It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 823: 1 trivia, no need to mention

The nine ancestors were horrified to see this scene. Without hesitation, they sacrificed treasures to support the passage.

It's just that these particles have different strengths, and each particle contains the power of the early Dao State at the lowest.

And this is just one grain, but look at these grains around, it is just dense, like dust.


In the eyes of the ancestors, their beloved treasure, instantaneously cracked and turned into fragments.

Too fast, so fast that they can't react.

It hurts them very much.

"It's too dangerous, how could there be such a dangerous place." Sect Master Jue Jing Palace, heart trembling, he has never encountered such a dangerous place in his life.

Seeing that Zhibao could not support it, he immediately raised his hand, and from his body, a brilliant rune erupted, directly filling the channel.

The rune bursts with golden light, supporting it.

"Hurry up, everyone, you won't be able to support it for a long time." The Sect Master of Peerless Palace roared, and it was faster. In the blink of an eye, it was almost at the end.

The passage behind him began to collapse and was covered with particles.

The fat pig panicked, faster, and always followed.


Bad things happen.

A rune was shattered, a small gap was cracked in the passage, dense particles poured into it, and it was about to fall on an ancestor of the Peerless Palace.

The crisis of life and death struck.

The horrified ancestor Han Mao suddenly appeared, his eyes full of panic.

Dead, really dead.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and soon, it simply couldn't react.

"My life is over." The ancestor was desperate.


At this moment, the ancestor's eyes widened fiercely, like hell, only one palm was seen, and he didn't know when to appear in front of him. He suddenly grabbed the particles in his palm.


In the blink of an eye, blood stained his face.

"finally reached."

The end of the passage came out of danger.

Lin Fan's left hand, extending all the way to his wrist, disappeared, turned to ashes, and had blood, ticking and falling, staining the red ground.

The escaped ancestor, sweat on his forehead, but looked at Lin Fan in horror and gratitude.

"Lord Lin Feng, your hand..." He was shocked and couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that he saved himself at that moment of crisis.

Lin Fan smiled calmly, "What's wrong with your hand?"

"Lin Feng Lord, I..." Jinpao Patriarch thanked and shivered slightly.

Zhu Fengfeng also saw the palm of his brother and couldn't help being horrified. "Brother, why are your hands gone."

He didn't know what happened. The speed was too fast, and no one knew what happened.

"Oh, it's gone, there's nothing fussing about it." Lin Fan was very calm and didn't put his palm in his heart.

Normal operation, no need to worry.

Zhu Fengfeng looked at his brother and was completely ignorant of God. He wanted to growl, but it was too calm, but he didn't have any hands.

Patriarch Jinpao wanted to cry and his voice was hoarse, "Unexpectedly, I would..."

He couldn't say it.

I thought people would destroy them for themselves, especially at this time of crisis, even the loved ones can be abandoned.

However, Lord Lin Feng and he had never been masked, but he rescued him.

This really moved him so much that he even wanted to hold Lin Fan and cry.

The rest of the ancestors looked at Lin Fan in amazement. Unexpectedly, he saved Hu Zong, and then looked at Lin Fan's eyes. They were also grateful and softened a lot.

"Lin Feng, thank you for saving my ancestor. This injury quickly showed me." The sect master hurried forward, but did not expect such a thing to happen on the way.

Lin Fan waved his hand, but he couldn't wait, "Don't watch it, you've already come in, hurry in, this little injury, what's the matter."

This remark shocked everyone.


Not only were the ancestors convinced, but even the patriarchs were convinced.

Such a calm word is really amazing.

"Lord Lin Feng, is your injury really okay?" Sect Master Jushen Palace asked in doubt.

"It's okay." Lin Fansi didn't take this injury to heart, but looked up at the gap.

The particles are emitted from there.

Just looking from here, did not see the particles.

But when you look outside, it really flew out of the crack.

However, this situation is a bit confusing now.

Not too clear.

"Lord Feng, let's go first." The Sect Master said, ready to walk in front, and the channel opened up was indeed very dangerous. He was extremely treasured and could not support it.

Even if it is the current situation, it takes a long time to fix it.

"Brother, we are following behind, we encounter good things, we are walking." Zhu Fengfeng said, decided to protect his brother with the fat pig, cut off his hand, very serious, combat effectiveness, absolutely must be greatly discounted.

Fortunately, he came in. Otherwise, this situation is not good.

"Is it possible?" Lin Fan heard that he wanted to follow behind him, he immediately refused, joking, if he was behind him, he would not be able to grab it if he encountered a monster.

I don't have to wait for everyone to talk nonsense, just grab the front, with a serious tone and no doubt.

"I walk in front, you walk in back."

As soon as the words fell, he struck the crack.

"Lord Feng..." Hu Zong, who was saved from his life, thanked him, without a word, he caught up.

This grace must be reported.

"Let's go, let's keep up." The Sect Master of Jushen Palace said, although Lin Fan saved the ancestor of Zongmen, the secret realm is obviously extraordinary and should not be missed.

As for getting wealth inside, you can only look at the individual.

Regarding his previous behavior, he decided not to interfere with each other and to look at each opportunity.

The gap is like an eye, with black inside, but a purple light flashes, just like an eyeball.

Reach the gap.

There is a very cold airflow blowing, the temperature of this airflow is very low, and ordinary people may become icemen when they encounter it.

"What a weird place." Lin Fan wondered, feeling the danger is extraordinary. Could it be that the points needed to enter the Dao realm can accumulate success here?

The patriarch and others followed behind, and they all became dignified.

You must be careful when entering unknown areas.

"Master Lin Feng, it's too dark inside, if there is any danger hidden, I'm afraid it will be very tricky." Sect Master said.

"Sect Master, so, we have all arrived here. Let's act on our own. What do you think?" Lin Fan did not answer, but prepared to act together with Zhu Fengfeng and the fat pig, and separate from the Jue Jing Palace.

"Good." The Sovereign nodded, which was what he wanted and what he wanted to see.

However, Hu Zong worried: "Lin Feng Lord, in order to save me from such injuries, how can you act alone, it is better to act with us."

The crowd didn't say much. If it was earlier, they definitely disagreed.

But now, they remain silent.

If they act together, they are willing to cede a little wealth.

"No, it's better to separate. As for saving you this thing, don't always hang it on your mouth, it's just a trivial matter, it's not worth mentioning." Lin Fan waved his hand.

Hu Zong stunned Lin Fan, this is really the first time he encountered such a situation.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that it will hang on my mouth every day, it will look like this.


Lin Fan frowned and turned back fiercely, grasping the offensive attacked from the darkness with one hand.

"What the hell."

Very soft and wet.

"Get me out."

He screamed, one arm was horrible enough, something collided in the black gap, and then a heavy power struck.

Everyone around gave abruptly.

A huge and sticky monster like a wolf was caught, and the tongue of this monster was caught by Lin Fan in his hands.

It is very long, and it is more than ten meters long.

Then his wrist moved, flicked his tongue, and bombarded the wolf on the ground.

A huge force erupted and the ground cracked.

"Lin Feng Lord, I'll kill him." Hu Zong stepped forward to behead the beast.

However, in an instant, Hu Zong felt his body collided and stepped back.

"You flash away, don't grab it." Lin Fan lacked one hand and could only use his **** to bounce off the opponent, then jumped up and fell sharply, one foot directly on the monster's head.


The head burst and flesh and blood spilled all over the floor.

Points increase.


The points brought by a Yaoshi Realm monster are still very good.

He knew that someone would grab him points, but fortunately he responded quickly, otherwise he would have to regret it.

"This..." Hu Zong stood up from the ground, a little confused, not knowing how Lord Lin Feng knocked him away, he didn't mean anything else, just wanted to help.

Sect Master Jushen Palace, blinked, Lin Feng's main means of demon beast was slightly bloody.

"Since that is the case, then we will separate." The Sect Master clenched his fists with both hands and decided to take the nine ancestors to act.

The voice just fell.

He struck inside, and immediately followed by several ancestors.

"Lin Feng Lord, take care." Hu Zong still looked at Lin Fan very gratefully, and then followed him in There is an unknown mystery here, what is the specific danger, nobody knows.

However, the monster just now has a world of cultivation, and you can imagine what horrible things will appear in it.

"Brother, let's go in too?" Zhu Fengfeng ran around. He felt that his brother had an idea, otherwise it would be a good choice to follow the people of Jue Jing Palace.

"Well, someone is following, it's not very good, just two of us and one pig, there should be no problem, follow me, don't run around." Lin Fan said.

He must warn in advance, otherwise this guy looks at something appealing and goes straight to it, I am afraid he does not know how to die.

When he was about to enter, Lin Fan flicked his fingers, and a flame burned, dispersing the surrounding darkness and illuminating the place.

"Brother, great." Zhu Fengfeng admires, and the black is not annoying. It feels good now, it is very bright, and it is comfortable to see anything.

"My God, there are a lot of bones here."

At this time, Zhu Fengfeng saw that there were many corpses on the ground, and some of them had been fused with the ground for a long time.

And some corpses are strangely shaped, unlike humans.

"Mr. fuss, without corpses, can it reflect the high-end here?" Lin Fan glared, and had been to so many dangerous places, how could he not know.

"That's right." Zhu Fengfeng smiled, and his brother said nothing wrong.

There is no dangerous place dressed up with corpses, it is not called dangerous place.

Take a look here, it's everywhere, it looks strange, and you know at a glance that it's not a simple place.

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