It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1007: After all, it's going to kill someone

"Well, why would anyone want to kill me? It doesn't feel right. It doesn't seem to offend anyone."

In the back room.

Lin Fan has elevated the known exercises to a satisfactory level.

Although these exercises cannot be compared with "The Devil's Scripture" and "Broken Deficiency", they have a large number of wins, and they are of great help to their own heritage.

"Points are consumed too much, but the gains are not without."

Consuming 400 million points, the collected skills have all been improved to perfection, and the level of strength has skyrocketed.

Hard work has only two functions, either to strengthen the body or to strengthen the strength.

As for the control of power, there should not be many people outside the upper domain or the upper domain.

If the upper realm also dominates hard exercises, then it must be the most terrible.

Muscles swell, and every muscle contains a terrifying power. Although mixed, it doesn't matter. All this will turn into a foundation, and has little to do with itself.

The five fingers fell to the ground, with little effort, and pressed down slightly.


If the ground is cracked, if it is not timely to stop, invincible peak is afraid to become a deep pit.

This is a secret room built by the teacher. It has a high hardness and was once difficult to destroy.

But it won't work anymore.

"The law of power, if you don't take the initiative to integrate into my power, and still have the wisdom, you might have been shocked long ago." Lin Fan smiled.

Once comprehending the law of power, and finally relying on the law of power, the heart of comprehension of power condenses in the body. Up to now, the heart of power has been refined by him, and it has all become the power in the body.

Breaking through to the world, that is also the strongest world. Opening up the world with force will be countless times stronger than others.


With nearly 500 million points remaining, he thought of the lottery, but he soon dismissed the idea.

The lottery is a way of no return. After indulging in it, there is no place to die.

Points are not easy.

The exercises are even more difficult.

Save the point and upgrade the cultivation to the best in the world.

According to the previous situation, if you are promoted to the world, there may be the latest lottery draw. By then, you can draw a good wave.

Perhaps a stronger BUFF will appear.

The idea is beautiful, but I don't know what will happen in reality.

"Nearly 500 million points..."

Lin Fan wondered.

If you don’t have a hundred consecutive draws, you will have 10 million points anyway. If you can really get something good, maybe it’s also a surprise.

Lottery draws are addictive and have always made people feel that they are European emperors and they have won hundreds of prizes.

"Damn, I'll take one hundred consecutive draws. If I can't get anything, I'll cut my hands." Lin Fan made up his mind and wanted to try.


"Consume 10 million points."

"Draw a Red and Gold Draw: ..."

The data keeps flashing.

Lottery items vary.

But they are all rubbish, and at the same time there are a lot of empty doors, which are scary and scary.

"My God, 10 million points is just a splash, not even turning a bubble." Lin Fan was desperate.

He knew it was difficult to draw, and he relied on luck, but it was too dark.


Lin Fan hammered the ground and vented his unwillingness, which was really uncomfortable.

what is this?

There is not even one thing that is reliable, all the garbage is drawn, even in Zongmen, it is not a good thing.

"I don't want to smoke again." Lin Fan whispered in his heart, temporarily had a little thought.


Taihuang sword came out of the sheath and chopped directly towards the right hand.


The right hand was cut open.

"Be calm, you must be calm, the time has not yet come, and then you can pick your hands." Lin Fan has a snack. The lottery can't rely on many points, just wanton.

Otherwise, the lottery will teach yourself how to be a person.

Although there are many nearly 500 million points, it is only 5,000 consecutive draws.

The consumption is fast, and in a blink of an eye, it disappears without a trace.

He is not a gambler, if he is a gambler, without further ado, it must be a draw of nearly 500 million points.

If you can't get it, go out and continue to brush.

But the world is still waiting, so I don’t want to waste it at random.

If the cultivation is improved, new quality of lottery will appear, then the first lottery will have a great chance to draw good things.

One sword cut himself to death.

Ten seconds later.

Jing Qi Shen reached its peak and recovered perfectly.

"It's really a dog's day, and I was tricked into 10 million points. If you keep it, you can promote an ordinary skill to a satisfactory level. It's a waste."


Lin Fan regretted it very much. In any case, he is also the boss of the new era. Even if the lottery is a pit, it cannot be so.

For example, how good is the first draw.

Immediately came an eternal BUFF immortal body, now it is better, tempting people addicted, directly killing, not killing the dead.

The bronze lottery draws out the eternal BUFF, which is completely deceptive.


Not anymore.

He understands that the routine is very deep. I'm not afraid that you have more points. As long as you don't have the brain to invest in it, you can eat you to death.

Pushing open the stone door of the secret room, inhaling the fresh air outside, I feel a lot more comfortable.

"The background is much stronger, not far from the world."

Lin Fan is confident that in a short period of time, he will improve his cultivation practice to the world.

The strongest in the upper realm known today is the dominance.

The gap between him and the Dominion Realm is still slightly larger.

In the face of such a strong man, after all, it is still not enough to see, as long as the cultivation base is promoted to the world, even if he dominates the strong man, he will not be in the eyes.

Even if the gap between the world and the dominance is terrible, but he believes that his own way and power is the end of everything. As long as he rises to a certain level, he will be able to burst into a terrifying power.

There was movement in the storage ring.

Take out Jin Cancan's paper and contact the Zhizhi Bird Auditor.

Seeing this situation, the other party seems a little anxious.

"Guru, something went wrong." Zhizhiniao audited people in a panic, as if experiencing some terrible thing.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan wondered, and then asked: "Don't tell me that the masters of the upper realm are outside the domain."

If this is the case, the fun is a bit big.

But it is impossible. According to the normal situation, the big brother is always the last one to play. In front of them, the younger brothers are sent to the wild. Even if the younger brother is killed, there must be a medium younger brother. There is no way until the end. Later, the big brother will domineering appearance.

There is a change in the rhythm.

Is the situation different from what you know?

"Yeah, Master, that's the case. There are a lot of strong men coming from the upper realm. They really call these people the masters. It's really terrifying. When they raise their hands, they will turn the disobedient gate into ashes and even scum There is nothing left, there is no resistance at all."

"There are still a few masters who have been looking for guru, and many clans have been destroyed."

Knowing birds knows how to apprehend people.

It's really scary.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't believe there would be such a powerful person.

"Look for me?" Lin Fan wondered who would come to him in the end, and nothing had happened recently.

Oh yes, just some time ago, some guys were extinguished in the crack.

It should not be necessary.

For the master, it must be a trivial matter, and no matter how you say it, it must be a bit uncomfortable in terms of status.

"The guru came to you, and one of them claimed to be the master of the ghost clan, saying that he would smash you tens of thousands of corpses and frustrate his bones." The Zhizhiniao reviewer said.

They know that the birds are ready for the hidden world, but ask them.

It is too dangerous.

The outside world is integrated, and the knowing birds and birds are all accumulating wealth and never fighting for hegemony, so they have always been in peace.

But this time the situation is different.

There are too many masters coming, the power is terrifying, and there is an idea of ​​controlling the outside world.

If the master finds out the existence of the knowing bird, I am afraid the consequences will be unbearable.

"Why is it so crazy?" Lin Fan was stunned. The crazy man even said that he would crush his bones. If he dared to swear in front of him, it would be really crazy, not talk about it. .

"Well, it's such a crazy master, what do you say about this situation now?" the Zhizhiniao reviewer asked.


Lin Fan pondered for a while, "Well, you help me to inform them, my location is here, let them come, come, come, do not meet with them, after all, it is not very good, and I also want to Know how arrogant they are."

Although his strength has not yet reached the world, he is not afraid at all.

He can say aloud in front of the masters: "I'm not afraid..."

"Guru, are you sure?" Zhizhi bird reviewer doubted.

No kidding.

Although the master is very strong, compared with the master ~ ~ after all, it is still a little bit worse.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" Lin Fan said indifferently: "Oh, yes, and you publicized it to me, saying that I slaughtered the ghosts and the people who ruled them. Said his address."

He decided.

After all, some people will die.

Not counting the points.

Since the masters of the upper realm all come to the outside world, they can't take it slowly. They must first shock all the masters and spread their prestige.

Otherwise, everyone will come to Yan Huazong for wantonly, it is simply annoying.

If it succeeds, it can be regarded as pretending to the outside world.

Even if the masters have ideas, they dare not do too much.

Because he has bad luck, enough to kill the master.

It's just a pity.

A few masters are dying, they can't even get a little hair, they can't feel the cool feeling of fighting, that kind of feeling is a little bit uncomfortable.

"Master, aren't you crazy?" The Zhizhi Bird reviewer couldn't believe it.

He had thought about many possibilities, but he really didn't think that the guru should actively expose the address. Isn't this how to lead the wolf into the room?

"Crazy, just follow my instructions." Lin Fan said.

I really wanted to play with the masters slowly.

But the masters were a little uncomfortable, they didn't play cards according to the routine, why didn't they send their younger brothers, instead they came in person.

It simply does not give people a way to live.

This would have been bad luck.

There is really no way.


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