It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 838: My thoughts are shattered

"Elder Tianxu, Elder Huorong, relying on the large formation to calm down, but now that the large formation has been destroyed, I don't know what you have to endure, blocking my way?"

Liu Ruochen smiled, a brilliant smile appeared.

As long as this child is present, she is fearless.

The change of Yan Huazong surprised her a bit, but I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful protection team.

But this kind of power is only a bit powerful for others.

In the hands of her children, this so-called powerful is just a joke.

"Liu Ruochen, he was so arrogant at a young age, but he really did not take Yan Huazong in his eyes." Huo Rong reprimanded, "Will the Church of the Holy Sect take you back and only teach you these?"

Tian Xu looked at Huo Rong and found that the younger brother was especially able to speak now.

The speech is sharp, so why haven't you found it before?

"Huh, what nonsense. When I returned to Liu Ruochen today, I just let you know what regret is."

Liu Ruochen didn't say much to Huo Rong, and the flash of anger in his eyes was like swallowing all his disciples.

"Ask, Lin Fan, hand him over to me, maybe I can give you Yan Huazong a way of life."

She has treated Lin Fan as fish on a cutting board.

Even if he becomes strong, what can he do?

Her children are more powerful and horrible than a Lin Fan can match.

In the hands of his own child, he may be just like a lost ant, at a loss, and can only wait for death slowly.


"Oh my god, what did Liu Ruochen experience? If Brother came out, she would still have a chance to live."

"It's too arrogant to know what horror is without seeing how powerful Brother is."

The disciples are making remarks.

For this situation, they are very calm, everything Liu Ruochen said, in their view, is like listening to a joke.

"Dry!" The child narrowed his eyes and looked at the disciples. Suddenly on his body, there was a momentum rising toward the disciples.


How could Tianxu allow others to kill the disciples in Yan Huazong, and disappear in the spot instantly, then lifted his palms and rolled towards the breath.


The power erupted by this child was so horrible that he could not support it.

Then, in the blink of an eye, in the eyes of Tensu, a dazzling light shimmered, and a phantom of a sky tree emerged, and the lush foliage was exposed in the air, breathing as much as possible.


The branches and leaves tremble slightly, and then blooming in abundance of green light.

Pieces of leaves flew away, and the meridian of each piece of leaves followed a long river. In the eyes of outsiders, only the glory covered the eyes, but could not feel the changes in this branch of leaves.

"This is where?"

The child opened his eyes and the surrounding environment changed, not what he saw, but a forest.

At this time, he stood on a branch and stepped out, but could not leave the place. No matter how far he walked, the surrounding environment was still what he saw when he opened his eyes.

"Oh, sleepy me?

The child laughed disdainfully and punched away, the violent force burst out.


There was no change in the surrounding environment, and the force erupted from that punch was integrated into the surrounding environment without any trace of fluctuation.

"Babe, what's wrong with you?" Liu Ruochen was shocked. The baby stood there motionless, as if caught in a certain environment.

And Tian Xu's face was solemn, and a thick breath emanated from his body, covering the child.

No one knows what happened.

But this situation is definitely not to be underestimated.

"Tiansu, what did you do to my baby?" Liu Ruochen said angrily.

She shot in an instant, and a tyrannical light erupted from the palm of her hand, directly rushing towards Tiansu.

The situation is not good.

The child was inexplicably quiet, and she was very worried. If something went wrong with the child, everything would be ruined.

"Liu Ruochen, you are looking for death." How could Huo Rong let a woman hurt his brother, no matter how strong the other party was, he went straight.


The fire melted backwards, the momentum was too strong and could not resist.

Suddenly, a strong man in Dadaotang Dao State appeared, and his hand would cancel his might.

"Huo Rong, are you okay?" Ge Lian supported Hu Rong. He felt something was wrong just now, so he quickly contacted Dashoutang to let those strong people come.

Sure enough, everything was too late.

"It's okay, I didn't expect her strength to have reached such a level?" Huo Rong was shocked. Liu Ruochen, who was once weak, hadn't seen it for a long time. When he saw it again, he became so powerful.

This makes him so unacceptable.

The child was so irritable that he no longer wanted to play. He was tired of playing, and he had enough of it.

"It's not fun at all, it will disappear for me."

He clenched his fingers tightly, his arms were bent, and a fierce roar burst. The boiling power exploded completely. With him as the center, a beam of power rose into the sky. The power of terror spread like a wave, spreading in all directions.


The power is too violent, tearing the world, everything in front of it is broken and disappeared.

Tian Xu groaned, took a few steps back, his face was crimson, he had a bit of blood in his heart, but he swallowed hard.

The child was so strong that he broke his sky tree directly with strength, which shocked him.

"Baby, are you okay." Liu Ruochen was overjoyed, as long as her baby was okay, everything would be resolved.



The child's eyes were a little red, and he stared angrily at Tiansu. "An ant-like thing, you dare to tease me, I want to squash you piece by piece."



A roar burst out.

A huge figure came from afar.

"Little Juling, what do you want to do, and don't come back." Huo Rong saw the figure and shouted quickly.

He didn't expect that Little Giant Spirit was going crazy like that, and rushed towards the child. The violent expression was the first time he saw him.

"Hahaha." Liu Ruochen smiled. "I didn't expect that there will be remnants of the Juling Clan."

The Ju Ling clan was destroyed by them, and the whole clan was squeezed to death by her children. Now she sees that there are still sins, but she feels a touch of coolness.

"You killed my people, I fight with you." The little giant roared, his face ugly, and he wanted to fight desperately with the other party.

Although he is not the opponent of the other party, his anger makes him lose himself. He just wants to kill the other party and avenge his clan.

Tian Xu raised his hand, a branch of leaves bloomed, and instantly hit the little giant spirit, and then wrapped it.

A bang!

The little giant slammed on the ground, and the bag was like a dumpling.

Struggling, growling.

But there is no way.

"Let me go, I want to avenge my people."

The little giant screamed, he was not reconciled, his eyes were red, and he stared at the other party angrily.

At that scene, he will never forget.

Thinking about it now, his heart hurt and he couldn't breathe.

"Elder Tiansu, that woman is easy to deal with, but the child is terrified. Will Lord Lin Feng be notified?" Li Daoyun whispered.

He was at the peak of Dao Realm's cultivation, but his injury has not recovered.

This child was able to defeat the Yanhuazong Huzong battle, it can only be said that it was really terrifying, not what they could deal with.

"You tell him." Tiansu did not answer, but pushed things to Huorong.

Li Daoyun can't figure it out, whoever says it's not the same.

But he didn't say much, but came to Huorong, "Elder Huorong, will you inform Lord Lin Feng?"

"Ah? Are you not an opponent?" Huo Rong was surprised. They were dozens of powerful players, could they not be an opponent of a little fart boy?

"If we are in the peak period, we may still have a fight, but now, we are really not opponents." Li Daoyun can't see through the child, but can feel the breath of the child, very terrifying.

The disciples around were shocked.

They did not expect this child to be so scary.

Even Elder Tiansu could not suppress it.

Of course, the shock was shocked, and they were not panicking at all.

Brother Lin hasn't shot yet.

"Ha ha ha ha..., God, must you feel panic, do you feel that kind of powerlessness." Liu Ruochen laughed wildly, his face grimacing.

"My God, this is the first beauty of the ancestral ancestor. Why is this so disgusting, and it makes people feel sick."

"The dream has been ruined, and the thoughts have completely disappeared, my heart hurts."

At this time, another disciple roared loudly, with tears in his eyes, as if angry.

"Liu Ruochen, don't laugh, you ruined my thoughts about you. Your smile is so ugly."

"Oh my god, how glamorous Sister Liu was before, but now, take a look at Forget it, forget it, let me have this wonderful memory, destroyed by you personally Right."

After saying this, the disciple was lying on the shoulder of his brother, shaking his body, as if crying.

"Brother, brother understands you, the best thoughts when I was young, suddenly burst, still a bit sad." This brother comforted.

When Liu Ruochen saw this, the volcano in his heart seemed to explode.

What are you talking about?

What is the situation now, does it mean that there is nothing at all?

Or did they say that the stupid disciples Yan Huazong didn’t know what was happening, or that they really thought that Liu Ruochen didn’t dare to start, killing them and killing them all?

"You are all dead."

Liu Ruochen gritted his teeth and wished to kill all these guys.

"Huo Rong, what are you still doing, let Xiao Fan come out to meet the enemy quickly." Ge Lian urged.

Huo Rong also found that something was wrong.

At this time, if Lin Fan was not called out, no one could hold it.

"Xiaofan, come out soon, Liu Ruochen hit the door, and I can't hold it anymore. We old guys are going to be beaten to death." Huo Rong shouted with a loud voice.

Nowadays, only Xiao Fan was born, and by means of thunder and thunder, he suppressed these two younger generations.

"Mary ants, let me die." The child wanted to shoot in anger.

But was blocked by Liu Ruochen, "Baby, don't worry, my enemy is coming."

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