It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1003: This is really scary

After a long time.

Lin Fan did not know how long he had fought here.

It's just that I almost developed the habit of waving the pillar of space.

I don’t even feel good about it

"Is this the end?"

Lin Fan floated in the air, spread his arms and embraced the whole world.

Smelling the tip of the nose, the **** smell in the air was very strong, and it was already choking.

"It feels good."

Below it has become a sea of ​​blood, and at a glance, all are corpses.

For the powerful in the upper realm, luck is not too good after all, no one can survive in his hands for the time being.

BUFF shrouded in terror has never been used much.

Although the multiplied points, people are very longing for, but a punch out, the strength is not so good to control, killing people is also normal.

"Crazy man, you crazy man." King Zhou roared, his eyes were red, and the surrounding environment had already made him stunned.

Are dead.

They were all killed by this madman.

This battle is the most tragic he has experienced.

The opponent is basically a monster. Only by breaking the opponent's body into pieces will it disappear for a while, and then appear in front of him again, fighting them endlessly.

"Interesting, you upper class natives are really too weak. I came from outside the domain. In fact, I came to spread love and peace. Unfortunately, you don’t understand, so you can only let you reincarnate. Eighteen years later, you will be a hobby again. Peaceful people."

Lin Fan felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

All along, it has been said by the upper boundary as an indigenous people, that is, people actively invade the outside world, so called, it is normal.

But things are different now.

He came to the upper realm from outside the realm, so in the face of these people, he can also call each other indigenous.

"Asshole, the master will never let you go." King Zhou screamed angrily, his hair was all raised up, so many people died like this, if the master is informed, then it can still get it.

Although they are all ants under the rule, there are more ants, and it is also a force of terror.

"Oh, I won't let me go. This time, Lord Ben Feng came over this time just to persuade them to go back to the shore and don't be obsessed with it. Otherwise, when they die, it will be too late to regret."

"Come on, I have killed enough."

He didn't know how many people he killed, but now the ground is already shrouded in blood, and all of them are broken bodies. At first glance, it is really terrible, and people have awe of life.

"Monarch Zhou, grab him and wait for the master to come back and hand it over to the master." The speaker, Xiu Wei, was also in the early days of the master, and his face was extremely ugly.

If it wasn't what you saw, you wouldn't believe this scene.


At this moment, Zhou Junwang and others attacked Lin Fan, and they wanted to behead this **** guy here, even if he could not kill him, they would also suppress him.

Lin Fan killed a bit of numbness, feeling that this time it was big play.

Too many people have died.

In the face of these dominant powerhouses, he is willing to let the other party feel a very mysterious power.

This power is not something anyone can feel.

He hasn't tried to show this buff for a long time.

The main thing is that this BUFF is too abnormal, but now if you do not solve these guys, harvesting the winning products is a bit troublesome.

"Unlucky luck, start."

He opened his arms and floated proudly in the air, waiting for their arrival.

After a while, extremely horrible things will happen, maybe a disaster, or a strange behavior that people can't understand.

"What is he doing?"

Zhou Junwang and others watched Lin Fan cautiously, how to spread his arms, a kind of feeling of non-resistance.

"Be careful, don't be fooled."

Everyone nodded and cultivated to reach the dominance, which was definitely not harmed by conspiracy.

Lin Fan couldn't help it.

The bad luck is a horror. Even if he is himself, he doesn't know how to die in the end.

Anyway, even standing there, there will be bad luck.

At this time, they have stepped into the scope of bad luck.

Lin Fan's eyes rolled and carefully observed the surroundings, not knowing what would happen.

King Zhou was very puzzled.

What the **** is going on with this guy?


Regardless, things have reached this point, if you do not act, the final outcome will be miserable.

Lord Master will come back and will never let them go.

"Come on, step into the field of bad luck, there is no turning back, I am ready." Lin Fan gave up resistance, did not want anything, and let bad luck come by himself.

Death is unpredictable and can only wait quietly.

A bald head was very close to Lin Fan, then opened his arms, folded his palms together, screamed angrily, the power of terror condensed between his palms, and the surrounding voids began to oscillate.

"Jail Roar!"

The power of destruction was shrouded in the palm of the hand, and it continued to condense. Then, with a roar, a destructive force burst out directly.

Just in a flash.

The bald head felt wrong, and the power in the palm began to riot. This was something that had never happened before.

"not good."

His face changed.


The power between the palms exploded, directly destroying the void, and at the same time forming a black abyss. There was a strong attraction and began to pull the blasted bald head.

"Save me." The repair of the bald head reached the early stage of the dominance, and will not be pulled into the so-called abyss.

Only this time the black abyss seems wrong.

"How could this be."

The bald head roared, and the'Jail Roar', which had never failed, would fail, and even burst.

When it bursts, it bursts, how can a black vortex burst.

It's understandable to blow up a black vortex, but this kind of suction, even if the master can't bear it, what's so special about it?

"Don't make fun, do the right thing." King Zhou looked at his bald head with dissatisfaction. What did he do?

Even if the world is broken, they can survive.

Not to mention this black vortex that does not seem to have any power.

Lin Fan had heard the sounds around him, and he dared not move for a while, the ghost knew what would happen.

As for the bald head entangled in the black vortex, he must kneel.

The power of bad luck is really terrifying.

"Do not……"

The bald head roared desperately, and the explosion of suction force directly dragged the bald head into it. With a snorting sound, the black whirlpool squeezed, and a sudden burst of blood spewed out.


King Zhou was shocked, his eyes flashing in disbelief, what just happened?

Is this a joke?

With the sound of the wave, the black vortex disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

In an instant, King Zhou looked at Lin Fan, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Don't talk, it's dangerous." Lin Fan didn't move, and didn't even want to lift his footsteps.

It's a bit dangerous.

Bad luck is really overbearing.

The first victim appeared.

He wanted to know now what happened next.

According to past experience, it is not impossible for disasters to fall from the sky.

Looking up at the void.

There was a black dot flashing, a little bit fast, and a bit domineering.


Lin Fan bowed his head and didn't want to see what happened next. He didn't know what was flying.


A loud wind passed from the void.

King Zhou looked up and looked shocked, what a special thing.

"Ye Long, be careful, you are coming towards you." King Zhou reminded.

Ye Long, who was stared at by high-altitude objects, also reached the early stage of dominance. He was much stronger than his bald head. He looked up and found that when something came towards him, he showed disdain. .

"Oh, it's just a small thing." Ye Long didn't put it in his eyes at all, raised his hand, the void oscillated, and an invisible force directly rammed past.

With a roar, the sky shook.

What shocked Ye Long was that, under his blow, the attacked thing was not broken, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and disappeared into sight in the blink of an eye.

This is not an inexplicable disappearance, but the speed is too fast, and has entered a field that cannot be felt.

It didn't take long.

The disappearing falling object appeared.

"Not good." Ye Long felt the terrible pressure and knew that he was unable to fight the enemy. He ran to the other side in an instant and evaded directly.

Only suddenly, as if the falling object was under some resistance, it changed direction and struck Ye Long.

"Oh my God."

Ye Long shouted, and had no time to run, he directly resisted with his palms, and in the moment when he resisted, the devastating impact force directly swept the whole sizzle!

The body is instantly decomposed by irresistible gravity.

Even without the screams, it disappeared without trace.

"Sad, destined." Lin Fan sighed.

He never wanted to understand, what is the principle of bad luck?

I feel that it is a bit inexplicable, and it is something that can never happen, but under the ill of luck, everything can happen.

However, he was lucky, and he hasn't had his turn to die yet.

"What the **** is this?"

King Zhou could not believe it.

Somewhat inexplicably, what happened.

"What the **** did you do?" King Zhou roared, the most weird is the most terrifying.

"You are blind, I haven't moved, you said what I can do, wait, don't talk, come again." Just when Lin Fan was ready to communicate with the other party, the situation above the void became wrong again. .

A dull thunder sounded, and there was a thundercloud in the void, forming a horrible coercion.

"Heavenly condemnation, this is the condemnation, who swears." King Zhou felt the first time something was wrong, and even shouted towards the remaining people.

At this moment, one person raised his hand, "I seem to be me."

"What did you say?" King Zhou asked.

"I don't know. I said that if I could survive, I would kill the bastard. It seems like nothing." The man was so confused that he couldn't understand it at all. That's fine.


A condemnation fell directly.

Lin Fan couldn't bear to look directly, it turned out to be so terrifying.

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