It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 903: Are waiting


"It's not a waste of time for Master Ben to wait for several days."

Lin Fan stretched lazily, covered his bones, creaked, and made a clear voice.

"Brother," he said softly, lazily.

For the arrival of the strong, I did not mind at all.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Lu Qiming breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the frogman was really accurate. It was indeed a big difficulty, and it was considered that a strong man had arrived.

"Notify, let the disciples come to watch, and occasionally the strong come, let them look at the situation." Lin Fan said.

"Yes, brother, I'll let you know now." Lu Qiming hurriedly left to inform the disciples to come out and watch.

Being able to watch brothers fight is an experience that all disciples can encounter.

Lin Fan carried his hands on his back and walked towards the entrance of Zong, slowly and eagerly.

The point that the points come to the door automatically is a pleasant thing.

Of course, if Zhu Fengfeng and the fat pig are there, I am afraid they will exclaim.

It's just a pity that this man has slipped away a long time ago, even if the crisis is raging outside, in order to find a dangerous place, it is also desperate.

"It's finished."

The frog panicked.

His small eyes are far away.

The power passed on is very strong, Emperor Heaven Realm, as he guessed.

Even in the past 10,000 years, the realm will not change, and it will not decline, it will only become stronger.

The top powerhouses may be difficult to change, but the top powerhouses under the peaks will definitely bloom, and the powerhouses will be frequent.

The cultivation system has been stabilized.

There are only more types of exercises than before, and there are also many choices for cultivation, which will definitely become stronger and stronger.

"Have you seen the yellow paper and felt it? The kind of mighty power, do you think the desperate will win?"

"How can the Dao Realm be stronger? The cross-border war is only in the celestial body of the frogman."

The frog has a dignified expression, and even if he commented, he never forgot to brag about himself.

This is the dominance of the strong.

The yellow paper didn't speak. Although it was uncomfortable to see the green-headed animal, it was not a fool. How could it not feel that might.

"I said, let's run away, because of our size, we should not be able to attract attention. For others, we must be treated as a fart, you say no?" The yellow paper kind of counseled, head Say one thing to the frog so seriously at a time.

"Run? What kind of person are you as a frogman? People like you who are greedy for life and fear of death will not succeed."

The frog couldn't run, really thought he didn't want to run.

But there is no way to become the devil's favorite pet, where can he go.

Moreover, his students are here, no matter what, even the dreaded diaper pants can not abandon these students.

Look at them, how much love and respect for himself, as a frogman, can he lead the way?

Certainly impossible.

"Yellow paper, don't blame the frog for not giving you a chance. You just have to admit your mistake and let the frog leave you. How about it?" said the frog.

"Fart, Lao Tzu yellow paper, upright, apologize to you, the green-headed beast? Even if you are torn apart, you will never apologize. Let's lie down together to ensure that you are not alone."

The yellow paper was very angry, when the frog said this, it was sprayed very seriously.

"Oh." The frog sneered.

It was just a panic in my heart, and my heart was beating very fast.

Mountain entrance.

The younger brothers and sisters stood there in groups of three and five, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

A strong enemy came.

But there was no shy look on their faces, but instead they talked and laughed.

"Brother Lu just said that a strong man came, how do you say this strong man is?"

"Where do I know it, but it should be strong, otherwise Brother Lin will not call us to see it."

"What is the answer?"

"You think, if it's too weak, Brother Brother will solve it all at once. What are we going to look at? Let me say that the people here are definitely not weak, and Brother Brother needs a little effort, so he will call us to come and see. "

"Well, it makes sense, I didn't even think about it. It's amazing, admire, admire."

"Haha, where and where, this is just a lucky thought."

The disciples talked to each other and were very humble.

At this time, in the distant world, a thunder flashed, splitting the chaotic void, a figure appeared in the air, and the power exuded began to roll like a wave.

"Great, the people who came this time seem to be very strong. You look at this power, and it has solidified, and we see it with the naked eye. The other person is infinitely tall, just like the king of heaven and earth."


The disciples continued to comment, but there was no trace of consternation, and they said it was very different.


There are three leaders in total.

Xia Li, with long gray hair, holding a spear, his eyes flashed with divine light, his eyes were as powerful as the world, just like the ants, looking down at Yan Huazong.

"Brother Xia, this is the Yan Huazong mentioned by the great emperor, a group of ants, knowing that we came here, and even gathered together to go to the death to resist, it is simply hitting the stone with an egg." The talking man stood aside, his face was beautiful, but he spoke There is a sense of arrogance in the room, and the paper fan in his hand is unfolded, and an inexplicable picture is drawn on it, and there is a burst of divine light.

Yezuka stood there indifferently. For these little things, he disdained it, but the emperor actually ordered it down. This has to be said that it is really less used, so he came to take a look.

"Haha, wait until you guys don't shoot, let me break them all into meatloaf with a stick." Ape Demon, with stout body, arms like two stout giant trees, holding a barbed black iron Great, there are fine thunder wandering, sizzling.

The Yan Huazong disciples, seeing these three figures, could not help but discuss again.

"My God, look at the guy with the stick. I can guarantee that he is definitely not human. He has a lot of hair on his body, and he is more like a monkey." Some disciples exclaimed.

Although I have seen many monsters, this is the first time I have seen it.

"It's awesome, I can guarantee that the fighting will definitely burst, and these people look so strong."


Although they didn't fight to fight with others, their heart beats quickly.

At this time, the Templars arrived.

When the Lord looked at the void, his expression changed greatly. Although he didn't fight with the other party, but the kind of might came over, and he felt like kneeling.

"Lord Lin Feng?" The Holy Lord came hurriedly and asked Lu Qiming.

At this time, he didn't even see Lord Lin Feng, his heart was a little flustered.

Lu Qiming wondered, "I don't know, Brother came before me, but I haven't seen it until now, and I'm wondering."

"Holy Lord, he wouldn't have run away." The evil monarch whispered softly.

"Shut up." The Lord stared.

This stupid cap, could not have noticed that Lu Qiming's eyes were wrong.

Once the evil monarch had no choice but to say that there was no problem, how could he not believe it?

Judging from the current situation, the possibility of Lin Feng running the road is extremely high.

"Very strong, very strong." God punishment looked at the void, and the body shivered slightly under this power.

Deep inside, a voice told him.

Don't do it.

Don't do it yourself.


Yezuka put together a paper fan, took a step forward, condescended, and played with the tone: "A group of poor ants, since they are all together, obviously they want to die and resist. Okay, give you the opportunity to let you go first. , So that I can see what a group of little ants can do."

This remark is very overbearing, and does not take anyone's eyes at all.

Only suddenly, the air was quiet.

Penalty sanctions were unbearable. He stepped forward and pointed at the other party. "You are sick, I'm irritating you, and you haven't said anything, you didn't do anything, you are said to be a poor ant, are you special? I ate feces today and didn’t drink urine to rinse my mouth."

"Even if you drink urine, it must be smelly and sultry, shit, it's too dirty, and you can't look directly at it."

The scene is quiet.

Even the Yan Huazong disciples looked at sanctions in a daze.


There was applause.

"Great, I didn't expect the Templar to punish the monarch, but I have the courage to punish the monarch. I have a big impression on you," some disciples shouted.

"Change your mom, how did I drop the sanctions before, and still make you impressed, and quickly die." Facing praise, the sanctions were very unpleasant, and it felt humiliating.

The disciple who had just praised was stunned.

What is wrong with boasting?

"Huh?" Yezuka's face was blue, "What do you say?"

"Speaking of you being paralyzed, can you talk about some qualities, open mouth and closed mouth are ants, do you like to curse people? Why don't you eat shit." Don’t talk to me when you’re in the office."


Once the evil monarch stepped forward, he covered the mouth of the sanctions.

"If you want to die, don't take us down."

He was going crazy. I really didn’t expect that the sanctions would be nervous at this time, and it would be Yezuka's face was cold, and his anger was burning in his heart, "Do you believe me, I will cut you into pieces, Cut your tongue."

"and many more."

At this time, the **** of gambling ranks just like the puppy who smelled the bone, and he stood up.

"I bet with you, I don't believe in the bet, come or not? Just tell me, do you come or not."

God rank is very excited, this bet is big.

The face of the strong man, although very scared, but I do not know why, but the heart is very excited, the impulse to bet is difficult to resist.

"Death." Yezuka was furious. He didn't expect to be humiliated by two indigenous ants.

This is something he cannot accept.

"Why, I haven't arrived yet, who dares to do it."

In the distance, a figure came.

Lin Fan held the steaming chicken leg in his hand and the chicken broth in the other hand, took a bite and took a sip of the soup.


"Lin Feng Lord."

The voice spread, and everyone was calm.

The emergence of Lin Fan is undoubtedly not a strong shot against everyone's heart.

"Let everyone wait for a long time, they would have arrived long ago, but they were a little hungry halfway through, so they went to get some food."

Lin Fan is calm.

"This chicken soup is very good, whoever is hungry, go to the kitchen to get some."

Everyone blinked.

Brother, can't you play like this?


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