It’s Lonely to Be Invincible

Vol 3 Chapter 929: I have a pair of hot eyes, can I be kidding

"When can I go back?"

In the forest, Yezuka sat there and lit a fire, very alone.

He felt pitiful, as if he had been abandoned.

When I came to the outside world, I wanted to be an ancestor.

But he was killed on the spot and beaten into a grandson.

So, he just wants to go back now, and other things, it's not his business at all.


He felt the call.

That is the call from the upper level.

"Emperor." Yezuka knelt on the ground, his face showing respect and fear.

The Emperor Shengyan did not come, but the spirit has already come.

"How is it going?" The voice of the emperor came, although calm, but full of majesty, and even anger.

Yezuka couldn't be panicked, so what should I ask?

It must have been messed up.

"Emperor, did not do it." Yezuka said truthfully.

The lies are useless.


The rumbling sound continued, and Yezuka's ears were about to burst, so loud, it would kill people.

If this were someone else, he would have screamed, and his voice would be great. Could you whisper? The eardrums could not be blasted.

"Emperor, you don’t know, it’s actually not our reason, but we’ve really tried our best. Numerous indigenous people from outside the region came to us, and they used some secret method to keep us. If it’s not for me to run fast, I’m afraid I will die ."

"Please also ask Emperor Mingjian, we are really trying our best."

"And, my good brothers, all died in battle."


Yezuzu crying sadly, come here.

"Waste stuff."

Zhiming Shengyan's morale is about to soar, as if he didn't expect it to fail.

Yezuka was dissatisfied in his heart. Why was he always cursing waste? He had the ability to come down on his own and fight against others, letting the little one die every day.

These are just thoughts.

Really speaking, but not so guts.

"Yes, yes, the subordinates are waste." Yezuka buried his head deeply, not daring to lift it.

Although this is just a spirit coming.

But for him, what he should do is still do.

"Huh! The Emperor ordered you to do everything possible to complete this matter." The Emperor's voice was cold, listening to his ears, just like falling into the ice cellar.

"Emperor, it is not that his subordinates do not want to complete, but that his subordinates are now seriously injured and difficult to complete." Yezuka is very desolate. Isn't this what made him die?

He vowed that he didn't want to meet each other in his life.

Not to mention the oath.


It is still a simple word, but after speaking these two words, the spirit of the emperor disappeared.

"Huh, I finally escaped." Yezuka was relieved, and it was a relief.

He waited quietly. When the space channel was completely opened, he went back and did not want to stay outside the domain.

It's dangerous here.

Emperor Tianjing Xiuzhen is not good enough to see, and may even be killed.

The Great Heaven Cloud Buddha Hall is also the gate of the evil net Buddha who was hammered to death by Lin Fan last time.

At this time, in the upper realm, the people in the Big Sky Cloud Buddha Hall were contacting the evil Jing Buzi and inquiring about the situation outside the domain.

But for a long time, I couldn't even get in touch.

This made the people in the Big Sky Cloud Buddha Hall look a bit cold.

There is only one possibility of being out of touch, and that is already dead.

Soon, in the distance, a figure came hurriedly and whispered in the ear of the big man.

The big man heard his face change.

It is known from other descending populations that they suffered heavy casualties outside the territory, and many people were beheaded by the indigenous people.

Invincible peak.

"Damn, it's not right, how come it hasn't been a new round, how long it has been." Frogs haven't panicked recently.

The desperate man's strength was a little tough, but he felt relieved.

Originally, in his view, the space channel has been opened, and there should be more powerful people coming, but the special is too weird, and there is nothing happening until now.

Looking at the content of the knowing bird in his hand.

The advent settled down.

Although they each occupied a lot of forces, they did not act.

According to the previous situation, this will not be the case.

All the strong people outside the domain will be beheaded, leaving only a bunch of weak natives.

But the current situation is somewhat unexpected.

"Forget it, don't think about it, leave him alone."

The frog is very busy, don't think he is messing around all day long, in fact, he is also trying to improve his strength.

He is a dreamy frog.

He was going to find the guy who attacked himself, and then beating him hard.

I have to find my daughter-in-law and infuse the positive energy that I have lacked for tens of thousands of years when I first met.

Thinking about it is still a little excited.


The frog snickered, and the paper hanging behind shook violently, feeling the pervert came.

In the back room.

Lin Fan glanced at the hanging girl who collapsed to the ground and walked out of the chamber.

The story will never end.

And the hanging girl takes the initiative to listen to the story, which is to provoke his ability, so it is necessary to give her a good talk.

The result was perfect, and the sleep was over.

"Brother." Lu Qiming appeared again for the first time.

"Well, it's almost time to rest, and it's time to go out." Lin Fan wanted to leave Zongmen and go out to accumulate a little points. The admirer did not come to him, he had to go to the advent.

By the way, go to Longjie.

Anyway, I still have a disciple.

Lv Qiming looked at his brother, but did not expect to go out again. Although he was a little bit reluctant, he still gave his full support.

"Lin Feng Lord..."

Suddenly, a voice came from Zongmen.

When the patriarch of the Jingshen Palace arrived at the Yanhua Sect, he was blocked outside. Whatever he said, the disciples who guarded the mountain gate would not let it in.

Even said.

If you want to break into Zongmen by force, then kill us, otherwise we will never let you enter Zongmen without permission.

For these two stupid disciples guarding the mountain gate, he wanted to be hacked to death.

"Why are you here?" Lin Fan came to the gate of the mountain. He was a little surprised at the arrival of the Sect Master of Peerless Palace, but more often, he wanted to know where it came from.

"Lin Feng Master, I have something important, but Guizong, a disciple who guards the mountain gate, is a little stunned." He had to tell him, otherwise he would probably die if he encountered a forced sect next time.

"Stunned, it should be like this, but this is not the point, what's the matter?" Lin Fan asked.

Sect Master Jushen Palace looked at Lin Fan and sighed in his heart. There are disciples who have any peak master. This is true.

"Lord Feng, take a step to speak."

Lin Fan took a step forward, "Say, what is it?"

The patriarch of the Jingshen Palace was stunned. He didn't understand it. I made a joke. Taking a step of speaking, didn't I just want to go to a place where no one was? Do you just take one step?

"Hurry up if you have anything." Lin Fan urged, it is impossible for him to expose what he didn't show in the body.

At this point, his brain was already functioning.

Thinking about how to know what you want from the other person's mouth.

Put it in the past, the Sect Master of Peerless Palace will definitely be angry and use his unmatched strength to let the other party know how the word "respect" is written.

But he is facing Lin Fan, so this ‘respect’ is no longer needed.

The strength is not as good as the opponent, if it is too rampant, it will be beaten.

This is known to everyone.

"Lin Feng, I don't know if you found that strange thing in the corpse." Sect Master Jue Jing asked.

The topic is here.

Lin Fan came to the spirit, strange things, really nothing strange, all stripped, even shaved hair, no ghosts, what can there be?

But he couldn't tell, where the invincible Master Fengfeng, the existence of a high IQ, was even better than the one with a lower IQ than his own, where to put his face.

"Well, now." Lin Fan was serious, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, it was absolutely not exposed.


Sect Master Juejing looked at Lin Fan suspiciously.

How does it feel, so unreliable?

"Of course it is true, can it be said that you can't make it?" Lin Fan pretended to be dissatisfied.

Seeing Lin Feng's face showing displeasure, he quickly said: "Of course not, how could Lord Lin Feng deceive people."

"Well." Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction, how could such a powerful person deceive people.

However, the content he wanted to know the most was not yet available, so he had to learn it slowly.

"Which part do you come from, there is something in it now?" Lin Fan asked.

"Lin Feng Lord, what about you?" Sect Master Juejing Palace asked back.

"I'm asking you, why are you asking me?" Lin Fan was dissatisfied, this guy was a bit funny, could it be that he wanted to see Ben Feng's ugliness?

If it weren't for the sake of the relationship, he wanted to beat the other party.

"No, Lord Lin Feng, this matter is very important, so please ask Lord Lin Feng to let me know." Sect Master Jue Jing Palace explained, but in Lin Fan's view, this is clearly to make himself ugly.

Oh shit!

If not, someone jumped.

"What's special about me is from the bottom of the butt, you quickly say yours." Lin Fan's dissatisfaction with the Sect Master of Peerless Palace is about to reach its peak.

It was just something that surprised Lin Fan.

"Lin Feng is worthy of being Lin Feng, and it is indeed talented. This is indeed the case. This thing came out of the **** of the corpse."

Sect Master Jushen Palace lamented that he really felt that he underestimated Lord Lin Feng.

They studied the corpse and studied it for a long time before they realized it.

But I didn't expect that Lin Feng's main problem was in a short period of time. This observation is really powerful.

"Oh, what's so special?" Lin Fandu was stunned and mad at himself.

Is something really hidden in the ass?

As for where to hide, can you still think about it? There is only one splendid flower on the buttocks, not where it is hidden, but where it can be hidden.

He was shocked by the body.

"Hahaha, you're welcome. Although it's hidden deeply, it can't escape my flamboyant eyes." Lin Fan smiled calmly and calmly.

He will not have any fluctuations.

The Sect Master of Jingshen Palace admired it very much, but soon, his expression became serious.

"Lin Feng Lord, looking at the situation now, this thing is definitely not an ordinary thing, and I have an amazing situation over there."

Soon, he informed Lin Fan of the matter.

Lin Fan was very curious about this.

After sucking up the monster, it began to swell.

The problem here is serious.

"Master Lin Feng, you can't try it unless you are absolutely sure, otherwise I will feel that there will be endless troubles," said the Sect Master of Jushen Palace.

"Well, rest assured, Ben Feng is not the kind of person who will try."

Lin Fan nodded, pretending to listen in his heart.

"Okay, it's not too early. It's better for the Sect Master to go back first, and I won't give it away." He was already somewhat impatient.


The Sect Master of Peerless Palace was stunned.

Let him go back?

Don't invite him to go in for a cup of tea, take a break, and then drive people away.

"Take care, you can't walk away." Lin Fan clenched his fists.

Sect Master Juejing Palace blinked, and Mu Ne nodded.

If you come here, just say a few words and go back.

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