It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 982: Maybe you heard it wrong

"This bastard, his brain must be ill. Fortunately, the demon ancestor is running fast, otherwise he will really be in trouble again."

In the distance, the demon ancestor appeared. He has been careful and vigilant since he was once in the sky, and he will never do things that are not sure.

The **** **** kept killing him, and he didn't understand. Human life will only be once, and if it's killed, it's gone. Why should the other party do it?

So, the ghost inside is very big.

If you are not careful, you will regret it.

However, the situation just now is a bit strange, he is not very clear, but he feels a problem.

It's not that he has a problem, but that the abominable guy has a problem.


Suddenly, the demon ancestor looked into the distance. He was the ancestor of the demon road, and he knew all the devil's powers in the world. If someone played the devil's power in front of him, it would be an axe and no control.

"Yes, Mowei is very pure, but weak." Mozu commented, his fingertips raised, and there was a black mowei in the distance, slowly winding around his fingertips.

Put your fingertips in your mouth.

Taste it carefully.

"Um, um, the cultivation methods are very pure, and there are no impurities. It is really good that an indigenous person can practice to this level."

"I'll go and see which little guy is practicing."

The Mozu slowed down the gods and then escaped towards the distance.

In fact, he has no opinion on the indigenous people, whether it is people in the upper realm or people outside the domain, in his eyes, they are very weak, okay.

Don't say he is rampant, just tell the truth.

In the distance, there is a dark mountain range with black volcanoes poised to emerge, and thick smoke emanates from it like a human purgatory.

Above the mountains, a man in armor, surrounded by black air, evolved the magic civilization.

These magical civilizations are one by one font, and there are some magical graphics, but I don’t know why, and they disappear in an instant.

"Failed again." Chi Jiusha looked gloomy, confused about the way ahead, and at the same time a little disappointed. Why did he fail every time.

"Children, you are a little quick to get quick results, but your present situation is very dangerous."

Suddenly, a voice came from afar and rang in Chijiusha's ear.


Chi Jiusha was shocked. He was practicing here. Someone was approaching, and he didn't even know, he couldn't help but tremble. What the **** is the strong man, could it be that the adventist could not.

He is desperate enough for the advent, too strong, so that people do not have any chance to live.

"I'm here." The demon ancestor appeared. He was interested in this native.

I was just scared by the abominable guy, and my heart and heart were beating hard. I needed to find some fun and calm my injured heart.

Nowadays, encountering a demon repairer makes him a little interested, and the look he looks at is the same.

You can show off your talent, but in front of this demon ancestor, you are just a child.

Chi Jiusha's expression changed. When he saw the other party for the first time, he didn't look at the figure, but at the origin of a dark magic road, exuding endless magic power.

"how come."

Chi Jiusha was horrified. He was a demon god, and he had never seen such a terrifying person as Mowei. In front of him, he was like a child.

"Hehe." Mozu smiled, his hands were carried, his head was raised, and the overbearing Mowei shrouded the world. "Child, you are really lost in confusion."

"Cohesion of the magical civilization, what can you do, you know, what is the magical civilization?"

Mozu's words made Chi Jiusha a little ignorant.

Devil's civilization?

What the hell, when did you condense the magical civilization, and what the other party said could not be understood, but it felt a bit mysterious.

"Well, look at your expression, don't you know what is the magic civilization?" Mozu asked.

Now don't say it's Chi Jiuzhao.

Even the devil ancestors are a little ignorant. The indigenous people outside the domain, in the end, what is the situation, and even the devil civilization does not know what it is, it is condensed and full of energy.

What kind of brain is sick?

"Who the **** are you?" Chi Jiusha asked vigilantly. The other party gave him the feeling that it was too dangerous. Although they are all people in the devil's way, the crisis given to him by the other party is like an endless end.

Mozu smiled, "Listen, I am the ancestor of the devil, the devil of the devil in the devil."

"Magic ancestor?" Chi Jiusha is a little ignorant. The name of this guy is a little arrogant, but the strength of the other party is indeed very strong.

"Yes, for you, I am someone you will never be able to reach, but you have good luck and can make me notice you, so you are lucky." Mozu nodded calmly, a kind of Mozu style , Invisible room, swept the audience.

He felt that this native was a bit interesting.

He has a good impression on people who are also practicing magic. After all, he can cultivate to a high-end level, and he still has very few.

There are many people who repair the devil, and in the end they become lunatics.

"Would you like to learn the devil with me, I will teach you, your current situation is very bad, and this devil ancestor is the king of the devil, it is necessary to bring you these little ones." Mozu said.

When I came to the outside of the domain, I was unfamiliar with my life, and I was pitted by Gou Ri.

Sum up a point.

Mainly when no matter what happens, no one comes out.

And this guy is very good. If you train it well, you might become a qualified backman.

"Good." Chi Jiusha didn't hesitate. He had long seen that the other party's strength was very strong, and that surging magic power was simply amazing.

When facing him, he and a small boat swayed in the sea, aimlessly, and could never climb ashore, completely lost.

"Monster, monster, I'm here."

Lin Fan was so excited that he hadn’t been talking to the monsters for a long time. I missed it very much.

When there was no points before, the monsters would take the initiative to step forward and give him points. Does such behavior make people untouched?

The Void Vibration, when Lin Fan stopped, centered on himself, a layer of fluctuation spread out.

"This is it."

Below is a secret realm.

There are many secret areas outside the domain, and some are scary.

And in these secret realms, many people often come. The hidden monsters inside are basically cultivated to be very fierce. Who dares to come in alone, if the strength is not strong enough, it is basically just the food of monsters.

Suddenly, a few things suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

A panacea, and a few treasures.

Elixir was put directly in the mouth, and it tasted okay. It tasted a bit sweet and sour.

"It seems that BUFF has come into effect, and I don't know how much to compensate this time."

Lin Fan was somewhat expecting, he didn't know what appeared, and which one was.

Anyway, the six people were killed a lot more times, and they should be compensated for a while.

As for these kinds of babies, he didn't really need them. He squeezed with five fingers, creaked, and his strength kept condensing. If it was not hard enough, it would be really garbage.

He likes something harder.

The space pillar of the body now is a very hard thing. Use it to hammer people. It is basically a hammer and a hammer. There is no saying at all, it is very violent.

Just as Lin Fan was about to start first, and busy traversing the mysterious realm, another exercise appeared in his hand.


"This exercise..."

When Lin Fan touched this practice, he felt like it was a long-awaited practice.

Open the exercises and take a quick glance.



Lin Fan instantly closed the exercises.

At the moment when the practice was just started, there was an illusion of confusion for a long time in front of his eyes.

There is even an extremely weird spiritual power that has been transferred from the exercises and has been integrated into the mind.

If it is not a problem of immunization, I am afraid there is really something wrong.

"good very good."

He is very satisfied now. This skill is a perfect hard skill, but it is different from other hard skills. As long as the points are enough, he can start to improve.

"It's a bit of a BUFF that you have to pay the debt."

Lin Fan has never felt that he is a comparison, because the comparison is shameful, he has always come to this world as a person with bad luck, and the big brothers in his hometown miss him too, so Only give this simple little help, I hope he can go further outside the domain and protect more people.

And he used a smart brain to develop small assistants, gradually relying on the pursuit of strength, until now it is difficult, it is not easy.

"Hey, when I came here, I had so little luck."

"The exercises are good. I confiscated them first. When I got the points, I studied them slowly and didn't know what else to send later."

He is very confident of the big brothers.

After all, they are big brothers in the upper realm, and they have killed him so many times. As long as they have a little conscience, they will never give him garbage.

However, it is a pity that Xiao Tian Lang only killed him twice, and it was pitiful, and he did not know how much he could compensate.

Don't want so much, start working.

Put your hands on the ground, the power spreads from your fingers, forming a large net, which wraps the entire secret area, and then screams hands flipped.


The ground cracked and the entire secret realm was thrown into the air.

The boulders are distributed in the air, and among the boulders, there are many monsters suspended in the air.

They are waiting for the arrival of their prey in the dark mystery, but what the **** is this vibrant sunshine now?

It hurts.

The monsters move around in the air and have to find a way to step on, otherwise they will panic.

"It's much simpler." Lin Fan looked up, before brushing the secret realm, it was really hard, all need to go in personally, and slowly kill the monster, but look at how many now, relaxed and happy, some say no Out of the air.

"what is that?"

Among the boulders, there is a skeleton with golden light, legs are crossed at the knee, spinning in the air.

"Forget it, it must be a gadget again."

Lin Fan did not put the other party on his heart, but pinched his five fingers, and his strength was condensing.

Brushing points requires a sense of ritual and some brewing.

"What's the situation?" The skeleton gold body floating in the boulder was ignorant. He was waiting for the destiny, and then he fooled the Dafa to find a lifeline for himself. Even the situation has been set.

But what's the situation now and why is it outside?

The following bastard, what is the situation, what is he going to do?


"No..." Jin Shen snarled, making a sharp roar of despair.


Lin Fan blasted away, and the violent power was like a wave, completely covering the void, all living things, all things, all ashes.

The points keep beating and increasing.

Very happy.

"Huh! It seems that someone just talked?" Lin Fan forgot his head, didn't understand very well, maybe it was wrong.


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