It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1019: The back of the pot is a little uncomfortable

"My wife."

The frog murmured, and it was heartache.

He was a man and a husband of a woman. He was not in place. He left so long and did not pass care to his wife.

At this moment, he only wanted to sing a poem.

It's a pity that literature is not enough, can only say...

Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry for you.

"Wait." Lin Fan couldn't see it anymore. The situation was a bit wrong. "I said you two know each other?"

Emperor Dongyang said excitedly: "I know the Master Jiuhuang, and seeing the Master, I am so excited. It has been so exciting for thousands of years."

Speaking of excitement, Emperor Dongyang's face was a little red.

The frog straightened out, "I don't know him."

"Master, why don't you know me? I was a student of the 136th course. At that time, you praised me for my talents, and said that I spent a supplementary stone. For me, it's true It’s the one who made a lot of money.” Emperor Dongyang said excitedly.

Even if he is already the dominant power, there are even thirty-three daughters-in-law, but seeing the former idol, he is very excited.

The frog coughed slightly, a little embarrassed.

He had forgotten these words, but he was able to say it from his mouth, it must have been more than one person.

"That's good. Looking at your current situation, you know that you are very good. Dominating the peak can be regarded as reaching the peak of life." Frog praised.


When he heard the green hills at that time, he couldn't bear it, and even jumped out without considering his own situation, it was considered exposed.

However, this guy seems a bit stupid and should be fooling around, and he will never tell himself.

Emperor Dongyang pretended to be a frog, pretending to be a silly hat, but his heart was like a lantern.

The little green-headed frog in front of him is definitely a master of Jiuhuang.

There is nothing wrong with it, he remembers it in his heart.

This is because the Nine Wild God Master is not in the upper realm, but someone in the upper realm is looking for it, and he has also given a very rich reward.

I don’t know who is looking for it, but it must be the four forces.

"Where, there is little achievement, compared with the priest, it is not worth mentioning." Emperor Dongyang said modestly.

"Young man, don't be pretentious, you are still very good."

The frog's voice sounded as if he had returned to the time of the former Jiuhuang priest once again, and treated Dongyang Emperor as if he were facing a child.

"Brother, I was so happy to see the priest here, but suddenly, I seemed to think of something and wanted to go back first," said Dongyang Emperor.

Lin Fan stepped forward with a smile, patting Dongyang Emperor's shoulder, "Don't worry, just leave as soon as you come, what does this look like."

Emperor Dongyang looked at the hand on his shoulder, a little stunned.

It felt like I was seen through.

"Frog, what are you thinking?" Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

The frog trembled and reacted suddenly. The desperate man was warning himself if he wanted to die.

Once, he was indeed the Jiuhuang Priest, but that was before.

It is different now.

He is a frog, a weak and poor frog.

Exposing himself in front of Dongyang Emperor, the ghost knew what the other party thought.

"Master, I'm not thinking about it." The frog stared at Lin Fan for a long time.

He was thinking about a thing, whether he would make a violent wave to defend the majesty of the Nine Wasted Master.

But think about it.

If the frog does not fight with people, the body is not in contrast, and it is better to be low-key.

Emperor Dongyang showed a complacent look and shook his head. Did he hear it wrong? Why did Jiuhuang Master call this native?

the host?

This is a bit uncomfortable.

He stared at Lin Fan in amazement, and still did not believe it, as if he wanted to be sure.

"He did call me Master, do you know why?" Lin Fan saw through the doubts of Dongyang Emperor and calmed down.

Emperor Dongyang shook his head and asked what else if he understood.

It’s because I don’t understand, so I asked the question okay.

The frog looked at Lin Fan and wanted to vomit. It wasn't because he was too weak. He was caught by your desperate man. He would be boiled if he didn't obey.

"Because I know Cangtian very well." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Oh my God.

The frog was dumbfounded, and the bragging wasn't like that. It was familiar with Cangtian, so why didn't it hit you to death.

"Well, I know." Emperor Dongyang nodded and believed this.

It must be familiar, but if it is not familiar, where is the blue weather?

"Do you feel the change of my sect?" Lin Fan smiled lightly, not anxious and impatient, and the training gradually progressed. He was protecting the frog.

Is Emperor Dongyang a fool?


Not only is not a fool, but also very smart.

When I saw the frog, and learned that it was the Jiuhuang Priest, I was about to leave, obviously there was a problem.

Therefore, he had to keep Emperor Dongyang, and even tie him to this bright ship.

Emperor Dongyang looked outside and felt some doubts, but suddenly, the doubts dissipated and replaced with shock.

There is strong luck in the void that is invisible to the naked eye.

"It's..." He couldn't believe it, and even had a bit of pain.

"Yes, exactly as you think, but it's a pity that you came too far. If you arrive early a few days in advance, you might be able to get a point." Lin Fan sighed.


Emperor Dongyang gave him a slap, his face full of regret, and he wished he could crash into the pillar.

He found that the door was different, and every disciple was covered with powerful luck.

If he comes early, he may be able to get a little.

"Big Brother..." Emperor Dongyang looked at Lin Fan pitifully, these things were too attractive, he wanted very much.

Lin Fan patted Dongyang Emperor's shoulder, "Brother Dong, don't worry, this time has passed recently. I will keep it for you next time. You only need to remember one thing. I know Cangtian very well, believe it or not."

"I believe." Emperor Dongyang nodded without hesitation.

Frog foolish, this desperate man is fooling people.

How could it be familiar with the sky.

But what he didn't expect was that Emperor Dongyang would even think it was true. He could not be a master, but he would be stupid.

"That's good, did you really treat me like a big brother?" Lin Fan asked.

"Brother, is this needless to say? I must have treated you as your elder brother." Emperor Dongyang vowed that he said the truth.

Lin Fan nodded happily, "Don’t say that brother doesn’t believe you, but ah, the situation is impermanent, frog is also my dear pet, he told me, I don’t believe you are human, but I believe it, but in any case, I have to Believe in each other, so you swear, if you betray your brother’s affection, it’s okay to beat the thunder, it’s not so complicated."

Emperor Dongyang was dumbfounded. What's more complicated?

The master is most afraid of swearing.

Heavenly condemnation is incomprehensible, even if strong, a condemnation can send you back to the west.

Lin Fan was embarrassed to see Emperor Dongyang and pretended to ask: "What's wrong? What's the problem? Or, are you not serious?"

How can this be true.

Emperor Dongyang really wanted to roar. He was a fart. He just came out and talked about it. He was so familiar with Cangtian. I also wanted to get some benefits.

The news of the Nine Wastes Master is not a joke. There are mysterious forces that have created abundant conditions to find the existence of the Nine Wastes Master.

After going back, sending the news out and getting good things is a breeze.

"Brother, how could this happen." Emperor Dongyang grinned. Although he said all the facts, he would not admit it.

Being forced to the cusp of the storm, he will either enter or retreat.

"Brother, my husband, he is not that kind of person."

"Shut up, Brother Elder and Brother Dong have something to say, what kind of mouth do you damsel sit on, and go over there." Lin Fan turned back with a burst of anger, the squirting Phoenix Island harem maiden, with a look of ignorance and even a little anger.

Just thought of something, and extinguished the anger.

"Brother Dong, swear and let the frog rest assured that he was hurt and timid. Of course, as long as you are sincere, the elder brother has good things in the future and will definitely keep it for you." Lin Fan said.

The frog has a dead heart.

Who has been hurt, and who is timid, you don’t believe in others, and want to pit them in, so that’s why you say that.

Emperor Dongyang was hesitant and confused.

I want to get some benefits from the other party, and I want to sell the news of the Nine Wastes Master.

Compare with each other.

In the end, some roads need to be selected, and the choice is good, and the road will be easy in the future.

If this is not a good choice, in the end, you may get nothing.

"Brother Dong, what's wrong?" Lin Fan pretended to be puzzled, but in fact had already seen Dongyang Emperor through.

Plastic Brothers is not without encounter.

Could it be just a few words?

Emperor Dongyang seemed to have made a big decision, "Brother, nothing, I was just a little excited, the priest doubted me, I wanted to I used to study in the hands of the priest, and I would have been a **** The teacher is placed in a very high position. Even if I die, I can’t harm the master."

Lin Fan comforted, "It's okay, it's okay, just understand. Since he became like this, he's a little careful, he doesn't trust anyone, he quickly swears, we will be our own in the future."

The frogs want to kick Lin Fan to death.


If you find someone to bear the pot, don't you do that?


Never mind.

He is not stupid.

Desperado is protecting him.

For such a long time, this time it can be regarded as an eye-catcher.

It's just the operation, which is unreadable.

The frogman didn't say a word, so he blamed everything on him, which was a bit unreasonable.

"Huh?" The frog cooperated with the desperate, green bean-sized eyes, and stared deadly at Dongyang Emperor. The expression was very clear. It seemed to be saying, I just doubted you. If you don't swear, we can't continue to communicate. .

Emperor Dongyang thought clearly.

Compared with the priest, Cangtian must be more important.

Of course, the IQ of Dongyang Emperor may not be very high.

Until now.

He only saw things like Cang Weiyun, but he didn't see how hard Lin Fan's relationship with Cang Tian was. He didn't even get a hair.

First come first.

I already believe it.

"No need to say anything, for the sake of the elder brother and the priest, this oath must be issued." The emperor Dongyang waved his hand, and he had already made a choice.

That's it.

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