It's Level 1000, I Really Don't Want To Level Up

Chapter 307 Sending Experience, Of Course, The Four Clans Must Come Together

"Go to the Ancestral Hall!"

Of the nine old men, six were sent out, and the remaining two followed Emperor Jiu and walked towards the Ancestral Hall.

After a while, the group arrived at the back mountain of Fusang Mountain.

The back hill is quiet.

from a distance.

A depression.

I saw that halfway up the mountain was an ancient palace. On the palace, you could see countless ancient characters carved on it.

In addition, there are some depictions of ancient times.

"Boss, I feel it!"

On Lin Wei's shoulder, Di Jun's eyes instantly became excited.

"Feel what?"

Lin Wei's eyes lit up.

"I felt the call, as if there was something in there that belonged to me!"

Di Jun said quickly.


Lin Wei's eyes lit up.

Something that belongs to him?

This must be something left by the ancestors of the three-legged Golden Crow clan back then.

"Di Jun Heavenly Emperor, please!"

Lao Jiu Dynasty Emperor Jun made a gesture of invitation.

"Boss, you go with me!"

Di Jun pouted and said hastily to Lin Wei.

Do not know why.

his mind.

Some got nervous.

But as long as the boss is there, he is not nervous.

"What are you afraid of!"

Lin Wei grabbed Di Jun and threw it directly at the Ancestral Hall.

The ancestral hall of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Will it still hurt him?

"Ow ooh..."

Di Jun directly bumped into the ancestral hall, The next moment, the countless words on the ancestral hall seemed to be alive.

A mighty breath came out, and Di Jun's figure was enveloped by a powerful light.

Then disappeared.

"What about people?"

Di Jiu said in astonishment.

"Cough cough... No one has ever entered your ancestral hall before?"

Lin Wei asked with a light cough.

"Of course not, this ancestral hall is left by our three-legged Golden Crow ancestor, let alone go in, even if we get close, we can't do it!"

Di Jiu said quickly.

"You can't even get close?"

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Wei's eyes, this Di Jiu's Cultivation Base is not low.

Dao-level powerhouses, Lin Wei didn't know what the Dao-level was, but even they couldn't get close.

So how strong is the person who built the ancestral hall?

A powerhouse above the Dao level?

Even stronger!

"Di Jun, this guy is developed!"

Lin Wei secretly said in his heart, Di Jun is now entering the ancestral hall. If he really wins the demon court, he must be invincible?

When Di Jun rises up, he will kill a few Dao-level powerhouses casually.

It took off on its own!

"just wait!"

Lin Wei said lightly.


Lin Wei Lotus Position sat down.

"oh oh!"

The three of Di Jiu also sat beside Lin Wei, but the three were not as calm as Lin Wei.

The eyes of the three people looked at the ancestral hall, but unfortunately, there was no movement in the ancestral hall!

"Di Jiu, something is bad!"

Right now.

The figure of Di Xun appeared beside Di Jiu.

"What's up?"

Di Jiu asked quickly.

"The White Tiger clan, one of the four great ancestors, just now their empress, with countless strong men of the White Tiger clan, came to my Fusang Mountain!"

Di Xun said quickly.


Di Jiu's expression became serious.

"The White Tiger clan is here?"

And Lin Wei next to him, his eyes lit up.

"That... May I ask the Queen, how many strong men have come from this White Tiger clan?"

Lin Wei asked Emperor Xun.

"Thirty thousand!"

Emperor Xun said in a low voice.

"Only thirty thousand?"

Lin Wei took a deep breath.

"Brother Lin Wei, you probably don't know that the White Tiger clan are also the chaotic ancestors of the Primordial Demon Realm. Although they are better than my three-legged Golden Crow clan, they are still very difficult!"

"On the entire White Tiger Mountain, there are more than 40,000 people!"

Di Jiu said solemnly.

"so little?"

Lin Wei was stunned for a moment. Are all the powerful ancestors of the Primordial Demon Realm so depleted?

Or, do they put their minds on cultivation all the year round and never relax?

"This is quite a lot. The leader of the team is Bai Qingqing, the young emperor of the White Tiger clan. This person is young and has cultivated for three million years. He has reached the realm of the Dao. It is rumored that she contains the strongest bloodline of the White Tiger clan. !"

Di Xun said again.

White Qingqing!

In Lin Wei's eyes, a picture emerged.

A savage.

woman in animal skin...

"Come on, Di Jun appears in the blood of his ancestors, and sooner or later he will become the Heavenly Emperor of the entire Primordial Demon Realm. Now that the White Tiger clan is coming, then clean up the White Tiger clan first!"

Lin Wei said lightly.

"Brother Lin Wei, if it's a White Tiger clan, that's fine. Just now, there was news from Emperor Qi that the Vermillion Bird Empress of the Vermillion Bird clan came from the south with 30,000 Vermillion Bird strong men!"

"The Black Tortoise Empress of the Black Tortoise Clan, with 30,000 Black Tortoise Clan powerhouses, came from the West!"

"The Patriarch of the Water Dragon Clan of the Ancestral Dragon Clan, with 30,000 strong men of the Ancestral Dragon Clan, came from the east!"

Emperor Xun's voice sounded again.

"The four great ancestors are here!"

Di Jiu's face sank instantly. In ancient times, the three-legged Golden Crow family was the royal family.

It is the strongest among the demon clan, but the current three-legged Golden Crow clan has declined a lot.

A family comes.

Fusang Mountain is not worried, and the two clans can resist when they come.

The four tribes came.

I'm afraid, I can't hold back the impact!

"The four great ancestors are here, be good!"

And Lin Wei, the smile on his face, that can't be hidden, 30,000 plus 30,000, plus 30,000, plus 30,000, a full 120,000 strong ancestors of the four great ancestors, if this is all harvested.

What Realm can I achieve by myself?

Avenue level?

At least take control!

Even, directly invincible in chaos!

"Brother Lin Wei, I know you're not a disciple of my three-legged Golden Crow clan, but don't gloat over the misfortune. If possible, when Di Jun comes out, please take Di Jun away!"

"As long as Di Jun is fine, my three-legged Golden Crow clan will definitely rise again!"

"By the way, please take the women of my three-legged Golden Crow clan and leave!"

Di Jiu looked at Lin Wei and whispered.

"Cough cough..."

Hearing this, Lin Wei coughed lightly, and Di Jiu misunderstood his happiness just now.

"Xiao Jiu, Di Jun and I are brothers, and Di Jun, now he is the Heavenly Emperor of your three-legged Golden Crow clan. When an accident happened to the three-legged Golden Crow clan, Di Jun naturally wouldn't watch!"

"As a brother, if a brother is in trouble, we must live and die together, and we must share weal and woe!"

"Can you leave?"

Lin Wei looked at Di Jiu with a straight face.

"Brother Lin Wei..."

Di Jiu looked at Lin Wei, and his eyes were a little moved. Lin Wei was not afraid of life and death. This is not the Cultivation Base of the Dao level, and he has to stay to help.

Thanks to myself, I also misunderstood Lin Wei.

This made him, old face flushed!


But at this moment, the entire Fusang Mountain shook.

I saw countless hibiscus trees, a powerful sun burst out.

On the ground, fire was everywhere.

That feeling.

It seems to be the foot of Fusang Mountain.

Something is normal.

"Quick, get out of Fusang Mountain!"

Di Jiu said quickly.


One after another figure, quickly retreated from Fusang Mountain.

"Boss, I'm coming out, hurry... hurry away, I can't help it!"


Di Jun's words echoed in Lin Wei's mind.


The entire Fusang Mountain rises directly into the sky.

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