It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 905: Damn, mentally retarded

"My God, this..." Yezuka almost spit out old blood. He did not expect the indigenous people to be alive, and those ants behind the indigenous people had nothing to do.

Impossible, how could this happen.

How terrible is Xia Li's strength, how could he not know.

The trick just now was so horrible that burning everything was not a problem, but it was like this, but it was stopped by the indigenous people, and now the world is clear, as if nothing has happened.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's just scary, I feel like I'm in the fire."

Some disciples exclaimed. They were too irritating. Their eyes were red and they could not see any hope.

That feeling is like wandering on the edge of death.

The scorching sensation hit his face, and the sweat was scorched out.

"Brother, great."

The disciples turned into cute little fans and started cheering and shouting.

The people of the Orthodox Church are really looking at it. Just to them, death seems to have enveloped them.

But how can such a thing happen.

"Holy Lord, you said Lord Lin Feng's strength, what is the degree?" God punished the monarch whispered.

If it was him, he could only wait to die, or touch it, and it would be turned into ashes by the flames, and the bones would not exist.

"I don't know." The Lord shook his head, unimaginable.

Perhaps more powerful than imagined.

Invincible peak.

The frog squatted on the top of the hill and did not arrive at the scene, but kept squatting here to watch.

When he saw three people, his heart had already burst.

Emperor Tianjing really came.

With the strongest outside world in this realm, he is trying to hide in the coffin and bury himself when the fiery sea roars when he fights against others.

Only the next scene, unexpectedly, Huo Haifei not only did not burn him to ashes, but also dissipated.

"Damn, this desperate man played with himself from the beginning."

The frog reacted, and the desperate did not panic. Obviously, he was confident and had a great grasp.

"My God, it's so hidden. If it weren't for this situation, I really don't know." The frog muttered, then smiled, maybe not to die today.

Now, who wants to die?

Unless the brain is sick.

"Green-headed beasts, don't we have to die?" Yellow Paper asked hurriedly. Although he was **** with a frog, he was at least a living body.

I haven't had a good time yet, I just died here, but it's a loss-making business.

The frogs forgot to spray yellow paper, and were slightly excited; "It should be so, I didn't expect this desperate man to hide so deep."

"But it's a bit weird. The strongest outside the domain is the peak of Dao Realm. How did he do it? With Dao Realm strength alone, he can fight against Emperor Tian Realm."

"This is not a simple matter."

The yellow paper ignores the frog's doubts, as long as it doesn't die, it's better than nothing.

"Why don't you talk, are you thinking, impossible, my little native, how can there be such a powerful force, right?"

"Actually, I want to tell you that this is not my strongest strength, and my state is only temporarily stuck here."

boom! boom!

Lin Fan's arms were bent, his fists clenched, Zizizi, and Thunder went away.

The ordinary muscles began to swell, and the squeaky and crisp sound witnessed the muscles swell.

The body was pulled high and the black hair spread, hammering all the way to the ankle.

"Seven Gods Law" is fully open.

God is roaring, tearing the earth, tearing the void, and coming out of the endless darkness.


The last **** engulfed the rest of the gods, a force of terror was brewing, and finally merged into Lin Fan's back.


The thunder spread on the ground, swinging and spreading like a thick snake with thick thumb.


The ground could not bear such a powerful force, and began to crack and shake.

"What?" Yezuzu and others looked at Lin Fan in horror. They didn't expect this indigenous force to be so strong.

And the vast body is really huge, giving them a great sense of oppression.

"Appeared, finally appeared, this is Brother Lin's strongest form."

"Yes, Brother Lin practiced hard skills, and has already reached an extremely terrifying state, which is too shocking."

The disciples cheered and were so excited.


Lin Fan twisted his neck, and there was a terrifying force walking in his body.

"Okay, it's almost time to start. I decided to give you a chance to fight. As for heads-up, don't take it yourself. I'm afraid that you are dying too fast, so I don't feel a trace of coolness. ."

Lin Fan lifted his foot, walked towards the front, stepped on one foot, and the force exploded directly.

The ground was torn apart, and rubble was thrown up, suspended around him.

"Damn, it was looked down upon by the indigenous people. This is a shame, an indelible shame. Fortunately, I like the self-righteous character of your ape, let me take a look at how powerful you are."

"However, you have to be careful, don't break my neck, I won't be able to connect at that time."

The ape smiled grimly, and the thorny black iron rod in his hand exuded glory.

Waving in the air, there were amazing roars.

"Hard work?" Lin Fan looked around and smiled on the corner of his mouth. He likes hard work, but it is too rare. It seems that the other party should be the exclusive person of hard work. This is comparable to the guys involved, but it is much more powerful.

"Look at your confident eyes, do you really think the world is invincible? No, you are too tender."


The ape demon roared, and an endless rage erupted from his body. A breath like a storm, rolled out wildly, wrapping his body.


The storm wrapped around the body of the ape demon, mixed with thunder, bursting from time to time, bursting into a crisp roar.

"Well! Feel it, my real ape demon has come again, and the blood has begun to boil."

"Stupid ants, use your humble body to welcome me."


A dull voice burst out.

In the storm, a pair of scarlet eyes loomed.

"Ape's anger."

Suddenly, a voice resounding through the world burst out.

There is a terrifying force in the storm, and then the storm bulges and bumps out.

A punch came, carrying infinite strength, and rolled towards Lin Fan.


The power of this punch is really terrifying and has not yet arrived, but this power has turned the world upside down, and countless black cracks have emerged into the air. The ground below is even twisted into pieces under this power.

Yan Huazong disciples, cold sweat perched on their foreheads.

Their bodies are shaking.

I can't move my hands or feet.

"It's a bit of a feeling. It's just the strength, but it's not enough." Lin Fan raised his head, bent his knees, and slammed into a streamer, swooping up, pinching five fingers, and the sea of ​​strength was condensing.

Punch out.


Two fists bumped into each other, and a shocking roar erupted. It also set off a strong wave of shock, and the brilliance of the brilliant light burst out, more like the rotation of the galaxy, suspended in the sky and earth.

"Awesome." Lin Fan's robe was blown rustlingly, and one step did not retreat, punching the other side away with a punch.

He felt that the opponent's strength was not weak, and there was a sense of reality that the strength collided with the strength.

"Shuang, it's really cool."

Lin Fan smiled at the corner of his mouth, he already felt the shock.

Yezuka looked dignified, "How could this be, the strength of the ape demon is enough to tear the world, even the power of a punch can't resist me. What is the origin of this native?

"Brother Xia, this is a hard stubble. It is unrealistic to have such a strong man outside the territory. We might as well withdraw first."

He felt a sense of crisis over his heart.

Want to leave here.

It was this feeling that used to escape many times from danger.

However, Xia Li kept silent and stared at Lin Fan with a stare, and there was a flame burning in his heart.

"How could this happen, you could actually catch my fist." The storm dissipated and the real body of the ape appeared.

Thousands of feet stood between the sky and the earth, and the hair on his body was thick and shining.

"Huh!" Lin Fan looked. The opponent's arm was already bent, and his fist was even more vaguely fleshed. Obviously, it had been abolished, but the other party did not seem to find it, and there was no expression at all, which made him very puzzled.

"Silly big man, you're real or false, don't you feel pain? Look at your arm."

Lin Fan shouted.

The punch just made him really feel the joy of fighting, but it felt too fast and went too fast.

It’s a pity that I didn’t have a good feeling and ended it like this.

"What?" The ape demon relied on his tall body, demonstrating his immense horror power, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but he didn't respond for a while.

"I said your hand is okay? Do you feel nothing at all?" Lin Fan felt that the ape demon had something. Sure enough, the people who practice hard skills ~ ~ are all kind of fearless of pain.

In fact, even if he is practicing to this point, he is very eager for pain.

But it is a pity that his undead body makes him ignore the pain.


At this moment, the demon amazed, indeed felt something was wrong.

There seems to be a problem with the arm.

His lantern-sized eyes slowly shifted and finally fixed on his arm.


A thunderous sound resounded.

"How did my arm break, how did it break?"

"It hurts me."

The originally calm face of the ape demon disappeared, and the screams of the sky were replaced.

The sound is too loud, and the eardrums of the stinging people have some pain.

"Damn bastard, you dare to hurt me, I want to smash you into a patty."

The ape demon roared, and the other arm was raised violently. The barbed black iron rod was held high in his hand and slammed towards Lin Fan.

The majesty of the mighty, the crushed void collapsed.

Even if the average person does not have a hard connection, in this powerful range, terror can crush bones.

"Damn it, mentally retarded." Lin Fan glanced at it, slamming his fist toward the iron rod without giving in.


The world is eclipsed.

Everyone was pierced by the light curtain that couldn't open their eyes.

"Mother, the end of the world."

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