It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 894: Don't look for reasons for your failure

It didn't take long.

There was a terrifying power spread outside, like a heavy mountain, pressing on everyone.

"Come, the advent comes, we are revealed."

Those who did not leave were very frightened.

When they did not feel the advent before, they were scared, but they did not like it now.

Now that horrible feeling is overwhelming, they just feel that they are covered in ice cellars all over their bodies, their hands and feet are cold, even if they want to run, they have no strength.

"It's here, they are hiding here."

A familiar voice came from outside, like Zhao Song.

"This voice..."

Some people's expressions became very complicated, and even unbelievable expressions appeared on their faces.

Zhao Song hadn't left long before, but now it was his voice.

Suddenly, everyone had a bad hunch.

"Come out, all the admirers have come, and you are useless even if you hide." There were arrogant voices from outside.

Listen carefully, it is really Zhao Song.

"Damn, this guy left as soon as he left, but he didn't expect to surrender to the hands of the descendant. Damn."

Most people are very ashamed of this.

When they left, they would not say much. Everyone has their own ambitions. The navy is not an organization that forces people to stay.

But as soon as he left, he joined the Adventist. This behavior was really terrible.

"It's really fast enough." Lin Fan is in a happy mood, and the strength of the members of the advent pioneer is really weak, basically as simple as crushing the ants.

Now I was informed that there were strong men coming from the advent, which made him very excited.

The inflated heart needs to be vented.

Victory all the time, it is easy for people to lose themselves, and sink into the expansion completely, so it is necessary to fight, it is best to be killed.

That feeling is what he needs most.

"Brother Lin, I'll accompany you to go out together." Qin Feng said, although he wasn't enemies outside, but at this time, he would never back away.

Lin Fan stopped Qin Feng, "No, you just stay here. You don't need your help."

Qin Feng looked at Lin Fan and wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.


Lin Fan twisted his neck and smiled, walking towards the outside.

"Don't panic, today is a feast."

After saying this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This smile seemed to Qin Feng to be so uncomfortable, and too confident.


Zhao Song humbled and stood beside the descender.

He's a dog, he wanted to run away, but how could he think of meeting the admirer halfway.

The people who had left with him before surrendering with the other party shot towards the descendants.

That scene, scared him to pee.

When I just wanted to stop it, I was in a hurry.

"Master, they are hiding in the cave below." Zhao Song bent over, lowered his eyebrows, and dropped his face.


As soon as the man struck gold, the body was radiant, and his body was upright. His body was covered with golden armor and embroidered with amazing lines. Even just standing there, the space around the body began to oscillate slightly.

A little golden particles spread out of him and drifted around.

The adversaries around were very cautiously standing beside the man.

When the other party does not come to the outside of the domain, they are the strongest and most prominent.

But now, when the True Son comes, they have to lean on the side.

"Is it all here?" Lin Fan walked out of the cave.

Looking up at the void.

The sun is slightly dazzling.

"The air is good." Lin Fan sniffed the tip of his nose. Although the air has no taste, for him, the air has a taste. If anyone says that the air has no taste, you can stand up and try it.

"Master, he is the one brought back by Qin Feng. They must be inside." Zhao Song said quickly.

He must show his value in front of his master, otherwise it is difficult to say that nothing will happen later.

"Hey, you adventists, occupying Hengtian Realm, how come you are such a little person, is there anyone else?" Lin Fan shouted.

He really didn't have any hope for ordinary advent. Although he could increase a lot of points, he didn't feel any sense of killing.

"Unrestrained." Zhao Song stepped out and scolded Lin Fan, "This is the advent master, the real **** son Sima Longyun, you guys dare to be so presumptuous, and don't hurry to kneel."


"There's a lot of nonsense." Lin Fan took out the pillar of space and prepared to dry directly. Too much tongue and waste of time.

"Huh? Space Pillar?"

Sima Longyun recognized at a glance that this was the pillar of space.

He always believed that there must be something wrong with the space channel, otherwise how could they be in danger if they came.

Now it is clear to see the pillar of space, and the yin and yang have become one.

At this moment, Lin Fan moved, and he lifted the pillar of space in his hand and yanked towards the void.

"There's too much nonsense, you can survive and talk to me."


With a swipe, the space began to burst.

The adversaries who originally followed came with a joke on their faces, but suddenly their expressions changed.


The black cracks were densely covered in the void, and under the impact of the terror, the countercurrent of the void directly rolled up violently.

The world began to oscillate and sway, as if it could burst at any time.

"Huh, I don't know who you want to hurt?" Sima Longyun stood there proudly, clutching the space pillar with one palm, and a disdain appeared on his face.

It's just a short moment.

Sima Longyun was stunned, and he looked back in disbelief.

The adversaries who came with them were all torn apart, and the body burst with a bang, blood was raining, and the laura fell down.

"What's going on?" He was already ignorant.

Obviously blocked, but how could they do such a thing?

Zhao Song in front of him, holding the previous posture, motionless, as if dead.



Zhao Song's face gradually appeared on the face, and the whole person instantly split into pieces.

"Hey, you are blocking it, but you have to think about it too. The storm that Ben Feng took was pulled, and the storm it carried was stronger than Tao Realm. These guys also want to resist it, no. Dreaming?"

Lin Fan said with a smile, this stick is a serious stick.

If there is no man in gold armor, he may play well with this group of descendants.

But now there are obviously stronger ones, and these weak ones have no meaning of playfulness.

It's better to solve it directly. It will be more interesting to play with the strongest for a while.


Sima Longyun looked at Lin Fan in shock.

He couldn't believe such a thing would happen.

The other party is just Dao Jingxiu, how can it be stopped, this is impossible.

Looking at the surroundings, there was just a group of people around, but now he is the only one left.

All of this was born so quickly that no one responded.

"Your cultivation base is not a Dao Realm?" Sima Longyun was surprised and could never be wrong. The strength of the other party is definitely not Dao Realm, otherwise there is absolutely no such power.

But something was wrong again.

The outside world is at its peak, and Daojing Xiu is, how could there be a stronger existence.

"You are blind, Lord Benfeng is Daojing Xiuwei, don't you feel that you can't beat me, you want to pull out Gao Benfeng's cultivation behavior, and find reasons for your failure, which makes no sense." Lin Fan raised his hand And waved his finger.

Feeling excited.

How long have you been waiting?

I finally waited for someone who could get started, and since Xiuwei reached the Tao Realm, there were few outsiders in this domain.

Of course, it is not impossible to fight, but they are all kept in the forbidden area, and they are not human.

"Fart, you're blind. I didn't expect there would be someone like you outside the domain. It seems that the record is wrong, but it doesn't matter. Even if your cultivation is a cross-border, you have to die here today."

Sima Longyun looked coldly at Lin Fan, and then grabbed the space pillar's hand, violently exerted, and there was a strong force accumulating at his fingertips.


With a scream, Sima Longyun wanted to take the pillar of space and throw Lin Fan out at the same time.

Only, an awkward scene was born.

The space pillar is still.

No matter how hard Sima Longyun tried, there was no response.

"What are you doing? Not embarrassing? You want to take the pillar of space from my hand. This strength is not enough." Lin Fan felt that the other party was too embarrassing.

It wouldn't be too shameful if he was violent in his strength, or shaken the space pillar in his hand.

But now shouted that it was heartbreaking, but in the end it was still useless.

The space pillar held in his hands didn't move, and some of them couldn't see it.


Sima Long was so angry that he had never encountered such a thing, but he was born right now.

"Damn fellow, you even teased me, I want you to pay the price."

At this moment, I saw the other party's five fingers spread out, grabbing towards the void.

This is the unsullied void, the storm rose, and a little glory emerged from nothing, overflowing from the void, and condensed in the hands of Sima Longyun.

"Tao Realm, I will show you how terrifying the power above it is."

Pushing the palm away, the condensed brilliance burst into a dazzling divine light.

"What is it?" Lin Fan was very curious, not knowing what the other's offensive was.

But he had felt an extremely terrifying force swept through.

The space is squeezed by this force and disappears.


Lin Fan raised his finger and pointed towards the front.


A dull voice came.

A black vortex appeared in front of him and was pointed at by Lin Fan.

"Huh?" Lin Fan frowned, and the surrounding space seemed to be like gas, constantly being sucked into it by a black vortex, and a huge suction burst out.

"It means something."

Although I don’t understand what method the other party used to generate such a power, I have to say that it is indeed very powerful.

Just like a black hole.

Then he raised his hand and slapped it.


The black vortex suffered the impact of this force, bursting instantly and disappearing in front of him.

"What's so special..."

Sima Longyun's expression was calm, but his heart had already burst.

Are you kidding me?

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