It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 891: I didn’t do it so much.


"Don't panic, don't panic, have something to say, don't cry and howl, this is Yan Huazong, if you let others see it, I think I'm bullying you. Collect this site"&1t;/

Lin Fan waved his hand, and Qin Feng was also a talent. From what he said, he realized the true meaning of the navy. &1t;/

A naval organization was established that was about to spur blood and make everyone outside the domain laugh. &1t;/

Now when I came to myself, I yelled at the crying crying mother, and I have to say that there is a situation in it. &1t;/

"Yes, I have to hold on, Brother Lin, this is a long story, you have to listen to me." Qin Feng was confused for the first time on the road of life. &1t;/

Lv Qiming looked at Qin Feng. This guy's expression was really helpless, and it seemed to have been hit. &1t;/

"Well, don't worry, you say slowly, I'm listening." Lin Fan was very calm. &1t;/

I don't know what kind of blow Qin Feng suffered, but he was so anxious. &1t;/

"Brother Lin, I got your enlightenment, and the name you gave away. I founded the Navy. Although it was a bit unsuccessful before, I encountered some small winds and waves, but I can still face it. But the following things made me desperate. ."&1t;/

"The Advent arrived and occupied Hengtianyu. As the leader of the Justice Navy, I couldn’t see the massacre, so I stationed most of the navy’s forces in Hengtianyu, but suffered extremely violent attacks and suffered heavy casualties, so , I also asked Brother Lin to help me out of the mountain."&1t;/

Qin Feng was too stressed and faced a turning point in his life. &1t;/

After thinking about it for a long time, I could only find Brother Lin, the indicator light on the way of people's lives, and solve his puzzles again. &1t;/

"There is nothing wrong with this help, but I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to go to Hengtianyu. If I leave Zongmen, and the advent comes, Zongmen is not very good to resist."&1t;/

Lin Fan is not very worried about this matter. &1t;/

In the sect, there is a hanging girl. &1t;/

The strength of this lady seems to be very weak on the bright side, but the ability is too weird. &1t;/

Had he not been immortal and immune to mental offensives, I am afraid he could really have his way. &1t;/

Suddenly, Qin Feng stepped forward, grabbing Lin Fan's hand, and in the helpless eyes, the glory of hope radiated, "Brother Lin, have you regarded me as a friend?" &1t;/

Lin Fan looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while. &1t;/

Has he regarded him as a friend? &1t;/

This question is really esoteric. &1t;/

He would like to say, no, I have no friends in Lin Fan, only points. &1t;/

But he couldn't say it. If it were true, Qin Feng might hit him in front of him. &1t;/

Looking at Qin Feng's looking eyes, he couldn't bear it. &1t;/

"You are still very good, very good, and friends." This is a bit of a conscience, but to save the lost lamb, this is the only way. &1t;/

"Brother Lin, I would like to ask, insert a knife for a friend's two ribs, are you right?" Qin Feng did not let Lin Fan's hand loose, just grabbed it in his hand. &1t;/

Lv Qiming looked at it and felt something was amiss. Brother is not someone who likes to be close to others. &1t;/

"That's what I said, but to be honest, I've only seen people who inserted two knives for friends. I have never seen those who cut two knives for friends." Lin Fan deliberately rejected Qin Feng. &1t;/

Although I have met a few times, I have had a few friendships. &1t;/

But the feeling between us seems to have not reached that point. &1t;/

What he was most afraid of was familiarity. &1t;/

The voice just fell. &1t;/

Lin Fan looked at Qin Feng stunned. &1t;/

Even Lu Qiming on the side was dumbfounded. &1t;/

Oh my god, do you want to be so ruthless? &1t;/

I don't know when, Qin Feng held two knives directly on the ribs on both sides, blood flowed gurgling. &1t;/

Look dumbfounded. &1t;/

Lin Fangan dared to God that he thought he was the most ruthless person to himself. &1t;/

But now, he is now also very fierce to himself. &1t;/

He also raised a small question. &1t;/

But I really didn't expect that Qin Feng performed what he called a two-ribbed knife as soon as the question came out. &1t;/

"Teacher... Brother, is he alright?" Lu Qiming was shocked. He had never seen such a person. &1t;/

Our brother asked a little question, and he performed it himself. &1t;/

This is almost unpredictable, and there is no chance of reaction. &1t;/

Just when Lin Fan just wanted to say something, I saw Qin Feng covered with **** hands, and grabbed his hand again. &1t;/

It's all blood. &1t;/

Lin Fan's expression was a little weird. &1t;/

"Brother Lin, help me, the navy can't be destroyed. He is the place where I complete my conviction, and it makes me find a like-minded partner." &1t;/

Speaking, Speaking, Qin Feng burst into tears, and he was full of justice, and he must not give up the navy. &1t;/

Not to give up everyone inside. &1t;/

"Brother, do you want to help? There is an elder in Zongmen, and it should be fine." Lu Qiming really couldn't see it anymore. &1t;/

He had never seen him, except for his brother, such a ruthless person to himself. &1t;/

And still to save people. &1t;/

Admiration is really admirable. &1t;/

Although he was not very familiar with Qin Feng, he was moved by the spirit of the other party, so he asked his brother. &1t;/

If he changed his person, he would not bother to control. &1t;/

Brother wants to help, if he doesn't want to help, he will definitely not say one more word, and even think that the other party is really annoying, always entangles our brother. &1t;/

"Brother Lin..." Qin Feng looked forward, as for the knife on the two ribs, he was directly ignored, without any pain. &1t;/

Things have reached this point, what else can he say? &1t;/

Even Brother Lu could not see, he could only nod. &1t;/

"Good." &1t;/

It was just one word that made Qin Feng overjoyed, but he was too excited, and the blood flowed gurglingly, with a trend of madness. &1t;/

"Brother Qin, hold back, don't be excited, you are blood-spurting a little scary." Lin Fan quickly persuaded, but don't die here because he was too excited. &1t;/

By then, it was a bit unclear. &1t;/

"It's all right, Brother Lin. I'm so excited. I knew Brother Lin would help me. Let's go now." Where can Qin Feng wait, just figure it out. &1t;/

Every second of delay, the navy has an extra crisis. &1t;/

So I want to get out immediately. &1t;/

"Wait, I have to explain things." &1t;/

If you really want to leave with Qin Feng, then you must talk to the hanging girl. &1t;/

Otherwise, something really has to happen, and it really makes people feel helpless. &1t;/

Let Qin Feng wait in place, he went directly to the hanging girl. &1t;/

Hang the girl's house and push open the door. &1t;/

I saw the hanging robes scattered around, Bai Chao's skin was exposed to the air, his slender white thighs stretched lazily there, and only the purple hollow cloth was put on his hips, covering a ray of spring light. &1t;/

It seems to be sleeping. &1t;/

Lin Fan froze a little, then stepped forward, "Hey, wake up." &1t;/

"Boom!" The hanging girl made a slight voice, her slender eyelashes twitched slightly, then opened her eyes, sat up slowly, and fell down for a long time, covering her chest. &1t;/

"Have you told me a story?" &1t;/

The clothing does not cover the body, only the long cover. This special indecision does not know who wants to seduce. &1t;/

Fortunately, he was firm-minded, dismissive of women's color, and even encountered excessive, he did not mind teaching the other party how to become a brilliant firework. &1t;/

"Listen and listen, there is no time, but I can give you a chance. I ask you, if I am not in the sect gate, and there are powerful people coming from the Dao Realm, can you kill them all?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

"Can." The hanging girl said. &1t;/

"How much to kill?" Lin Fan asked again. &1t;/

"Uh." &1t;/

"Okay, I went out for a while. You help me look at Zongmen. As long as you come to trouble, you are all killed. If you can do it, I will tell you a story for two days after you come back."&1t;/

Lin Fan did not doubt what the hanging girl said. &1t;/

Although this girl is stupid, she will never lie. &1t;/

Being able to withstand his punch, not farting, or even spitting out a bit of blood is enough to see a little patience. &1t;/

And the frog was terrified of her, which made it even easier to hang a girl. &1t;/

So giving Zongmen to her can temporarily reassure her. &1t;/

"Okay." The hanging girl replied calmly, her eyes flashing with excitement. &1t;/

As if for her, the story is the most pleasant. &1t;/

The hanging girl watched Lin Fan leave, the light in her eyes flickered like the stars. &1t;/

It seems to be thinking about something. &1t;/

"Brother Lin, has it been arranged?" Qin Feng asked. &1t;/

The naval organization is at stake. At such an important moment, only Brother Lin can help them. &1t;/

"Well, let's go, Hengtianyu, not too far, but not too close, your degree is too slow, I'll take you." Lin Fan grabbed Qin Feng to take off and attacked into the distance. &1t;/

So fast. &1t;/

Qin Feng was shocked that although his cultivation practice was not very high, it had made great progress than before. &1t;/

Brother Lin took him to fly too fast. &1t;/

It's quick to make people unprecedented. &1t;/

"Shock, do you feel the panic emotion spreading to our sect?"&1t;/

On the Sect Master's Peak, two benches were there, and there were people lying on it. &1t;/

Sect Master closed his eyes with Mo Jingzhe and felt something no one knew about. &1t;/

The suzerain is more like an old **** stick who has been practicing for many years and asks. &1t;/

"Sect Master, I finally touched the tranquility slowly. I wasn't able to feel the panic you said." Mo Jingzhe, behind the Patriarchate, entered a mysterious state. &1t;/

That kind of tranquility, he told his family but no one felt it. &1t;/

At that moment, he appeared. He was different from others. &1t;/

"Well, don't panic, then you continue to feel quiet, this patriarch feels panic."&1t;/

As soon as the words were finished, the Sect Master closed his eyes again, silently, and said nothing. &1t;/

Mo Jingzhe has long been accustomed to the atmosphere of the suzerain, what he wants is quiet and inaction, so he also feels closed eyes. &1t;/

"Brother Qin, where is your navy stationed?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

At that time, I bragged about it casually. How could I think that this guy Qin Feng really believed, formed a navy, and even attracted a group of people. &1t;/

If this were put before, he would definitely not believe it. &1t;/

On this stuff, there are people willing to join? &1t;/

But sometimes, I don’t think it is impossible, but there are too many changes. &1t;/

"In the front, as a just navy, where there is war, there is our figure. Nowadays, the people of Hengtian Realm are living in the depths of the water. These justice-breaking guys will fight to the death."&1t;/

"Even if the last person is defeated, they will never tolerate their evil deeds."&1t;/

Qin Feng said seriously. &1t;/

Lin Fan blinked and didn't die like that. &1t;/

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