It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 1065: It's not easy to make money

The Buddha and the Demon clashed with the Holy Land Mountain. The Emperor Wu did not want to be pitted, so he was naturally careful.

It is just the benefits of Buddha and Demon that really make people in the Holy Land move.

If you can solve the problem of weakened blood, the Buddha Tower is something.

Of course, they doubted that they would not believe each other's words so easily.

Therefore, microdermabrasion is indispensable.

After a few days.


"What is the situation, this traffic is too little." Lin Fan wondered, temporarily did not want to understand, only a dozen people a day to enter the domain outside, which is incomparable with before.

At that time, there were no ghost race passages, and some were space pillars, dangerous passages. Although they would kill people, there were so many people who ventured in.

I didn't expect that such a safe passage today, even if so few people came, was a bit unreasonable.

Bone King nodded frequently, and was anxious about this. "Yeah, it didn't take long for this time. The number of people coming to the channel was really too small. If we continue this way, we all have to drink the northwest wind."

Mozu sneered again and again, "There are still few people? You are waiting to see, wait for things to spread out, and see if anyone is here."

"To tell you the truth, why do they want to go outside the domain, in fact, they don't know, but there are more people to see, just follow the trend, now you have tolls here, there is no good thing, you think they pay Willing to come?"

Mozu pondered for a long time, it should be those people who spread things out.

There are still people coming to the channel today, but they just don't know the situation.

"Wait, what you said is wrong. What do you mean? You also participated in it. You have also vowed together, that is, we have a share of the channel fee, no one comes, and you have no income." Lin Fan said that the magic ancestor's ideological realm is really not high.

Mozu did not say much, and could be mad at this kid.

When he was imprisoned, he was pitted by this kid and knew that it was not a good bird. If it was a good bird, could he do such a thing?

"Jiuhuang, you said, what is the reason they came to the outside world? With your network and news at that time, you must know." Mozu asked.

Mozu didn't know, but he heard some gossip, but he didn't know the truth.

And at that time, he didn't have any friends. If he wanted to inquire about the news, he had to rely on himself.

But Jiuhuang is different. As a Jiuhuang priest, I know a lot of friends and I must have heard some news.

The frog blinked, "This thing, I don't know how to say it, it's a little complicated anyway."

Lin Fan raised the frog, "Don't talk nonsense, say what you know."

Even the frog, even now, seldom tells him the truth.

"Master, if you ask me, I must say it, in fact, it's nothing. As far as I know, the domain outside has hidden secrets, but the domain outside is too big, so many domains are merged together, what is it, I don't You know, people have been searching for countless years for anyway," said the frog.

Although he is a master of Jiuhuang, he knows a lot of news, but to be honest, some things are really secrets of the heavens. One kind has not been explored by anyone, and it needs to be explored slowly to know.

Mozu nodded and pondered for a moment, "It seems to be the case, and what I know is the same. I heard that there is a secret outside the domain, but I don't know what the secret is."

The frog found that the eyes of the desperate were staring at him, and immediately shook his head. "I don't know. There are very few people who can know that there are secrets outside the domain. As for what it is, I am afraid no one knows."

"If you know, when the channel opens, it's not this little fish and shrimp."

Lin Fan nodded, believing what the frog said, it really made sense.

If the goal is clear, the person coming will definitely not be Xiaomi.

It should be because they know there are secrets, so they will send people over to investigate the situation. If they are out in person, then they are not telling everyone that there is something they value from outside the domain.

The final result was not a swarm of bees.

Look at this situation now.

The Dudweet hadn’t even personally sent out, but just sent some small ones to form a chain reaction, which attracted the attention of various forces.

"Secret?" Lin Fan touched his chin and wondered, he must create the greatest value in a limited time.

In his opinion, people here seem to have some problems with their values.

Mozu saw Lin Fan's expression dignified, his eyes gleamed with low light, and he had a bad predictor, "Boy, what can you do?"

"Hey." Lin Fan smiled, "The way, that's not easy, make sure they hook themselves."

Bone King admired, "Great, the little brother is really good. He could think of a good way and had to admire it."

Some of Mozu couldn't stand the bone king, "You know what he thinks, just say it?"

"Demon Lord, my bone king will never look away. I will see the Lord Lord very accurately, absolute overlord, and I will see very accurately the little brother. It is absolutely talented and there is nothing wrong with it. "Don't move, Bone King licked two times, this skill has to be admired.

Blood Crow and Bone King group, sigh helplessly, and at the same time a little envious.

He also hopes to be licked by the bone king, but unfortunately he has never licked it.

Chijiusha belongs to soy sauce.

The cultivation base is very weak, and basically has no right to speak.

But it's not bad here, there is no block in the upper realm, you can break through to a higher level.

The magic path he walked is different from that of the devil ancestor.

Although it will have an impact with the Mozu, but more, he thinks this is a kind of discipline to him, to let himself go more firmly and undisturbed by the outside world.

Lin Fan got up and smiled, "Wait later, don't disturb me."

"Don't know what you want to do." Mozu shook his head, a little puzzled, he is now waiting for the arrival of Buddha and Demon.

Knowing that he occupied the passage, the Buddha and Devil could not sit still.

Even if it attracted the four forces, he was not afraid.

Out of Cangtian's repression, the first battle had to be started to let those familiar with him know that once the heavens were fearless, the overbearing Devil Ancestor was back.

Lin Fan stayed there alone.

"Guru, what are you instructed?" Since the last time you tracked Jiyuan to your guru, you have nothing else to do. The reviewers are naturally waiting for the guru's news, but they hope to develop Zhizhi Bird to the upper bound.

"It's about time, you can come to the upper bound." Lin Fan said.


Upon hearing this, the Zhizhi Bird reviewer was overjoyed and finally waited until this day.

Lin Fan said: "You let the knowing bird come up, get some news around the upper realm, spread it out, let the people in the upper realm know that you know the existence of the bird, and what they do, don't charge, send it for free."

"Understood." Zhizhi bird reviewer nodded.

To develop a new business, it must be paid, how can it pay off if you do not pay.

"You have to find the right guy."

Lin Fan thinks about the next move, the channel is his only industry in the upper realm, and he must earn a fortune.

Mozu is waiting for the arrival of Buddha and Demon, but he hasn't come yet, that is, he hasn't discussed it yet.

Therefore, in this period of time, as much as possible to scrape away, not to waste so much effort.

After a few days.

One thing happened in the upper realm, and something magical that never appeared before appeared.

Known as Zhizhiniao, spreading things in the upper realm.

Originally, people in the upper realm were protesting, but then they accepted frankly, perhaps something new, which made them curious.

It is really interesting to be able to sit at home and drink tea to know what is happening in the upper realm.

However, there is a piece of content that has aroused the attention of many people.

"Buddha and Demon contact three forces to enter the outside world and find the ultimate secret"

This content immediately caught everyone's attention.

What is the existence of Buddha and Demon, that many people can not climb high in a lifetime.

But there are records on it, and I have to say that it is really amazing.

An island full of volcanoes.

Emperor Dongyang lived a shy day with his daughters-in-law, and at this time, he sat up violently and looked at the things in his hand. "This stuff is a bit familiar."

"Husband, what's wrong?" the lady of the main palace of Phoenix Island asked lazily.

"This seems to be a knowledgeable bird from outside the domain. I saw it at Yan Huazong. How did it reach the upper bound? And dare to publish such news, could it be..."

He thought of the cheap brother.

Recognize the other party as the eldest brother, that is to hope to get something from the sky, but I haven't even seen a hair until now.

These are not wanted.

Seeing this now, he dares to guarantee that this is definitely made by his brother.

To say who is the fiercest outside the domain, who can be besides this guy.

"Wife-in-law, you are staying at home and going out for your husband." He is going to the outside world now. Although it is only a copy of a knowledgeable bird, he has already smelled the benefits.


If it's okay, how could these things come out.

A keen business sense of smell ~ ~ made Dongyang Emperor discover that something was wrong.

Many loose repair masters, as well as various forces such as small and medium-sized forces, are analyzing whether the contents are true or false.

The Buddha and the Demon contacted the three forces to enter the outside world.

This is a big deal.

According to them, the four forces did not take any action. They thought that the outside world did not have what they looked at, but now it seems that everything is wrong.

It is not that the four major forces are dismissive, but planning.

At this moment, many people are excited, of course, many people are watching.

I still have some doubts about this knowing bird who came out from nowhere.

During this time, the news was flying.

Many masters began to contact and share the news, while also watching the movements of the four forces.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as I thought." Yu Jiuyuan was overjoyed, greedy in his eyes.

However, he was not in a hurry.

Behind the Buddha, as long as there is action, then follow.

Even if I don’t know what it is now.

But there will definitely be a day to know.


Another big news appeared.

Knowing that birds are advancing with the times, and reforming the news layout, there is actually a real record.

The title is overbearing.

"The Unnamed Child in the Upper Realm, Get the Great Opportunity of the Outside World"

The content is very clear. The only child in the upper realm is the emperor Tianjing Xiuwei. When he walks outside the domain, he gets a chance and breaks through the world in the blink of an eye.

There are also video records.

Let everyone in the upper realm who saw this content get hot.

Is it so domineering?

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