It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 817: Don't raise the threshold again

Lin Fan took them and looked everywhere at Zongmen.

As for Zhang Feng and others, they are very honest, and there is no trace of arrogance and pride. Instead, they are completely scared.

They are not fools, nor are they blind. What kind of situation is this sect, they see clearly.

Strong sect, really strong sect.

"Your name is Zhang Feng, right?" Lin Fan asked as he walked.

"Yes." Zhang Feng nodded, the man in front of him was too weird, he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

I really underestimated this door.

At the same time, I feel that this Wan Zhongtian seems to be good. The disciples of Qiangzong are missing, and their status does not seem to be low.

"How do you say my brother Wan is with your sister?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

"A match made in heaven, good story." Zhang Feng praised, with a great change from the previous, as for slapping his own face, that is not at all concerned.

Zhou Xiaoyu looked at Senior Brother and sighed helplessly. Senior Brother is good at everything, but too snobbish.

Of course, she does not think that Brother is a bad person. On the contrary, Brother is a good brother who cares very much about Brother and Sister. Many things are for them.

Wan Zhongtian had a complicated heart. How could he say it from Zhang Fengkou if he put it in the past?

But now, he really said it.

Made in heaven?

This sounds so strange.

Wan Zhongtian looked at everyone passing by and set off a huge wave in his heart.

There are many demigods.

The divine realm is even more scary.

The legendary realm is not rare.

He also made him even more shocked, because some disciples, he had seen before, were his brothers at the peak. They used to be very weak, but now they are really hell.

Each one has become so powerful, even that some are not much worse than him.

More or less, a little sad and unwilling.

He used to be the peak owner of Zhongtianfeng, and belonged to Tianjiao among the younger generation of Zongmen disciples.

But now it seems that he has all been overtaken.

at this time!

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Xiaoyu saw that his brother's face was not very good-looking, and thought something was wrong.

"I..." Zhang Feng clutched his stomach, embarrassedly: "I'm in a hurry."

"Everyone, I'll go to the toilet first." Zhang Feng clutched his stomach, and under the direction of Fang Er, he saw the direction of the toilet and hurried away.

"Then let's wait here for a while." Lin Fan nodded, and he didn't want to behave like a cow in front of these people.

Mainly there is no fun.

A good adult and a child show off. You can see how strong my power is. It's so boring. Just show it.

Wan Zhongtian did not say a word, that is, raised his head and stared at Zongmen stunnedly.

Stranger in familiarity.

If there weren't any familiar people here, he felt that it must be false.

In the end what happened?

The change is too great.

"Zhongtian, Zongmen is very powerful now, but not like that before." Daotianwang said with a smile.

He could not accept such a big change if he had not stayed in the sect.


Wan Zhongtian nodded and changed too much. Was his focus on Lin Fan because of him?


"How can it be so scary."

Zhang Feng entered the toilet, and at first glance, he found that the toilet was very unusual, with a clean glow and some dazzling eyes.

It was convenient for him to squat there, because he was so nervous that his stomach hurt.

At this point, someone came in, took a towel, squatted there and wiped.

He glanced at it and didn't care.

Suddenly, he raised his head again and stared at him as if hell.

"This Xiongtai, your cultivation base is..."

"Tongtian Realm Peak." Feng Shaolie glanced at each other, not a disciple of Yan Huazong, so he didn't need to give a good face.

If he was a disciple of Yan Huazong, he would not dare to be so crazy.

Beware of the coming of the world, you can kill people.

"What?" Zhang Feng was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the other party was actually doing things in Tongtianjing, and it was too false for Tongtianjing to clean the toilet here.

"What the fuss?"

Feng Shaolie frowned, and was very dissatisfied with this person. The Yanhuazong toilet, such a sacred place, was so loud and noisy.

"Sorry, it's just that your cultivation practices are all so strong in Tongtian Realm. How could you do it here..."

Zhang Feng did not dare to say that he would clean the toilet here, which shocked him so much.

"Hehe." Feng Shaolie smiled disdainfully. "Is Tongtianjing very strong? Did you see the guy over there?"

According to what the other party said, he looked and there was another person cleaning the toilet.

"Seeing, what's wrong with him?" Zhang Feng couldn't figure it out, what does that mean.

"He is the son of the Ming King in the holy place of Jin Que. He repaired the Yao world and cleaned the toilet here."

Feng Shaolie said very calmly, did not feel that there was any big deal.

"In Yan Huazong, you should never think that cultivation is the higher, the higher the status, I tell you, the higher the cultivation, the worse the treatment, seeing the old guys in Musketeers? All are the pinnacle of Dao Realm, no matter where Zongmen and the ancient powers are of the ancestor level, but here, they are errands."

He said calmly, but the listener was shocked that his heart was about to burst, like hell.

But when I think of the suzerain I saw before, it is as weak as a chicken.

Could there be any bad habits in this door? The lower the cultivation level, the higher the status?

Feng Shaolie looked at Zhang Feng with surprise, "You are not a disciple of Yan Huazong, how did you come in? Or are you a friend of Lord Lin Feng? But it shouldn't be, as far as you are concerned, he shouldn't even look down on him Eyes, talk about, what is your relationship with him, did you not provoke him?"

"I..." Zhang Feng's eyes suddenly felt bad when he saw each other. If he didn't say anything, it was really not, but if he said it, he seemed to ridicule.

Zhang Feng then said something roughly.

In his view, this is the predecessor, must ask, ask.


When he finished saying this, he saw that the other party's eyes were different.

Feng Shaolie gave a thumbs up, "Brother, you are a kind, this son admires you, you dare to say this."

"Ah? Then I won't stay here to clean the toilet?" Zhang Feng worried.

However, his words ushered in Feng Shaolie's eyes and contempt.

"Toilet? What you think is beautiful, do you have this qualification? At present, those who can clean the toilet are at least in Wonderland. As far as your great holy land is concerned, they also clean the toilet. "

Feng Shaolie is very disdainful, and really thinks that everyone can clean the toilet like them. Young people think too much.


Zhang Feng was dumbfounded, and he didn't even have the qualification to clean the toilet.

What is the situation of this door and how does it feel like the lunatic is concentrated.

"But looking at what you are doing now, it should be fine. He should be looking at his brothers and your sisters. He hasn't taken care of you, young man, I tell you, don't be arrogant in front of him."

"Otherwise you cannot bear the consequences."

"Return to Zongmen, let your ancestor Zongmen have a little bit of insight, don't come over and raise our threshold for cleaning the toilet."

Feng Shaolie reminded him very seriously. He didn't hope that the other party wouldn't be stupid, but that he didn't want to raise the entry level of the toilet.

With this situation going on, maybe even he, who is at the top of the world, has to pick dung and plant the land. That's the time to pit his father.

"Ah?" Zhang Feng was stunned, his head was full of paste, and he didn't know what to say.

"Ah, what's the matter, when the **** is over, go quickly and don't disturb my work."

Feng Shaolie did not want to say more, urging the other party to leave quickly.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to say much, wipe his ass, and lifted his pants to leave quickly.

When he left, he also glanced at the bright King Shengzi in the distance.

It's too scary that even such strong men clean toilets.

Rethinking those who are at the top of the Tao Realm, his three views are completely ruined, and his previous cognition has completely disappeared.

"Huh! Why is it so slow?" Lin Fan frowned, the toilet was a little slow, and fell into the pit.

Just when he thought about it, Zhang Feng hurried over.

But when he came this time, his face changed, and he always smiled at Lin Fan, just like Er Leng Zi.

"Lin Feng, your lavatory, really fragrant," Zhang Feng praised.

"Huh?????" Lin Fan squinted, stunned, this has a little meaning.

Toilet incense?

Really unique insights.

"You just like it." Lin Fan smiled.

"Like, definitely like it." Zhang Feng immediately responded.

Attitudes have changed greatly.

Everyone around felt it.

Wan Zhongtian could not help but straighten his waist, confident.

Take them around for a look.

For them, the impact is great.

Master Zongmen alchemy at the same time alchemy, Dan furnace flying in the air, the strong Danxiang condensed into a vision, startled their eyes.

Even if they are Tian Yuzong, they can't bear it.

At the invincible peak, Lin Fan turned around and asked: "Sister, since you are my younger brother Wan's woman, that is your own, so stay here in the future."

"Brother Lin, I need to go back and tell Elder Zongmen." Zhou Xiaoyu said.

"Huh?" Lin Fan frowned, "You mean, your elder Zongmen doesn't give face?"

Zhou Xiaoyu was stunned. She didn't mean that.

"Sister Sister, Lord Lin Feng said to let you stay, you stay, Zong Men's things are wrapped in the brother, I will tell you." Zhang Feng patted his chest and promised to promise.

"I..." Wan Zhongtian wanted to speak, but Lin Fan reached out and interrupted.

Lin Fan then said: "Well, this is the best. Since my brother Wan Wan and your Tianyu Sect disciple are married, it is naturally the man who gave the gift to the bride. You go back and ask your ancestors. What do you need? Just make a list. , Get it done, let your ancestors come to Yan Hua Zong personally and talk to me."

"Okay, okay, after you go back, you must bring the words to you." Zhang Feng's head was like a rattle. What the other party said was what it was.

Soon, Zhang Feng was excited to take his younger brothers away, and now he was in a hurry to return to Zong. At the same time, when he left, he stepped back three times and urged his sister.

What to do well It is up to him to do everything.

At the same time, he praised that Wan Zhongtian was the dragon of man, and he discovered it at first sight.

Wan Zhongtian was in a state of ignorance, and his attitude changed too fast to bear.

Lin Fan reached out and patted Wan Zhongtian on the shoulder, "Brother Wan, please go elsewhere when you come back. Your cultivation is too weak. I will ask the disciples to send you resources at least, and at least upgrade the cultivation to the Great Holy Realm. To go out."

"Okay, Brother, there is something else, so I won't tell you first. I will let people prepare for the dinner and give you the wind."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan turned and walked towards the invincible peak.

Wan Zhongtian opened his mouth wide and looked at the figure that was about to go away. He didn't know what to say for a while.

Things are not what he thought.

But it was the scene he most wanted to see.

"That..." he shouted.

Lin Fan paused and looked back.

Wan Zhongtian held back for a long time, and finally willingly said: "Brother, thank you."

Lin Fan smiled at the corner of his mouth, turned around, and waved his hand, "Needless to say thank you. Brother is always your brother, just rest assured in Zongmen."

"I have everything."

Suddenly, Wan Zhongtian's heart shuddered, his eyes were red, and he wanted to cry.

This is the case after a reincarnation.

"I served."

Wan Zhongtian sighed and never wanted so much.

On the side, King Tian smiled, "Zhongtian, it is not too late for you to come back. It will be too late. You will understand in the future that Brother Lin really deserves my respect."

"Let him let the past go."

Wan Zhongtian looked at Dao Tianwang and nodded slightly.

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