It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 909: Brother, can you listen to my story

"Damn, it's just like a mad dog. If it's not that I'm afraid of you, I would have gone out and beat your dog's head."

At this time, Night Mound was hiding in a dangerous place.

No way, really forced to a dead end.

Running all the way, I didn't see anyone chasing behind me, but the sense of crisis was too close and there was a great sense of oppression.

He knew that someone had been chasing behind him.

It's a dog.

I really don't know, how did the guy show where he was going, I don't understand.

If you keep running away, you will definitely be caught up. By then, even if you call your father, it will be useless.

Just when he was desperate and at a loss, he was in a dangerous place.


If you hide in a dangerous place, it should not be found.

Even if the opponent's tracking technique is even stronger, he can still find him dangerously.

As far as he knows, danger has an isolation effect.

As long as he hides in, he will not be found.


Night mound squatted at the foot of the wall, surrounded by the bodies of several monsters.

Just came in, attracting the attention of several monsters.

He was almost scared to pee.

If the monster caused a movement and brought that guy, he didn't know how to die, so the first time, decisively, without any movement, these monsters were resolved.

Now squatting in the corner, I dare not move, I am afraid that at a critical moment, because of the carelessness, the monster beast roars.

By that time, I'm afraid I have even thought of hanging up.


He stared, he had felt it, there was fluctuation in the void outside, it was the breath of the guy.

I didn’t dare to move, but now I don’t even dare to breathe.

"Oh, it's really enough to run, the calf is very neat."

Lin Fan floated above, the breath disappeared from here,

Looking around, endless.

The tip of the nose sniffs, and the sense of taste is characteristic and very sensitive.

"I'll sniff to see where you are going. If you get caught by me, you have to break your two dog legs."

Suddenly, the tip of the nose breathed.

Strong wind.

The leaves and the soil could not bear such a violent wind, all swept in and poured into the nasal cavity.


"Strange, there is no taste. Where did this man go?"

He didn't expect this guy to be a bit patient, and disappeared without a trace.

Not even the smell left.


He saw several figures below, but he was not a descendant.

The cultivation base is very weak, and there is no connection to the heavens.

It should be a disciple of a certain force, just come out and experience it.

He fell below, a huge black shadow, pressed against the ground.

This group of people suddenly went dark today.

But when they looked up, they were terrified. They really did not expect that such a huge person would come.

"Brother, what is this?"

Younger brothers who have never seen the world, their scared legs are stiff.

"Don't panic."

The brother who took the lead to practice and swallow this saliva, although he was not scared, but at this time, he must stabilize.

"Senior, may I ask you what is the matter?" Ye Qing clenched his fists. He took his younger brothers and sisters out to experience, that is, to give them insight into the world outside.

Of course, he did not dare to go to the dangerous places. With the strength of the younger brothers and sisters, it would certainly be impossible to solve, and he would even lose his life in vain.

"Who are you?" Lin Fan asked.

Why are these guys so afraid of themselves?

They didn't seem to have dealt with them.

Perhaps unconsciously, Ben Feng has cultivated the temperament of the strong.

"Senior Qi Yun, young Ye Qing, from Xiaoyu Pavilion, took the younger brothers and sisters out for training. If you want to come here to experience some dangers, if you disturb the seniors, you will admit your mistakes to the seniors and leave immediately."

Ye Qing's vision is good. Although he doesn't know the origin of Lin Fan, it's scary enough to rely on this power.

Therefore, he knew that this was definitely not an ordinary person, but a strong man.

"Huh? You said there is danger here, where?" Lin Fan asked.

He wouldn't believe that, with his own control of the smell, he would make people escape, and he must be hiding somewhere.

"There." Ye Qing said, pointing away, he was puzzled, not knowing what his predecessors wanted to do.

Even if he was puzzled, he dared not show it.

Especially the size of the pair is really too large, they are like dwarfs in front of each other.

"Well, thank you. This is not my place. You can continue your experience when I solve the problem, but you have to be careful. There are many people coming, don't give up your life." Lin Fan is a kind reminder.

But when I heard these little things, it was terrifying, and I felt that my heart was about to burst.

"Thank you senior for your warning." Ye Qing clenched his fist and lowered his posture, not daring to have any dissatisfaction.

Lin Fan didn't say much, but walked towards the dangerous place. Maybe the person he wanted to find was in the dangerous place.

"Brother, who is he?" a disciple asked in a low voice.

"Hush! Don't ask, don't ask about things you shouldn't know." Ye Qing reminded.

For such strong people, I am afraid that they do not like others to ask too many things.

Although he didn't do it, the opponent felt very depressed for him, and he suppressed it with a giant mountain. His breathing was difficult and a little breathless.


They rarely come out, this time the brothers took them out to meet the world.

After hearing this, I didn't ask much.

Dangerously before.

"It's here, I don't know if I hid inside." Lin Fan pondered, then smiled, bent his knees, jumped up violently, banged, and landed on the dangerous ground.


"What's the matter?" The night mound squatting in the dangerous corner was already drowsy, but suddenly, there was a vibration, and he was tense, and every nerve seemed to burst.

"No, can this be found?"

"Impossible, there must be another reason, even if the other party is in this dangerous place, it is absolutely impossible to know that I am inside, stay calm, and must stay calm, not panic."

Yezuka began to comfort himself, he did not believe that the indigenous people could find him,

But I don't know why, my heart has become more panicked.

"Brother, isn't that a dangerous place we are going to? What is he doing?" someone asked.

Ye Qing shook his head, "I don't know, but what should happen."

He couldn't understand it either.

The outside world is large.

There are many strong ones.

It’s normal for them to meet strange powerhouses, as long as they don’t encounter the kind of killing without blinking, there is nothing. After all, they and others haven’t provoke each other, and there is no danger to their lives.

According to the communication just now, he now finds that although his predecessor is intimidating in shape, the feeling of the heart in the words should be a good person, not a kind of murderous non- blinking devil.

"Whether you are here or not, this dangerous place today has no chance for you to hide."


Hands were inserted directly into the dangerous ground surface, and the power between the five fingers turned into silk thread, spreading away.



The sound of vibration continued, and the rock on the surface of the dangerous land clicked, cracked a crack, and then the gravel broke out, and the crack spread to the distance.


A boulder fell over the sky, crashing on the ground and making a roar.

Dangerously shaking.

The monsters boiled, and they rioted.

Yezuka was dumbfounded and raised his head. "No, wouldn't it be so fun?"

He was already terrified, and he felt like he had nowhere to go.

"It's impossible, you can't scare yourself, there must be no problem, then the indigenous people don't know that they are hiding inside.

Yezuka comforted herself.


There was a dark and dangerous place where a ray of sunlight came in to disperse the surrounding darkness.


At the same time, there is still this voice lingering in his ears, which has been torturing his heart.


Yezuka opened his mouth, his eyes bulged, and there was a gap in the sky. The light became more and more dense. The sense of security hidden in the darkness disappeared.


The rock wall above the dangerous ground was broken apart by both hands.

"Let me see where I am hiding."

In the middle of the crack, a head suddenly came in.

For others, this head is a bit big.

"Made, don't you want to be so scary, I'm timid." Yezuka shrank there, and didn't dare to move. If he knew it would cause such a horrible existence, he wouldn't come if he was killed.

But it is too late to say anything.

They are all chased and killed, what more to talk about.

Ye Qing and others had been completely ashamed when Lin Fan broke apart.

They had never seen anyone so overbearing, and they broke apart dangerously.

What awesome power this is is really amazing.

"Brother, this is too scary."

The younger brothers and sisters around were completely dull.

In the world of the strong, they don't understand Everything that is born today is so impossible for them.

"Huh! Really not." Lin Fan glanced, and did not see Yezuka.

Yezuka looked at the huge head and slowly disappeared. He could not help being relieved. He was really scared to pee.

The feeling of death approaching is really uncomfortable.

But at this time.

The top surface above his head cracked.

A horrible voice came.

"I found it. You were really hiding here, but it made me easy to find." Lin Fan's head was stuck in the gap, looking at the already sluggish night mound, showing a smile that he thought was more friendly.

Yezuka looked up and saw that there was light in his eyes, but when he saw Lin Fan's face, his brain seemed to stop working, and the surrounding environment was gradually gray and quiet, without any movement.


Lin Fan held his hands and directly overturned the top of the danger.

The top of the huge rock was thrown up and pressed into the distance, rolling out a thick dust.

"Come out, you can run very well, making Ben Feng the main chase very headache." Lin Fan said.

The night tomb was a bit stupid, and it was so muddled that he didn't run away the first time, but came out of the danger and floated in the void, with no strength at all.

Ye Qing and others were a little surprised when they saw Yezuka, but they really didn't expect that there was really someone hidden in the danger.

"You said that you adventist, can you still be a little bit better, others are desperate, you run away, your face is gone." Lin Fan said, "well, not much to say, how do you want to die."

"and many more."

At this moment, Yezuka raised his hand.

"Brother, misunderstanding, really misunderstanding, can you listen to my story before I die, maybe you will change my attitude."

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