It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 825: Chicken stuff, pit me


The sound was loud and shocking, and the earth was shaking.

It's just that for this dangerous place, just like the tip of the iceberg, a little movement happened.

Underground abyss.

All the black flesh did not move, but all the tentacles were pointed straight up. They felt the unknown crisis and were about to strike.

There are constant rubbles that fall down from above.

Some were smashed, crushed by their tentacles and turned into ruins.


A sound sounded inside them, as if protesting.

Lin Fan bowed left and right, very fast, and his hands were so fast that only the residual image remained, or, at a glance, many arms were suspended in front of him.

That is the situation caused by too fast.

"As long as I'm fancy, no one can escape."

He has great interest in the monsters below.

The strength is not weak enough to show that the monsters below should be very strong.

If beheaded, the harvest should be very rich.

He doesn't care about wealth, the most hope is to meet monsters.

People who have been able to enter this place have encountered this situation over the ages, but more often, after paying a great price or losing enough people.

They will leave here in a hurry, continue to go deeper, and dare not stay here.

"It should be coming soon."

Relying on a pair of diligent hands, Leng was able to open up a channel to the light.

Five fingers squeezed, punched away, the stone face cracked, and it was already in the end.

The body rotates in a circle in the air and steadily falls on the ground.

Previously, it was very dark and no light. After he came in, the burning flame dispelled the surrounding darkness.



Lin Fan fell into the encircling circle, all surrounded by black flesh. They circled in a circle, tentacles flicked in the air, terrifying and terrifying.

"My God, what kind of monster is this? How does it feel like the evil **** in the old days"

He was very interested in these things, just as he discovered the New World.

The black flesh has no eyes, but they have all felt Lin Fan, the swinging tentacles are somewhat violent and impetuous, and the spikes on the tentacles are flashing cold and cold light.

"Very good, I'm looking for you, almost, and I can do it." Lin Fan clenched his fists, his strength boiled in his body, and his fists shone brightly.

He can't wait any longer.

call out!

The sound of breaking the sky came.

The black flesh around him started, and the tentacles were straight and fast, blocking the surrounding space and puncturing Lin Fan.

‘Ancient Battlefield’

Turn on BUFF, do not dodge, just start doing it.


At the same time, the tentacles pierced Lin Fan’s chest, splashing blood, and the scene was terrifying.

Except for Lin Fan, whoever suffered such injuries, I'm afraid I don't know how to die.


Lin Fan grabbed one of the tentacles full of spikes, letting the spikes pierce the palm of his hand without even brows.

There was a smile on the corner of the mouth.

"Great, very interesting, now all over and under, but full of power."

The black flesh, perhaps understand, tremble obviously.


Lin Fanmeng pulled the tentacle, and one of the black flesh flew into the air and was pulled over.

"Leave me to death."

He screamed, his wrist moved, and the amazing power boiled down directly.


The two black flesh masses collided together, the terror force collided, and the viscous flesh directly spilled onto the ground.

Amazing points, rising.

A smile appeared on Lin Fan's face, but he was also a little surprised.

These flesh groups turned out to be Taoist realms.

Sure enough, if there is no such practice, how could he compete with him before.

"Very well, rest assured, I will never forget you."

Lin Fan's eyes gleamed with brilliance, his figure moved, and he shot directly.

Even if his own blood gurgling out now has no effect at all.

The current situation is at its peak.

With a punch, the light was shining brightly, directly hitting the black flesh, and the violent power filled it.


The flesh exploded and threw away, and his own condition was also contaminated.


The blood contaminated the body, and it was very corrosive. The clothes broke through the holes, the skin withered, and the flesh and blood shrivelled.

"It's really difficult to deal with. It's really not easy for ordinary people to kill them."

Lin Fan glanced at it and did not mind it. At this time, he just wanted to do a good job.



In this abyss, there was a burst of sound and a sizzling sound.

The black meatballs are not monsters without wisdom.

In such cases, even they are terrified, with panic emotions.

Awkward and heavy, constantly moving, trying to escape from here.

But attracted by colored eyes, wanting to escape is simply a luxury.

The points keep rising.

"Weak can."

Lin Fan threw a twisted tentacle on the ground, and the monsters had been hammered.

His own condition was not very good. Many parts of his body were corroded and his bones were exposed.

This injury should have died.

However, under the blessing of the "Ancient Battlefield", they can still insist that they are far from death unless they are beaten.

Otherwise, even if it bursts into the heart, in the "Ancient Battlefield", it can still hold on.

And the heavier the injury, the stronger the strength. This BUFF is indeed very against the sky.

These monsters, although terrifying, but with his strength, which need to suffer such a serious injury, but dodge is not his style, what is required is the hard bar, if not, it is dry.

Closing the ancient battlefield, the vitality passed away instantly.

With a bang, he fell to the ground.

Ten seconds later, when he opened his eyes, he was as full of strength as he was.


At this time, Lin Fan's expression was very rich, he saw a little weird ahead, as if he had discovered the New World.

The body moved like lightning, and quickly rushed towards the distance.

"Why is there a stone tablet here? Has anyone been here?"

He wondered, curious, this place is hidden enough, but also very dangerous, who besides him, who can stand here.

Even if it is the Sect Master of Peerless Palace, if you enter this place and encounter those monsters, you will have to peel off the skin without dying.

The stone tablet is one foot high.

But in front of Lin Fan, it was still a little short.

"What text is written on it, I can't understand it." Lin Fan grabbed his head and didn't know what was written on it at all.

He pondered for a moment, what to do if he couldn't understand? That can only uproot the stele and take it back to study slowly.

If the research does not come out, see if the stone is hard enough, if it is hard enough, it can also be used as a weapon.

Think about it, it still feels very good, no matter what it is, it can be used in his hands.


Grasp the stele with one hand and pull it up directly.


The stone monument is still.

This situation made him a little dissatisfied. A small stone tablet, which could not be lifted with one hand, could not be laughed at by saying this?

Directly move with both hands, expression dignified, arms swelled.

"Get me."

This time it was serious. The power delivered by the arms was amazing, and the surrounding air began to oscillate.

There was a small click.

The stele rocked a little.

Lin Fan raised his foot and slammed into the ground, the ground cracked, and then broke out again.

He felt that there was a suction force under the stele, pulling the stele.

"Ridiculous, there is nothing I can't take away."

His posture changed, directly surrounded by his hands, and began to lift up.


The power of the Nine Cows and Two Tigers was abolished, and finally the stele was pulled up.


But before he even thought about it, there was a strong suction from the hole where the stone was originally stored.

All of a sudden, he rushed straight up, but fortunately he grasped the ground with both hands, but his head was aligned, the hole that transmitted suction.

The suction force condenses into a white substance and continuously shrinks inside.

"This place is too weird. I've been to so many dangerous places, and it's the scariest here."

He had to admit that this dangerous place was the most dangerous dangerous place he encountered.

The black meat masses just now were all cultivated in Tao Realm, and it was very tricky. If it is not the undead body, there is also the ‘Ancient Battlefield’. If you want to kill these meat masses, it is unlikely.

And the danger is very high, a little careless, can die here.

But don't really say that the rich and expensive insurance seeks, the monsters in this place are of much higher quality than other places.

At least seven or eight floors tall.

He looked down and looked at the suction hole, but he wanted to see what the **** was inside.


When he looked at it, he was shocked. It was not what he thought, but more like a mirror, reflecting his face.

Exactly the same.

It's just that although the self in the mirror looks the same, the eyes are red.

Very red, just like being red with blood.

Subsequently, this picture has changed again ~ Sect. "

This is like the Yan Huazong reflected in the surface of the mirror.

"What the **** is this, I don't understand."

He was shocked and weird.


His expression changed slightly.

The picture inside is that Yan Huazong was invaded by people, and the blood that was killed flowed into a river. Inside the Zongmen, no one was spared, and the death was extremely miserable.

"Impossible, who are you so scared of, who guards me, who has the ability."

"and many more……"

He looked at the disciples who had their heads cut off by the enemy.

Not much else to say, Zongmen disciples basically knew him.

But the disciples in the picture didn't even know him.


Lin Fan sprayed a sip of water underneath.

"Your chicken goods, playing routines, even playing on my head, give me out if you have a species, I will not hit your **** out, just follow your surname."

Scolding, pit father's stuff.

He said, how could this happen.

I thought I could see the future, but for a Mao future, none of the hacked disciples knew him.

If he knew him, he might be surprised.

But now, only anger scolds.

Suddenly, the suction disappeared without trace.

The plane like a mirror below also dissipated.

"Huh? Just disappeared?"

He couldn't understand it.

What is the situation?

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