It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 900: Everyone has a responsibility to avoid disaster

"The teacher is so emotional." &1t;/

Lin Fan left from the teacher, thinking of the teacher's emotional expression, he felt that he must protect Yan Huazong. &1t;/

No matter what kind of ox, ghost, and snake god, if they come to Yanhuazong, they must let them come and go. &1t;/

Just before that, he felt the need to improve his cultivation. &1t;/

It doesn't matter to him what the other party will come up with. &1t;/

If the real body can come, it should come long ago. &1t;/

Even if it came, he was not afraid. &1t;/

In the case of being unable to confront, it is a big deal to start the bad luck and take it away. Although it is a pity that you can't kill yourself, but there is no way, who can make the other party so powerful. &1t;/

"Brother, are you going out?" Lu Qiming asked him when he saw that Brother had signs of leaving. &1t;/

"Well, staying in Zongmen for some time, it's almost time to practice." Lin Fan said. &1t;/

The points have bottomed out again, and you need to go out and get a good harvest. &1t;/

When Lu Qiming saw that Brother was going to practice again, his heart admired to the extreme. &1t;/

He had never seen it before, and Brother Brother would stop on the way to practice. &1t;/

"Master..." &1t;/

At this moment, the frog jumped from afar. &1t;/

The hind legs are very powerful, and you can jump the old high with a quick jump. &1t;/

The green figure cut a green light in the air, so bright. &1t;/

"Frog, what are you doing?" Lin Fan wondered. When the frog was okay, he wouldn't come to find himself, but now he came to the door voluntarily. The meaning contained in this is a bit of a problem. &1t;/

Must be vigilant. &1t;/

He has already realized that the IQ of the frog has made great progress during this time. &1t;/

If he didn't pay attention, he would really be able to set a hedge. &1t;/

"Frogmaster." Lu Qiming clenched his fists, Yan Huazong could have such a prosperous age today, and could not be separated from his brother, but the merits of the frogmaster are more obvious to all and cannot be replaced. &1t;/

If it weren’t for the frog master to teach the master alchemy alchemy, it would be impossible to satisfy all the disciples. &1t;/

After the outside world merged, he felt that the frogman is definitely not a leisurely person, and must be a big man. &1t;/

"Hmm." Frog was very panic when facing Lin Fan, but faced Lu Qiming with a straight face, very calm, very calm, and a kind of demeanor. &1t;/

Click! &1t;/

Lin Fan slapped it on the green light bursting head of the frog, "Hurry up, what the hell?" &1t;/

The frog lifted its paw and covered his head, a little pain, but a little flustered. &1t;/

"Master, are you going to leave the sect door?" The frog blinked mung bean-sized eyes, a little nervous. &1t;/

"How do you know?" &1t;/

Lin Fan felt like hell, he wanted to leave Zongmen, he hadn't told anyone yet, but how could this frog know that he had to say that there was something wrong with it. &1t;/

Lu Qiming also looked at the frog master in surprise, and just now he asked his brother if he was going out. &1t;/

But how could I think that the frogman knew. &1t;/

"Master, you can't go." The frogman jumped and jumped to Lin Fan's thighs, his front paws stretched out, holding his shoes, the little body burst out with great power, and tears and nose flowed out. It looks so confusing, I don't know what it means. &1t;/

"What's the matter? Can the words explain the white spots?" Lin Fan picked up the frog and placed it in front of him, looking at each other. &1t;/

The frog took a deep breath, and his expression became extremely serious. "Master, I used the technique of shaking the sky to figure out how difficult Yan Huazong is." &1t;/

"?????" Lin Fanman's head questioned, what did the frog say? He did not believe that Yan Huazong was in great trouble. &1t;/

However, he expressed composure. &1t;/

"Really? Then you talk about, when is it difficult?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

"According to the result of my calculation, when the owner leaves, there will be a great difficulty." said the frog, and he was about to scold his mother. &1t;/

According to the understanding at this time, the frogs wanted to be killed by one head. &1t;/

None of the descendants came to provoke the desperate. &1t;/

But this desperate man is better, fearing that others do not know that his existence, like crazy beating the advent. &1t;/

Now this hatred has been attracted and it must be attacked by others. &1t;/

The arrival of the strong is just a matter of time. ..&1t;/

"When you said that when I left, Zongmen would have a big trouble, then you said, if I don't leave, will there be a big trouble?" Lin Fan looked at the frog, which was obviously an alchemy frog, when did he start again Is it a fortune teller? &1t;/

It's really confusing. &1t;/

Lu Qiming stood aside and remembered everything he said. &1t;/

He cares about Zongmen's safety. &1t;/

His trust in the frogman is half and half, which is between 50 and 50, between distrust and trust. &1t;/

"Here, let Ben Frog do the calculation." Lin Fang was carried in the air by Lin Fan, but he couldn't stop his swing. His front paws were three fingers, shaking, and the green frog face was extremely dignified. &1t;/

"Huh!" &1t;/

Suddenly, the frog made a weird sound, and then his body shook and fluctuated. It really felt a bit credible. &1t;/

"Frog, do you want to get out of the pot again? Hurry up and say something." Lin Fan couldn't understand the frog, or, from the beginning to the present, he didn't see through. &1t;/

He came out of the Wan Cave danger zone and placed it in Zong Men, which greatly helped Zong Men. At the same time, the origin of the other party was the same as those of the advent. &1t;/

But it should be a loser, otherwise how can it become so miserable. &1t;/

"Master, I just thought about it a little bit, and it's vague, I can't see clearly." The frog said, and then dragged his chin with his front paw, thinking for a moment. "However, I have a way to avoid this disaster." &1t;/

"Do you want to say, continue moving?" Lin Fan narrowed and asked. &1t;/

The frog opened his mouth wide, and he couldn’t believe it. “Master, you might even think that this frog really thinks so. The frog frog feels that we are better to move and avoid disaster. Everyone is responsible.” &1t; /

He just wanted the desperate to move, and this place must not be left. &1t;/

The stone statue can speak and is ruthlessly ruined. That must be a grudge, and it is difficult to gather people to avenge. &1t;/

Therefore, according to his ideas, moving is the safest. &1t;/

Lin Fan didn't want to say anything, he knew that the frog wanted to run. &1t;/

Because the frog is tied to himself and wants to run alone, it is no longer possible, so he just wants to flick and move. &1t;/

The last time I moved, it was because I wanted to change the scenery, but I was not afraid to move. &1t;/

So he refused everything that the frog said. &1t;/

"I'm responsible for a fart. Hurry and go, it's impossible to move. No matter who comes, you have to stay. Why? You have no confidence in me?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

"That must be impossible. Master, Frog Frog is really sincere to you. If you don't have confidence in who you are, then you can't have confidence in Frog Frog's favorite owner." Blowed in his hand. &1t;/

But, suddenly, the style of painting changed. &1t;/

"However, the master, as the saying goes, the good guys don’t eat the immediate loss, the good guys don’t fight the mad dogs, those guys are mad dogs, they will only yell loudly all day long, or if we retreat to advance, how about changing places Like?"&1t;/

The frog was not reconciled. He really wanted to slip away. If he hadn't fallen into Yan Huazong, he would have packed up the salute and ran away alone. &1t;/

"Frog, I am very disappointed with you." Lin Fan looked at the frog, shaking his head and sighed, expressing regret. &1t;/

"Ah? Master, what's wrong with frog frog, I haven't done anything." The frog's face was stunned. This desperate man can live to the present, it's just heavenless. &1t;/

Think about the people at that time, which is not like walking on thin ice, be careful. &1t;/

Those rampant and arrogant guys will not end well. &1t;/

The typical representative is yourself. &1t;/

At that time, as a priest of Jiuhuang, that was the spring breeze, not a lifetime. &1t;/

But look at it now, all of them are always green-headed frogs. &1t;/

Would rather kill him than want to be this stuff. &1t;/

"Did you say that you haven't done anything yet? Tell me, who proposed the last move?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

The frog is a little bit wronged, "Master, it seems that you proposed it last time." &1t;/

"Fart, do you think I am a person who can do this kind of thing? It's not what you proposed, how long has it passed now? I have to move, and where to put this face, so I decided not only not to move, but also had to talk to them Go to death." Lin Fan decided that he would do a big fight with the descendants. &1t;/

The frog murmured in his heart, so why didn't he listen? &1t;/

No, it should be frog talk. &1t;/

Anyway, according to his age, he can be the ancestor of the ancestor of the desperate. &1t;/

As the saying goes, do not listen to the old man's words and suffer at a loss. &1t;/

The desperate still didn't see through. &1t;/

"Looking at your expression, it seems that you have something to say, okay, you say." Lin Fan said. &1t;/

"Hey!" The frog sighed, "Master, you still haven't seen it clearly. The first wave of Adventists are all Daojing cultivation behaviors. Afterwards, I figured out that it should be Emperor Tianjing." &1t;/

"This kind of cultivation practice is much stronger than the Dao Realm. I feel that Dao has reached its peak and has become the emperor of heaven and earth. He has a terrifying power between his hands and feet."&1t;/

"And from the perspective of this This emperor's heaven is only an intermediate force, and even more terrifying is still behind."&1t;/

"If you meet that kind of strong man who has the power of a lifetime, it is really terrifying. It is a strong man in his own world, commonly known as the world, so say, master, think twice. "&1t;/

It is necessary for the frog to talk to him about this situation. &1t;/

Don't think the advent are weak. &1t;/

The strong are still behind. &1t;/

Of course, when it comes to other people, even the world is nothing. &1t;/

According to the current situation, the emergence of an Emperor Heaven Realm can destroy everyone, not to mention the world realm. &1t;/

"Okay, I saw that your scared souls are gone. What happened to Emperor Heaven Realm? Do you think your master hasn't been beaten? Tell you, just a hammer exploded a few days ago."&1t;/

"What do you look like, don't believe it?" &1t;/

Lin Fan was dissatisfied when he saw the frog's eyes. &1t;/

This look is unpleasant, and there is a little look. &1t;/

"Hey!" The frog pulled his head and jumped into the distance. &1t;/

"Why are you going?" Lin Fan asked. &1t;/

The frog shrugged his head back and said, "Master, I'll build a small and coffin for myself. Do you need it? It can be gilded." &1t;/

.... &1t;/

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