some information!

“I think I know part of the truth about this case!”

Half an hour later, Wang Yun was sitting in the lobby of the hotel, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

Next, using this case, it should be possible to ‘get’ the identity documents smoothly.


Tip: It’s not to solve the case for the sake of solving the case, it’s to lay the groundwork for the back, of course, the case will also be very exciting… There will also be a big reversal later!

The core of this plot is ‘good guys’!

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