It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 842: I’m actually not afraid of 1 (Thanks to the resurrection coin, I can’t save...


Lin Fan looked at the frog.

The frog looked at Lin Fan very seriously.

The frog told the truth.

Although it is unclear whether the Emperor and other people can come in when the world comes, but there will definitely be a wave of terrorist attacks.

The prestige of the heavenly emperor is as vast as the sea, but the heart is not dripping. If there is hatred, it will be reported.

"So terrifying?" Lin Fan asked.

The frog nodded, "Horror."

"I am not an opponent?" Lin Fan asked again.

The frog is stunned. This question is a proposition. The answer is not good. It needs tragedy.

Although it is talking about the right thing now, if the answer is not good, with his understanding of the desperate, he will be beaten up.

Even if there is no beating, it must be humiliated.

For your own safety, this problem must be stabilized.

"Master, how is this possible, with the master's strength, Yu Jiuyuan has not come to die, but the master certainly cannot always guard us, if the master is not there, and the sect is not resisted, is it not a chopping block? Fish meat."

"Not only are others reluctant to leave their masters, but even frog frogs, even if they die, they must die in the arms of their masters."

The frog burst into tears, and the tears came without any hesitation.

This skill has long been unmatched by ordinary people.

"Fine said, frog frog, you made me very moved." Lin Fan grabbed the frog and laid it flat in front of his eyes. "It makes sense, okay, move house."

He felt that it was safe to move.

Of course, he must debate for himself.

He was not scared at all, but worried that it would affect Sect.

Maybe he can really tell the frog, if he is not in the sect, then the emperor really sent someone to push back, and something really happened.

Anyway, the source ancestral domain is very large, and there is no problem in changing directions.

Moving house, very simple things, but not very complicated.

"Hoo!" The frog breathed a sigh of relief and finally told the desperate man.

How could the hard bar, although I don't know when it came, but in the midst of it, there was a hunch telling him that soon, really soon.

"Master, where are you going?" the frog asked in a hurry as he saw the desperate turn around and left.

He had to move, he raised his hands in favor and moved now.

His cultivation behavior has not recovered yet, and it takes a long time to protect himself, and may not be able to catch up with the coming of the strong.

"Open the door meeting, move." Lin Fan said without looking back.


The bell rang.

The disciples who were busy, looked away in doubt.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, but there should be something. Let's go and see."

The disciples gathered together and rushed towards the Zongmen Hall.

"Tu'er, what's wrong?" As soon as the matter was resolved, the disciples were called, and Tiansu was very puzzled.

"Teacher, let's move. This place is not very safe. Liu Ruochen has a black hand behind it. Remember here. If the Tu'er is not in the future, something may happen." Lin Fan said.

To be honest, he is not afraid at all.

But he couldn't bear the frustration of staying at Zongmen.

If it was really said by the frog, when he was away, someone else came to the door, wouldn't it even have the opportunity to cry.

Therefore, it is a wise choice to move.

Tiansu naturally knew what Tu'er said, and nodded slightly, "Tu'er, just handle it."

Now, when Zongmen goes up and down, his baby apprentice has been able to take charge.

These kinds of things are really big things, they were put in the past, but not everyone can decide.

But now in this situation, Tu'er protects Yan Huazong and convinces everyone, so his decision is generally not rejected by anyone.

Soon, the disciples arrived.

"See the elders."

"See Brother."

The disciples shouted, they looked up, and Brother stood there, it must be that Brother had something to say, so they stood upright and listened carefully to Brother’s speech.

"Well." Lin Fan nodded. "Sisters and sisters, let's say one thing next, that is, Zong Zong is about to leave here and go to another place."

This is a big event, but when the disciples heard it, they were a little surprised, but there was not much reaction.

"Yes, all follow Brother Lin's instructions." The disciples shouted, completely obeyed, without asking as much.

"Huh? Really want to move?" Huo Rong wondered, "Aren't we pretty good here."

"Good fart, what listens to my disciples is, why don't you talk so much, don't need anything?" Tian Xu glared. Brother Huorong disappointed. Too much nonsense. Keeping silence was the best choice.

Fire and smash it, talk with your mouth, take others' hands soft, and eat others' mouth softly, you can't be angry, you can only keep silent.

"Teacher, move now, and at the same time let the people in the Musketeers move the cities around to ensure that there are no people left." Lin Fan wondered, the amount of moving was not large, it was very easy.

That is, those people need a good one and they want to have a snack.

"Tuer rest assured, responsible for this matter for the teacher." Tian Xu nodded.

Liu Ruochen's hands behind the scenes, he has seen that it is indeed very strong, it doesn't make sense to move the children in case, just in case.

Of course, after the apprentice crushed the behind-the-scenes hands, they could still move back.

"Okay, every student and sister, all standing, now move."

The voice just fell.

Lin Fan rose from the sky, floated over the sky, the exercises were fully open, and his body was pulled up violently.

His muscles now followed a block of boulders, hard and shiny, and then stretched out his hand, a thread of strength emerged between his five fingers, like a flower blooming, spreading out in all directions in an arc.

With the current strength, carrying Yan Huazong is easy and not too difficult.


Strong vibration.


The ground cracked, and under his precise control, the force cut open the ground and separated from the ground.

At the same time, all the dangerous areas around were wrapped in.

The huge scope and such a powerful force naturally shocked many people.

"This power is horrible." Huo Rong was horrified. With only one person, he moved the entire Yan Huazong away.

"Get up!"

Lin Fan growled, grabbed Yan Huazong directly, and then flew down to support with one hand.

"It's all standing, we're gone."

Then attacked towards the distance, and in the original place, left a bottomless pit.

Many disciples came to the edge and opened their mouths when they saw the situation below. They couldn’t believe it. They were deep. They were horrible. They were really scary.

Tian Xu flew to Tuer, "Tuer, what place shall we choose?"

"Teacher, you must choose a good place, there are mountains and water, that's good, look around." Lin Fan said.

This is not to run, but to change places and relax.

Is Lin Fan the kind of man who runs the road?

That's definitely not the case.

Don't frame people at will.

The frog is pleased that the desperate still has a bit of a brain.

He really didn't expect that this desperate man would dare to follow Yu Jiuyuan's stiff bar, but it was amazing.

Yu Jiuyuan didn't have much hatred or relationship with him, but he knew that this guy was a scum.

Despicable, shameless, insidious, cunning.

Of course, his origin may not be known by others, but he knows it clearly.

Don't brag, he has a thorough understanding of all the people in the row there.

Yu Jiuyuan was a shameless flower thief before he became the Emperor of Heaven, or even before becoming a real powerhouse.

But it was really **** luck, the ancestral abyss exploded, and an amazing ancient secret was spewed out from the periphery.

What others get is all ancient things with no spirituality.

He was so good that he got an ancient method.

He transformed himself into a forbidden emperor Yu Jiuyuan, and returned to the scenery to take all the women he picked as concubines.

Disobedience basically disappears on earth.

Therefore, this desperate man provokes Yu Jiuyuan, and his suggestion is to move and stay away from this place.

"Teacher, that place is good, there are mountains and water, the air is still very fresh, the preferred place." Lin Fa stared forward, his eyes bright, good place, there.

Lin Fan pinched with five fingers and uprooted that empty space, leaving the pit as big as the Zongmen in his hand, and then controlled the Zongmen and slowly fell.

Perfect fit, no gaps.

"Wow, Brother is amazing."

The Zongmen disciples were frightened, their faces red with excitement.

They never thought that there would be such a move, if they didn't see it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it.

"The gap between me and him, I can't catch up in my life." Wan Zhongtian looked up, looking at the figure in the void, his expression fell a little.

He is not willing to admit defeat.

But before the huge gap, it really couldn't catch up.

"Zhongtian, don't think so much, it's not very happy now." Zhou Xiaoyu came to Wan Zhongtian and said, also looking at the void, the figure that exudes dazzling light.

"Well." Wan Zhongtian nodded, not thinking so much.

To stabilize a man, it is to find a wife for him.

Although Lin Fan is a single dog, he knows this well.

Look, Dao Tianwang's daughter-in-law has, the child has, and is honest, don't want so How ever Wan Zhongtian used to like jumping people, but look at it now, it is also very honest, ambitious The aspirations are all wiped out.

"Mushoutang, come with me." Lin Fanto floated the ground, ready to take it back to fill the original ground.

The strongest person in the Dao Realm in the Throne Room knows Lin Fan's strength at a deeper level.

The unmatched power has given them no room to resist.

Even, some are still somewhat lucky.

It feels like I joined some incredible sect.

Has been busy until the evening.

Yan Huazong finally changed places.

For the people, Zongmen is really good, take them wherever you go.

Invincible peak.

"Brother." Lu Qiming came from afar and wanted to say something.

"Brother Lu, do you have something to say? Just say anything." Lin Fan said.

"Senior brother, Zong Men has moved away. What if Brother Wang Fu comes back and cannot find Zong Men?"

He didn't mind Zongmen moving away, only some of his brothers and some masters were outside. Suddenly found Zongmen gone, he would definitely panic.

Lin Fan smiled, "Relax, I have arranged all this. Someone is waiting there, don't worry too much."

"Just go to bed early if you're fine. I have to go to the back room."

Lu Qiming nodded, "Yes, brother, you have to rest early."


Lin Fan walked towards the secret room.

He should study his own situation.

PS: Thank you, the resurrection coin can't be saved, the lord of the reward.

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