It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 810: Transcendental mentality is not for everyone

Genius remembers this site's address for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The establishment of the Fighter Hall makes Lin Fan very excited.

These guys, although the situation is not very good, but as long as they recover, it will be dozens of strong state.

Although beating these guys, the points can increase a lot, but he can't bear it.

If all these guys are beheaded, it's really a loss, not worth it at all.

"Take them down, get acquainted with Yan Huazong, and at the same time inform Zongmen disciples about the status of the Musketeer Hall." Lin Fan is optimistic about the ancestor of Shengxianjiao. "Hardly, I see a different light from you."

The ancestor of Shengxianjiao straightened his waist. "Relax, Lord Lin Feng, I will definitely do it well."

From the dissatisfaction at the beginning, to his present investment, he has completely integrated into Yan Huazong.

During this time, he didn't feel anything bad, but felt that the whole person was very happy, even if he was the ancestor of a religion, he had never felt this way before.

Therefore, he can tell anyone that coming to Yan Huazong and carrying out a profound transformation is very good, and he is not unwilling at all.

"Tu'er, the foundations of these powerful Taoists are damaged, and it seems that many immortals are needed to recover slowly." Tiansu said.

"Well, Elixir doesn't need to worry, it's easy to solve." Lin Fan took out a jade card. "Teacher, this is a good thing that Tuer got from Zhengdao Mountain, and he can condense the righteousness."

Tiansu hadn’t heard it, and was very curious, "Tuer, this thing is amazing?"

"Well, it's amazing."

He had seen the righteousness, and it was indeed very strong. This is undoubtedly, it broke out, and the peak of the Taoist realm had to be smashed.


Crush the jade card, a breath of air rises to the sky, covering the sky above the Zongmen.

Moreover, it was not over yet. The breath fell and spread to every corner of the sect gate and merged into each disciple, but then a little bit of starlight fluttered out of the disciples.

"Wow, what is this thing?"

"How can these things float out of my body, I can sense that my power is condensed in the air."

The Zongmen disciples were surprised and did not know what happened.

Of course, they are not afraid.

This is the sect gate, the safest place, but also their spiritual harbor.

"Don't panic, my fellow students and sisters, this is the method of condensing the love and justice of the fellow students and sisters of the sect. Your strength will condense above the sect and coexist with the sect forever."

A voice reached the ears of the disciples.

"This voice is Brother Lin's voice."

"Wow, there are such amazing exercises, love and justice, I am a person full of love and justice."

At the moment, the disciples cheered, this feeling made them very comfortable.

"It turns out that we can also contribute to Zongmen."

Some disciples have always felt sorry for not being able to contribute to Zong Men. Brother and Zong Men have been raising them, but now, hope has emerged and they have been fully motivated.

"Tu'er, this is amazing." Tianxu raised his head and smiled, and he felt the breath that enveloped the Zongmen, pure, with the strength of the disciples in it.

"Of course, this practice is from Zhengdao Mountain. They have a strong spirit of Zhengdao Mountain, but Tu'er believes that it won't take long for our sect to become stronger."

He trusted the Zongmen disciples very much.

Under his training, the younger brothers and sisters are all people who are full of love and justice.

"Xiaofan, the location has been found." Huo Rong and others came back and found five locations, all of which were near Zongmen. It was definitely a good place.

"Hey, Zongmen has changed a little bit."

Huo Rong looked up and looked curiously, this breath was too pure, very powerful.

"It must have changed a lot. If there was no change, it wouldn't be all in vain." Lin Fan rolled his eyes and said all nonsense. He stayed outside for so long, every time he came back, if he didn't bring some points to Zongmen Change, he went out in vain.

But looking at Zongmen's changes a little bit, he was content and changed a lot, from very weak and poor Zongmen to such a point, it is really not easy.

Yan Huazong's wealth today is staggering, and even some powerful forces cannot compare with Yan Huazong.

There is no shortage of exercises.

Alchemy technology, the existence of frogs, alchemy technique has reached a new height.

In terms of scientific research, Didi Didi is ingenious and overbearing.

It is the local strongman, some are not satisfactory.

Now that the Zongmen strong are all foreign aid, it is a pity that this is the case.

Lin Fan floated in the air and took out the danger in the storage ring.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with danger, covering the sky above Yan Huazong.

The disciples looked up and marveled.

"Seriously, Senior Brother came back dangerously, and we will have more places to go in the future."

Now they don't need to stay away from the sect gate, they are generally in the dangerous area around the sect gate.

Those brothers moved back from outside.

Basically, I wake up every morning, practice till noon, return to Zong for a meal, continue to go in the afternoon, and come back to bed at night.

Everyday life is very regular.

Lin Fan moved dangerously one by one.

These are all dangerous places of Zhengdao Mountain. Overall, they are pretty good.

Putting the dangerous place all over, he clapped his hands, very satisfied.

"Teacher, what do you think? The overall situation of our sect gate has quietly climbed up a few steps again." Lin Fan smiled, raised his hand, and raised up with the clouds, indicating that the sect gate situation is now.

"Hahaha." Tianxu was amused by Tu'er, "Tu'er, good, wait for the future, the overall situation of our sect should fly so high."

Tiansu also made a gesture, and the master and apprentice were full of hope for the future.

"Teacher, Tu'er went back first." Lin Fan said goodbye, and then attacked towards the invincible peak.

"Perhaps the most proud thing in this life, maybe this is the thing." Tian Xu smiled, and then saw the group of popular teachers, also can not help but scolded: "What are you guys doing stunned? Don’t go back. Think about your previous behaviors. If my disciples were generous, you’re just like those guys, cleaning the toilet for Zongmen.”

Fire melted his head.

Ge Lian's gaze drifted and looked everywhere, anyway, he didn't stare at his brother.

"Senior brother, it's all past things, so why bother with our hearts? At that time, we were all too young and ignorant." Huo Rong said.

Tiansu heard this, and his qi-stricken liver hurt, pointing at Huorong, "Senior Brother, you let me be extremely disappointed. You really changed. You hurried off, and you were upset when you saw it."

Huo Rong and others ran away without saying a word.

How can I still come up with the previous things and say, how boring.

Zongmen Hall.

"Brother Sect Master, you have to talk to Brother Tiansu. He has a very bad attitude towards us now, and he often attacks our body and mind with words." Huo Rong just started to complain.

At this time, the suzerain was lying on the chair with his eyes closed, picked up the fruit, and slowly put it in his mouth, humming a little song, very leisurely.


He paused a little before responding.

Huo Rong blinked and said nothing.

"Senior brother, you have a position." Ge Lian continued.

"Heart is like water, meditating on the vastness of the world, the wind is blowing, the body is cool, and the heart is quiet."


The patriarch closed his eyes and said what everyone could not understand.

This is not the case with the former patriarch, why did it suddenly change its appearance?

Ge Lian stepped forward, "Brother, you are the suzerain, you have to come at least. Brother Tiansu is too bad for us now, would you like to help?"

"Quiet, peaceful, unforgettable, peaceful..." Brother Sect Master spoke again, saying again, making them ignorant of God's words.

In their view, the Sect Master was not like this before, and how suddenly it became inexplicable and nagging.

What I said was incomprehensible.

"Let's go." Ge Lian sighed and waved, letting everyone go.

The dead wood shook his head and returned to the mountain.

Huo Rong and others also left one after another.

Ge Lian stood there, and when everyone left, he immediately came to Brother Sect Master, "Brother, don't pretend, you will tell me the truth, can you help me talk to Brother Tiansu, he scolds the fire Harmony, I agree with both hands, but can you stop him from scolding me in the future."

"Brother." Brother Sect Master opened his eyes.

"Yes, Brother, I'm here, you say." Ge Lian came to the spirit, Tianxu didn't give them face, but he would certainly give face to Brother Sect Master.

Otherwise, when he was young, Tiansu will not stay in the sect gate because of the sect master and help him become the sect master. The feelings in it are much deeper than them.

"Look at this." Brother Sect Master pointed to the sky and didn't look back for a long time.

Ge Lian tilted his head and wondered, "Well, what happened when I saw a sky?"

"This piece of is very vast and needs to be understood with your heart. You listen to this voice. This is the voice of the sky. It told me that the transcendental mindset can make you happier and you can feel it. Are you there?" The Sect Master's voice is very soft, and the words are very mysterious.

Ge Lian smashed his mouth and stood up, with a helpless expression on his face, "Brother, you slowly realize that Brother Shi went back first."

He was considered convinced. Brother Tiansu kept saying that they had changed. In fact, the biggest change was Brother Sect Master.

A good person, how can he be interested in the sky?

When everyone left, the Sect Master shook his head and sighed.

"Aloof mentality is not for everyone."

Invincible peak.

The disciples around me saw the brother, it was excited and excited.

Lin Fan nodded at the disciples, but found that the spirit of the disciples, the disciples and sisters was a bit uncomfortable, as if they lacked sleep.

"Brother, why are you wearing two dark circles?"

A disciple looked at Senior Brother excitedly, but he smiled when he heard the question from Senior Brother, "Brother, I haven't had a good rest recently."

"Have a good rest, and practice is not a hurry." Lin Fan patted the younger brother's shoulder and gave encouragement.

"Yes, Brother." The disciple nodded excitedly.

Lu Qiming saw his brother from afar, and hurriedly ran, "Brother, come back."

"Well, Brother Lu, what's wrong with our mountain disciples? It doesn't seem to have much energy." Lin Fan asked.

Lu Qiming had a headache, "Brother, I don't know, but they all said that they dreamed when they went to bed at night. The dreams were real and they were all terrified."

"What else? Tell me about it."

Lin Fan was curious and could still have this dream, which could frighten so many people.

ps: Hey, thank you guys for your support. I’m a little waste. I can’t write the fourth one. I go to bed now. I have to go to bed at twelve and don’t want to die.

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