It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 920: They just talked about things

outside. Δ『ksnhu』1a

Beast Hill followed, watching Lin Fan all the time, without saying anything.

Not that he didn't want to talk.

I really don’t know what to say.

He was the most impressed with Lin Fan, that is, when Lin Fan beat the king without the sky.

That battle was also shocking, so that the main peak masters were already desperate.

That kind of disparity in strength is really not able to make up for a short time, so all the peak masters leave Zongmen, go out to experience, do not want to be suppressed by the invincible peak.

But what awkward thing happened.

External integration.

They disconnected from their hometown, and even if they wanted to go back, they could not go back.

Beast Hill is a bitter type.

He has the life lamp to stay in the sect door, and the moment of life and death, he will be known.

But if his dad wants to find him, he also needs a lot of effort to contact Life Lamp and have contact with him.

I thought I would be able to go back soon, but how could I think that Dad really didn't contact him, and he didn't contact him until he was in danger.

This has to be said, a little sad.

"That... Lord Lin Feng." Beast Hill hesitated to speak, but Lin Fan interrupted before he could speak.

"The name Lord Feng is just an outsider. As a fellow student, you should call me Brother." Lin Fan said.

Beast Hill looked at Lin Fan weirdly. He hadn't returned to Zongmen for a long time, and he didn't know what to produce.

But he was very timid and knew he was no better than Lin Fan, so he nodded.


Beast Hill said.

The survivors around him only realized that this guy turned out to be a brother of Beast Hill, not to say that his father was very weak. How could Zongmen have such a strong man.

"Brother, you left Zongmen at the time and wanted to become stronger, but Brother seems to you, you don't have this need, and the outside is still a bit dangerous after all."

"Your father Elder Beast Yue is very worried, so you will go back with me this time, don't come out for the time being, save trouble."

Lin Fan felt that it was necessary to bring the owners of Fengfeng back.

Said it was outside experience and wanted to become stronger.

But unfortunately, the strength of the opponent is too slow.

However, he didn't blame the other party at all. Due to his talents, not everyone can be as open-minded as he is.

Huizong is the safest in the outside world where this kind of advent comes.

No matter where it is destroyed, Yan Huazong will definitely be fine.

"Brother, this..." Beast Hill is embarrassed, a little helpless, how can it be so straightforward, it is very sad.

"Why? What am I saying wrong?" Lin Fan frowned. He didn't feel anything wrong with what he said, but instead made sense.

It can also be understood that the weakness makes them unable to see the road ahead.

I don't know how real people feel helpless.

After all, it is still a group of children living in a warm garden.

"No, no, Brother is right." Beast Hill felt that Brother was a little wrong, and when facing him, the pressure was a little bit big.

What's so special, only the juniors have the feeling of facing the elders.

Oh my God.

Unconsciously, I will not become a junior.

Beast Hill has this hunch, which is not good, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Well, that's right. Brother likes obedient brothers. After going back, they have a good chat with Wan Zhongtian and Dao Tianwang. Your boss is not too small. It's time to find a daughter-in-law. .

Stability is the way to survive.

Wan Zhongtian and Dao Tianwang walked in front, the effect was remarkable, they didn't want to go out to die.

Have been staying at Zongmen.

It's always a good idea to have nothing to practice or to stroll around.

Therefore, he also hopes that Beast Hill can learn from them.

Beast Hill wanted to refute, too much control, but when he thought of the previous situation, he did not dare to say more, but nodded silently.

It feels weird.

It's scary.

"Okay, let's go, here is temporarily boring." Lin Fan said, walking towards the front, although it was walking on the ground, but it was fast.

Beast Hill can only barely keep up.

The little monster is reluctant.

He can't leave here, he needs to stay here all the time.

Just thinking of the eldest brother, if he wants to leave, he feels a little helpless, not knowing when he will meet next time.

"Please wait." At this time, some of the survivors who were holding the group of Beast Hill came forward to talk to Lin Fan. "Can you take us safely out of here."

"You can keep up with you, if you can't keep up, it doesn't matter to me." Lin Fan said.

These guys are still very lucky.

Since staying with Beast Hill, it means good luck to be able to leave here alive.

The strength of some of them is very good, but after all, the ghosts still have a little to look at.

The survivors didn't say much, they all got up and could leave here by keeping up with each other's footsteps, in fact there is no problem.

of course.

If the other party took the beast hill and flew directly away, with their strength, I am afraid they could not really keep up, but now it is walking, and the problem is not big.

The darkness around was dark, and the black mist was floating in the air just like spirituality.

No one knows what is deep.

But it is definitely not a good thing.

Beast Hill is full of doubts, what is the situation, he has been away from Zongmen for too long, and he does not understand what happened.

Lin Fan Yuguang glanced at Beast Hill.

This feeling is still very good.

Yes, that's the kind of I am your elder brother. As a younger brother, you must listen to me. I have arranged for you the future and follow the path I arranged to ensure that I will not starve.

After a long time.

The survivors were relieved.

They didn't encounter a terrible guy, they were still very panicked, and gradually calmed down, and then they all contacted and talked about other things.

Xinghaiyu became a ghostly creature, which is an unbearable scene for anyone.

They lost more, they had friends, relatives, and sect.

But there is no way, they are all gone. I think if there is so much use for it, as long as I live, there is hope.

Beast Hill is silent, pitting father, he really does not know what to say to Lin Fan.

The impact is a bit big.

If the mentality is not good enough, it can really collapse.

In his impression, when leaving Zongmen, there seemed to be no big difference.

How to leave this time, the gap is so big.

He began to wonder if he hadn't practiced, but has been regressing?

However, it is impossible.

It is not a joke to cultivate your own Great Sacred Realm.

Unexpectedly understand, even a little panic in my heart.


Earth shakes.

The whole ghost was shaking.

"What happened?"

The survivors had hope of living, but when they felt the movement, their faces were pale for a moment, and the kind of panic shone again in their hearts.

Everyone looked up.

In the distance, a purple brilliance flashed by, seeming to swell, but then disappeared without any fluctuation.

"Someone is doing it." Lin Fan has already felt that someone is fighting in the distance.

"Brother, this..."

Beast Hill asked cautiously that something was amiss. Now that the stone gate has been destroyed, it is impossible to go back.

Wouldn't it be the venomous hand when he was about to go out?

"It's okay. Someone is fighting. Let's go." Lin Fan waved his hand and didn't want to worry about too many things.


Where can I talk more about Beast Hill?

Brothers have already said so, then you can only ignore it.

But does this really matter?

He looked at it, where the power was getting stronger and stronger, the thunder was shrouded, and even the shock wave spread out.

From afar, you can feel the power passed there.

The survivors dropped sweat on their foreheads.

They have already felt that terrible coercion, and if it is revealed by the other party, it may be very tragic.

"What should I do? If we don't hide, we might die."

"No, brother of Beast Hill is here, maybe it will be fine."

"Who said it's okay, although his brother is powerful, but he is not invincible. In this case, I think it is safest to hide. I must not follow them, otherwise I will be too late to regret it when I encounter a dead end. "

Among the survivors, someone whispered.

They finally escaped from there, how could they die here.

"Where are you going?" At this time, Beast Hill saw someone leaving the was attacking in the other direction, could not help but be surprised, could it be that something happened?

It's just that those people ran fast and didn't respond to Beast Hill at all.

"Brother, hurry up, don't ink." Lin Fan glanced at the people who ran away and found himself dead, and no one could save him.


Beast Hill glanced at it and didn't quite understand it, but it felt like he wanted to leave here, because there was a phenomenal vision born in the void not far away, maybe it was afraid.

The survivors who remained here looked at each other.

They have been hesitating, not knowing whether to hide alone or follow Lin Fan all the way.


A scream came from afar, and the voice was sad, as if it had suffered something terrible.

"Brother, this voice..." Beast Hill was stunned and looked back at Brother.

Soon after these people left, there were screams, too terrible.

"It should be pulled by the monster to talk about things." Lin Fan said, "Let's go, time is pressing, one inch of time and one inch of gold, don't waste time."


What else can Beast Hill say, talking about a fart thing, it must have been an unexpected encounter. He dare not imagine what happened to those guys.

The sadness of listening to this voice should be miserable.

The survivors were trembling and their expressions were stiff.

They are like a startled bird, and they can be scared by a little movement.

The screams just made them scared and almost shouted.

At the same time, some were also glad that they had not just left, otherwise the screams would have their voices.

Lin Fan was so helpless to these guys.

It’s not like that.

It’s not good to be around, how safe it is.

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