It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 806: Take back

Lin Fan looked at each other.

The old patriarch kept smiling and nodded silently.


Lin Fan wanted to ask a question, but forget it, he talked and counted, even if he opened his mouth, even if it was a pit, he recognized it.

"Master, this is the way to condense the righteousness of the righteous way and the right way. Now the old man is a free man." The old master is also helpless to this guy, which is different from what he thought.

Today's young people generally have a sense of justice and like to be valued by the older generation.

Especially this matter, that is a beautiful thing, with one person's strength, to save the righteous mountain and blow it out, it is also a young talent that everyone sings.

But how could he think that the other party was directly tied, even he was almost taken away.

Who can believe if I say it?

If it wasn't for personal experience, he couldn't believe it.

"What should we do?" The old men in Yuanshan looked at each other, not knowing what would happen below. They just thought they were free again, but looking at the situation now, where is this?

Escaped from a thief's den and entered another thief's den.

"You ask me, I will ask who."

"Old Sovereign, save us, we were caught by you on Zhengdao Mountain, and have suffered for so many years. You, Zhengdao Mountain, can't ignore it."

"Yeah, you know what Yuan Zhen has done to us, and you say you will change or compensate us?"

Yuanshan elders, full of talk.

They are all about to collapse, how can this happen.

"Hey." The old patriarch sighed, helpless, he had to redeem himself, let alone save others.


Suddenly, a scene that surprised everyone.

Yuan Zhen got up suddenly and stood there motionless, lowering his head, shaking his hands and feet slightly, and then raising his head, his pupils were a little confused, and the whole person was a little dull.

"who am I?"

"Am I there?"


Yuan Zhen hugged his head and screamed, repeating what he had just said.

"Who am I? Where am I?"

Between heaven and earth, only Yuan Zhen's voice.

Everyone saw this scene, dumbfounded.

"He wouldn't be crazy."

"It's very possible that it's crazy, this..."

"The guru actually drove Yuan Zhen crazy, which is too scary."

Lin Fan squinted, Yuan really changed, some amazing, the previous confrontation, really made him stupid?

If this is the case, it would be more interesting.

"Hey, this is retribution." Shan Xian shook his head, the righteous master, and finally turned into this look, which is really ridiculous.

"Forget it, since it's crazy, then die." Lin Fan twisted his ankle, preparing to kick Yuan Zhen to death.

And just when he was ready to take action, the old patriarch stood in front of Yuan Zhen, "Guru, please also be merciful."

"Hey, won't you be stupid, do you want to save him?" Lin Fan asked, "You are so miserable, but they are all from him."

He was really weird. What people think now is so miserable that he still wants to save him, but it is a bit stunned.

The old patriarch lowered his head and felt a bit of pain in his heart. "A long time ago, the old man met him in the snow. When he was a baby, he brought him back to Zhengdaoshan as a parent."

"For the first time, he called my father, but it made me happy at the time, and finally let him be called the suzerain."

"Then, teaching him to practice and watching him grow up step by step, I am very pleased."

"It's my fault that the son didn't go to the godfather. It made him take this path. Although he did something unforgivable, I want to ask Lord Lin Feng to spare him."

"No matter what he does, he is still the child of the old man. The old man does not want him to end so miserably."

Lin Fan looked at the old patriarch and felt a little helpless. Why did he suddenly play the family card, and he really didn't know what to say.

He thought of the teacher.

If you do something yourself, the teacher should do the same.

Of course, he is not Yuan Zhen. The things we do are all inheriting love and justice.

At this moment, the old patriarch stepped forward and slapped a palm on Yuan Zhen's three big points, the top of his head, chest, abdomen, and a force penetrated directly into it.


Yuan Zhen's body was like something exploding. Like an air leaking ball, an unmatched breath leaked out and dissipated in the world.

"Guru, the old man has already abolished him. In the future, it will only abolish people and will not cause trouble to anyone. And now he is stupid, and he can be regarded as an atonement for what he has done." The old master said.

At this time, Yuan Zhen's face shrank rapidly, and he was very old, without strength. He was just an ordinary person, and his life span was the same.

"It's a pity." Lin Fan pondered, the peak of Dao Realm was released like this, and it was still abolished. If beheaded, this score is very optimistic.

"Forget it, forget it, Lord Ben Feng doesn't like to be sensational, and it has been abandoned by you. That's useless. Take it away."

Lin Fan waved his hands and said too much.

The onlookers were very disappointed.

The Lord of Righteousness is thus abolished, and a generation of owls has fallen and wants to rise unless the sun comes out from the west.

"Thank you, Master, this old man remembers this in his heart." The old master was grateful.

It was a pity for Lin Fan, and then he looked at the old people, the people here, he had to take them back.

"This look is so scary."

"It's over, I'm afraid I won't be able to run."

The old men imprisoned in the Yuanshan Mountains were very timid and dared not look at Lin Fan, which was too aggressive.

Moreover, it also makes them feel that they are prey, has been fancy.

"Things have been resolved, the owner of the peak can leave."

Lin Fan vacated and fell to the giant mountain. Under the panic of everyone, the mountain was shaken. He directly picked up the Yuan Mountain and put it into the storage ring.

Afterwards, the Tianhe Wang Ding was directly taken out and directly enlarged.

Under the shocked eyes of the old men, one by one was thrown into it.

"Guru, let me go. I'm too old to use it. You will be generous and compassionate. Let me go back to spend my old age."

"Yeah, we are all useless, grab us back, that is, just multiple rations."

Lin Fan ignored them and was very excited to catch them. Soon, he put all the old people into Tianhe Wangding.

"Guru, Shuangjue old man, he..." Shan Xian said, though hesitated, but wanted to save Shuangjue old man.

"Don't go too far, the main leader of this peak retreated a few steps, and then let me retreat.

"However, my person is fairly fair, one for another, or you can replace him."

Lin Fan will not hand over people anymore, these are all sectarian, how can they be wasted.

"This..." Mountain Immortal heard this, and said nothing. Forget it. He had done his best, and the old man knew that he would not blame him.

"Never mind, Guru, I hope you can treat the old man who is very good. He is my best friend. His musical instrument is very good, and the **** is even better."

Shan Xian sighed, powerless, he has tried his best, but still failed to rescue his old friend.

As for his replacement, that's okay, he still has a good youth waiting.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and stared at the mountain fairy. Was this guy intentionally or unintentionally?


This is who wants to blow flute.

"Leave." Lin Fan waved his hand, escaped into the void, and left here.

The Lord of Righteousness is finished and he is ready to take credit.

"Guru, wait for us."

God Lord and others hurried to catch up, what is the purpose of their coming here? That must be to meet the guru.

Originally, he wanted to grab the master and bring it back to God Realm, to tune it well, let him update the content every day, and if possible, let the other party write a "Master of God Realm".

Just look at the current situation, forget it, he does not want to die so fast.

The strength of the guru is amazing and not easy to deal with.

It is better to be kind.

"What else do you keep up with?" Lin Fan raised Tianhe Wangding with one hand and looked back at the three.

God Lord stepped forward with a smile on his face, "Guru, why not go to God Realm and let me do my best as a landlord."

"You're welcome. It's been a long time since I came out. I want to go back to rest." Lin Fan didn't have time to go to God Realm, so he had to go back and solve these old men.

What a good potential, strength recovered, is the backing of Yan Huazong, enough to ensure Yan Huazong's safety.

The Divine Lord is still not reconciled, "Guru, it's too good. When it comes to God Realm, I will arrange for you to have hundreds of leg-knockers to ensure comfort."

When I said this, I also blinked at Lin It seemed to be saying that men all understand, guru, you must also understand.

But Lin Fan responded calmly and understood a hammer.

"Everyone, I still have things. I'll talk about it next time. Don't follow me, otherwise I really want to beat people."

These three guys, not children, are all masters of power, at least a little bit tempered.

If there is one sentence, today you ignore me, and I will make you unable to climb high in other days.

If that is the case.

He must definitely like the three.

Lin Fan turned and left, eager to return to Zong.

"Guru..." God Lord stretched out his hand, but then sighed helplessly, "Hey, this is not right, you said, a person writing content is so beautiful, how can it be so strong, if the weakness is, I can't shoot it, kill him I got it."

The sword master looked at it, "Cultural people, like this, don't worry, you can meet each other in the future, but the matter of Zhengdao Mountain is amazing, Yuan Zhen was abolished, and the demon **** Chijiusha may be laughing."

"You said that Yuan Zhen has hatred against Chi Jiusha?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? Okay, don't say it, soldier, find a place, fight, and seeing you, I can't help it anymore."

"Just hit it, I'm afraid of you." The soldier master looked at the sword master, not paying attention to it at all.

The God Lord looked at the two of them and left without saying much. He had no time to blindly join them.

This battle will not last long, just like before, go back to each house.

"Guru, where are you going to take us?" Old Yuanshan squats in Tianhe Wangding, not very daring to move, but they are very nervous. Where is this kid going to take them? Torment them.

Lin Fan smiled.

"Take you to a good place."

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