It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1036: You all know, I don’t know?

When preparing for a wave of matches, the situation has changed.

In the distance, a figure came, raised his feet, and fell, and appeared in front of Lin Fan and others.

It is a woman. Although she is not beautiful, she is full of English and clean.

"This esteemed guest, the emperor learned that you are here, please tell me." The woman said, as if she rarely smiled. The smile now showing is very ugly, it is better not to laugh.

Everyone Zhang Yunshi saw the coming person and respectfully said: "Master Madam."

They breathed a sigh of relief and did not seem to have to die.

When the goddess comes, it's okay.

When trying to speak out the other party's crimes, she considered that the female emperor invited the other party. If you speak bluntly on the spot, it is likely to displease the goddess and kill them.

Therefore, this bitter fruit can only be swallowed by yourself.

Looking at the body that was pierced, whispered.

Go all the way, dead is worthless.

Lin Fan whispered with the frog, "It seems that this is to invite us to kill us directly."

The frog couldn't believe it, "It's impossible, definitely not. Master, don't think about it, it will never be like this."

"What's your situation? I have no brains, and you have no brains. I came from outside the domain. The other party knew me as a fart, and sent someone over. He said that it was a noble guest, a good fart. I really thought the face was not big enough, obviously it was I want to kill, and I want to be foolproof, believe it or not, anyway, I'm ready to go and see."

Lin Fan was fearless. He wanted to kill as much as he wanted, and there was no problem.

Come out and mix, either you kill me, or I kill you.

He has also been killed many times, without fear, just so.

The frog was silent, after all, he couldn't believe it and had the only hope.

His mung bean-sized eyes stared at the goddess officer, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see a trace of killing intent.

Is it the master's illusion, or does he really believe in his wife too much?

"Master, if we don't go, let's withdraw." The frog was a little counseled and wanted to run.

Somehow, he felt it would be very dangerous when he passed.

Lin Fan is fearless, in order to explore the truth, even his life can be abandoned.

"You have to face the reality bravely and escape from him, after all, it is like a nightmare wrapped around your heart. In that case, then face the lens of reality, see the false face, release the only hope in your heart, and re-enter the new the way."

The frog is ignorant. He is talking about anything. He does not listen to any words. Can he speak human words?

Although he couldn't understand what he was saying, it was roughly what he meant. He understood that he would not run, but to look directly at each other.

You have to kneel.

"Please." Lin Fan smiled.

The goddess nodded and led the way.

"Frog, if you go there and you are killed, it means that your daughter-in-law really wore you a green hat, don't dare to face the facts, in fact, know it earlier and get rid of it earlier." Lin Fan whispered.

The frog is listless and the inner volatility cannot be smoothed out.

The process of chasing the sun in the darkness is really tormenting.

Zhang Yunshi and others followed behind, forming a triangle trend and always guarding against Lin Fan.

Lin Fan put the head of the acquaintance of the frog into the storage ring, while holding the frog in his hand.

Later, a crushing massacre will occur.

What a crush to look forward to.

Maybe it will happen after a while.

This is the site of the frog, but now that it has arrived, it makes the frog strange, everything has changed, and it is no longer the site that was familiar before.

He dropped his four claws weakly.

It's just green bean-sized eyes, staring around.

There were people passing by, all retreating far away, the goddess appeared, they did not dare to let go, and at the same time looked at Lin Fan curiously.

Thinking about who this person is, how could it be led by the goddess officer.

Lin Fan walked to the goddess officer with a smile, "Sister, aren't your empresses beautiful?"

The goddess was cold and unapproaching, facing the problem of boredom without even beating her eyelids.

"Big sister, what are you doing so cold, and the long ugliness, in fact, there is no reason, but there is less laughter, I heard that your empress once had a man named Jiuhuang Shenshi, which is the original master here, and was later joined by your empress. Is it true that the adulterer persecuted." Lin Fan asked with a smile.

The tone of speech follows a very common thing.

The goddess' official expression gradually changed slightly, her eyes cold, "Don't talk nonsense, so as to avoid trouble from coming out of your mouth."

Lin Fan smiled, "Just talk, don't be so serious."

The frog is desperate, and it's not like that.

He was a little bit persuaded by the desperate, as if the other party was true, and his wife really betrayed herself.

It didn't take long.

The magnificent palaces float in the air like a floating city in the air, horrifying the crowd.

The divine light enveloped the palace, sacred and solemn.

There are many people coming and going, but all are kept quiet.

The frog stared, "How come, when did my site have these buildings, where did my Sky Stone really go?"

He couldn't believe it. Before, he built himself a thousand-footed real body of Tianshi, which is a powerful symbol and a symbol of dignity.

Where is the special?


These buildings suspended in the air have the breath of heavenly stones.

Oh my god, which king of **** broke his real body into these tattered buildings.

This is a humiliation to him, and even more disrespect to him.

Lin Fan felt that the frog's expression was a bit uncomfortable.

It seems to remember the glorious days.

He quietly took out the player that had been drawn and gave a song to the frog.

"From the beginning"

The lyrics sing like this: all the honors of yesterday have turned into distant memories, diligent and diligent have spent half of their lives, and tonight again into the wind and rain.

Very appropriate.

The music sounded.

Quiet green hills, there is suddenly a voice.

The frog caught in his memories suddenly felt dazed when he heard this sad music.

The goddess's expression changed, and she looked at Lin Fan.

This weird voice came from the other party.

Lin Fan patted the frog's head, "Send you a song, and slowly recall."

The frog wanted to cry and was reminded of his heart.

When I used to be a teacher of Jiuhuang, what a beautiful scenery it was.

The rulers of countless heavens and earth, come to him to seek medicine, all depends on his face.

But wait.

Come back from the beginning, what the hell?

As he is now, he will start all over again, fearing that he will be beaten into a patty.

He looked at the desperate and wanted to say something.

You are such a bad person, I believe in your evil.

The music is over.

The surroundings returned to a quiet state.

However, when the frog listens to this song, there is such an urge to start all over again.

It's just a pity that he was quickly interrupted by this unrealistic idea.

To start over again, at least give a reliable body.

You don’t have to give it to the body. At least you have to eat with your hands. You can’t eat. You can only rely on sticking your tongue out.

"How about frogs, do you have feelings, passions, and an urge to recapture everything?" Lin Fan asked.

The frog looked at Lin Fan and sighed, let me go.

Stop playing.


At this moment, Lin Fan looked around, "I feel like I have many eyes, looking at us."

The expression of the goddess changed slightly, but I didn't expect this person's perception to be so sensitive.

However, it has arrived.

"The empress is waiting for you inside, please."

Came to a stone door carved with the heavenly goddess, the goddess officer stood aside and invited Lin Fan to enter.

Lin Fan stood in front of the stone gate.

He knew that entering 100% would be done.

However, he does not matter.

Not at all in my heart.

The frog was a little nervous, "Master, really go in?"

He is a voice. After he became Lin Fan's dear pet, he has such ability, no matter how strong the opponent is, he can't detect it.

"Why don't you go in? The purpose of your coming here is not just to confirm whether your daughter-in-law has lied to you or not. Just telling you, as long as you go in, we are in danger, then it means that your daughter-in-law is going to kill you."

"When we enter the green hills, your daughter-in-law should know that you are back."

Lin Fan shook his head, sad frog, how dare not face the reality.

The person who turned him into a frog must also have a bad taste, and turned into a green frog. Perhaps from the beginning, he has been told that you have been greened by me.

Isn't there a point in my heart?

For frogs, it may be really countless, maybe.

At this time, Lin Fan pushed the stone door open, it was very dark, and there was no end in sight.

"Please." The goddess officer said.

"Aren't you going in?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

The goddess said: "The empress invites guests, I can only wait outside."

Lin Fan didn't say much. He lifted his foot and stepped inside. It was a little dark around and he couldn't see the surroundings clearly.

"Master, be careful, Frog Frog feels a bit bad."

With a bang.

Outside, the goddess officer closed the stone door, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Lin Fan glanced back, then shouted: "The daughter-in-law of the frog, come out quickly, oh, no, the daughter-in-law of the Jiuhuang priest, you come out quickly, you guys wear a green hat for the frog, it is mean, hateful, Lao Tzu to you There is no interest in fireworks."

"Master, don't do this, maybe it's a misunderstanding." Frog wants to die. Nothing like this. If it's a misunderstanding, what to do if his wife is angry.

Although it is the body of a frog, the true heart of his wife will never change.

The voice fell.

The situation around me suddenly changed.

The dark environment gradually became brighter.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding voids oscillated, and several terror forces burst out, and the target was Lin Fan.

Lin Fan threw the frog directly into the storage ring.



The speed is extremely fast.

The shot was the one who dominated the realm without leaving his hand. In the blink of an eye, several forces bombarded Lin Fan and directly knocked Lin Fan out.


Blood spilled to the ground.

Four figures appeared floating in the air, carrying their hands, looking at the pile of blood with cold eyes, and did not mind at all.

One of them, wearing a black mask, covered the area above the tip of the nose.

With long cyan hair hanging behind him, he said towards the end of the distance: "Do we need the four of us to work together on this kind of color?"

For the ruler, Lin Fan was indeed temporarily unsightly.

It's too weak.

Then, at the end of the distant mirror, a mumbled voice came, which was considered an answer.

The outer edge of the green hill.

Ten seconds later.

A figure appeared.

"Mad, I knew that I was uneasy and kind. I didn't expect the four masters to make the peak shot. It was really a group of dogs." Lin Fan scolded, put on his clothes, and released the frog from the storage ring.

The frog at this time lost his soul.

"No, how could it be."

What has just happened is a huge blow to the frog. Even now, I will not believe that what I experienced is true.

"Yes, it must be so. She didn't know it was me who came back. I thought who was posing as me. It must be so. I can't be wrong."

"Master, did you say that?"

The frog continued to find someone who agreed with his speculation.

Lin Fan patted the frog's head, "Frog frog, some things have really happened and cannot be changed. You have been living in a dream like this for you, it is really a painful thing."

"Impossible." The frog roared, so stiff for the first time with the desperate, "How could it be, she was nothing before, I took her, take care of her, give her all the good things, give her everything , How could she betray me."

Entering the palace, he was killed, he knew that everything had changed.

"Which king **** must have seduced her and temporarily lost her. I must catch the **** out."

The frog was angry and roaring, and the anger of the Nine Wastes Master was indelible.

If it is the main body, it really makes people scared.

It is just now that he has become a short green-headed frog. In the eyes of others, it is a joke. An ant lifted his paw in protest.

Lin Fan took his head out, "Maybe he knows something."

He felt sad for the frog. Instead of being sad because he was green, he thought that being green was a good thing. He could do nothing but do what he remember that when he came here, he has always been Want to leave Yan Huazong.

If you really leave at that time, you will not have feelings with the teacher, maybe now you are alone, and it will be a long time ago.

Now, it is all stable.

"Master, don't believe her," the head said.

The frog looked at each other, "Big king, you tell me what the **** is going on, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you."

The head sighed, "Master, I really don't know the specific situation. After you disappeared, Jiuhuang Mountain was in chaos. At that time, everyone was looking for you, but Wu Yan ruled out aliens, and moved Jiuhuang Mountain up and down, firmly Control is in your hands."

"The slaves who followed you were basically dead. If Qiangsheng Emperor secretly reported the letter and escorted us away, we might have to suffer the poison."

Lin Fan listened aside, this is a grievance and hatred, complex, it is complex.

In his view, this kind of complicated matter is too sad and beaten to death with a punch, otherwise nothing will be lost.

"Qiangsheng? That guy will save you. How is it possible, he has been thinking about my wife-in-law. If it wasn't that he had known me for years, how could I tolerate him." The frog didn't believe it.

The eight kings are helpless, "Master, in fact, you are wrong to blame the Qiangsheng Emperor. In fact, there is one thing that you never knew. The Qiangsheng Emperor's feelings for you actually exceeded the gender. Smoke, we all know that we just want to drive her away, only you don’t know."

Lin Fan took a deep breath.

It's kind of interesting.

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