It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 884: What he said was what he said

"Brother, has everything been resolved?" Lu Qiming worshipped his brother, that was the ultimate worship.

"Brother, you are not nonsense. If you don't solve it, how can you come back now?" Lin Fan smiled, but when looking to the side, he couldn't help but be surprised. "Brother, are you back?"

Wang Fu smiled with a smile on his face. That was because he missed Brother. "Well, I just came back. Brother Lu said you have something to do. I will wait here."

"It's good to come back. It's not bad. Cultivation is very fast. It seems to have suffered a lot outside."

It is impossible to be able to improve your strength outside without going through a bit of discipline.

He also admits that, to experience outside, it is naturally faster to promote than at Zongmen.

However, cultivation practices are all growing up through training, and Wang Fu can have the current cultivation practices without experiencing life and death, which is impossible.

Brother's praise made Wang Fu a little embarrassed.

"Oh, Senior Brother, Senior Brother wants to ask you something." Wang Fu was a little nervous, but more believed that Senior Brother would definitely help him.

Because Brother is that kind of person.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fan smiled. Brother's thing was not good. The young ones, who are in trouble or unable to solve things, can remember him as a brother at the first time. In our hearts, it is still more important.

Pleased, very pleased.

"That's it. They are friends whom the younger brother knew in the foreign experience. Her name is Shu Yin, but her sect was suppressed by the descendants. Her grandfather was imprisoned. The younger brother was able to come back to see the brother because her grandfather died We, therefore, urge Brother to help." Wang Fu explained the matter roughly.

This matter can only be resolved by Brothers coming out, otherwise it is really impossible for them to use their abilities.

Those who follow Wang Fu come back to see the powerful brother Wang Fu said.

They admitted that the other party's faintly scented breath was indeed very strong.

But the distance between them shocked them, still very far away.


Wang Fu didn't reach this level, how could he be a real strong man, and how powerful he is.

"Well, okay, but Senior Brother now urgently needs to find Elder Tiansu. You can first follow the Brothers and help them to clean up the battlefield and bury the bodies of those people." Lin Fan said.

"Thank you Brother." Wang Fu was overjoyed, he knew that Brother would agree.

As for not going immediately, there is nothing wrong, don't worry about this moment.

But this is more like an excuse to others.


Wang Fu didn't even feel it.

The powerful brother in his heart actually has fear.

Those who are coming are not what they want.

When Lin Fan left. Wang Fu stepped forward with joy in his face, "You guys, my brother agreed, you can rest assured that when my brother is busy, we will be able to kill again."

"Wang Fu." Shu Yin hesitated for a long time, then looked at Wang Fu, "Can you stop deceiving yourself?"

"Ah?" Wang Fu was stunned, did not understand what it meant.

Why does Shu Yin say this?

"He is your brother, you shouldn't hurt him, how terrifying those adventors are, you can see it all. If you are grateful to you, you have used the wrong method, which will only make me more guilty. "Shu Yin said what she said.

The people around him also nodded and agreed with what Shu Yin said.

This is indeed the case.

How terrifying the advent, they see, it is really the most terrifying existence.

"This... hey, you don't understand at all." Wang Fu was helpless, he didn't know how to explain.

Why is this happening?

Is it really so low now?

Of course, he was not angry. What Shu Yin meant was that he did not want his brother to die.

But this is really not a death, but a fact.

Other brothers do not understand how powerful his brother is, but he knows very well.

"Sister Wang, you are just back here. Let's go to clean up the battlefield with the brothers. This time the brothers went out for a long time. I think the battle must be fierce. A lot of people have come. Let's go together." Qi Ming said with a smile.

He saw a little problem.

These people did not believe what Wang Fu said, nor did Brother Lin's strength.

Although it is not a big deal.

But he would not say so straightforwardly, but wanted these people to take a look in person.

For him, this is not a trivial matter, but a major one.

I don’t believe Brother Lin, isn’t this a fight on their faces?

Tiansu Mountain Peak.

"Teacher..." Lin Fan stepped on the ground and came in a hurry to find that the environment of the teacher here was much better than before.


There is a special taste.

However, he now has major issues to discuss with his teacher. As for these minor issues, he is left behind.

"Tu'er, look at your situation, full of blood, just beaten up again?" Tian Xu likes this baby apprentice, he likes it very much.

The most important thing is filial piety.

I have to say that he is no longer an opponent of Tu'er, but his own Tu'er is satisfying. Without that kind of strength, he would not regard him as a teacher.

In general, I will find myself a teacher to communicate.

Pleased, very pleased.

"Teacher, your eyes are too toxic, and you can see that I posted a few days ago, that is, who wants to beat me and come quickly, I didn't expect so many people to come, and they are all very vicious. For the sake of peace in the world, I’m not as good as anyone who goes to hell, so I am all hammered to death."

Lin Fan said very lightly and understated, not paying attention to it at all.

"Well, it's very good. I was quite a teacher when I was young. I wanted to be a teacher..."

Unconsciously, Tian Xu remembered the things he had when he was young, and felt that it was necessary to talk to Tu'er well.

During this time, he was also busy practicing, but for a long time he hadn't told his story to Tuer.

"Teacher, can Tu'er interrupt you? Something really tells you."

Lin Fan couldn't give the teacher this opportunity, otherwise he really didn't know when to say it.

"What the **** is this?" Tiansu found Tu'er's expression a little serious.

But the sun came out from the west.

According to his understanding of the disciples, it was the sky falling, and his face didn't change.

Now that there are important things to say, that is certainly not a trivial matter.

"Teacher, who created the unspoken secret "Zheng Qi Xuan Tian Gong" that our ancestors practiced, was it excavated from which relic?" Lin Fan asked.

This is what he most wants to know.

Although it is said that it was created by Emperor Yanhua, for the sake of insurance, I still ask.

"How could it be possible that Yan Huazong was founded by Yan Hua Emperor, and this method must have been created by Yan Hua Emperor, but I have seen that exercise for the teacher and put it in the present, that is only able to break through to the Divine Realm It’s just a trick."

Tiansu didn't look down on that exercise, and said that only the patriarch can practice, which is really annoying.

"Teacher, did the Yanhua Emperor die?" Lin Fan wondered, which was a bit interesting.

There are so many ways of doing things in the world, but they have never been encountered before, so similar.

The fact that Emperor Yanhua was able to create such exercises only shows that he is really a genius.

He created exercises based on his undead body. Although he succeeded many times, he did not look at how many times he died.

"This... is also inaccurate for the teacher. Zongmen records that Yanhua Emperor was indeed dead, but some people said that he did not die. Some people rumored that a thunder struck Yanhua Emperor, and then disappeared like this."

"But it's also unclear. The strength of Emperor Yanhua at that time had already reached the divine state. How could the Thunder be able to split the bones?"

Although Tiansu was the elder of Zongmen, it was really unclear whether Emperor Yanhua was dead or alive.

Therefore, in his opinion, it should be dead.

"A thunder?" This situation caught Lin Fan's attention.

Could it be a thunder to split Yanhua Emperor to another realm.

With such talents, it is not impossible to become a strong party.

Zhiming Yanyan!

How domineering this title is, and there is a coincidence.

"Teacher, this time there is a guy in the Adventist's practice called "True Flame Xuan Shengfa" which is very similar to the one I practiced, and the grade is much higher, I suspect that Yanhua the Great did not Dead, but brought by Thunder to the realm of the descendants."

Lin Fan will tell all the If it is true, it will be really fun.

"Tu'er, if what you said is true, then this..." Tensu's expression became serious, which was really a thing.

Before the outside world merged, they did not know the existence of the outside world.

But after experiencing integration, he did not think about it in this respect.

Today, it seems that, as Tu'er said, Emperor Yanhua did not die, but also, and probably has reached a certain height.

Of course, the crisis emerged.

He thought of the guy who had brought Yan Hua Emperor's tokens.

Although it is only to find the token and leave a guide, it is very likely that this has been left a long time ago and is not the main purpose.

"Teacher, I would like to ask you something. If Emperor Yanhua is really alive and doing something unfavorable to Yan Huazong, I will beat him up. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

Whether he lives or not, no matter who he is, as long as it has a bad influence on Yan Huazong, he must be beaten up.

"No problem, what's wrong with this, not only do you have to beat, you have to beat him even for a teacher." Tian Xu said without hesitation.

"Teacher, you are true and false, but this is Emperor Yanhua, the founder of Yanhua Zong. How dare you beat me?" Lin Fan was surprised. The teacher's bragging was a little burst, and he really couldn't believe it.

Tian Xu smashed his mouth and said, "Tuer, what do you say, Yan Hua Emperor once said that Yan Hua Zong is not his own, but thousands of Zong Men disciples, no matter who they are, as long as they threaten When he arrives at Zongmen, even he has to be mercilessly contending. He said everything himself. What problems can you say?"

Lin Fan smiled, it seemed that the possibility of beating was very high.

Think about it and make people look forward to it.

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