It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 927: Guerre, do you dislike women?

This time, he considered the coffin very seriously.

Very solemn and dull.

The color tone is gray, which gives a lonely, ethereal, and unpredictable feeling.

"This is a coffin with a story." Lin Fan's IQ is not low, just from a coffin, you can see what others can't see.

This is wisdom.

Take a closer look inside the coffin to prevent hiding details that were not noticed before.

But looking down in a circle, it was nothing.

Lin Fan is a very careful person. Juejing Palace says that these corpses have conditions. If they don't find out the situation, can they still get it?

Even if others don’t say anything? Nor can he forgive his stupidity.

"From head to toe, check slowly, you will be able to find out the problem."

He doesn't know how the Palace of the Extremist appears, but he never asks about the Palace of the Extremist.

Some things still need to come by yourself.

Touch your palm on the other person's head, the head is very thick, it may be that you have not washed your hair for a long time, and there is still a little oil. If you let the big guys of the small restaurants in the previous life to cook the oil, you may be able to cook a pot of gutter oil with good color. indefinite.


The Taihuang sword came out of the sheath, held it in his hand, and was murderous, and then pressed the opponent's head, and the blade was scraped.


Black keeps falling.

It didn't take long for the handsome guy with his thick and long hair to instantly become bald.

The scalp was very bright, and he did not say the pattern he imagined.

"Sure enough, if there is a pattern on the scalp under the head, it may be a breakthrough." Lin Fan felt his chin and fell into a short contemplation.

How did the Peerless Palace appear?

He didn't understand it, maybe it was hidden too deep. When the body first appeared, it didn't appear.

Place it on the forehead of the body to sense the inside of the other person's head.

There are no life fluctuations, nor any hidden power.

The palm slowly moved down, and there was no movement to the neck.

"A big man, with such smooth skin, he can see at a glance that he is not practicing hard work."

"It's not that I'm jealous of you, but that I look down on you as a goddamn."

If someone is here, they will definitely open their mouths and feel hell.

It's amazing how a big living person talks to a corpse.

Like his Lin Fan, is it the kind of existence that will be jealous of others?

That must be impossible.

The other party's clothes are very annoying, blocking his sight, unable to see the surface of the flesh.

Then, without much thought, tearing.

Brutal, straight torn apart the clothes of others.

The skin is white and should not appear on men.

If he didn't see his chest flat, he thought it was a woman.

"Hey, you have to keep such a pale skin when you become a corpse. You don't know what kind of man you are in front of you. Maybe you eat by your face."

Lin Fan commented one or two, his hands kept pressing on the other side.

Sensing movements in the other party's body.

As long as there is a little movement, it can be seen, even if the blood moves slowly, he can't escape his induction.

"Impossible, this is not the case. What is happening in the Jingjing Palace? Why not say it straightforward?"

Lin Fan thought for a while and didn't understand it for the time being.

It is impossible for him to go to the Jingjing Palace to find the answer. This is not his style.

Not much to think about.

Continue to sense.

Tear off the other party's pants directly.

At the moment, the body was naked.

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Fan's head grew big.


Even, he was wondering, wouldn’t he give the ugliest corpse to the Palace of the Peerless Palace, but let the Palace of the Peerless Palace now hide something?

If this is the case, it is really too bad.

Look left, look right, look carefully.

Not even a fart.

Then all the corpses were taken out, and as before, they stripped off their clothes and shaved their heads, showing nothing.

"Impossible, it must have not been noticed."

The Palace of Extremis can appear, but how could he possibly not, can it be said that his IQ is much lower than those of the Palace of Extremis?

Hell, there must be a problem.

Re-examination of unbelief, there is still nothing useful.


Lin Fan put away the coffin, knelt on the ground, supported the ground with both hands, raised his head high, and then slammed his head towards the ground.


The power of terror exploded, the ground continued to collapse with the naked eye, and a force shock swooped down the ground and penetrated into the abyss.

Thick dust covers the surroundings.

At this time, even if it was far away from Yan Huazong, everyone felt that the ground was shaking.

"What happened?"

The disciples were stunned, and they were still okay, so the ground shook.

Lu Qiming looked into the distance, and that was where Brother Brother went.

"What on earth are you doing?"

He didn't really want to understand.

But if you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Brother’s behavior, after all, is such a pull, not something he can understand.


The blood dripped and quickly stained the ground.

"Can't this die?" Lin Fan had a headache. What he said, even on his knees, had to be completed.

"Homemade moves, brain seeds break."

Lin Fan leaned his head and then slammed heavily. Although he had not yet touched the ground, the storm that hit his head was really too strong.


The earth was torn apart, countless boulders boiled, floated to the void, the deep pits grew larger and larger, and continued to sag downward.

"Don't die yet."

Lin Fan's brain tickled, but there was no trace of life in his breath.

According to this degree, if you want to be killed, when will you get it?



Crazy banging, never stop.

The blood from the broken head was flowing into the river, which was terrible.

The blood blocked the eyes, fuzzy, uncomfortable, unhappy.

"Earthquake, this is the earthquake."

Yan Huazong jumped up and down, and all the disciples panicked.

"It won't work like this."

Without much thought, Lin Fan quickly took out Taihuang Sword and gave himself a sword, then his head hit the ground again.


He had already felt the loss of life, and then lay there happily, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

It's been a long time since he died, which made him a little unused.

However, this can't be blamed. If you don't blame it, there is no strong man coming, which is very uncomfortable.

Ten seconds later.

Lin Fan opened his eyes, Jingqi Shen reached its peak.

Looking at the surrounding environment, he silently did not speak, who did it? Without such environmental literacy, a good place would be destroyed like this.

It's really abominable. If he is found, he must have a good lesson.

After returning to Zongmen, Lu Qiming immediately came over and asked what happened just now. After all, this shock was a bit big, which made the disciples panic and think it was a big deal.

Lin Fan couldn't say that it was no problem. It was caused by my own collision with the ground. If it was really said, it would be a bit shameful.

He will never go to the Jingu Shrine, even if the other party has problems, he will not ask.

Isn't it just twelve bodies?

What can be amazing?

Even if it is terrible, how much relationship it has with him, it can't survive.

When he returned to Zongmen, he went to find a teacher. He missed him for a few days. He missed it a lot. Besides, he had a hunch that the admirers would come soon.

By that time, he had to be busy with the adversaries. I am afraid that he would not be able to meet the teacher for a long time.

Tiansu Mountain Peak.

"Tu'er, there seems to be something wrong with seeing you for the teacher." Just like the old landlord, Tiansu sat there, drinking tea, looking at his lover carefully and asking.

"Teacher, how do you see this? Tu'er has been in good spirits recently." Lin Fan sat down, picked up the fruit next to him, and resolved his greed. He did not approve of the teacher's mental state.

Tian Xu sipped his tea and shook his head: "Tu'er, you still can't succeed as a teacher."

"Teacher, you certainly won't scorn me, but my spirit is really not good?"

Lin Fan touched his face and felt as if this was not the case, but the teacher said it, and he didn’t want to refute it.

"Tuer, do you want to know, why are you?" Tiansu whispered.

The teacher's appearance made Lin Fan feel that something was wrong, but he replied: "Teacher, why?"

"Jingwang." Tian Xu looked around, and now no one whispered.

Lin Fan heard it, and didn't quite understand it. "Teacher, let's make it clear. Tu'er doesn't understand very well."

"Hey." Tian Xu sighed, "Tu'er, for the teacher does not tell secret words, just look at it, Dao Wang's son has a son, Wan Zhongtian's unscrupulous boy, and his wife also have, for The teacher asked you, what do you have?"

Lin Fan originally wanted to listen to the teacher to see if there was really this problem, but when he heard what the teacher said. UU reading books

He was suddenly dumbfounded, saying so much, it turned out to mean this.

The spirit is too strong, resulting in a bad spirit?

"Teacher, I have you?" Lin Fan answered.

"While you go, you coax every day as a teacher. When you are a teacher, your brain is not normal now. When you are a teacher, there are more people who coax you. Just do what you do, and come to coax me. You are too small to be a teacher. "Tianxu pointed to Lin Fan, it was very urgent.

"Teacher, then you used to be so coquettish that you didn't see you find me a teacher." Lin Fan said, "Teacher, Tu'er is not the kind of person who doesn't listen to the teacher. For the purpose, what the teacher has done, Tu'er must also go along, but the point is, you have never gone this way.

God must take a breath, this boy is smart, and will make a difference.

"Do you want to be mad at being a teacher?" Tian Xu was silent for a moment, and finally he came up with a killer skill. He must let himself be a baby and a daughter.

"Teacher, you can rest assured that the death of Tu'er will not let you die. I am looking for the Moon Clan. As long as you find them, even if you die, Tu'er will definitely save you, rest assured." Lin Fan said.


Tiansu felt incomprehensible, and his baby was nothing but a headache.


Tian Xu froze for a moment and whispered, "Tu'er, do you dislike women?"

It is possible that if you practice hard skills by yourself, the spirits and spirits are very strong, and the fire is generally very large. It is impossible to remove the excess spirits.

Lin Fan looked at the teacher and blinked.

This problem can be complicated.

ps: Recommend a book written by a cute big fat man, if you are interested, you can go and see.

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