It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 787: What else can I say

Zongmen's soaring strength is the scene he is most willing to see.

Zhang Long closed their doors all day and night, with the aid of Pill Medicine, it has been very good to break through to such a realm. Of course, this is still a little related to their talents. If the talents are very strong, it should be more than this.

But it doesn't matter, what he lacks most is time.

"Sleep so comfortable."

At this time, the hanging girl woke up, and in Lin Fan's opinion, the hanging girl would lie down for an hour at most, and seeing the situation now, she was really sleeping.

"I want to listen to the story." The first thing that the hanging girl woke up was nothing but the story.


Lin Fan squeezed with five fingers and punched away with one punch, but this punch did not have any resistance and penetrated the body of the hanging girl.

Transparent, can't hurt.

In an instant, Lin Fan felt a pair of arms pass through his sides and lay on his body, a group of not very hot breath, exhaled from the mouth of the hanging girl.

"I want to hear the story."

"What's so special about you?" Lin Fan was a little angry. He felt that the other party was teasing him. He slept for a while and said that he would continue to listen to the story. It was really uncomfortable.

However, he held back, just to see what was going on with the hanging girl.

Colored eyes open.

Suddenly, he condensed his mind, and the woman's demeanor suddenly changed. An extremely strange atmosphere, centered on her, spread like a wave, violently spreading in all directions.

"Not good, dangerous." He did not take this kind of momentum into mind, but looking at this trend, it was spreading around. If it is not stopped, I am afraid it can really cover the entire sect.

"shut down."

Close the colored eyes for the first time, and get a preliminary understanding of the ability of hanging girls.

The mental attack is overbearing.

"Huh?????" The hanging girl, reacted, confused in her eyes, did not react for the time being, just a moment later, her reason disappeared, and her memory was a little confused.

"What do you want?" Lin Fan asked.

This hanging girl is indeed a bit tricky, good at group attack.

For every strong man, he can exert a coercive attack, but like this, it is not what ordinary people can do to exert spiritual coercion to this level.

"I want to hear the story." The hanging girl replied indifferently.

"Listen to your sister." Lin Fan was a little helpless. I knew that this would be the case. I shouldn't have taken the hanging girl back to Zongmen.

Every day to listen to the story, where the story comes from.

At this time, doing something else is much better than this.

"I don't have a sister." The hanging girl shook her head.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, and then his tone changed coldly, "Do you want to die? If you want, I don't mind helping you."

"Death is okay, but I want to listen to the story." The hanging girl was calm, without any trace of fluctuation.

"Lying trough!"

This is the first time in his history that he has encountered such a speechless opponent. Even if he dies, he still has to listen to the story. However, this also shows from another aspect that the other party is a good seedling and is very specific to his goal.

Even if you die, you have to listen to the story. How strong is this belief? How can ordinary people have such a belief?

"Okay, okay, but I do a deal with you. Usually I am not in the Zong Men. You must protect the safety of each disciple of Yan Hua Zong. As long as you do it, every time you come back, Lord Ben Feng will tell you three. How about three days and three nights?"

Lin Fan had thoughts about the ability to hang a girl.

The cultivation practice of Ming Wang Shengzi is not weak and shining in the world, but even such cultivation practice is difficult to resist the spiritual attack of the hanging girl.

If he is not in the sect gate, and encounters a strong enemy invasion, maybe this hanging girl can be of great help.

"Okay." The hanging girl nodded.

Lin Fan nodded happily and took down the hanging girl, which was regarded as a little more fighting power for Zongmen.

On top of the mountain.

He stood there, looking far away.

In the sky, knowing birds flew, and a piece of paper news fell.

Raise your hand and open the content page.

"I didn't expect that "The Lord of the Dan Realm" has been so popular. If it hasn't been updated for a long time, it has caused such a big riot." He glanced at it, and there are records. Level writer.

He even threatened that as soon as he found this guy, he had to be beaten up and let him write honestly.

"The greed is not enough to swallow the elephant. The main update of this peak is also a lot. Although it takes a long time to update each update, during this time, the number of updated words is at least two or three hundred thousand."


At this time, he saw that in the corner of the content, there was a debate about the defiled by Yuan Zhen, the true leader.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect people now to hide themselves like this." Lin Fan wondered, as he saw the true face of the righteous Lord.

Zhu Fengfeng and Fat Pig are not on the scene, they can understand what.

As for those who have been saved by themselves, they don’t even know anything. I am afraid they only know to love peace and support peace.

"Fortunately, I am updating a little today. I will go to the Dan Realm tomorrow to ask for the Elixir. It has reached the world of Yaoshi, and I must continue to work hard to reach the realm of Dao. Then it will reach its peak."

Lin Fan took out Jin Cancan paper, and immediately heard the complaints and wailing of the Zhizhi Auditor reviewer, as well as the kind of crying desire that made everyone cry.

He ignored it and started writing directly.

The content does not need to be over-thought, the routine is already in my mind.

As for the righteous Lord, he had to continue to be angry for a while.

But I didn't expect that the Lord of Righteousness was really stable enough. When encountering such things, I can't be impatient.

But also, he is the master of the right way, and his reputation has long been out. I want people to believe that there is really no possibility. Of course, he is disgusting and disgusting, and the rest does not care at all.

Yuan Zhen and Chi Jiusha's storage rings are still in his hands, he did not take them out at Zongmen.

Demon God Chijiu can find himself following the induction of the storage ring, so Yuan Zhen naturally has this ability too.

Get the content right, pass it to Zhizhiniao, prepare to go to Danjie and Jiusei Patriarch for payment, and discuss it by the way. Is this price higher?

The impact is quite high and prices must be raised.

Lin Fan rose from the sky and disappeared over the Zongmen.

"My baby disciple has made it impossible for the teacher to see through." Tian Xu opened his eyes and looked at the distant world, and gradually, a smile appeared on his face, "The trend is unstoppable."

Then continue to practice.

Gradually, a vast ancient tree emerged from behind, and a gentle momentum radiated out, enveloping Yan Huazong.

"Will the Holy Land come yet?" Ming Wang Shengzi squatted down and wiped the toilet hard, swearing that he could not betray, but he was expecting the Holy Land to come and rescue him.

But after so long, the Holy Land had no news.

"It wouldn't be that I don't know where I am."

Thinking of this, Ming Wang Shengzi shuddered, as if it were really possible.

Dan world.

The green poisonous mist forms a protection against anyone who attempts to misbehave the Dan Realm. Those who come to the Dan Realm and want to see the true face of the Nine-color Patriarch are also blocked.

They didn't dare to break in. These poisonous mist creatures are too horrible, they can be killed and turned into ashes.

"Nine-color ancestors, I'll wait for you to come here. Please see me again." A man with outstanding style and strong breath stood outside Danjie and shouted.

There is no echo.

The green poison mist creatures wrapped around the outside of the Dan Realm walk aimlessly, but if there are creatures stepping into the range, they will attack them in groups and clean up the invaders.

"Xiongtai, don't shout, now Danjie is closed and will not receive anyone." said a man who had been waiting outside Danjie for a long time.

"Why? The experience of the Nine-Colored Patriarch has had a great impact on me. I came here not far away to see the true appearance." The man said.

"Do you really know it, or do you not know? The Lord of the Pill Realm greeted people from afar, but did not expect that there was a person who was robbing the Pill of Elixir. Fortunately, it was discovered in advance that there was no loss, so now the Pill Realm has Closed, no more people." The long-awaited man said.

"How do you know?" the man asked curiously.

Suddenly, a stream of light hit the distant world.

"Nine-color ancestors, hurry to welcome me in." Lin Fan came and went, his voice condensed into a silk thread, penetrated the green poisonous fog, and passed in.

The ancestor of Nine Colors is very annoyed recently. There are too many people who come here to admire the names. Many of the powerful forces have also come. Although he is congratulating on his mouth, he can see the jealousy of Chiguo.

Others asked what happened to him later.

But what can he say, and can still say Actually, the story didn't happen in this way, but the ancestor was beaten up by others, and finally knelt down to beg for mercy before he was forgiven.

As for what Lin Feng will write behind him, he can only say that this old ancestor doesn't know anything.

The content has been written so far, at least three women have an ambiguous relationship with the ancestor, but he really has not experienced these things.

He read the messages.

Many old guys are very envious, saying that when they were young, they only cared about cultivation, and they never thought about the feelings of men and women. Later, they succeeded in cultivation, and they became older, and their burdens were heavy, so they did not think about such things.

They all said that they envy themselves and can be accompanied by their confidantes while practicing.

If he reads the message, he wants to cry. If this is the case, he will thank the world.

But really not.

And he couldn't say it. When someone asked where Hong Yan was, he smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice from outside, and he was very happy. This was the voice of Lord Lin Feng.

Afterwards, a finger pointed out, and a glorious glance passed away, opening up a path.


The people talking to each other found this figure, still a little puzzled. I didn't know who this person was. Dan Realm was closed. He even named his ancestors to let Jiu Se ancestors greet him. I really thought who he was.

The situation changed in a blink of an eye.

Danjie Poison Mist retreats from side to side, opening up a path for him.

"Lord Lin Feng is welcome."

A voice came, this is the voice of Jiu Se Pao.

Shocked, it turned out to be true.

What the **** is this guy doing?

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